ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Metaglossia: The Translation World
onto ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24
February 25, 1:25 PM

Living together: The importance of language – The Australian Jewish News

Living together: The importance of language – The Australian Jewish News | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
'Understanding and communication … is an essential requirement of a true peace'
By RABBI JAMES KENNARDJuly 15, 2022, 8:00 am 
The Abraham Accords have led to a warm peace with the UAE. Photo: Abdullah Sameh Houssny/@dubai.uae.dxb

Hail the Duolingo revolution! The mobile app is the latest to disrupt an established field. This time, it’s the teaching of languages. No longer are dusty tomes or lengthy lectures required to learn a new tongue; a short lesson each day interacting with one’s phone leads to knowledge and even proficiency in a foreign language.

So I’ve joined the bandwagon and downloaded the app. I hope to use it to brush up my Hebrew, but especially to acquire at least some experience of a language which is completely unknown to me, yet one that should be familiar – Arabic.


Clearly a few minutes a day is only going to lead to fragments of conversational Arabic after a long time, but nevertheless I am looking forward to the challenge. This is not merely because, as a teacher, I know that all learning is worthwhile, and nor just because Arabic is a close cousin of Hebrew and discovering parallels between the two is fascinating. It’s because as I plan to live in Israel at some stage in the future, I want to be able to converse with those with whom I will share the country, Hebrew-speakers and Arabic-speakers. (I’m already qualified to speak to Anglophones, but Russian, sadly, will have to wait.)

This is the reality of Israel today, and one that would surprise many who only know of the country from news reports or from the cries of anti-Israel campaigners. Although it is a Jewish state (a concept that is hard to define precisely, but should be no more objectionable than saying, for example, that Greece is a Greek country), it is populated by Jews and Arabs. Together. And the absurdity of the slander of “apartheid” is manifest on every street, where hijab-clad women wait at the same bus stops as Charedi Jews; in every hospital ward, where Arabs and Jews can be found among both the patients and the medical staff; even on the Supreme Court, where judges who are Muslims, Christians or Jews decide cases of the utmost significance to the state.

On my recent visit to Israel, during a short stay in a hotel (being with the grandchildren is the greatest pleasure, but a brief break also has its attractions), it was not just the staff that comprised Jews and Arabs, but the guests too. One man apologised profusely that he could not help a group of Jews make up a minyan because, as a Muslim, his presence would not be of much help.

Whether a final peace settlement is two states, or one state, or even if the status quo continues for a long time (the outcome presumed by most Israelis and their politicians) one reality is certain. Millions of Jews and Arabs will inhabit the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean and will live and work together. This is why many (though not all) Arabs strive to learn Hebrew and a growing (but still small) number of Jews endeavour to speak Arabic. These linguists know that, whatever one’s politics, understanding and communication between neighbours and colleagues, at a minimum makes life more pleasant, and, looking to the future, is an essential requirement of a true peace, beyond the formalities of some ceasefire or treaty.

And not only is this essential for harmonious relations within Israel, but the changing view of the Jewish State within the Arab world has made the ability to converse in the vernacular necessary in foreign relations as well. The Abraham Accords have led, with remarkable speed, to a warm peace with the UAE and Bahrain. The clearest difference between this and the “cold peace” with Egypt and Jordan are the throngs of Israelis visiting these Arab countries and the welcome they receive.

For tourists from our part of the world, flying to Israel via Dubai has so rapidly become the natural route that the wonder of this new situation has already dissipated. Last week I sat in Dubai airport, asking for, and receiving, kosher food, after praying in public while clad in tallit and tefillin – a scene that would have been fantasy only a few years ago.

A visit to Israel reminds one that while some aspects of the country change at dizzying speed, others stay the same. The lack of progress towards a peace settlement has not altered. But at the same time, the realisation among both the Jewish and Arab communities that the other is here to stay is gaining wider acceptance. Israeli connections with the Arab world are growing by leaps and bounds. These trends lead to a willingness to see the humanity of “the other”, and from there to a desire to speak each other’s language.

So at some time in the future, when I’m in conversation with a member of Israel’s Arab community, or an Arab fellow-passenger on a plane, I hope I’ll be able to say more than “shukran” (thank you), because watching Fauda will not be my only source of Arabic.

Rabbi James Kennard is principal of Mount Scopus College.

