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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
onto gpmt
October 25, 2020 3:27 AM!

Teach Middle Schoolers About Social Media with Fun Online Simulations via Common Sense Media 

Teach Middle Schoolers About Social Media with Fun Online Simulations via Common Sense Media  | gpmt |
These engaging activities can spark conversations about oversharing, digital footprints, cyberbullying, and more.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
Dikeledi's curator insight, June 9, 2021 7:06 PM
Talks about digital footprint and digital citizenship. 
infos utiles aux gpmt (formation blended learning)
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Tools for Teachers & Learners
September 24, 2:49 PM!

Note-taking as it should be - With AI Generated Mind maps

Note-taking as it should be - With AI Generated Mind maps | gpmt |
Rethink your notes. Connect each note you make into a graph, make the connections explicit. Improve your thinking and learning experience.

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, September 24, 6:26 AM

Interesting AI tool for creating graphic mind maps - The free subscription limits you to 1 a month, but an unlimited subscription is only $5 a month if you intend to use it a lot for a while.

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
September 24, 2:48 PM!

5 AI Education Experts Share Their Secrets

5 AI Education Experts Share Their Secrets | gpmt |

How educators around the world are using tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Perplexity and Canva to transform their practice.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC
September 24, 2:47 PM!

Students Are Using AI Already. Here’s What They Think Adults Should Know

A new report details what teens think parents and teachers should know about how they use, or don’t use, generative artificial intelligence
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
September 21, 8:48 AM!

Is Using AI Cheating?

Is Using AI Cheating? | gpmt |
Is using AI cheating? Incorporating AI into education and in the workforce is empowering. Read why it's important to prepare students NOW.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, September 20, 11:06 AM

"With each set of updates from ChatGPT and other AI tools the disconnect between education and the workforce becomes more pronounced. In a Microsoft AI in Education report they share:

  • 66% of educators and school leaders are worried about AI and cheating.
  • 52% of students are worried about being accused of cheating with AI."
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
September 21, 8:48 AM!

The Resistance to AI in Education isn’t Really about Learning

"When future historians write about the education industry in the early 21st century, they may debate which event caused more lasting disruption: the COVID-19 pandemic or the emergence of generative AI. The one point upon which a consensus might emerge is that both caught the educational establishment entirely unprepared — which is surprising."

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, September 20, 11:11 AM

"[T]he resistance to AI in education is not truly about learning. It reflects a reluctance to re-evaluate the traditional roles of educators and to embrace the opportunities AI offers to enhance the learning experience."

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français
September 21, 8:47 AM!

Comment utiliser gratuitement la plateforme Canva en tant qu'enseignant

Comment utiliser gratuitement la plateforme Canva en tant qu'enseignant | gpmt |
Canva est une plateforme de conception graphique en ligne qui permet de créer facilement des visuels attrayants grâce à une interface intuitive et de

Via Fidel NAVAMUEL, Elena Pérez
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC
September 18, 12:52 AM!

Impact Of Collaborative Learning On Team Performance

Impact Of Collaborative Learning On Team Performance | gpmt |
The impact of collaborative learning encourages the sharing of information and overall employee interest and enhances team results.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
September 18, 12:46 AM!

Reimagining Online Education: Breaking down colonial barriers to learning

Reimagining Online Education: Breaking down colonial barriers to learning | gpmt |

"While eLearning seems to democratize the educational landscape by making education accessible to more people, it carries echoes of the past, specifically, the biases and power structures of colonialism. To truly democratize online learning, we must critically examine and actively dismantle these barriers."

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, September 17, 9:19 AM

"Colonization manifests itself in three broad areas in eLearning: course curriculum (curricular colonization), language (linguistic colonization), and technology (digital colonization)"

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Digital Delights for Learners
September 18, 12:45 AM!

Solvely - Take a Picture Math Solver Online #STEM

Solvely - Take a Picture Math Solver Online #STEM | gpmt |
Study Smarter with Solvely - Upload one question at a time by image to solve math and all other course questions.

