Immunology and Biotherapies
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Immunology and Biotherapies
Page Ressources et Actualités du DIU immunologie et biothérapies
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
December 16, 2013 2:45 AM!

Resources for DIU Immunologie et Biothérapies

DIU Immunologie et Biotherapies is a french diploma associating french universities and immunology laboratories. It is dedicated to the involvement of immunology in new biotherapies, either molecular or cellular.

Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

We use as preferred curation tool to collect, select, comment informations flowing on the web in this rapidly evolving theme to keep teachers abreast of scientific knowledge and help students surf the wave...                                                            Feel free to be a follower!


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in Immunology also use

in Mucosal Immunity

in Flow Cytometry and Cytomics

in Allergy an Clinical Immunology

in Autoimmunity


For further information on Immune monitoring of Immune therapies,     by MdC


Looking for cancer applications inside this topic, use


Looking for cytokines and chemokines, use


Thanks to K Maggon for joining us. @Krishan Maggon


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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
July 22, 2:03 PM!

Inhibition of IL-11 signalling extends mammalian healthspan and lifespan

Inhibition of IL-11 signalling extends mammalian healthspan and lifespan | Immunology and Biotherapies |
For healthspan and lifespan, ERK, AMPK and mTORC1 represent critical pathways and inflammation is a centrally important hallmark1–7. Here we examined whether IL-11, a pro-inflammatory cytokine of the IL-6 family, has a negative effect on age-associated disease and lifespan. As mice age, IL-11 is upregulated across cell types and tissues to regulate an ERK–AMPK–mTORC1 axis to modulate cellular, tissue- and organismal-level ageing pathologies. Deletion of Il11 or Il11ra1 protects against metabolic decline, multi-morbidity and frailty in old age. Administration of anti-IL-11 to 75-week-old mice for 25 weeks improves metabolism and muscle function, and reduces ageing biomarkers and frailty across sexes. In lifespan studies, genetic deletion of Il11 extended the lives of mice of both sexes, by 24.9% on average. Treatment with anti-IL-11 from 75 weeks of age until death extends the median lifespan of male mice by 22.5% and of female mice by 25%. Together, these results demonstrate a role for the pro-inflammatory factor IL-11 in mammalian healthspan and lifespan. We suggest that anti-IL-11 therapy, which is currently in early-stage clinical trials for fibrotic lung disease, may provide a translational opportunity to determine the effects of IL-11 inhibition on ageing pathologies in older people. IL-11 is identified as a key regulator of ERK–AMPK–mTORC1 signalling, metabolism, inflammation and age-related disease and lifespan in mouse and human.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
July 20, 8:29 AM!

Mice live longer when inflammation-boosting protein is blocked

Mice live longer when inflammation-boosting protein is blocked | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Humans also have the protein, called IL-11, offering hope for a future longevity treatment.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
July 16, 1:21 PM!

Efficacy and Safety of Nipocalimab in Sjögren’s Disease: Phase 2 Trial Results - Physician's Weekly

Efficacy and Safety of Nipocalimab in Sjögren’s Disease: Phase 2 Trial Results - Physician's Weekly | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Nipocalimab showed a significant decrease in Clinical European League Against Rheumatism Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Activity Index.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
July 7, 8:44 AM!

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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
May 27, 11:42 AM!

Chine : un foie de porc transplanté sur un patient vivant

Chine : un foie de porc transplanté sur un patient vivant | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Le 24 mai, des chercheurs chinois ont annoncé avoir transplanté avec succès un foie de porc génétiquement modifié sur un patient humain vivant atteint d’un cancer du foie.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
May 5, 2:48 AM!

Chine : l'industrie des organes sur puce en plein essor — Chine Informations

Chine : l'industrie des organes sur puce en plein essor — Chine Informations | Immunology and Biotherapies |
A l'Institut de recherche sur les dispositifs médicaux de Suzhou de l'Université du Sud-Est, situé à Suzhou, dans la province chinoise du Jiangsu (est), on a...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
April 28, 12:56 PM!

Intranasal neomycin evokes broad-spectrum antiviral immunity in the upper respiratory tract

SignificanceRespiratory virus infections in humans are a significant global health concern, causing a wide range of diseases with substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. This underscores the...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
April 24, 5:04 AM!

How aspirin stops the growth and spread of colorectal cancer

How aspirin stops the growth and spread of colorectal cancer | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Aspirin, taken by around 29 million Americans daily, has increasingly been linked to inhibiting the growth of certain cancers – but we didn't quite know how. Now, scientists have uncovered how it helps the immune system see and kill cancer cells.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
April 9, 9:22 AM!

Pedro Morais on LinkedIn: #oligonucleotide #steatohepatitis

Pedro Morais on LinkedIn: #oligonucleotide #steatohepatitis | Immunology and Biotherapies |
“#Oligonucleotide Therapies for Nonalcoholic #Steatohepatitis”

Cell Press link:
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
April 4, 1:43 PM!

‘Mini liver’ will grow in person’s own lymph node in bold new trial

‘Mini liver’ will grow in person’s own lymph node in bold new trial | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Biotechnology firm LyGenesis has injected donor cells into a person with liver failure for the first time.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
March 29, 6:15 AM!

Frederic CAROFF on LinkedIn: #shingles #tlr4

Frederic CAROFF on LinkedIn: #shingles #tlr4 | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Protection results from GSK Shingrix vaccines against #Shingles are impressive. Guess which adjuvant was used?

👉A #TLR4 agonist of course 🦠

The results…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
March 8, 6:13 AM!