Via Charles Tiayon
Charles Tiayon's curator insight, July 16, 2022 11:26 PM

"...Arabic is a close cousin of Hebrew and discovering parallels between the two is fascinating. It’s because as I plan to live in Israel at some stage in the future, I want to be able to converse with those with whom I will share the country, Hebrew-speakers and Arabic-speakers. (I’m already qualified to speak to Anglophones, but Russian, sadly, will have to wait.)

This is the reality of Israel today, and one that would surprise many who only know of the country from news reports or from the cries of anti-Israel campaigners. Although it is a Jewish state (a concept that is hard to define precisely, but should be no more objectionable than saying, for example, that Greece is a Greek country), it is populated by Jews and Arabs. Together. And the absurdity of the slander of “apartheid” is manifest on every street, where hijab-clad women wait at the same bus stops as Charedi Jews; in every hospital ward, where Arabs and Jews can be found among both the patients and the medical staff; even on the Supreme Court, where judges who are Muslims, Christians or Jews decide cases of the utmost significance to the state.

On my recent visit to Israel, during a short stay in a hotel (being with the grandchildren is the greatest pleasure, but a brief break also has its attractions), it was not just the staff that comprised Jews and Arabs, but the guests too. One man apologised profusely that he could not help a group of Jews make up a minyan because, as a Muslim, his presence would not be of much help.

Whether a final peace settlement is two states, or one state, or even if the status quo continues for a long time (the outcome presumed by most Israelis and their politicians) one reality is certain. Millions of Jews and Arabs will inhabit the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean and will live and work together. This is why many (though not all) Arabs strive to learn Hebrew and a growing (but still small) number of Jews endeavour to speak Arabic. These linguists know that, whatever one’s politics, understanding and communication between neighbours and colleagues, at a minimum makes life more pleasant, and, looking to the future, is an essential requirement of a true peace, beyond the formalities of some ceasefire or treaty.

And not only is this essential for harmonious relations within Israel, but the changing view of the Jewish State within the Arab world has made the ability to converse in the vernacular necessary in foreign relations as well. The Abraham Accords have led, with remarkable speed, to a warm peace with the UAE and Bahrain. The clearest difference between this and the “cold peace” with Egypt and Jordan are the throngs of Israelis visiting these Arab countries and the welcome they receive.

For tourists from our part of the world, flying to Israel via Dubai has so rapidly become the natural route that the wonder of this new situation has already dissipated. Last week I sat in Dubai airport, asking for, and receiving, kosher food, after praying in public while clad in tallit and tefillin – a scene that would have been fantasy only a few years ago.

A visit to Israel reminds one that while some aspects of the country change at dizzying speed, others stay the same. The lack of progress towards a peace settlement has not altered. But at the same time, the realisation among both the Jewish and Arab communities that the other is here to stay is gaining wider acceptance. Israeli connections with the Arab world are growing by leaps and bounds. These trends lead to a willingness to see the humanity of “the other”, and from there to a desire to speak each other’s language."

#metaglossia mundus

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Scooped by Dennis Swender
April 23, 1:00 PM

The Story of America A Land of Ambition and Diversity

In the heart of the New World, the United States of America stands as a vibrant tapestry woven from threads of ambition, diversity, and resilience. Born less than three centuries ago, its people—descendants of English and European immigrants—found unity in their shared pursuit of land, even as they displaced indigenous communities. From scattered settlements along the eastern coast to a continental force, the U.S. now ranks as the third most populous and geographically expansive nation. And on the global stage, its military might eclipses even that of Russia and China
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Scooped by Dennis Swender
April 23, 12:11 PM

A less hateful time:  Compilation of President Reagan's humor from selected speeches, 1981-89

Creator(s): President (1981-1989 : Reagan). White House Television Office. 1/20/1981-1/20/1989 (Most Recent)

Series: Video Recordings, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989
Collection: Records of the White House Television Office (WHTV) (Reagan Administration), 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989

Dennis Swender's insight:
No one to hate.
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from AI for All
March 31, 11:32 AM

AI already uses as much energy as a small country. It’s only the beginning.

AI already uses as much energy as a small country. It’s only the beginning. | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

"The energy needed to support data storage is expected to double by 2026. You can do something to stop it ..."