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français
September 16, 3:08 PM!

10 outils IA pour faire des slides et des présentations pour vos cours ou formations

10 outils IA pour faire des slides et des présentations pour vos cours ou formations | gpmt |
Powerpoint, Google slides et autres Keynote ont pris un sacré coup de vieux avec l’arrivée tonitruante de l’intelligence artificielle. Toute une nouvelle génération d’outils de présentation pour créer des slides facilite désormais la conception et permet d’obtenir des résultats d’une qualité professionnelle propre à éblouir vos étudiants ou apprenants. Oubliez les heures à peaufiner l’aspect visuel, le découpage et la scénarisation de vos slides. Les nouveaux outils aidés par l’intelligence artificielle permettent de créer une présentation de plusieurs dizaines de slides en moins de temps qu’il ne faut pour le dire. Tant mieux, tout ce temps gagné va vous permettre de vous consacrer à l’essentiel : le fond de ce que vous voulez dire.

Via Frédéric Courtiol, Elena Pérez
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
September 16, 3:06 PM!

Emerging Trends In eLearning: Preparing For The Future

Emerging Trends In eLearning: Preparing For The Future | gpmt |

This article explores the emerging trends in eLearning that have allowed us to view education from a 360° perspective.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, September 16, 2:04 PM

"We are witnessing a major evolution in the education industry, where what was once a secondary learning method has now become the most preferable and engaging method for learners worldwide. Emerging trends in eLearning have allowed us to view education from a 360° perspective."

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from POURQUOI PAS... EN FRANÇAIS ?
September 16, 3:05 PM!

20 fiches sur les principes de base de la pédagogie –

20 fiches sur les principes de base de la pédagogie – | gpmt |
Ce Padlet a été créé par Dominique Kowalczyk (CoopLearning) qui a recensé pour une présentation visuelle et plus accessible les fiches pédagogiques mé

Via Elena Pérez
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français
September 15, 11:24 PM!

Witfizz : un design très stylé de gamification ! –

Witfizz : un design très stylé de gamification ! – | gpmt |
Witfizz est une plateforme de formation à distance qui a été développée sur mesure en s'adaptant aux besoins clients afin de gérer la mise en place de

Via Elena Pérez
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
September 24, 2:48 PM!

Analizamos con la Educación disruptiva & IA-AGI, la transformación de la investigación y del aula con LangGPT como catalizador multilingüe e inclusivo –

Analizamos con la Educación disruptiva & IA-AGI, la transformación de la investigación y del aula con LangGPT como catalizador multilingüe e inclusivo – | gpmt |
Juan Domingo Farnós Trabajamos dentro de nuestras investigaciones con Inteligencia artificial con LangGPT como herramienta diseñada para mejorar la comunicación multilingüe al integrarse con ChatGPT. Su objetivo principal es eliminar las barreras lingüísticas y los sesgos culturales presentes en muchas interacciones de IA, permitiendo a los usuarios comunicarse en su idioma preferido. LangGPT soporta una…

Via juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
September 24, 2:48 PM!

Free Microsoft AI tools for Education - webinar Oct. 8 - 1:00 p.m. EST

Free Microsoft AI tools for Education - webinar Oct. 8 - 1:00 p.m. EST | gpmt |
Join Stevie Frank and Julia Fischer for an engaging and informative webinar designed for educators eager to integrate cutting-edge AI technology into their classrooms. Discover how Microsoft’s suite of free AI tools can enhance teaching and learning experiences, making education more interactive, personalized, and efficient.

In this session, you will learn:
- How to leverage Microsoft Copilot, Reading Progress and Reading Coach, Speaker Progress and Speaker Coach, Search Coach and Search Progress
- Practical strategies for incorporating AI into lesson plans to foster student engagement and creativity.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and empower your students with the skills they need for the future. Register now and take the first step towards an AI-enhanced classroom.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education
September 21, 8:50 AM!

