MED-Amin network
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MED-Amin network
(Mediterranean Agricultural Information Network) Fostering cooperation and experience sharing among the national information systems on agricultural (cereals) markets in the Mediterranean. The network of 13 countries is coordinated by CIHEAM, and more specifically by its Mediterranean Agronomic Institute (MAI) of Montpellier.
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October 21, 2014 5:32 AM!

Egypt begins transformation into global logistics centre for grain handling: Prime minister - Daily News Egypt

Egypt begins transformation into global logistics centre for grain handling: Prime minister - Daily News Egypt | MED-Amin network |
The government has begun taking steps to convert Egypt into a global logistics centre for the handling and storage of grain and food commodities
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October 21, 2014 5:27 AM!

Agricultural policies and trade paths in Turkey (English) | The World Bank

In 1959, shortly after the European Economic Community was founded under the 1957 Treaty of Rome, Turkey applied for Associate Membership in the then six-member common market. By 1963, a path for integrating the economies of Turkey and the eventual European Union had been mapped. As with many trade agreements, agriculture posed difficult political hurdles, which were never fully cleared, even as trade barriers to other sectors were eventually removed and a Customs Union formed. This essay traces the influences the Turkey-European Union economic institutions have had on agricultural policies and the agriculture sector. An applied general equilibrium framework is used to provide estimates of what including agriculture under the Customs Union would mean for the sector and the economy. The paper also discusses the implications of fully aligning Turkey's agricultural policies with the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy, as would be required under full membership.

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October 21, 2014 4:09 AM!

L’UpM soutient les formations en matière de sécurité alimentaire pour la région euro-méditerranéenne

L’UpM soutient les formations en matière de sécurité alimentaire pour la région euro-méditerranéenne | MED-Amin network |
Le secrétaire général de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM), Fathallah Sijilmassi, et le secrétaire général du Centre international de hau...
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October 21, 2014 4:04 AM!

FAO - Nouvelles: Approbation des Principes pour l’investissement responsable dans l’agriculture et l’alimentation

FAO - Nouvelles: Approbation des Principes pour l’investissement responsable dans l’agriculture et l’alimentation | MED-Amin network |
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October 21, 2014 3:56 AM!

Malte - Rise in final agriculture production

Malte - Rise in final agriculture production | MED-Amin network |
Final agricultural production in Malta last year increased by 1.2 per cent to 140,310 tonnes, according to the National Statistics Office.
In a statement published on the occasion of World Food Day, being celebrated tomorrow, the NSO said final agricultural production in 2013 was 1.2 per cent...
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October 20, 2014 10:05 AM!

Soia, raccolto al top da 10 anni in Italia

Soia, raccolto al top da 10 anni in Italia | MED-Amin network |

Le stime elaborate dall'Ismea indicano per quest'anno un aumento dei raccolti in Italia del 14,3% per il mais e del 33% per la soia, quest'ultima ai massimi da 10 anni. In lieve flessione, invece, la produzione nazionale di girasole, prevista in calo dell'1,1% rispetto al 2013.

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October 20, 2014 4:38 AM!

Egypt. Govt agrees to buy wheat from farmers for LE420 per ardeb

Cabinet has on Wednesday approved the purchase of wheat from farmers next season for LE74.73 per bushel (or LE420 per ardeb), even if that price exceed global prices.
The decision was taken in order to support farmers and strategic goods.
“We aim to increase wheat cultivation by 200,000 acres to 3.5 million acres,” said Minister of Agriculture Adel al-Beltagy, adding that modern storage silos are being placed to ensure the quality of the grain and reduce wastage, which is up to 15 percent of the total eight million ton production.

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October 20, 2014 4:32 AM!