Via Leona Ungerer
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Educational Technology News
March 31, 11:27 AM

Falsely Accused of AI Cheating? Tips & Easy Tutorial to Defend Yourself

Falsely Accused of AI Cheating? Tips & Easy Tutorial to Defend Yourself | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
Have you or your friends been falsely accused of using AI tools in your learning process?  😮 Such cases are increasing and we know how to help! 💁 Find out the best advice for students who need to prove their innocence! ✅

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, March 29, 3:27 PM

"56% of college students have employed AI for assignments or exams. However, this surge in AI-assisted learning has also sparked concerns regarding the ethical use of chatbots."

Scooped by Dennis Swender from Education 2.0 & 3.0
March 31, 11:17 AM

College internships matter more than ever – but not everyone can get one

College internships matter more than ever – but not everyone can get one | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
College internships are an increasingly vital component of the college experience, but they have traditionally excluded many.

Via Yashy Tohsaku
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Edumorfosis.it
March 31, 11:15 AM

How do students respond to AI Generated questions?

How do students respond to AI Generated questions? | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in Higher Education has skyrocketed in the last year, but what does research tell us about how students are responding to the technology?

Via Edumorfosis
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from AI for All
March 31, 11:09 AM

Teacher devises an ingenious way to check if students are using ChatGPT to write essays

Teacher devises an ingenious way to check if students are using ChatGPT to write essays | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

"This video describes a teacher's diabolical method for checking whether work submitted by students was written by themselves, or if they cheated by getting ChatGPT to write essays. The role…"

Via Leona Ungerer
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from consumer psychology
March 31, 11:07 AM

McDonald’s partners to create solution for evaluating ads for cultural factors

McDonald’s partners to create solution for evaluating ads for cultural factors | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

"McDonald’s Corp. is assisting the development of technology to analyze its advertising for cultural relevance and inclusion ..."

Via Leona Ungerer
tdollar's curator insight, March 31, 5:34 PM
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Metaglossia: The Translation World
February 25, 1:25 PM

Living together: The importance of language – The Australian Jewish News

Living together: The importance of language – The Australian Jewish News | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
'Understanding and communication … is an essential requirement of a true peace'
By RABBI JAMES KENNARDJuly 15, 2022, 8:00 am 
The Abraham Accords have led to a warm peace with the UAE. Photo: Abdullah Sameh Houssny/@dubai.uae.dxb

Hail the Duolingo revolution! The mobile app is the latest to disrupt an established field. This time, it’s the teaching of languages. No longer are dusty tomes or lengthy lectures required to learn a new tongue; a short lesson each day interacting with one’s phone leads to knowledge and even proficiency in a foreign language.

So I’ve joined the bandwagon and downloaded the app. I hope to use it to brush up my Hebrew, but especially to acquire at least some experience of a language which is completely unknown to me, yet one that should be familiar – Arabic.


Clearly a few minutes a day is only going to lead to fragments of conversational Arabic after a long time, but nevertheless I am looking forward to the challenge. This is not merely because, as a teacher, I know that all learning is worthwhile, and nor just because Arabic is a close cousin of Hebrew and discovering parallels between the two is fascinating. It’s because as I plan to live in Israel at some stage in the future, I want to be able to converse with those with whom I will share the country, Hebrew-speakers and Arabic-speakers. (I’m already qualified to speak to Anglophones, but Russian, sadly, will have to wait.)

This is the reality of Israel today, and one that would surprise many who only know of the country from news reports or from the cries of anti-Israel campaigners. Although it is a Jewish state (a concept that is hard to define precisely, but should be no more objectionable than saying, for example, that Greece is a Greek country), it is populated by Jews and Arabs. Together. And the absurdity of the slander of “apartheid” is manifest on every street, where hijab-clad women wait at the same bus stops as Charedi Jews; in every hospital ward, where Arabs and Jews can be found among both the patients and the medical staff; even on the Supreme Court, where judges who are Muslims, Christians or Jews decide cases of the utmost significance to the state.

On my recent visit to Israel, during a short stay in a hotel (being with the grandchildren is the greatest pleasure, but a brief break also has its attractions), it was not just the staff that comprised Jews and Arabs, but the guests too. One man apologised profusely that he could not help a group of Jews make up a minyan because, as a Muslim, his presence would not be of much help.

