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Yashy Tohsaku's Avatar
Yashy Tohsaku
People sharing Yashy Tohsaku's Interests
Yashy Tohsaku's Interests
Education Technology
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Curated Topics
Education 2.0 & 3.0
Followed Topics
"iPads, STEM and Making"
2.0 Tech Tools for Education
21st Century EdTech
21st century learning and education
21st Century Learning and Teaching
21st Century skills of critical and creative thinking
21st Century Technology Integration
21st Century Tools for Teaching and Learning
21st Century Tools for Teaching-People and Learners
4G LTE Mobile Broadband & 4G Smartphone & Gadgets
A New Society, a new education!
AI for All
All about educational technology & games :)
Alternative Education
Ana Cristina Pratas - E-Portfolio
Android and iPad apps for language teachers
Assessment | Learning and Teaching | Coaching
Australian Indigenous Education
Best Online Electronic Gadgets Store
Bloom's Taxonomy for 21st Century Learning
Bloom's Taxonomy Presented Visually
Business Brainpower with the Human Touch
BYOD and mobile learning
Cars | Motorcycles | Gadgets
Ciencias Geofísicas
classroom tech for students and teachers
Classroom Technology Integration and Project Based Learning
Collaboration tools ELT
Commercial Software and Apps for Learning
Common Core Online
Connected educator
Content Curation World
Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners
Cool Web Tools for Education
Creative teaching and learning
Creativity Autonomy Technology in ELT
Curation and Libraries and Learning
Didactics and Technology in Education
Digital Candies 21 Century Learning by @goodmananat
Digital Curation for Teachers
Digital Curation in Education
Digital Delights - Digital Tribes
Digital Delights for Learners
Digital Learning - beyond eLearning and Blended Learning
Digital Literacies information sources
Digital Literacy & Tertiary Education
Digital Presentations in Education
Digital Storytelling
Digital storytelling in efl classroom
Diseño de experiencias de aprendizaje digital
E-Learning, Formación, Aprendizaje y Gestión del Conocimiento con TIC en pequeñas dosis.
E-Learning, M-Learning
e-Portfolios in practice
Eclectic Technology
Ed Tech
EdTech Tools
Edu 2.0
Edu-Vision- Educational Leadership
Educación Expandida y Aumentada
Education & IT
Education 3.0
Education and Learning Technologies
Education and Tech Tools
Education Matters - (tech and non-tech)
Education Top Picks
Educational Data - Visualizations - Infographics
Educational Leadership and Technology
Educational technology , Erate, Broadband and Connectivity
Educational Technology and New Pedagogies
Educational Technology News
Emerging Technologies in Vocational Education and Industry Training
ESSDACK - Education Trends & News
Evaluation Rubrics
Everything Moodle
Flipped Classroom
Future of Learning
Future Ready School Libraries
Gadgets and education
Gadgets World
Gamification of VET
Gift Ideas for Everyone
Global Brain
Global Sustainable Development Goals in Education
Go Go Learning
Google Docs for Learning
Herramientas y recursos para el aprendizaje online
Higher EdTech
Higher Education
Higher Education Teaching and Learning
Hybrid Pedagogy Reading List
ICT for Australian Curriculum
ICT for Education and Development
ICT Nieuws
iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path
Interactive Teaching and Learning
Internet Tools for Language Learning
Into the Driver's Seat
Investigar lo investigado
ipad apps to mLearning by Euneos
iPads and Higher Education
iPads for Languages
iPads, MakerEd and More in Education
Japanese & Online learning
K-12 Connected Learning
K-12 Digital Storytelling
Keep Up With The Web
Language and Mind
Language Assessment
Las TIC en el aula de ELE
Le métier de community manager
Leadership Focus
Leadership in Distance Education
Leadership to change our schools' cultures for the 21st Century
Learner autonomy - language teaching and learning
Learning & Mind & Brain
Learning & Technology News
Learning and Education 2.0
Learning Bytes from The Consultants-E
Learning Futures on I.C.E. - Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Learning Molecules
Learning with Mobile Devices
Learning With Social Media Tools & Mobile
Learning with Technology
Les outils du Web 2.0
Leveling the playing field with apps
Linking Literacy & Learning: Research, Reflection, and Practice
Listening skills and video in ELT
Madares Al Ghad Education Technology
MiniTool Software Solution
mLearning in Education
Mobile and social media for language learning and teaching
Mobile Learning
MOOCs - magic, mystery or mockery?
MOOCs, SPOCs and next generation Open Access Learning
Moodle and Web 2.0
My K-12 Ed Tech Edition
New Web 2.0 tools for education
Online Collaboration Tools
Open Educational Resources
Pedagogías y Tecnologías Emergentes
Pedagogy, Education, Technology
Prendi eLearning - Education, Technology, iPads...
Presentation Tools
Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
Purposeful Pedagogy
Recursos para la reflexión y el aprendizaje
Rubrics, Assessment and eProctoring in Education
Schools + Libraries + Museums + STEAM + Digital Media Literacy + Cyber Arts + Connected to Fiber Networks
Screencasting & Flipping for Online Learning
Scriveners' Trappings
Simulation in Health Sciences Education
Smartphones & Gadgets
Social Content Technology Curation by Newsdeck
Social Media and learning in medical education and healthcare, theory and practice
Social Media Classroom
Social Media for Higher Education
Social media publishing and curation
SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
STEM+ [Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics] +PLUS+
Studying Teaching and Learning
Teach and tech
Teaching and Learning in HE
Teaching during COVID-19
Teaching in Higher Education
Teaching with web 2.0 tools
Tech in the Classroom- Laptops, iPads & MORE
Technology and Innovation
Technology and Leadership in Education
Technology in Education
Technology in Education
Technology in Education
Technology News
The 21st Century
The e-Learning Designer
The Flipped Classroom
The New School
TIC & Educación
TIC, educación, investigación... (ICT, education, research...)
Tools for Teachers & Learners
Top iPad Apps & Tools
Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
Trending Education
Unplugged and Connected
Using iPads in class
UVic ePortfolio Users
Visual Design and Presentation in Education
visualizing social media
web 2.0 learning tools
Web 2.0 OER
Web 2.0 Tool Lists for Educators
Web 2.0 Tools in the EFL Classroom
Web 2.00 tools and ideas for your EFL class
Weekly Roundup
WordPress Google SEO and Social Media
Work Futures
Zukunft des Lernens
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