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Nik Peachey
from Learning & Technology News
May 31, 2012 1:10 PM
For a long time now I have been looking for a tool that enables instant polling in the classroom or in the lecture room. I specifically wanted something that; doesn't require registration (especially from the people I'm polling), updates very quickly, works on any platform from computers to mobile devices. It looks like I have finally found what I've been looking for and best of all it's free. The tool that I have found is Mentimeter and it does all of the above.
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Nik Peachey
from Learning & Technology News
May 15, 2012 1:34 PM
Most important is the need for a different approach to teacher development that focuses on helping teachers with their own digital literacies. These are the skills to integrate technology into our daily lives and practices. Technology use, just like the language our students learn, needs to focus on things that are useful and that enrich and enable lives.
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Nik Peachey
March 20, 2012 5:53 AM
Nik talks about one of his favourite tech tools of the moment, and some of the issues he comes across when helping schools implement technological change.
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Nik Peachey
from Learning & Technology News
February 4, 2012 3:25 AM
In the first instalment of his brand-new series, Nik Peachey looks at podcasting and how it can be used to help students develop their listening and speaking skills both inside and outside the classroom. Nik provides a comprehensive overview article on podcasting, a downloadable lesson plan, a video screencast tutorial and a printable how-to guide.
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Nik Peachey
January 13, 2012 5:53 AM
If you are new to technology, I would encourage you to be honest with your students and tell them that you are trying something new and it may not work. Involve them in the process and get their feedback and advice. Many students may have a wider knowledge of technology than their teachers, so draw on their knowledge, but remember that there is also a linguistic and educational purpose for using technology and this is where you will be able to help and support your students.
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Nik Peachey
January 4, 2012 7:31 AM
With the opportunities now offered by the Internet to access information, collaborate, create and communicate, should we now be looking for a new model on which to base our schools, one which reflects the changing post industrial nature of our societies and the growing need for creative, inquisitive independent thinking individuals? If so, how do you envisage this being realised?
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Nik Peachey
November 2, 2011 9:18 AM
This lesson includes a challenging audio file with what for many students is an unusual accent. This challenge has been dealt with by keeping the listening tasks simple and developing vocabulary around the topic first. The speaker talks about his life in a part of the UK called Norfolk. The plan includes a vocabulary activity to develop students' ability to use descriptive adjectives and links to visuals to help them get a better picture of this beautiful part of the UK.
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Nik Peachey
October 3, 2011 3:28 AM
Technology was a huge feature of this years’ IATEFL conference and it’s very easy to be blinded or pulled along by the technology, but in the work of these six women there is for me some sign of the beginnings of a state of normalisation of technology in language teaching. A state when we can move past talking about technology and get back to talking about teaching of which technology is just a normal part and an enabler in that process of learning.
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Nik Peachey
September 24, 2011 4:18 AM
In this interview with Ana Cristina Pratas we discuss flipped learning, the digital divide, changes in teacher training and autonomous teacher development and the benefits of being part of a global ELT community.
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Nik Peachey
September 5, 2011 2:43 AM
The 'Web 2.0' age has brought us more than a bunch of social networking apps and free web tools, it has also brought about a fundamental shift in the way many web based companies do business. I started to wonder if that change could be mirrored in the physical market place by moving towards a new approach to the language school and the way technology is used in it and how it fits into the face to face business model.
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Nik Peachey
August 3, 2011 3:48 AM
I love the power of images and their adaptability for teaching, so I can't say that I'm upset to be almost overwhelmed with really great tools for exploiting Flickr at the moment. The latest of these is Flickriver, an incredibly simple Flickr search tool that creates an endless webpage (just keep scrolling and the page keeps getting longer!) of Flickr images based around either a search term or whatever it finds interesting on the particular day you visit the site.
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Nik Peachey
July 5, 2011 12:28 PM
In this task you'll create a simple blog and use it to make a video based activity for your students. Many of you may already have your own blog, but it's a good idea to have a separate one that yo...