Whether a final peace settlement is two states, or one state, or even if the status quo continues for a long time (the outcome presumed by most Israelis and their politicians) one reality is certain. Millions of Jews and Arabs will inhabit the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean and will live and work together. This is why many (though not all) Arabs strive to learn Hebrew and a growing (but still small) number of Jews endeavour to speak Arabic. These linguists know that, whatever one’s politics, understanding and communication between neighbours and colleagues, at a minimum makes life more pleasant, and, looking to the future, is an essential requirement of a true peace, beyond the formalities of some ceasefire or treaty.

And not only is this essential for harmonious relations within Israel, but the changing view of the Jewish State within the Arab world has made the ability to converse in the vernacular necessary in foreign relations as well. The Abraham Accords have led, with remarkable speed, to a warm peace with the UAE and Bahrain. The clearest difference between this and the “cold peace” with Egypt and Jordan are the throngs of Israelis visiting these Arab countries and the welcome they receive.

For tourists from our part of the world, flying to Israel via Dubai has so rapidly become the natural route that the wonder of this new situation has already dissipated. Last week I sat in Dubai airport, asking for, and receiving, kosher food, after praying in public while clad in tallit and tefillin – a scene that would have been fantasy only a few years ago.

A visit to Israel reminds one that while some aspects of the country change at dizzying speed, others stay the same. The lack of progress towards a peace settlement has not altered. But at the same time, the realisation among both the Jewish and Arab communities that the other is here to stay is gaining wider acceptance. Israeli connections with the Arab world are growing by leaps and bounds. These trends lead to a willingness to see the humanity of “the other”, and from there to a desire to speak each other’s language.

So at some time in the future, when I’m in conversation with a member of Israel’s Arab community, or an Arab fellow-passenger on a plane, I hope I’ll be able to say more than “shukran” (thank you), because watching Fauda will not be my only source of Arabic.

Rabbi James Kennard is principal of Mount Scopus College.

Via Charles Tiayon
Charles Tiayon's curator insight, July 16, 2022 11:26 PM

"...Arabic is a close cousin of Hebrew and discovering parallels between the two is fascinating. It’s because as I plan to live in Israel at some stage in the future, I want to be able to converse with those with whom I will share the country, Hebrew-speakers and Arabic-speakers. (I’m already qualified to speak to Anglophones, but Russian, sadly, will have to wait.)

This is the reality of Israel today, and one that would surprise many who only know of the country from news reports or from the cries of anti-Israel campaigners. Although it is a Jewish state (a concept that is hard to define precisely, but should be no more objectionable than saying, for example, that Greece is a Greek country), it is populated by Jews and Arabs. Together. And the absurdity of the slander of “apartheid” is manifest on every street, where hijab-clad women wait at the same bus stops as Charedi Jews; in every hospital ward, where Arabs and Jews can be found among both the patients and the medical staff; even on the Supreme Court, where judges who are Muslims, Christians or Jews decide cases of the utmost significance to the state.

On my recent visit to Israel, during a short stay in a hotel (being with the grandchildren is the greatest pleasure, but a brief break also has its attractions), it was not just the staff that comprised Jews and Arabs, but the guests too. One man apologised profusely that he could not help a group of Jews make up a minyan because, as a Muslim, his presence would not be of much help.

Whether a final peace settlement is two states, or one state, or even if the status quo continues for a long time (the outcome presumed by most Israelis and their politicians) one reality is certain. Millions of Jews and Arabs will inhabit the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean and will live and work together. This is why many (though not all) Arabs strive to learn Hebrew and a growing (but still small) number of Jews endeavour to speak Arabic. These linguists know that, whatever one’s politics, understanding and communication between neighbours and colleagues, at a minimum makes life more pleasant, and, looking to the future, is an essential requirement of a true peace, beyond the formalities of some ceasefire or treaty.

And not only is this essential for harmonious relations within Israel, but the changing view of the Jewish State within the Arab world has made the ability to converse in the vernacular necessary in foreign relations as well. The Abraham Accords have led, with remarkable speed, to a warm peace with the UAE and Bahrain. The clearest difference between this and the “cold peace” with Egypt and Jordan are the throngs of Israelis visiting these Arab countries and the welcome they receive.

For tourists from our part of the world, flying to Israel via Dubai has so rapidly become the natural route that the wonder of this new situation has already dissipated. Last week I sat in Dubai airport, asking for, and receiving, kosher food, after praying in public while clad in tallit and tefillin – a scene that would have been fantasy only a few years ago.

