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Víctor Xepiti Eme
from Educación a Distancia y TIC
onto Maestr@s y redes de aprendizajeZ April 25, 2016 1:35 PM
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Marta Torán's curator insight,
April 16, 2018 1:16 PM
Interesantes reflexiones de José Blas García (@jblasgarcia) sobre el currículo.
Diseño Universal del Aprendizaje. En relación con éste, el currículo oficial está “discapacitado” en tres ámbitos: “el quién” (no enseña a todos), “el qué” (son meros transmisores de información) y “el cómo” (con opciones de enseñanza muy limitadas).
Igualdad. Equidad. Inclusión.
Alejandro Rodríguez's curator insight,
October 10, 2017 2:27 PM
Certainly, all the world around, everybody relies on technology more than they imagine or want. This is an interesting report to explore the challenges of this new reality.
Willem Kuypers's curator insight,
October 10, 2017 4:15 PM
Quelques exemples de l'apprentissage à l'aide du numérique partout dans le monde.
Ana Cristina Pratas's curator insight,
July 21, 2017 6:27 AM
Table of ContentsForeword PART 1: Principles and PracticesChapter 1. Space as a Change Agent Chapter 2. Challenging Traditional Assumptions and Rethinking Learning Spaces Chapter 3. Seriously Cool Places: The Future of Learning-Centered Built Environments Chapter 4. Community: The Hidden Context for Learning Chapter 5. Student Practices and Their Impact on Learning Spaces Chapter 6. The Psychology of Learning Environments Chapter 7. Linking the Information Commons to Learning Chapter 8. Navigating Toward the Next-Generation Computer Lab Chapter 9. Trends in Learning Space Design Chapter 10. Human-Centered Design Guidelines Chapter 11. Designing Blended Learning Space to the Student Experience Chapter 12. Sustaining and Supporting Learning Spaces Chapter 13. Assessing Learning Spaces PART 2: Case StudiesChapter 14. Learning How to See Chapter 15. City of London: Sir John Cass Business School Chapter 16. Denison University: MIX Lab Chapter 17. Duke University: Perkins Library Chapter 18. Eckerd College: Peter H. Armacost Library Chapter 19. Estrella Mountain Community College: The Learning Studios Project Chapter 20. Hamilton College: Science Center Chapter 21. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis: The ES Corridor Project Chapter 22. Iowa State University: LeBaron Hall Auditorium Chapter 23. London School of Economics: BOX Chapter 24. Messiah College: Boyer Hall Chapter 25. Michigan Technological University: Center for Integrated Learning and Information Technology Chapter 26. MIT: The Brain and Cognitive Sciences Complex Chapter 27. MIT: Steam Café Chapter 28. North Carolina State University: Flyspace Chapter 29. North Carolina State University: SCALE-UP Chapter 30. Northwestern University: Information Commons Chapter 31. Ohio State University: Digital Union Chapter 32. Olin College of Engineering: Academic and Olin Centers Chapter 33. Pennsylvania State University: Smeal College of Business Chapter 34. St. Lawrence University: Center for Teaching and Learning Chapter 35. Stanford University: GroupSpaces Chapter 36. Stanford University: Wallenberg Hall Chapter 37. University of Arizona: Manuel Pacheco Integrated Learning Center Chapter 38. University of British Columbia: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Chapter 39. University of Central Florida: Collaboration and Multimedia Classrooms Chapter 40. University of Chicago: USITE/Crerar Computing Cluster and Cybercafé Chapter 41. University of Georgia: Student Learning Center Chapter 42. Virginia Tech: Math Emporium Chapter 43. Virginia Tech: Torgersen Hall Index
Educación en línea's curator insight,
May 15, 2017 6:11 PM
ste nuevo acceso directo trae como ventaja la oportunidad de producción académica y científica de modo gratuito. El usuario puede acceder mediante la red a las publicaciones científicas.
Educación en línea's comment,
May 15, 2017 7:08 PM
Este nuevo acceso directo trae como ventaja la oportunidad de producción académica y científica de modo gratuito. El usuario puede acceder mediante la red a las publicaciones científicas.