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Survey on Drivers of Trust in Public Institutions – 2024 Results


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Democratic governments today stand at a critical juncture, steering environmental and digital transitions while facing increased polarisation within their countries, heightened geopolitical tensions as well as the social consequences of economic developments. In this environment, building and maintaining trust in public institutions is a priority for many governments around the world.!
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Several factors contribute to this democratic backsliding, but many experts blame technology, citing engagement optimization fueling conflict or the rapid spread of dis- and misinformation. However, if deployed carefully, technology can be part of the solution, as illustrated by leading examples such as Taiwan or Estonia. In particular, complex AI systems hold the promise of strengthening democratic processes by enabling effective participation, deliberation and collaboration. For instance, AI can help create more robust democracies through understanding wide-scale sentiment and social conversations, enabling town hall-style democratic exchange at scale. AI can also help citizens by summarizing complex debates and provide information that can make engagement with government more effective for them.!
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Once upon a bureaucrat: exploring the role of stories in government


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What role can stories play in supporting people-centred policymaking and place-based reform?!
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2023 OECD Digital Government Index : Results and key findings | OECD Public Governance Policy Papers


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Digital government is essential to transform government processes and services in ways that improve the responsiveness and reliability of the public sector. During the COVID-19 pandemic it also proved crucial to governments' ability to continue operating in times of crisis and provide timely services to citizens and businesses. Yet, for the digital transformation to be sustainable in the long term, it needs solid foundations, including adaptable governance arrangements, reliable and resilient digital public infrastructure, and a prospective approach to governing with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence. This paper presents the main findings of the 2023 edition of the OECD Digital Government Index (DGI), which benchmarks the efforts made by governments to establish the foundations necessary for a coherent, human-centred digital transformation of the public sector. It comprises 155 data points from 33 member countries, 4 accession countries and 1 partner country collected in 2022, covering the period between 01 January 2020 and 31 October 2022.!
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Principles of Public Administration - OECD


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The Principles of Public Administration are a comprehensive framework of standards expressing values and behaviours that citizens and businesses expect from a modern public administration. They are designed to guide the European Union (EU) enlargement and neighbourhood administrations in their reform efforts to address the shortcomings in their public administrations and meet the EU requirements on one of the “fundamentals” of the accession process.!
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The Government Analytics Handbook


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The Government Analytics Handbook seeks to change that. It presents frontier evidence and practitioner insights on how to leverage data to make governments work better. Covering a range of microdata sources—such as administrative data and public servant surveys—as well as tools and resources for undertaking the analytics, it transforms the ability of governments to take a data-informed approach to diagnose and improve how public organizations work.!
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Qu'est-ce qu'Agora, l'application gouvernementale censée favoriser la démocratie participative ? | L'Usine digitale


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Top départ pour l'application Agora qui propose à ses utilisateurs de donner leurs opinions sur certains sujets de politique publique et de poser des questions au gouvernement. Après le fiasco de TousAntiCovid, Alicem et SAIP, combien de temps Agora restera-t-elle sur les stores ?!
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Une Assemblée citoyenne pour imaginer un futur souhaitable |


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Depuis le 28 mars, les Français et Françaises sont invités à participer à une initiative d’un genre nouveau. Derrière leurs claviers ou lors d’ateliers d’écriture, ils envisagent des futurs désirables pour la France de demain. À l’origine de cette Assemblée des imaginaires, l’autrice et réalisatrice, Valérie Zoydo, l’ADEME, le festival Atmosphères et la société de conseil et de technologies en intelligence collective bluenove, dont l’un des directeurs associés, Antoine Brachet a créé le mouvement Brightmirror.!
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A new ethos for the civil service


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What are the most appropriate institutional arrangements for effective governance? How can governance systems effectively operate across different levels, such as local, regional, national, and supranational? How can governments improve their capacity to evaluate policies, learn from successes and failures, and adapt to changing circumstances?

In answering these questions, most of the debate focuses on creating new processes within government. It's easy to think of government as an amorphous, soulless mass: at its best, it is an efficient machine; at its worst, a tool for tyrants. Too many well-meaning theories seem to forget the agency of each government's people: civil servants. But civil servants are neither a machine nor a tool. We need to reappraise and support them. By transforming the civil service, we can answer the questions above.!
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Panorama des administrations publiques 2023 | OCDE


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L'édition 2023 du Panorama des administrations publiques donne un aperçu complet des pratiques de gouvernance et d'administration publiques dans les pays Membres et partenaires de l'OCDE. Elle comprend des indicateurs sur la confiance dans les institutions publiques et la satisfaction à l'égard des services publics, ainsi que des données sur les pratiques de bonne gouvernance dans des domaines tels que le cycle d'élaboration des politiques, la budgétisation, la passation des marchés publics, la planification et la mise en place d'infrastructures, la gouvernance réglementaire, l'administration numérique et les données ouvertes de l'administration.!
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Communication de François Villeroy de Galhau – Gouvernance des dépenses et services publics : y a-t-il encore un espoir ? –


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Pour François Villeroy de Galhau, à la question de savoir si, face à une dégradation constante de la dépense et de la dette publiques, à un investissement intellectuel décroissant et à un sentiment de dégradation des services publics, il y a encore un espoir, la réponse est oui ; et cette réponse affirmative émane d’un praticien convaincu que le management public est possible en France.!
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An operative model for implementing missions


