Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
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Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
Articles, Links, Websites, Resources, etc, About Nonviolent Communication
Curated by Edwin Rutsch
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
May 25, 2013 4:53 PM!

Empathy Cafe News Paper Front Page

Empathy Cafe News Paper Front Page | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

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Edwin Rutsch, Editor

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
March 7, 2021 6:50 PM!

Time for Empathy

Time for Empathy | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

One week of online workshops promoting empathic listening and Nonviolent Communication (NVC) offered for free by trainers from all over the world!

Learn empathic communication with us, look at empathy from different perspectives and become part of the NVC community which inspires and supports each other!


Our goal is to support people in developing their empathic listening skills and to spread Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as wide as possible by offering this free online event.


To do it on a bigger scale we invited trainers willing to join this project and offer online events for free. Meet them and discover different angels of empathy!

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
April 17, 2019 11:47 AM!

The Empathy Labyrinth 

The Empathy Labyrinth  | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

(This is the indoor Empathy Laybrinth at a workshop at the Omega Institute)

The Empathy Labyrinth is a kinesthetic tool that guides you step by step    through the process of self-empathy.  You will gain greater clarity about    your feelings and needs/values, connecting you to your heart,  so that you can live a more joyful life.

The Empathy Labyrinth combines a cognitive process known as Nonviolent  Communication (NVC), traditional circle labyrinths, finger Heart Labyrinths, and Inner Sacred Circles (ISC).

 What you will learn:

  • How to use the Empathy Labyrinth
  • Principles of NVC
  • Empathy skills- Acknowledging feelings and needs
  • The calming, healing, and transformative power of self-empathy
  • How to create and use an Inner Sacred Circle (ISC)
  • Acknowledging your inner voices/entities/parts
  • Make requests which contribute to connection, harmony & peace.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
December 6, 2018 7:27 PM!

Marshall Rosenberg - Empathy - Is like Surfboard riding 

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
May 1, 2018 11:40 AM!

A Look Into Non-Violent Communication & How It Will Transform The World

A Look Into Non-Violent Communication & How It Will Transform The World | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |
The label of non-violent communication seems pretty harsh, especially because it is just a term for our regular old ways of communicating, but once you understand what this is all about it becomes easy to see that how we communicate on a daily basis to our children, friends, family members and most importantly, ourselves, is actually damaging and can cause a whole slough of mental health issues that we may have otherwise not realized. Words are powerful, every word we speak is like putting an intention into the universe.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
January 17, 2018 12:37 AM!

How to Reduce Fear and Increase Empathy in Your Relationships 

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
August 13, 2017 4:04 PM!

How to Practice Nonviolent Communication

How to Practice Nonviolent Communication | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)[1] includes a simple method for clear, empathic communication, consisting of four areas of focus:

  • Observations
  • Feelings
  • Needs
  • Requests

NVC aims to find a way for all present to get what really matters to them without the use of guilt, humiliation, shame, blame, coercion, or threats. It is useful for resolving conflicts, connecting with others, and living in a way that is conscious, present, and attuned to the genuine, living needs of yourself and others.

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
June 27, 2017 1:06 PM!

Introduction to Non-Violent Communication with Alan Seid 

We had the pleasure of welcoming Alen Seid from Cascadia Workshops who is a Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication. In this Meetup, we had an overview and focus on the benefit of using NVC to help communicate with others.

NVC is a communication process developed by Marshall Rosenberg beginning in the 1960s. It focuses on three aspects of communication: self-empathy, empathy, and honest self-expression. People who practice NVC have found greater authenticity in their communication, increased understanding, deepening connection and conflict resolution.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
January 18, 2017 1:57 PM!

'Science of Empathy' is topic of Quarry Hill program 

'Science of Empathy' is topic of Quarry Hill program  | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |
Nonviolent Communication expert Peggy Smith of Lincolnville gives a presentation titled “Beyond Judgment: Exploring the Science of Empathy,” at Quarry Hill Feb. 15 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The program will be offered free of charge. The snow date is Wednesday, Feb. 22.