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Nik Peachey
July 1, 2011 6:39 PM
This is a speaking task that encourages students to empathise with other people and try to understand them better. The activity uses a number of visuals of migrants and the students have to imagine they are the person in the picture. The activity is based on themes from the British Council OPENCities project
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Nik Peachey
May 31, 2012 1:08 PM
Nik Peachey has been involved in ELT since 1992. He has worked all over the world as a language teacher, teacher trainer and technology trainer.
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Nik Peachey
from Learning & Technology News
March 29, 2012 4:56 AM
As a final thought, it struck me as really interesting that both Nik Peachey (one of ELT’s main proponents of using educational technology) and Scott Thornbury (who has in the past seemingly looked upon educational technology as the devil incarnate) both talked about the main strengths of educational technology being for use by the students at home, rather than in the class.
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Nik Peachey
March 14, 2012 7:48 AM
When it came to looking at the structure of courses and the kinds of interactions teachers want, shorter courses of less than three or even two months seemed by far the most popular with teachers preferring short bursts of learning of not more that 30 to 45 minutes online at any one time. Teachers also want their learning activities to be social, with more than 70% preferring group-orientated tasks rather than tutor-led tasks.
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Nik Peachey
January 28, 2012 5:25 AM
On the 24th January 2012 I delivered an online webinar presentation for the IATEFL Young Learner SIG. The theme of the presentation was 'Developing materials and practices for the digital generation.' I focused on how teachers could combine the use of online tools to encourage students' digital literacy and study skills whilst also developing their ability to develop their linguistic skills in a more autonomous way.
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Nik Peachey
January 12, 2012 3:43 AM
In this posting I would like to argue that in order for technology to really enhance learning and for learners to achieve their full potential, we need to fundamentally rethink the relationship between learning and the classroom and to rethink the role of the teacher.
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Nik Peachey
from Learning & Technology News
November 8, 2011 4:01 AM
Listening to songs is a great way to learn a language. It's easy to listen to a song many times, especially if it's one that you enjoy and this can really help with your listening and pronunciation. This activity is based around the Lyrics Training website. The site helps you to listen to and understand songs.
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Nik Peachey
October 14, 2011 11:20 AM
As mobile phone use becomes ubiquitous around the world and texting becomes a new genre of communication, it seems increasingly important that we as language teachers engage with these devices and help students to deal with the impact they are having on the English language.
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Nik Peachey
September 24, 2011 4:37 AM
Photo Story 3 is a piece of free software that you can download to your PC and use to create multimedia photo stories complete with images, transitions, effects, text, background music and your own voice narration. This article includes a tutorial video, examples and teaching suggestions.
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Nik Peachey
September 7, 2011 3:21 PM
Demand for English is set to grow and, according to ELT researcher David Graddol, it will peak at around 2 billion learners in the next 10 to 15 years. Given the scale of learning it is unlikely that traditional, face-to-face language providers will be able to meet this need. The alternative for people who either cannot afford or get access to classroom-based lessons is likely to be online learning. So what does virtual teaching currently offer?
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Nik Peachey
September 1, 2011 9:38 AM
As with most languages, spelling is pretty important in English. It's also something that gives many native speakers problems too, so don't be too worried if you find English spelling difficult and confusing. In this activity you'll be able to practice spelling and your vocabulary in an enjoyable way.
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Nik Peachey
July 9, 2011 7:41 AM
One of the most common criticisms leveled at teachers who do attempt to integrate technology into their classroom environment, is that this often results in a lot of ‘faffing around’ or time wasted while struggling to get the technology to work properly. To some extent I feel that this criticism is fair, but I don’t think it’s a criticism that should be leveled at teachers, but would be better directed at the people who control the way technology is layered onto the classroom environment, so lets look at that.
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Nik Peachey
July 2, 2011 6:17 PM
The 'Web 2.0' age has brought us more than a bunch of social networking apps and free web tools, it has also brought about a fundamental shift in the way many web based companies do business. I started to wonder if that change could be mirrored in the physical market place by moving towards a new approach to the language school and the way technology is used in it and how it fits into the face to face business model.