Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 218
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Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218
Marketing sociale. Health promotion. Social media.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 10, 10:42 AM!

Marketing Sociale: Inclusione Equità Sostenibilità - Nancy R. Lee, Philip Kotler e Julie Colehour

Marketing Sociale: Inclusione Equità Sostenibilità - Nancy R. Lee, Philip Kotler e Julie Colehour | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Se siete in cerca di una valida risorsa per migliorare la salute pubblica, tutelare l'ambiente o galvanizzare la vostra comunità, troverete nel Marketing sociale una risorsa inestimabile.
Prima edizione italiana a cura di
Giuseppe Fattori

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 12:00 PM!

ISMA Webinar: Social Marketing, Civic Engagement, and Fuelling Democracy

ISMA Webinar: Social Marketing, Civic Engagement, and Fuelling Democracy | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Enjoy this recording of "Social Marketing, Civic Engagement, and Fuelling Democracy" with Don Waisanen and Linsey Grove

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 12:29 PM!

Diogo Veríssimo. Bringing together marketing & biodiversity conservation science. Research Fellow @UniofOxford 

Diogo Veríssimo. Bringing together marketing & biodiversity conservation science. Research Fellow @UniofOxford  | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Opportunità di ricerca associata! Unisciti ad ATREE e all'Università di Oxford nella valutazione dell'impatto della Tide Turners Plastic Challenge dell'UNEP sul cambiamento del comportamento dei giovani in India. Progettare indagini, condurre interviste e analizzare dati. Applica ora!

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 6:48 AM!

La responsabilità della cura. Oltre l'orizzonte delle prestazioni sanitarie - Sandro Spinsanti

La responsabilità della cura. Oltre l'orizzonte delle prestazioni sanitarie - Sandro Spinsanti | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

La cura, in tutte le sue espressioni – informali o professionali, familiari o sociali – è il collante che tiene insieme la vita dell'essere umano. Dall'inizio alla fine. Ma chi è responsabile di assicurare la cura di cui ha bisogno ogni vivente? 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 11:24 AM!


THE PROBLEM WITH BEHAVIOURAL NUDGES - The Wall Street Journal | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
The benefits of steering people toward making better decisions has become conventional wisdom. But the evidence suggests it doesn’t work quite as well as we hoped.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 12:11 PM!

Brel Barbara Bejart

Brel Barbara Bejart | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
By Maurice Béjart. Dancers: Gil Roman, Elisabet Ros
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 11:39 AM!

Health professionals take climate action to care for patients and the planet

Health professionals take climate action to care for patients and the planet | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Physicians are changing their practice to reduce the environmental impact of nearly everything from lab tests to medications
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 11:50 AM!

EXPOSED: The Truth Behind Coca-Cola's Advertising

EXPOSED: The Truth Behind Coca-Cola's Advertising | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Uncovering Fact vs Fiction on Coke’s Iconic Bottle Have you ever noticed the discrepancy between Coca-Cola’s beverages in advertisements versus reality? Iconic glass bottles versus polluting plastic? We looked into this further – the upshot is that you’re five times more likely to see glass packaging in Coke’s commercials than in its real-world packaging. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 11:31 AM!

On the Path to Decolonizing Health Care Services: The Role of Marketing - Journal of Marketing

On the Path to Decolonizing Health Care Services: The Role of Marketing - Journal of Marketing | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Despite considerable investment, health outcomes for First Nations people are well below those of the rest of the population in several countries, including Canada, the United States, and Australia. 

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 218
May 12, 2:58 PM!

Se la Newsletter MKTS vi è piaciuta consigliatela!

Se la Newsletter MKTS vi è piaciuta consigliatela! | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Ecco il link per iscriversi.

Via Giuseppe Fattori
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 10, 6:30 AM!

The Battle between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing: il commento di Luca De Fiore

The Battle between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing: il commento di Luca De Fiore | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

... la “battaglia” tra marketing commerciale e marketing sociale chiede di riflettere anche sul possibile superamento del capitalismo come forma di ordine economico e sociale, come giustamente ricordano gli autori – richiede uno sguardo aperto, laico e non ideologico.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 10, 7:47 AM!

Sul pubblicare in medicina - Luca De Fiore

Sul pubblicare in medicina - Luca De Fiore | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Ringraziamo l'Autore per la pubblicazione della presentazione di Richard Smith

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 10, 12:13 PM!