Smith’s interactive presentation will interweave the principles of Nonviolent Communication with recent scientific findings about the ways in which human brains interact. She will invite attendees to experience the “calming gift” of empathy and explore ways to connect with people, even those with controversial or conflicting points of view. She’ll also guide participants in a discussion of what judgmental thinking may teach us about ourselves and how to turn such thoughts into positive, life-serving energy.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy and HealthCare
October 3, 2016 6:45 PM!

The Transformative Power of Empathy in Healthcare by Lorraine Aguilar 

The Transformative Power of Empathy” for healthcare workers at West Anaheim Medical Center, California. Lorraine Aguilar, CEO of Working Harmony, shares insights and techniques to compassionately connect to what matters without sacrificing efficiency.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
April 25, 2016 6:26 PM!

To reduce student suspensions, teachers should try being more empathetic

To reduce student suspensions, teachers should try being more empathetic | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

By Emily Underwood


One group of math teachers completed a short online exercise emphasizing empathy, which included readings about research that showed how caring relationships with adults contributed to student success. It also included writing prompts in which teachers shared their insights about empathy in the classroom.


For example, one teacher wrote: “I feel I need to earn my students’ respect and trust. I know many of them have had poor experiences with past teachers so I need to prove to my students that I am there for them and will not let them fail.” A second group completed a similar exercise. But instead of empathy, they read and wrote about the importance of technology to student development.


In contrast, only 4.6% of students whose math teacher had completed the online exercise on empathy were suspended, the team reports today in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Teaching Empathy
April 24, 2016 2:39 PM!

Residential Empathy Intensive -A Deeper Dive into Empathy, the Breath of Compassion

Residential Empathy Intensive -A Deeper Dive into Empathy, the Breath of Compassion | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

This training is intended to support participants in having a deeper integration of empathy. In a supportive, community environment, participants experience challenge, guidance and support in the practice of empathy and seeing our world empathically.


Throughout our time together we will learn to increase our capacity for being present, learn to focus our awareness, and develop the ability to work with our own capabilities and humanity, in real-time situations.

Feelings and needs are the focus of empathy, so our relationship to them directly influences the quality and depth of our empathy. At this intensive, through practice and exercise, we will broaden and enrich our understanding and experience of these “life energies” thereby deepening our practice of empathy. Throughout the retreat, we will build on that work with well-defined empathy processes to bring a fruitful, sustainable practice of empathy into your life.

Via Edwin Rutsch
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
November 29, 2015 1:09 PM!

The Power of Practicing Empathy with Love Smart Cards - NVC Feelings Needs Cards

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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
January 8, 2022 11:51 AM!

Foundation Training in over 5 weeks (Monday evenings) •

Foundation Training in over 5 weeks (Monday evenings) • | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |
This will be an embodied approach to learning.The format will include input and presentation from me, breakout rooms for pairwork and small group discussion and whole group discussion.

IS NVC for you?

Are you struggling to connect in a relationship at work or with a friend?   Are you disappointed with a project  and don’t know what to do about it?   Are you stretched beyond capacity?   Do you drift away from people in unresolved conflict?   Or are you often in head to head conflict with people and it’s exhausting?

If yes to any of the above, you might benefit from a breakthrough way of approaching communication with yourself and others.

What happens in
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
June 22, 2019 10:17 PM!

True Stories About The Healing Power of Empathy - Mary Goyer and Edwin Rutsch

True Stories About The Healing Power of Empathy - Mary Goyer and Edwin Rutsch | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

 Mary Goyer is Holistic Counselor, Trauma Specialist, & Executive Coach. She supports organizations in cultivating innovative, collaborative, and productive work cultures. Individual coaching and team trainings focus on peak performance, conflict resolution, effective collaborative and feedback skills, and managing personality challenges that impede employee engagement. 

She is editor of: The Healing Power of Empathy: True Stories About Transforming Relationships.


"Empathy is an essential leadership skill and a cornerstone of good relationships - but it can be hard to access when it's most needed. Luckily, empathy is also a learnable skill. With mindfulness, empathy has deescalated conflicts, combated loneliness, and built human connections in the most unlikely places."


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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Self-Empathy
March 28, 2019 3:16 PM!

 Self Empathy, by Marshall Rosenberg

A second sample of the DVDs box presenting 22 hours worshops facilitated by Marshall Rosenberg during Intensive International Trainings. This sample is about Self Empathy.

Via Edwin Rutsch
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
November 23, 2018 4:21 PM!