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The government must be able to find novel solutions to the greatest challenges of our time, such as the climate crisis, new security threats, an ageing population, and technological transformations. Directional mission-driven research and innovation policy provides an approach for the government to implement its strategic objectives by solving complex challenges with actors in different sectors.!
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Actualités | Décider ensemble


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Accueil - Actualités - NO!
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Administrative Sciences | Free Full-Text | Good Governance in Rural Local Administration


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The governance principle is an important aspect of good governance, and its implementation is believed to have a good impact on governance outcomes, such as corruption reduction and performance improvement. The governance principle has been developed for several types of organisations. However, previous studies did not focus on the rural local administration’s governance. This study aims to develop a good governance principle for the rural local administration. There are four objectives of this study: first, to identify governance principles and their indicators in the literature; second, to create a governance principle using exploratory factor analysis; third, to model the governance principle using the structural equation model (SEM); and finally, to analyse any different perceptions about the governance principles for the rural local administration using univariate analysis. The result showed that 33 indicators of governance principles were identified through the literature. Using 238 usable questionnaires and exploratory factor analysis, we found 6 governance principles: fairness and capability, inclusivity, legitimacy and direction, participation, performance and information, and transparency and accountability. Using the second-order SEM in SmartPLS, we developed a governance principle model for the rural local administration. A few indicators of governance principles found were deleted through measurement model validation. In addition, the univariate analysis concluded that perceptions did not differ by the sex, education level, and occupation type of respondents. In other words, they agreed with the governance principle for the rural local administration. This study has practical and theoretical implications, which are discussed in detail in this article.!
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The Road to AGILE GOVERNMENT: Driving Change to Achieve Success


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Agile software development features small, cross-functional, self-organizing teams that include customers working quickly to deliver solutions in increments that immediately provide value.!
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Regulatory policy 2.0: Viewpoints and beliefs about better regulation: A report from the “Q exercise” | en | OECD


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Regulatory policy today is still grounded in principles and tools designed a few decades ago, but the context has changed significantly. To determine whether the current framework can help countries meet the challenges of contemporary societies, the OECD launched the Regulatory Policy 2.0 project. This report sets out the results from the second phase of the project, which included an exercise to map beliefs around better regulation. The exercise, involving government officials and regulatory experts, has identified four internally coherent belief systems about what better regulation is today, which core aims it should have, and where it should go in the future. Based on this analysis, the report provides empirical evidence and implications for the future direction of regulatory policy.!
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Le guide du sceptique pour un gouvernement ouvert – Edition 2022


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Les preuves continuent de démontrer que le gouvernement ouvert change la vie des gens. Il y a toutefois encore des sceptiques qui ne sont pas conscients de tous les avantages associés à cette approche. Avez-vous du mal à convaincre les autres d’adopter une approche de gouvernement ouvert lors de la mise en œuvre de réformes ? Vous recherchez des preuves concrètes de l’incidence d’un gouvernement plus transparent, responsable et participatif ? Alors, ce guide est fait pour vous.!
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Rapport 2021 sur l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes dans la fonction publique | Portail de la Fonction publique


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Cette huitième édition du rapport annuel sur l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes dans la fonction publique présente l’actualité de la politique en faveur de l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes en 2021 et des retours d’expérience issus des trois versants de la fonction publique qui mettent en perspective des politiques et pratiques innovantes.!
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Rapport 2021 sur l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes dans la fonction publique | Portail de la Fonction publique


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Cette huitième édition du rapport annuel sur l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes dans la fonction publique présente l’actualité de la politique en faveur de l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes en 2021 et des retours d’expérience issus des trois versants de la fonction publique qui mettent en perspective des politiques et pratiques innovantes.!
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Une nouvelle campagne de l'ONU vise à faire entendre la voix des jeunes dans les lieux du pouvoir


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La campagne vise à faire entendre la voix de millions de jeunes dans plus de 75 pays sur six continents.!
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Pour les villes et régions d’Europe, le renouveau démocratique de l’UE passera par les territoires


Localtis : À l’occasion de la Journée de l’Europe et de la restitution du rapport de la conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe, les villes et régions d’Europe ont réitéré leur demande d’un renouveau démocratique de l’UE qui passerait par un rôle accru des territoires, notamment via le Comité des régions, dans la gouvernance européenne. Insistant sur la notion de subsidiarité, les participants à la conférence demandent cette évolution, ainsi qu’une meilleure prise en compte des collectivités territoriales dans des domaines tels que la transition énergétique, la santé et la jeunesse.!
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Knowledge for Governance


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This open access book focuses on theoretical and empirical intersections between governance, knowledge and space from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributions elucidate how knowledge is a prerequisite as well as a driver of governance efficacy, and conversely, how governance affects the creation and use of knowledge and innovation in geographical context. Scholars from the fields of anthropology, economics, geography, public administration, political science, sociology, and organization studies provide original theoretical discussions along these interdependencies. Moreover, a variety of empirical chapters on governance issues, ranging from regional and national to global scales and covering case studies in Australia, Europe, Latina America, North America and South Africa demonstrate that geography and space are not only important contexts for governance that affect the contingent outcomes of governance blueprints. Governance also creates spaces. It affects the geographical confines as well as the quality of opportunities and constraints that actors enjoy to establish legitimate and sustainable ways of social and environmental co-existence!
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