Critical Social Marketing Symposium 2024 - Reflections on Rights, Wrongs and Responsibilities: Critical Social Marketing and Marketing for Pro-Social Change

Critical Social Marketing Symposium 2024 - Reflections on Rights, Wrongs and Responsibilities: Critical Social Marketing and Marketing for Pro-Social Change | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Save the Date: Critical Social Marketing Symposium 2024
Wednesday 12 June 2024, 10.00-17.00 at University of York, UK (and online)
A hybrid free to

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 4:16 PM!

Choosing Wisely - Lista @mktsociale

Choosing Wisely - Lista @mktsociale | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Choosing Wisely®, first launched in the United States in 2012 by the ABIM Foundation and Consumer Reports, has been adopted by countries across the world. Campaigns encourage clinicians and patients to engage in evidencebased conversations about what tests and treatments may not benefit them and could cause harm.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 6:51 AM!

Global Portal of Social Marketing Case Studies

Global Portal of Social Marketing Case Studies | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Welcome to the Global Portal of Social Marketing Case Studies Using the search box below, enter one search term at a time to find sources of relevant case studies. If you get too many search results or are looking for a specific category of case study source, use the drop-down menu by the green...
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 6:40 AM!

A programme for greater health equity for the next UK Government - Michael Marmot Jessica Allen

A programme for greater health equity for the next UK Government - Michael Marmot Jessica Allen | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

The UK is unhealthy, literally and metaphorically. Literally, since 2010, many health indicators have stopped improving, health inequalities are increasing between social groups and regions, and health for people who live in the most deprived areas is declining. 

Metaphorically, because the state of health of a population reflects how well that society is meeting population needs. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 6:50 AM!

Pretendiamo troppo dal sesso - Maïa Mazaurette

Pretendiamo troppo dal sesso - Maïa Mazaurette | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Sottoposti a un bombardamento di immagini, finiamo per trovare i nostri amanti banali, le nostre pratiche borghesi e i nostri orgasmi noiosi. Ma c’è una via d’uscita.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 6:41 AM!

Il programma nazionale hta nel quadro europeo.Gli attori e le azioni per la sostenibilità del Servizio sanitario nazionale - Forward

Il programma nazionale hta nel quadro europeo.Gli attori e le azioni per la sostenibilità del Servizio sanitario nazionale - Forward | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
Gli attori e le azioni per la sostenibilità del Servizio sanitario nazionale. Intervista a Marco Marchetti, Unità hta Agenas.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 4:08 PM!

What does capitalism value? - Mariana Mazzucato

What does capitalism value? - Mariana Mazzucato | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Mariana Mazzucato explains how redefining value may help capitalism work for everyone.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 11:09 AM!

What’s artificial intelligence (AI) got to do with it inequality and public health? - Journal of Public Health

What’s artificial intelligence (AI) got to do with it inequality and public health? - Journal of Public Health | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

‘We must work together for AI that bridges social, digital, and economic divides, not one that pushes us further apart.’

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 11:35 AM!

Scienza o fake. Editoria in tilt - il manifesto

Scienza o fake. Editoria in tilt - il manifesto | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

L’editore statunitense Wiley costretto a cancellare oltre 11 mila studi pubblicati, che a un esame più attento si sono rivelati truffe.  Il comitato editoriale Journal of Economic Surveys: «L’industria libraria accademica rischia sempre più di compromettere l’autenticità della scoperta e della divulgazione di qualità». Di Andrea Capocci

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 11:06 AM!

Verso un futuro senza fumo

Verso un futuro senza fumo | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

L’industria del tabacco continua ad interferire con le politiche sanitarie agendo da decenni per perpetuare la redditività, rimodellando i propri prodotti, arrivando ad imitare i modelli di business farmaceutici.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
June 18, 6:33 AM!

Why celebrity doctors bug me - by Adam Cifu, MD

Why celebrity doctors bug me - by Adam Cifu, MD | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |
And why they should bug you too
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 12, 10:14 AM!

iSMA: Annual report 2023/4. Jeff French 

iSMA: Annual report 2023/4. Jeff French  | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

Title: iSMA: Annual report 2023/4. Jeff French, Author: Fattori, Length: 20 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2024-05-12

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 10, 3:19 PM!

Critical social marketing: towards emancipation? - Ross Gordon, Fiona Spotswood, Sally Dibb

Critical social marketing: towards emancipation? - Ross Gordon, Fiona Spotswood, Sally Dibb | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 218 |

In this editorial, critical review, and research agenda for this special section of the Journal of Marketing Management on ‘Critical Social Marketing: Towards Emancipation’, we argue that the need for critically informed approaches to pro-social behaviour and social change is ever more important.

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