Empathy matters in early years webinar series

Empathy matters in early years webinar series | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

What will you get?

  1. We consider how we employ empathy in our daily interactions with your children at home and in our early year’s settings and schools. 
  2. We explore what empathy is and what it isn’t
    Discuss why empathy practices are important through the early years and beyond.
  3. Uncover some of the principles, skills and practices (inspired by Nonviolent Communication (NVC) the work of Dr Marshall Rosenberg) that support empathic mindsets to grow.
  4. Learn about the NVC model – 4 components and 3 modes of connection for communication.
  5. Practice applying NVC to situations we encounter with children (practising co-regulation, supporting cooperation, expressing appreciation and more!)



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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
February 23, 2018 10:05 PM!

The Art Of Non-Violent Communication For Successful Dating

The Art Of Non-Violent Communication For Successful Dating | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |
A big ingredient in non-violent communication is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of your partner.

Self-soothing is like having empathy for yourself. Next time your partner is frustrated or upset, try practising having empathy for them. See if you can understand where they are coming from.

Can you see why they would feel that way? Can you keep your heart open and feeling compassionate towards them because you understand their situation? Then you are experiencing empathy.
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
December 19, 2017 12:44 AM!

Nonviolent Communication is an Instrument of Psychic Terror

Nonviolent Communication is an Instrument of Psychic Terror | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |
Nonviolent communication (NVC, also called compassionate communication, or Giraffe language) is a communication process developed by Marshall Rosenberg in the 1960s and 70s. As many other self-help direction it is inspired by the so-called Humanistic psychology (see my article Humanistic psychology, self-help, and the danger of reducing religion to psychology).
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
July 20, 2017 1:13 PM!

(NVC) Asheville professionals teach empathic discourse for uncertain times

(NVC) Asheville professionals teach empathic discourse for uncertain times | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |
Parenting from this paradigm, Heath acknowledges, is not without its challenges. “I want to put it out there to other parents who may be utilizing NVC to not be discouraged, because it’s long-term parenting.


In the moment, it won’t work if working means getting somebody else to do what you want them to do. It’s not behavior modification; it’s not controlling your child’s behavior.


But if your goal is to teach them about your values — that’s the empathy.”

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
June 27, 2017 1:32 AM!

How to DO Empathy 



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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
October 26, 2016 8:23 PM!

What Empathy Isn't - Marshall Rosenberg Compassionate Communication 

What Empathy Isn't - Marshall Rosenberg Compassionate Communication
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
May 5, 2016 11:10 AM!

Join the Empathy Trainers Association - Now Forming

Join the Empathy Trainers Association - Now Forming | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

The Association For

  1. Empathy Trainers who have similar and common interests, activities and concerns about teaching empathy.
  2. Mutual promotion of the welfare of all it’s members.
  3. Protect and advance mutual interests.
  4. Set and maintain standards.
  5. Promote social, advertising and political action to get communities, organizations, businesses and government to support empathy training programs.
  6. etc

Benefits for Members

  • Access to training curriculum from other members.
  • Share training materials and resources.
  • A directory of empathy trainers that prospective clients can access. For Clients - If you're looking for a trainer you have a place to go 
  • Offer business support and leads to members. 
  • Discussion forums listservs.
  • etc


To get the discussion going sign up at

(  ) First Step, Join the
Google Group Email Discussions List

(  ) Facebook Group

(  ) Empathy Trainers Association Website

(  ) Facebook Event


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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Teaching Empathy
April 24, 2016 2:39 PM!

NVC NY Empathy Day-School 

NVC NY Empathy Day-School  | Nonviolent Communication (NVC) |

Throughout our time together we will learn to increase our capacity for being present, learn to focus our awareness, and develop the ability to work with our own capabilities and humanity, in real-time situations.

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
March 17, 2016 9:17 PM!

Empathy Summit


The Empathy Summit is a free virtual conference in nonviolent communication. Listen to interviews with eleven speakers. Learn to create healthy relationships & deeper connection. Presented by the New York Intensive in Nonviolent Communication.


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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
November 28, 2015 5:26 PM!

Empathy and the Brain - YouTube

NVC Trainer Eric Bowers explains how empathy supports our brains and nervous systems.

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