Teaching Students Research Skills in Middle and High School - Edutopia

Teaching Students Research Skills in Middle and High School - Edutopia | gpmt |
The SLICE method for teaching students research skills can help learners to critically evaluate and cite sources.
Via Yashy Tohsaku, John Evans
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
September 21, 8:48 AM!

Does Embracing AI mean abandoning learning?

Does Embracing AI mean abandoning learning? | gpmt |
The “queen of the internet” is full of something… Far be it from me to call bullshit on a legendary venture capitalist known as the “queen of the internet,” but having read through Mary Meeker’s “AI & Universities” report, recently covered by Lauren Coffey here at Inside Higher Ed, I’m calling bullshit.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, September 20, 11:09 AM

"AI assigns the work, students use AI to do the work, AI grades the work. Humans are in the loop to do what, exactly?"

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français
September 21, 8:47 AM!

YouTube : vous allez adorer ces 4 nouveautés

YouTube : vous allez adorer ces 4 nouveautés | gpmt |
La plateforme vient de faire une série d’annonces.

Via Jérôme G, Elena Pérez
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
September 21, 8:45 AM!

eLearning 4.0: Corporate Guide to What & Why

eLearning 4.0: Corporate Guide to What & Why | gpmt |
Explore how eLearning 4.0 is revolutionizing corporate training with personalization, data-driven insights, and immersive experiences.

Via CommLab India, juandoming
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Veille professionnelle des Bibliothèques-Médiathèques de Metz
September 18, 12:47 AM!

C'est pas moi, c'est l'IA, le guide pour prompter intelligemment / IDBOOX

C'est pas moi, c'est l'IA, le guide pour prompter intelligemment / IDBOOX | gpmt |
"C'est pas moi, c'est l'IA" est un ouvrage destiné aux jeunes lecteurs dès 10 ans, coécrit par Didier Roy et Pierre-Yves Oudeyer,

Via Bibliothèques-Médiathèques de Metz
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
September 18, 12:46 AM!

Khanmigo: Free, AI-powered teacher assistant by Khan Academy is now free for Canadian Educators ... sign up here

Khanmigo: Free, AI-powered teacher assistant by Khan Academy is now free for Canadian Educators ... sign up here | gpmt |
Khan Academy’s AI-powered teacher tool streamlines your prep giving you more energy for teaching and students. Khanmigo is free for educators.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français
September 16, 3:08 PM!

Créer des activités interactives à l'aide de NOLEJ AI

Créer des activités interactives à l'aide de NOLEJ AI | gpmt |

"Compte-rendu d'une expérimentation en langues vivantes durant l’année scolaire 2023-24 visant à évaluer l’apport de l’intelligence artificielle dans la création d’activités interactives en partant de documents de type audio, vidéo ou texte."

Publication du GREID Espagnol-Italien-Portugais 2023-24, expérimentation menée par Céline Cortés, professeur d’espagnol et membre du GREID Espagnol-Italien-Portugais de l’académie de Créteil.

Via Réseau Canopé, Elena Pérez
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Digital Delights for Learners
September 16, 3:06 PM!

FunBlocks AI - Sink into mind flow with AI

FunBlocks AI - Sink into mind flow with AI | gpmt |

FunBlocks AIFlow: AI


Possible substitute for Jamboard? 

Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
September 16, 3:05 PM!

An AI tutor helped Harvard students learn more physics in less time

An AI tutor helped Harvard students learn more physics in less time | gpmt |
Students learned more than twice as much in less time when they used an AI tutor in their dorm compared with attending their usual physics class in person.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, September 16, 2:08 PM

"One intriguing experiment suggests the promise of using the new technology"

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français
September 15, 11:24 PM!

Les 8 meilleures extensions Chrome pour télécharger des images

Les 8 meilleures extensions Chrome pour télécharger des images | gpmt |
Le téléchargement d’images depuis le Web est parfois compliqué. Heureusement, vous pouvez trouver plusieurs extensions Chrome pour télécharger des images depuis le Web. Cette liste comprend n…

Via Elena Pérez
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