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News about Empaths - people acutely sensitive and empathic to others feelings
Curated by Edwin Rutsch
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
April 18, 2011 12:03 PM

To Empathy Cafe Magazine Front Page

To Empathy Cafe Magazine Front Page | Empaths | Scoop.it

Empathy Cafe Magazine Front Page

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Edwin Rutsch, Editor

Join us on Facebook Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

JumpStartEvents's comment, January 17, 2022 9:15 AM
Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
April 11, 6:48 PM

How to Develop Your Empathy Genius to Experience Deeper Intimacy with Judith Orloff, M.D.

Your capacity for empathy is one of your "genius" qualities—but it’s also so challenging. What are the practical skills that you can learn to heal your heart and nervous system, your relationships, and the world? Don’t miss this invaluable interview with Dr. Judith Orloff, MD
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
February 9, 12:29 PM

(9) What Empathy really is and how Empaths are created - Part 1

Empathy is often seen as a superpower. However, Thomas Lewis's work explains empathy as an ability that develops in mammals and is especially strong in primates.
There is research proving that elevated empathy can be created by trauma, and it seems to me that the word 'ELEVATED' is often omitted, leading to a misguided association of empathy with traumatic childhood experiences.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
November 27, 2023 1:24 AM

2 Ways High-Empathy People Struggle With Love

2 Ways High-Empathy People Struggle With Love | Empaths | Scoop.it

Jourdan Travers 
True empaths” feel everyday emotions more intensely than most and absorb the emotions of those around them.
Empathic partners may be overwhelmed by intense emotions and have a greater fear of abandonment.

Source: Tim Marshall/Unsplash
In the vast array of personalities, there exists a unique group of individuals who experience emotions on a profound level—not only feeling their own emotions deeply, but also attuning to the emotions of those around them.

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
June 16, 2023 3:16 PM

Helping Your Empathic Child Manage Big Feelings

Helping Your Empathic Child Manage Big Feelings | Empaths | Scoop.it

by Liz Nissim-Matheis Ph.D


What is empathy, and how do I help my child manage it?

  • Children who are empaths often have big feelings that they don't know how to manage.
  • Parents need to be alert for certain signs that their child is high in empathy and struggling with it.
  • Parents can make life easier for their child by planning ahead a little and not overscheduling.
I don’t know about you, but in my house, my children and I have big feelings. As an empath who has three empathic children, our interactions and emotional experiences are a bit more intense than most. Dr. Judy Orloff defines an empathic person as one who is deeply in tune with the feelings of others in their environment. She further describes an empath as an “emotional sponge who absorbs both the positivity and the stress of people and the world.

#EmpathyCircles  A highly effective #Empathy building practice. http://EmpathyCircle.com

#EmpathyTraining  http://BestEmpathyTraining.com

#EmpathySummit  http://EmpathySummit.com 

#EmpathyTent http://EmpathyTent.com
Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
August 15, 2022 12:22 PM

– How to Thrive as an Empath – a book by Andrea Bossoni

– How to Thrive as an Empath – a book by Andrea Bossoni | Empaths | Scoop.it
How to Thrive as an Empath is a self-help book for empaths who need to know how to use their gifts in order to empower themselves and grow. Being an empath is a curse, a challenge, and, ultimately, a blessing. In a powerful guide rich with inspiration and sharp insights, Andrea Bossoni perfectly depicts it throughout 16 enlightening chapters.  
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
October 26, 2021 3:06 PM

Understanding the Highly Empathic Person

Understanding the Highly Empathic Person | Empaths | Scoop.it
  • Highly attuned people are sharply intuitive and proficient at both identifying emotions and attending to the needs of those around them.
  • Children adapt and secure their relationships by maximizing the accepted parts and minimizing the rejected aspects of the self.
  • Staying present in the moment is the first step toward fully knowing oneself and forming accurate perceptions of others.

#EmpathyCircles: The best #Empathy building practice.  http://www.empathycircle.com

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 29, 2019 3:57 PM

10 Traits Empathic People Share

10 Traits Empathic People Share | Empaths | Scoop.it
The trademark of an empath is feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and, or, physical symptoms because of their high sensitivities. These people filter the world through their intuition and have a difficult time intellectualizing their feelings.