A visit to Israel reminds one that while some aspects of the country change at dizzying speed, others stay the same. The lack of progress towards a peace settlement has not altered. But at the same time, the realisation among both the Jewish and Arab communities that the other is here to stay is gaining wider acceptance. Israeli connections with the Arab world are growing by leaps and bounds. These trends lead to a willingness to see the humanity of “the other”, and from there to a desire to speak each other’s language."

#metaglossia mundus

Scooped by Dennis Swender
January 30, 2:20 PM

Taylor Swift influenced 16% of Americans to spend money on football: report

Taylor Swift influenced 16% of Americans to spend money on football: report | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
Taylor Swift has raked in the big bucks for the NFL, influencing 16% of Americans to spend money on football in the walkup to Super Bowl LVII on Feb. 11, according to a recent report.
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Language Education: Major Papers and Reports
January 30, 1:12 PM

Language Access is a Civil Right, For Both Children and Adults | ACLU

Language Access is a Civil Right, For Both Children and Adults | ACLU | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
Why the ACLU supports the right of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children to access language.

Via Dual Language Education of New Mexico
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from consumer psychology
January 30, 12:43 PM

Super Bowl: Go early to win

Super Bowl: Go early to win | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

"A System1 study indicates that brands who unveil their Super Bowl ads before the Big Game get a jump start on those who wait ..."

Via Leona Ungerer
santos's curator insight, February 27, 8:12 AM



tdollar's curator insight, March 12, 8:07 PM



Scooped by Dennis Swender
January 26, 3:20 AM

We Are Not OK

Grammy-Nominated Artist Releases 10/7 Protest Song ‘We Are Not Ok’
Dennis Swender's insight:
Not a political vitriol - but a moral commentary
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Scooped by Dennis Swender
April 23, 12:45 PM

Here’s who really benefits from Biden’s $153 billion in student-debt cancellation

New data sheds light on how the Biden administration’s debt-relief efforts have affected borrowers.
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from NCTQ's "Teacher Prep Review" Discredited: Failure to Meet Basic Standards for Research
April 2, 11:06 PM

A Critique of the National Council of Teacher Quality’s Review of Teacher Preparation Programs // Journal of Teacher Education

JOURNAL ARTICLE ABSTRACT: "The National Council on Teacher Quality’s (NCTQ) recent review of university-based teacher preparation programs concluded the vast majority of such programs were inadequately preparing the nation’s teachers. The study, however, has a number of serious flaws that include narrow focus on inputs, lack of a strong research base, missing standards, omitted research, incorrect application of research findings, poor methodology, exclusion of alternative certification programs, failure to conduct member checks, and failure to use existing evidence to validate the report’s rankings. All of these issues render the NCTQ report less than useful in efforts to understand and improve teacher preparation programs in the United States. The article also suggests alternative pathways NCTQ could have undertaken to work with programs to actually improve teacher preparation. The article concludes by noting that the shaky methods used by NCTQ suggest shaky motives such that the true motives of NCTQ for producing the report must be questioned."...


For full article/download (open/free pdf)  in Journal of Teacher Education: http://jte.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/09/16/0022487113503872.abstract



Via Roxana Marachi, PhD
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
March 31, 11:29 AM

What My Professors Never Told Me About Teaching (Opinion)

What My Professors Never Told Me About Teaching (Opinion) | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
In graduate school, I learned how to set up a classroom—but not how to survive one.

Via Yashy Tohsaku, juandoming
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from The Student Voice
March 31, 11:25 AM

These university students cheated on a test and got away with it. Then the blackmail started

These university students cheated on a test and got away with it. Then the blackmail started | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
Australian students are being blackmailed by illegal cheating syndicates largely run by organised crime. Experts warn it is a risk to national security as blackmailers return, threatening to out students for past cheating.

Via Peter Mellow
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from Online Marketing Tools
March 31, 11:15 AM

Visa, Mastercard Agree To $30B Deal With Merchants What It Means For Credit Card Holders 

Visa, Mastercard Agree To $30B Deal With Merchants What It Means For Credit Card Holders  | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
Visa and Mastercard earlier this week agreed to a settlement with U.S. merchants, promising to lower the fees stores have to pay to process credit card payments ‒ at least in the near term. The settlement opens doors for retailers to place surcharges on cards with higher swipe fees, which could make using a premium card with a…

Via Online Marketing
tdollar's curator insight, March 31, 5:33 PM
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education
March 31, 11:15 AM

AI Literacy: A New Graduation Requirement and Civic Imperative

AI Literacy: A New Graduation Requirement and Civic Imperative | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

AI literacy will be a foundational part of the future of all healthy democracies. Education systems can act now.