Egypt/Rice | Exporting rice “harder” under new ministry guidelines: Vice Head of Rice Division

Egypt/Rice | Exporting rice “harder” under new ministry guidelines: Vice Head of Rice Division | MED-Amin network |
New conditions on rice exports listed by the Ministry of Supply are more arduous for exporters, Rice Division Vice Chairman at the Federation of Egyptian Industries, Mostafa Atallah, said Sunday.
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October 20, 2014 3:45 AM!

Algérie - Vers un plus grand soutien de l'Etat à la mécanisation du secteur agricole

Algérie - Vers un plus grand soutien de l'Etat à la mécanisation du secteur agricole | MED-Amin network |

L'Etat va apporter son soutien pour une plus grande mécanisation agricole, durant le prochain quinquennat, en élargissant son aide à d'autres gammes d'équipements agricoles pour répondre aux exigences de l'agriculture et pallier au manque de main d'oeuvre, a appris l'APS auprès du ministère de l'Agriculture.

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October 20, 2014 3:33 AM!

L'autosuffisance alimentaire, un rêve lointain pour l'Algérie - Algérie Focus

L'autosuffisance alimentaire, un rêve lointain pour l'Algérie - Algérie Focus | MED-Amin network |
La Journée mondiale de l'alimentation, créée par les pays membres de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) en 1979, est célébrée chaque année le 16 octobre. Cette Journée vise à sensibiliser le grand public et les dirigeants sur les questions de nourriture et de production agricole. En Algérie, l'autosuffisance alimentaire est loin d'être garantie.
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October 17, 2014 11:36 AM!

Agriculture : le Maroc et le Portugal signent un protocole de coopération | Aujourd'hui le Maroc

Agriculture : le Maroc et le Portugal signent un protocole de coopération | Aujourd'hui le Maroc | MED-Amin network |
Un protocole de coopération dans les domaines agricole, sanitaire et phytosanitaire a été signé lundi 29 septembre 2014 à Rabat par, Aziz Akhannouch.
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October 17, 2014 11:36 AM!

Accord de libre-échange UE-Canada : "une aggravation des menaces qui pèsent sur l'agriculture en Europe et au Canada", selon Yannick Jadot

Accord de libre-échange UE-Canada : "une aggravation des menaces qui pèsent sur l'agriculture en Europe et au Canada", selon Yannick Jadot | MED-Amin network |
Les négociations sur l'accord de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et le Canada (CETA) sont terminées. Il peut maintenant être examiné par les parlementaires européens et les chefs d'État et de gouvernement. Un processus pouvant se compter en mois, voire en années. A l’encontre du texte, de...
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October 17, 2014 11:35 AM!

2015 world wheat area will be largest for 17 years

2015 world wheat area will be largest for 17 years | MED-Amin network |
The 2015 world wheat area is forecast to be the largest for 17 years, led mainly by an expected increase in the US crop area.
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October 21, 2014 5:29 AM!

Going regional for food security | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Going regional for food security | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) | MED-Amin network |

The priorities for countries of the Region are clear: (i) intensify the emergency interventions on the ground through the agencies (most of them UN/global) that are presently providing direct assistance on food security on the ground; (ii) support the League of Arab States and other regional agencies in devising an effective and nimble mechanism for emergency interventions; and (iii) quickly revise existing regional food security and other development plans and identify (perhaps prioritize?) the ones that are truly regional in nature as they are the ones that have most suffered historically. Whatever the technical word for Subsidiarity is—its manifestation is quickly recognizable: solidarity among countries that all have something to gain collectively.

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October 21, 2014 4:11 AM!

UE/Nouvelle Commission : un « ultralibéral » à l’agriculture, selon la Coordination rurale

Actualite agricole : Dans une lettre ouverte à Phill Hogan, futur commissaire européen à l'Agriculture, en date du 8 octobre 2014, la Coordination rurale (CR) s'inquiète...
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October 21, 2014 4:09 AM!