As a psychiatrist and empath, I know the challenges of being a highly sensitive person. When overwhelmed with the impact of stressful emotions, empaths may experience panic attacks, depression, chronic fatigue, food, sex, and drug binges, or exhibit many other physical symptoms that defy traditional diagnosis.

Judith Orloff

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 12, 2019 12:04 PM

10 Strategies To Protect Your Energy As An Empath

10 Strategies To Protect Your Energy As An Empath | Empaths | Scoop.it
Empaths have the tendency to absorb the energy and emotions of people around them which can affect their energy and make them feel drained
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 12, 2019 12:03 PM

Empaths and Low Self-Esteem: How You Can Set Yourself Free

Empaths and Low Self-Esteem: How You Can Set Yourself Free | Empaths | Scoop.it
Empaths are natural healers and tend to take everything they experience by heart which can often lead to low self esteem in them.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 5, 2019 3:09 PM

9 Reasons You Should Avoid Negative People If You're An Empath

9 Reasons You Should Avoid Negative People If You're An Empath | Empaths | Scoop.it
Being an empath, you need to let go and release of such people from your life and to protect yourself from unnecessary emotional pain.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 2, 2019 3:30 PM

Empaths and Co-Dependency: What it Means and How to Let Go

Empaths and Co-Dependency: What it Means and How to Let Go | Empaths | Scoop.it
Empaths can often get them into toxic relationship equations with victims and narcissists. Empaths and CoDependency
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
July 24, 2019 1:28 PM

How Empaths Can Recover from Trauma And PTSD

How Empaths Can Recover from Trauma And PTSD | Empaths | Scoop.it
This is how empaths can recover from trauma and post traumatic stress disorder, How Empaths Can Recover from Trauma And PTSD
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
May 2, 11:18 PM

What Are the Emotional Triggers for Empaths?

What Are the Emotional Triggers for Empaths? | Empaths | Scoop.it

By Allaya Cooks-Campbel


Empathy helps you relate to others on a profound human level, understand their problems together, and support the people around you. If you’re a highly empathetic person, you might identify as an empath: someone who can sense others’ feelings and relate to them on a deeper level.

But being constantly aware of other people’s emotions can be exhausting. It might even have significant impacts on your own life and make you feel tired and drained — a phenomenon sometimes known as empathy or compassion fatigue.

So what are the emotional triggers for empaths, and how can you avoid them? Recognizing the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that affect you most is the first step to understanding your role as an empath and developing self-awareness and self-control.

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
April 11, 6:48 PM

The Empath's Heart

The Empath's Heart | Empaths | Scoop.it

by Michelle J. Howe

A vast amount of Empaths are just now waking up and looking for answers.  Many Empaths are now in Facebook groups.  Many are relieved to finally find like-minded people and explanations for why they are affected by others – why they know or feel more than others.

Most Empaths have a HUGE heart.  This heart LOVES to help other people.  There is nothing more fueling to an Empath than to be of service to others.  Mostly, an Empath feels a huge burst of energy when they step forward in this way.   Empaths love to listen, solve and/or sprinkle the great energy into helping others.

san's curator insight, May 9, 9:57 AM



Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
January 31, 4:59 PM

(9) What Empathy really is and how Empaths are created - Part 1

Empathy is often seen as a superpower. However, Thomas Lewis's work explains empathy as an ability that develops in mammals and is especially strong in primates.
There is research proving that elevated empathy can be created by trauma, and it seems to me that the word 'ELEVATED' is often omitted, leading to a misguided association of empathy with traumatic childhood experiences.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
August 13, 2023 1:23 PM

What Is an Empath? Signs You Are One –

What Is an Empath? Signs You Are One – | Empaths | Scoop.it
Do you take on the stress of others? Are you very sensitive? Do you feel overwhelmed in crowded spaces?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may an empath.

