Supporter of Free Learning. Europe. Philosophy. Education. Knowledge. 21st Century School Librarianship. Big Data. English Language. APPS. Curation & Music. MAC
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a fre
In this paper, we examine the use of visual metaphor as a tool of reflection for supporting growth towards a multicultural teacher. Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ "Multicultural Authentic eLearning" (MAeL) module is offered as part of the school’s post graduate teacher education program. The shoe metaphor functions as a symbol of continuous authentic learning related to the growth process. This study give voices to three MAeL students through reflections they did in their blogs during the module and in post-course joint reflection/summing up. The main findings of the thre
Browse hundreds of accredited online degree programs at Best Online Website includes information on financial aid, e-learning technologies, and more for the top online colleges in the United States. Headquartered in Chicago, IL.
However, by mixing approaches, one can achieve elements of higher engagement by giving learners the opportunity to learn, analyze and create.This is an example for vocabulary on Toys and the revision of the Simple Past.Steps:Begin by brainstorming what toys and games students played when they were children.Show slides on Lego and let students work in pairs to do the mini research questions.
In this paper, we examine the use of visual metaphor as a tool of reflection for supporting growth towards a multicultural teacher. Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ "Multicultural Authentic eLearning" (MAeL) module is offered as part of the school’s post graduate teacher education program. The shoe metaphor functions as a symbol of continuous authentic learning related to the growth process. This study give voices to three MAeL students through reflections they did in their blogs during the module and in post-course joint reflection/summing up. The main findings of the three personal...
This article presents an endeavor to create an online learning community for European language teachers in higher education. The approach presented here is based on the premise that knowledge is produced through processes in the interactions between people. The aim of the authors has been to get first-hand experience of community building, both in terms of digital choices and reflecting on community goals, while working within a transparent and dynamic small community of practice, the goal of which was to design an online community for language teachers.
Online Training-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free
Students have access to unprecedented amounts of information online and need to move beyond consumption to more critical, organised and productive use of digital materials, tools and platforms. In this post I will be suggesting that ‘content curation’ activities that…Read more ›
Browse hundreds of accredited online degree programs at Best Online Website includes information on financial aid, e-learning technologies, and more for the top online colleges in the United States. Headquartered in Chicago, IL.
Marty is not just one of my favorite content curators. He is also a very hard-working entrepreneur with an infectious dream: "Use technology to cure cancer, connect with people all around the world, and buy and sell things in new and exciting ways."
Bravo à tous les collègues qui partagent leurs expériences au travers de leurs sites, blogs, wiki, …. Cette rubrique s’efforce de donner un coup de projecteur sur leurs réalisations. Ce mois-ci : Le ScoopIt "Digital Delights for Learners’ de Ana Cristina Pratas.
Ce mois-ci, rendons honneur au ScoopIt "Digital Delights for Learners" de Ana Cristina Pratas. Une fois n’est pas coutume, ce n’est pas un blog, ni un site web qui est mis à l’honneur, mais un site de curation de contenu résultant d’une veille pédagogique. Notre éminente collègue AC Pratas est à l’affut de toutes les nouveautés concernant l’enseignement des langues avec les TICE et nous fait partager cette manne dans son "LiveBinder’ (Classeurs de liens organisés par thème sur une étagère virtuelle), mais également dans son ScoopIt. Elle y explique le fonctionnement d’un outil et son usage dans leur pratique de professeur de langue.
Ana Cristina Pratas is a great educator and teacher. Educators are leading the content curation revolution so follow Ana Cristina to learn WHAT's NEXT.
Last week, the team and I were extremely excited to announce the launch of our brand new Rewards Program. Now that all of the new rewards members have been notified, I'd like to shine the spotlight on a few of the top curators from the past six months.
These curators have set an extraordinary example for the rest of the community as well as the greater online community of curators. They've helped us through every step of our journey to making the web a smarter place, and we're proud to have them on our team. Check out their profile and topic pages, and think about even sending them a tweet to say hi! Continue reading →
Best way to learn content curation is from cuators such as Jan Gordon, Brian Yanish, Robin Good, Ana-Cristina Pratas, Cendrine Marrouat & Scoopit team.
Six steps to easy content curation Curation is sometimes confusing. Everyone has a different definition and it's used in many different ways as part of content and marketing strategies.
Ana Cristina Pratas's insight:
With warm thanks to Jeff Domansky and the many curators with whom I learn with.
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