Centre international des hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes: Le Maroc, un partenaire engagé | Aujourd'hui le Maroc

Centre international des hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes: Le Maroc, un partenaire engagé | Aujourd'hui le Maroc | MED-Amin network |
Le Maroc renforce sa coopération avec le Centre international des hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM).
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October 21, 2014 4:00 AM!

Maroc - 230.000 ha de terres agricoles seront équipées en micro-irrigation

Maroc - 230.000 ha de terres agricoles seront équipées en micro-irrigation | MED-Amin network |
Convention de partenariat entre le ministère de l’Agriculture, CAM et l’AMIAG pour l’irrigation en goutte-à-goutte de près de 230.000 hectares. Le point sur un procédé révolutionnaire qui permettra d’économiser au moins 40% d’eau annuellement.
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October 20, 2014 10:08 AM!

Blé/Turquie - Turkey purchased wheat from Glencore and Vitol

Glencore, Vitol and Mesopotamia got the tender to supply 2, 00,000 tonnes of milling wheat to Turkey grain board. They got the tender in the range of $262-$268 a tonne c&f and have to deliver shipment between Oct. 25 to Nov. 20.. The wheat is likely to be sourced from a range of origins including Russia, Ukraine, the European Union and United States.

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October 20, 2014 7:56 AM!

Le Maroc veut augmenter ses ventes d’engrais pour compenser la chute de la demande mondiale en phosphates

Le Maroc veut augmenter ses ventes d’engrais pour compenser la chute de la demande mondiale en phosphates | MED-Amin network |
La crise mondiale a affecté les exportations marocaines de phosphates (DR) Si les exportations marocaines de phosphates – secteur clé de l’économie du...
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October 20, 2014 4:33 AM!

Egypt - New investments in fertiliser sector suspended until crises resolved

Egypt - New investments in fertiliser sector suspended until crises resolved | MED-Amin network |
Fate of the fertiliser tax to be determined in three months
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October 20, 2014 4:28 AM!

Egypt initiates plan to ensure food security

Egypt initiates plan to ensure food security | MED-Amin network |
Egypt plans to cultivate 4 million acres of strategic crops for its large population, but water scarcity and a lack of funds raise doubts about its feasibility.
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October 20, 2014 3:34 AM!

Campagne agricole: Akhannouch donne son «Go»

Campagne agricole: Akhannouch donne son «Go» | MED-Amin network |
De nouvelles mesures sont annoncées par la tutelle pour assurer le bon déroulement de la campagne agricole et rester sur la dynamique enclenchée par le Plan Maroc vert. Le champ d’intervention du Fonds de développement agricole sera élargi.
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October 20, 2014 3:27 AM!

Développement agricole : Le savoir-faire marocain mis en avant à Abidjan - LE

Développement agricole : Le savoir-faire marocain mis en avant à Abidjan - LE | MED-Amin network |
«La mise en œuvre du PVM, une feuille de route basée sur une approche participative, dans l'optique de faire de l'agriculture un moteur majeur du développement du Royaume», c’est ce qu’a rappelé Jamal Eddine El Jamali, secrétaire général et membre du directoire du Groupe Crédit Agricole
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October 17, 2014 11:36 AM!

Aus(tralian) help for Egypt grain headache

Aus(tralian) help for Egypt grain headache | MED-Amin network |

THE world's largest importer of wheat, Egypt, has long had a problem with its grain storage network.

Grain has generally been stored in old-style jute bags in open sheds and there are significant losses to spoilage and pest damage.

However, the beleaguered Middle Eastern nation is not in a position to make a large-scale investment in a network of permanent storage.

An Australian business has played a role in creating a low-cost alternative, utilising the same silo bags that are commonly used by Australian growers.

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October 17, 2014 11:36 AM!

Middle East wild crops essential for world food security - News - Nature Middle East

Middle East wild crops essential for world food security - News - Nature Middle East | MED-Amin network |
The Middle East has a large concentration of wild-growing crops that scientists say must be protected if we are to tackle food insecurity
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