Vaccination et Lien Social on LinkedIn: #zona #varicelle #infection #effetsindésirables #prévention #has…

Vaccination et Lien Social on LinkedIn: #zona #varicelle #infection #effetsindésirables #prévention #has… | Immunology and Biotherapies |
🔸 Actualisation de la stratégie vaccinale contre le zona :

Le zona, causé par la réactivation du virus varicelle-zona, est une maladie virale touchant…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
July 23, 10:23 AM!

JAK Inhibitors Reduce Macular Degeneration | RheumNow

JAK Inhibitors Reduce Macular Degeneration | RheumNow | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Insurance claims data showed that patients with autoimmune disorders who took Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors had lower rates of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), hinting that the drugs might treat the common eye disease.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
July 21, 6:31 AM!

Cellular immunotherapies and immune cell depleting therapies in inflammatory bowel diseases: the next magic bullet?

Cellular immunotherapies and immune cell depleting therapies in inflammatory bowel diseases: the next magic bullet? | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Despite significant advances in biologic and small molecule treatments and the emergence of combination therapies to treat inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) a large unmet need remains to control intestinal inflammation.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
July 16, 1:56 PM!

The present and future of bispecific antibodies for cancer therapy | Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

The present and future of bispecific antibodies for cancer therapy | Nature Reviews Drug Discovery | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) enable novel mechanisms of action and/or therapeutic applications that cannot be achieved using conventional IgG-based antibodies. Consequently, development of these molecules has garnered substantial interest in the past decade and, as of the end of 2023, 14 bsAbs have been approved: 11 for the treatment of cancer and 3 for non-oncology indications. bsAbs are available in different formats, address different targets and mediate anticancer function via different molecular mechanisms. Here, we provide an overview of recent developments in the field of bsAbs for cancer therapy. We focus on bsAbs that are approved or in clinical development, including bsAb-mediated dual modulators of signalling pathways, tumour-targeted receptor agonists, bsAb–drug conjugates, bispecific T cell, natural killer cell and innate immune cell engagers, and bispecific checkpoint inhibitors and co-stimulators. Finally, we provide an outlook into next-generation bsAbs in earlier stages of development, including trispecifics, bsAb prodrugs, bsAbs that induce degradation of tumour targets and bsAbs acting as cytokine mimetics. Bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) can mediate therapeutic effects beyond those of natural monospecific antibodies. This Review provides an overview of recent developments in the field of bsAbs for cancer therapy and an outlook into next-generation bsAbs in earlier stages of development.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
July 16, 4:37 AM!

Promised Cures, Tainted Cells: How Cord Blood Banks Mislead Parents –

Promised Cures, Tainted Cells: How Cord Blood Banks Mislead Parents – | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Millions of pregnant women get the pitch through their OB-GYN: Put a bit of your newborn’s umbilical cord on ice,...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
June 4, 3:48 AM!

Stéphane Paul on LinkedIn: Notre nouvelle revue sur le monitoring des biothérapies

Stéphane Paul on LinkedIn: Notre nouvelle revue sur le monitoring des biothérapies | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Notre nouvelle revue sur le monitoring des biothérapies
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
May 12, 10:15 AM!

Paul Peter Tak, MD PhD FMedSci on LinkedIn: There are other ways to therapeutically stimulate intratumoral innate…

Paul Peter Tak, MD PhD FMedSci on LinkedIn: There are other ways to therapeutically stimulate intratumoral innate… | Immunology and Biotherapies |
There are other ways to therapeutically stimulate intratumoral innate immunity - with encouraging clinical results -, including in situ vaccination against the…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
May 2, 5:25 AM!

Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

6 months!

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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
April 25, 10:11 AM!

Claudin-1-targeted therapies break barriers in precision oncology

Claudin-1-targeted therapies break barriers in precision oncology | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Targeting claudin-1 offers a promising approach for treating solid tumours by selectively killing cancer cells and breaking down barriers to immunotherapy.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
April 9, 11:28 AM!

The antibody–drug conjugate renaissance

The antibody–drug conjugate renaissance | Immunology and Biotherapies |
Antibody–drug conjugates have emerged as a powerful tool to deliver highly targeted cancer therapies. Next-generation antibody-drug conjugate designs aim to push the envelope even further.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
April 5, 3:02 AM!

Alexandre Loupy on LinkedIn: #xenotransplantation #paristransplantgroup #pitor #xenotransplant… | 17 comments

Alexandre Loupy on LinkedIn: #xenotransplantation #paristransplantgroup #pitor #xenotransplant… | 17 comments | Immunology and Biotherapies |
✨ Discovering New Horizons on #XENOTRANSPLANTATION ✨

We’re on an exhilarating journey to unravel the mysteries of xeno immune response. Our passion for… | 17 comments on LinkedIn
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
March 30, 5:13 AM!

ICOS costimulation in combination with CTLA-4 blockade remodels tumor-associated macrophages toward an antitumor phenotype | Journal of Experimental Medicine | Rockefeller University Press

The study unveils that potent combination therapies remodel TAMs to antitumor proinflammatory M1-like macrophages crucial for their therapeutic efficacy. I
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
March 22, 8:08 AM!

08 JAN 2024 — Future Vaccines — Medthority

08 JAN 2024 — Future Vaccines — Medthority | Immunology and Biotherapies |
The future of vaccine development in light of accelerated technological advances through the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
March 7, 11:30 AM!

Development of New Immunological Assays and Animal Models to Evaluate Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Against Emerging Diseases | FDA

Development of New Immunological Assays and Animal Models to Evaluate Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Against Emerging Diseases | FDA | Immunology and Biotherapies |
A description of H. Golding's research program and related publications.
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