News from Social Marketing for One Health
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
onto News from Social Marketing for One Health
March 2, 2024 12:04 PM!

From Finland: Combining the COM-B Model and Habit Theory to Leverage Understanding of Adolescents’ Tooth-Brushing Behavior - Heini Taiminen University of Jyväskylä.

From Finland: Combining the COM-B Model and Habit Theory to Leverage Understanding of Adolescents’ Tooth-Brushing Behavior - Heini Taiminen University of Jyväskylä. | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

This paper brings together theCOM-B model and the habit formation theory in order to create a basis for a more comprehensive, customer-oriented, theory-based understanding of the issue.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
March 2, 2024 12:04 PM!

From Finland: Combining the COM-B Model and Habit Theory to Leverage Understanding of Adolescents’ Tooth-Brushing Behavior - Heini Taiminen University of Jyväskylä.

From Finland: Combining the COM-B Model and Habit Theory to Leverage Understanding of Adolescents’ Tooth-Brushing Behavior - Heini Taiminen University of Jyväskylä. | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

This paper brings together theCOM-B model and the habit formation theory in order to create a basis for a more comprehensive, customer-oriented, theory-based understanding of the issue.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
March 2, 2024 12:05 PM!

Social Marketing Toolkit. Partner With Us. Let's Stop HIV Together - CDC

Social Marketing Toolkit. Partner With Us. Let's Stop HIV Together - CDC | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Social Marketing Guidance Social marketing is the use of marketing theory, skills, and practice to achieve social change, promote general health, raise awareness, and induce changes in behavior.

 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
March 2, 2024 12:06 PM!

A Book of Days: The New York Times Bestseller. Patti Smith

A Book of Days: The New York Times Bestseller. Patti Smith | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

In 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message "Hello Everybody!" Known for shooting with her beloved Land Camera 250, Smith started posting images from her phone including portraits of her kids, her radiator, her boots, and her Abyssinian cat, Cairo.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from One Health News: salute, ambiente e società - A cura di ISDE, Festival della salute, Marketing sociale. N°13
December 19, 2023 5:29 AM!

BPA in Socks: Are There Harmful Chemicals in Your Socks?

BPA in Socks: Are There Harmful Chemicals in Your Socks? | News from Social Marketing for One Health |
Recent research done by CEH found over 100 brands of socks that tested over California’s safe limit for exposure to BPA.
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:37 AM!

The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing

The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing brings together the latest research in Critical Marketing Studies in one authoritative and convenient volume

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
December 1, 2023 1:48 PM!

Estratto da: KOTLER UMANISTA. La battaglia tra il marketing commerciale e il marketing sociale. P.Kotler, G.Fattori 

Estratto da: KOTLER UMANISTA. La battaglia tra il marketing commerciale e il marketing sociale. P.Kotler, G.Fattori  | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Un estratto dalla nuova biografia di Philip KotlerKOTLER UMANISTA.

La battaglia tra il marketing commerciale e il marketing sociale.

La biografia completa su "Cultura e Salute Editore Perugia"

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:37 AM!

“The Community Value Pyramid” – Christian Sarkar, Philip Kotler, Enrico Foglia

“The Community Value Pyramid” – Christian Sarkar, Philip Kotler, Enrico Foglia | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Business schools focus on teaching “business value creation.” Nowhere do they teach community value creation. 

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
November 14, 2023 6:33 AM!

Potential social marketing applications for knowledge translation in healthcare: a scoping review protocol . BMJ 

Potential social marketing applications for knowledge translation in healthcare: a scoping review protocol . BMJ  | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

This study is using a recommended approach to classify interventions as social marketing interventions.The study will follow the most recent methodological guidance for the conduct of scoping reviews of the Joanna Briggs Institute Methodological Guidance.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
November 14, 2023 6:33 AM!

Social Marketing. Behavior Change for Good – Prima edizione italiana 2024

Social Marketing. Behavior Change for Good – Prima edizione italiana 2024 | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Nel 2024 "Social Marketing. Behavior Change for Good" di Nancy R. Lee, Philip Kotler, Julie Colehour (Seventh Edition SAGE) uscirà nella prima edizione italiana a cura di Giuseppe Fattori.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
November 14, 2023 6:32 AM!

The Effectiveness of Consume-less Appeals in Social Marketing - Journal of Macromarketing

The Effectiveness of Consume-less Appeals in Social Marketing - Journal of Macromarketing | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Consume-less appeals in social marketing can help reduce the lavish consumption in wealthy countries, which poses a major threat to the climate. This study experimentally examines the effectiveness of three different types of consume-less appeals (informative, social normative, and emotional appeals)

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
November 14, 2023 6:31 AM!

G. Fattori: Esperienze sul campo di marketing sociale. Ottobre 2023 – UNIBO

G. Fattori: Esperienze sul campo di marketing sociale. Ottobre 2023 – UNIBO | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Il “marketing sociale” è entrato nella programmazione nazionale con il Piano di Prevenzione in una prospettiva “One health” quindi anche la didattica è stata riorientata a sostegno del mondo delle professioni.Il corso ha approfondito le tematiche dello sviluppo sostenibile, le disuguaglianze…

La funzione pubblica della comunicazione

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:38 AM!

Forum: Reducing Gun Deaths & Injuries: A Social Marketing Approach. N.R. Lee - PNSMA

Forum: Reducing Gun Deaths & Injuries: A Social Marketing Approach. N.R. Lee - PNSMA | News from Social Marketing for One Health |
Nancy is the President of Social Marketing Services, Inc, Strategic Advisor at C+C, Affiliate Instructor at the University of Washington, author of 13 books with Philip Kotler, and a founding member of the Pacific Northwest Social Marketing Association (PNSMA).
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:38 AM!