An empath takes on the feelings of others and can relate to what someone else may be feeling, whether that’s emotionally or physically. And while being an empath can mean you’re a caring, thoughtful person, it can also be overwhelming and leave you with little or no time for yourself.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
May 19, 2023 2:20 PM

Mastering Empathy: How to Set Boundaries as an Empath

Mastering Empathy: How to Set Boundaries as an Empath | Empaths | Scoop.it
  kaleidoscope of feelings, an emotional rollercoaster if you will. Sounds thrilling? Sometimes it was. But at other times, it was a little too intense, like riding the world’s scariest rollercoaster without a safety bar. Why? Because Riley, mu
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Scooped by Edwin Rutsch
April 17, 2022 7:08 PM

Psychologists explain the hidden danger of "dark empaths"

Psychologists explain the hidden danger of "dark empaths" | Empaths | Scoop.it
People with “dark personality traits”, such as psychopathy or narcissism, are more likely to be callous, disagreeable and antagonistic in their nature. Such traits exist on a continuum – we all have more or less of them, and this does not necessarily equate to being clinically diagnosed with a personality disorder.

Traditionally, people who are high in dark traits are considered to have empathy deficits, potentially making them more dangerous and aggressive than the rest of us. But we recently discovered something that challenges this idea. Our study, published in Personality and Individual Differences, identified a group of individuals with dark traits who report above-average empathic capacities – we call them “dark empaths”.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 6, 2020 10:47 PM

What Are Dark Empaths? A Psychologist Explains How Some Use Empathy As A Weapon

What Are Dark Empaths? A Psychologist Explains How Some Use Empathy As A Weapon | Empaths | Scoop.it
We often think of empathy as an amazing thing. Most of us believe that empathy is the solution to cruelty and aggression and generally leads to better outcomes, from sales to productivity to customer relationships. Hence, empathy training is recommended for anyone, from prisoners to doctors to teachers.  

Indeed, deficits in empathy are thought to be at the heart of dark personality types such as psychopathy, narcissism, sociopaths, and Machiavellianism. But if a certain subset of dark personality types are successful in ascending their careers or becoming community and spiritual leaders, then clearly they have some empathy to charm their way around.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 23, 2019 1:19 AM

Only True Empaths Can Pass This Imagery Test - Personality Test

Only True Empaths Can Pass This Imagery Test - Personality Test | Empaths | Scoop.it
This image e,mpath test will show if you are truly in tune with the emotions of over living things Only True Empaths Can Pass This Test
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 12, 2019 12:04 PM

13 Traits Of A Real Empath

13 Traits Of A Real Empath | Empaths | Scoop.it
Here is a list of 13 qualities that a real empath has:These traits are innate and not learned. You are either an empath or you are not.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 12, 2019 12:03 PM

The 5 Powers Of Empaths

The 5 Powers Of Empaths | Empaths | Scoop.it
Being an Empath is not actually easy. It requires constant effort and spiritual guidance in order to avoid energy depletion, depression, and severe anxiety.
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
September 2, 2019 3:30 PM

What it Really Means to be an Empath. Find out here

What it Really Means to be an Empath. Find out here | Empaths | Scoop.it
What it Really Means to be an Empath. The following are feeling and behavioural traits that most empaths share. 
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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
August 24, 2019 6:21 PM

Help! I’m an empath being attacked by an emotional vampire!

Help! I’m an empath being attacked by an emotional vampire! | Empaths | Scoop.it

“People want to share about mental health online because they are searching for answers and are hungry for information about how to help themselves,” said Judith Orloff, a UCLA psychiatrist and author of the forthcoming book Thriving as an Empath. She identifies as an empath herself, and hosts an Empath Facebook group with 15,000 members, all of whom are selected for suitability based on their responses to questions like “Why do you think you’re an empath?” and “What do you hope to learn from our group?”


The group is a forum for community and discussion about navigating daily life as a person who, in Orloff’s words, lives as an “emotional sponge,” often isolating to self-protect from overwhelming stimuli of daily life.

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Rescooped by Edwin Rutsch from Empathy Movement Magazine
July 17, 2019 10:50 PM

Highly Sensitive People and Addictions

Highly Sensitive People and Addictions | Empaths | Scoop.it
Why are empaths so susceptible to alcohol, drug, sex, food, gambling, shopping, or other addictions?

Empaths can become overwhelmed and overstimulated due to their extreme sensitivity. When they “feel too much,” including their own or another’s pain, some empaths self-medicate. If they don’t know how to manage this sensory overload, they numb themselves to shut off their thoughts and feelings to diminish empathy, though not everyone is aware of this motivation.
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