Via EDTECH@UTRGV, John Evans
EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, March 29, 3:29 PM

"There is still time to ensure that all of your students graduate with an understanding of how AI works, why it is important and how to best use it."

Scooped by Dennis Swender from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
March 31, 11:08 AM

AI can transform Education for the better

AI can transform Education for the better | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

Learners, for their part, are embracing the technology. Two-fifths of undergraduates surveyed last year by Chegg reported using an ai chatbot to help them with their studies, with half of those using it daily. Indeed, the technology’s popularity has raised awkward questions for companies like Chegg, whose share price plunged last May after Dan Rosensweig, its chief executive, told investors it was losing customers to ChatGPT. Yet there are good reasons to believe that education specialists who harness ai will eventually prevail over generalists such as OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, and other tech firms eyeing the education business.

Via Edumorfosis, juandoming
Scooped by Dennis Swender
March 13, 1:52 AM

Race-conscious professional teaching standards: Where do the states stand? | Education Policy Analysis Archives

Race-conscious professional teaching standards: Where do the states stand?	| Education Policy Analysis Archives | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

Authors Danielle M. Carrier University of Southern Mississippi https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7948-3468 DOI: https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.32.8259  ;

Abstract:  Education policymakers have long sought to reduce persistent achievement disparities between students of color and White students with varying levels of success. Understanding the different needs and obstacles faced by students and families of color is important given educating all individuals for our future U.S. society is a priority. Educational policy should reflect the assumption that race matters and continues to impact educational opportunity. This paper argues that race-conscious professional teaching standards could extend the structural boundaries of teacher practice when working with racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse students. Using discourse analysis to analyze the deeper meanings of selected states’ teaching standards in different sociopolitical contexts, this paper describes the challenges and opportunities for infusing race-conscious perspectives in teaching standards. Implications for how states’ teaching policy language actively creates and builds teaching and learning environments are discussed.

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Scooped by Dennis Swender from The Student Voice
February 25, 12:58 PM

Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning

Why Writing by Hand Is Better for Memory and Learning | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
Engaging the fine motor system to produce letters by hand has positive effects on learning and memory

Via Peter Mellow
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Scooped by Dennis Swender
January 30, 1:22 PM

Mother and daughter escape Egypt after being trapped for 3 years / 60 minutes Australia 

60 Minutes reports the terrible plight of two Australians; Amaal Finn and her young daughter Zareen, who were trapped in Cairo for nearly three years. Their ordeal came about because of the greed and lies of one man - Mazen Baouimy, Amaal’s former husband and Zareen’s father.
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Scooped by Dennis Swender from K-12 Education: Tech Tools and Flipped Classrooms
January 30, 12:50 PM

100 Best Apps For College Students [For Free]

100 Best Apps For College Students [For Free] | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it
The most popular list of best apps for college students has been updated for the 2022-2023 academic year.All of these apps are free of charge…...

Via Joann Velazquez
Joann Velazquez's curator insight, January 25, 9:38 PM

This educational app landscape spans various age groups, tailoring experiences to different educational stages. For early years, apps focus on foundational skills with interactive and visually engaging content, aiding in fundamental learning. As students progress to middle school, subject-specific apps provide targeted tools for deeper understanding and skill development. In high school, educational apps become essential for advanced coursework support, offering resources, practice materials, and interactive content to reinforce complex concepts. This diverse range of age-appropriate apps ensures that students can benefit from interactive and tailored educational experiences throughout their academic journey.

Scooped by Dennis Swender from Online Marketing Tools
January 30, 12:38 PM

Marketing Scoops: Theft Prevention Steps By Chains May Drive Clients To Smaller Retailers 

Marketing Scoops: Theft Prevention Steps By Chains May Drive Clients To Smaller Retailers  | ED 262 KCKCC Sp '24 | Scoop.it

Rising theft is a serious problem for retailers across the U.S., with smaller and big businesses alike losing about $112 billion annually to shoplifters. But a recent survey by the Software Advice IT advisory firm says the heavy-handed defensive responses to “shrink” by larger outlets and chains may benefit smaller stores, as clients seek out buying experiences that don’t feel so much like prison lockdowns.

Via Online Marketing
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