Impact of a French social marketing campaign promoting pulse and whole grain consumption: results from a longitudinal cohort study. P.Fassier, A.Rabès, P.Ducrot, A.J.Serry

Impact of a French social marketing campaign promoting pulse and whole grain consumption: results from a longitudinal cohort study. P.Fassier, A.Rabès, P.Ducrot, A.J.Serry | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

This first French social marketing campaign promoting pulses and whole grains had a positive impact on specific subgroups of particular interest in terms of public health 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
March 2, 2024 12:02 PM!

From Turkey: Developing recycling behavior in Turkey with social marketing program - Meftune Özbakır Umut, Meltem Nurtanış Velioğlu

From Turkey: Developing recycling behavior in Turkey with social marketing program - Meftune Özbakır Umut, Meltem Nurtanış Velioğlu | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

The present study focuses on improving recycling behavior in Turkey with a social marketing program. It is centered on behavior change and social marketing strategies that can address recycling behavior.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
March 2, 2024 12:05 PM!

Increase the number of state health departments that use social marketing in health promotion programs - Healthy People 2030 

Increase the number of state health departments that use social marketing in health promotion programs - Healthy People 2030  | News from Social Marketing for One Health |
This objective currently has developmental status, meaning it is a high-priority public health issue that has evidence-based interventions to address it, but doesn’t yet have reliable baseline data. Once baseline data are available, this objective may be considered to become a core Healthy People 2030 objective.
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
November 14, 2023 6:33 AM!

Welcome to the International Social Marketing Association Newsletter

Welcome to the International Social Marketing Association Newsletter | News from Social Marketing for One Health |
We couldn't be more excited to share our newsletter as your gateway to the global happenings in social marketing. At iSMA, we passionately champion social marketing as a powerful solution to address societal challenges and actively promote the adoption of innovative approaches and best-in-class...
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
November 14, 2023 6:32 AM!

Endocrine Disruptors - Common Chemicals That Severely Alter Your Hormones - Dr. Shanna Swan

Endocrine Disruptors - Common Chemicals That Severely Alter Your Hormones - Dr. Shanna Swan | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D.: her work examines the impact of environmental exposures, including chemicals such as phthalates and Bisphenol A, on men’s and women’s reproductive health and the neurodevelopment of children.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
December 1, 2023 1:49 PM!

Endocrine disruptor - Pub Med

Endocrine disruptor - Pub Med | News from Social Marketing for One Health |
endocrine disruptor - Search Results - PubMed
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:33 AM!

Defining and conceptualising the commercial determinants of health - The Lancet

Defining and conceptualising the commercial determinants of health - The Lancet | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

 just four commercial products (tobacco, alcohol, ultra-processed food, and fossil fuels) account for 19 million global deaths annually (34% of the 56 million total deaths or 41% of the 42 million NCD deaths)...commercial practices cause over 1·2 million deaths globally, bringing the total annual deaths to 20·3 million (36% of total or 45% of deaths from non-communicable diseases).

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
December 1, 2023 1:50 PM!

Social Marketing and Public Health. Theory and Practice by Jeff French

Social Marketing and Public Health. Theory and Practice by Jeff French | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

The last ten years have seen tremendous advances in the theory and practice base of social marketing globally. Social Marketing and Public Health: Theory and Practice introduces new conceptual models and approaches to influence behaviour that promotes health and prevents disease. 
Amazon Kindle

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:36 AM!

Examining Social Marketing's Institutionalization within Environmental Contexts. Liz Foote

Examining Social Marketing's Institutionalization within Environmental Contexts. Liz Foote | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

As a social change discipline, social marketing has demonstrated its effectiveness in addressing many types of wicked problems. However, despite its utility in environmental contexts, it is neither well known nor widespread in its uptake in these settings.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
November 14, 2023 6:33 AM!

Green transition or green colonialism? The EU-Mercosur agreement and the neoextractivist agenda in Latin America - left

Green transition or green colonialism? The EU-Mercosur agreement and the neoextractivist agenda in Latin America - left | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

The European Union has made the success of its green transition to a low carbon economy and the achievement of a green industrial plan dependant largely on the access to critical raw materials. Latin America has been and it is a clear target to source the needed minerals and metals.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:38 AM!

Friends With Benefits: Practitioner Publishing as a Pathway to Collaboration in Social Marketing. Phill Sherring and Liz Foote

Friends With Benefits: Practitioner Publishing as a Pathway to Collaboration in Social Marketing. Phill Sherring and Liz Foote | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Four years ago, the late Dr. Susan Kirby wrote an editorial for Social Marketing Quarterly (SMQ) entitled “Social Marketing Practitioners: Should you share your work in SMQ?” 

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:37 AM!

社会营销的道德宣言 Dichiarazione etica per il marketing sociale

社会营销的道德宣言 Dichiarazione etica per il marketing sociale | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Ye Chongyang: 博洛尼亚大学社会营销学 Giuseppe Fattori: Marketing Sociale Università di Bologna 



意大利文版编辑:朱塞佩 福托里

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
August 29, 2023 10:38 AM!

The role of social marketing in achieving the planet sustainable development goals (SDGs). Carla Rodriguez-Sanchez 

The role of social marketing in achieving the planet sustainable development goals (SDGs). Carla Rodriguez-Sanchez  | News from Social Marketing for One Health |

Changing the way citizens behave toward sustainability is essential to achieve the SDGs.

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