Every company needs a great website, but does it answer these 3 marketing questions about your product? What, Why, and How?
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Stefano Principato's curator insight,
August 25, 2013 4:27 AM
Companies are embracing video and multimedia marketing and here are five examples of companies that have very compelling YouTube profiles and why they are shining examples of multimedia marketing.
Stefano Principato's curator insight,
August 18, 2013 11:02 AM
How this relates to content marketing is using different forms of content is the best way to show exactly why you’re an expert in your field. |
Stefano Principato's curator insight,
August 25, 2013 6:17 AM
This 2013 round-up of social media anecdotes offers 10 actionable recommendations to help your business go to the next level. |
What needs does your service provide to the client? Keep it simple in the answer and use clever tools to get the message across.