"Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales
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Rescooped by Gilbert C FAURE from Immunology and Biotherapies
January 30, 2020 1:15 PM

Fake News and Vaccinations Bobcatsss 2020

Point of view of an Immunologist/curator in 2020


Après Bobcatsss 2020, ECIL 2021, ICDF 2022,...


Notre proposition « Désinformation Vaccinale: Curation, Observatoire, Littératies » a été retenue pour le séminaire annuel de l’Académie des Controverses et de la Communication Sensible, intitulé « La désinformation : nouvelles formes, nouveaux défis », qui s'est tenu à Paris le mardi 26 novembre 2024.

Voir ci-après posts du 27 novembre, avec lien vers la présentation sur Slideshare.


Que pensez vous du nom pour l'observatoire "HesiVaccs" Hésitation Vaccinale

Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

This topic became a research action project at CREM (Centre de Recherche sur les médiations)

Ir covers not only Fake News still thriving on the internet,

but also efforts of many (supranational bodies, scientific societies, researchers...) to improve health literacies of laypeople, and medical students on this sensitive topic...



Nous avons rejoint le réseau  SHS Vaccination France



We also joined

The collaboration on social science and immunisation (COSSI): a successful Australian research and practice network


plusieurs réunions organisées down under, mais c'est loin.

and the VARN community 

Vaccination Acceptance Research Network



Le sujet des "Health professionals" est couvert sur 



The topic addresses Fake news as a global problem, extracting material focusing on vaccinations, vaccination hesitancy and anti-vax attitudes. The subject is evolving constantly with health consequences all over the world.


Published papers related to this subject are also posted.



Fake News related to Covid and vaccinations slightly decreased compared to other topics such as ukrainian war, gaza war, and politics in USA even sports related informations...

but the diffusion of discussions remains steady all over the world, particularly on social networks in France and elsewhere!


Unfortunately, as Jonathan Swift so eloquently said: Reasoning will never make a man correct an ill opinion, which by reasoning he never acquired.

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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
Today, 2:59 AM

Dorit Reiss on LinkedIn: Another expensive court loss for anti-vaccine mandate lawyer

Dorit Reiss on LinkedIn: Another expensive court loss for anti-vaccine mandate lawyer | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
"A Toronto lawyer and opponent of COVID-19 public-health measures has suffered another in a string of legal defeats, with an Ontario court tossing out his…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 8:10 AM

Science-Based Satire: My Patients are Refusing the MMR Because the CDC Added the COVID Vaccine to the Routine Vaccine Schedule

Science-Based Satire: My Patients are Refusing the MMR Because the CDC Added the COVID Vaccine to the Routine Vaccine Schedule | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
If only they had let more unvaccinated children suffer and die from COVID, we wouldn't be in this position today.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 7:58 AM

Online Nurses’ Groups Are Rife With Vaccine Disinformation –

Online Nurses’ Groups Are Rife With Vaccine Disinformation – | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
This could help explain why so many health care workers are refusing shots.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 6:54 AM

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: Are you falling for wellness misinformation online? Here’s how to tell

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: Are you falling for wellness misinformation online? Here’s how to tell | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
While some health myths are harmless (think okra water), the cumulative effect of bad advice flourishing online poses real risks to our wellbeing and…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 6:53 AM

McCullough Foundation on LinkedIn: #mfscholar | 84 comments

McCullough Foundation on LinkedIn: #mfscholar | 84 comments | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
BREAKING--Combination Vaccination of Premature Neonates Results in Apnea Events

Premature babies are at high risk for neurological and pulmonary… | 84 comments on LinkedIn
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 6:51 AM

Madhukar Pai, MD, PhD on LinkedIn: Important! Please follow!

Madhukar Pai, MD, PhD on LinkedIn: Important! Please follow! | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Important! Please follow!
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 6:50 AM

Christophe Deschamps on LinkedIn: How to Spot 16 Types of Media Bias

Christophe Deschamps on LinkedIn: How to Spot 16 Types of Media Bias | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Comment repérer les 16 types biais de partialité des médias ?

#biais #factchecking #médias

How to Spot 16 Types of Media Bias
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 5:31 AM

Prévention de la grippe : il n'existe pas de "vaccin homéopathique", rappelle l'ANSM

Prévention de la grippe : il n'existe pas de "vaccin homéopathique", rappelle l'ANSM | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Dans un communiqué diffusé le 24 novembre, l'ANSM rappelle qu'
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 4:08 AM

Novak Djokovic: I am not anti-vax, I am pro-freedom

Record 24-time major winner says politicians ‘could not stand’ a high-profile unvaccinated individual being in Australia in 2022...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 4:06 AM

Churches must preach the truth on vaccines –

Churches must preach the truth on vaccines – | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
One simple way churches could proclaim truth in an era of Trumpian disinformation is to speak plainly about the importance of vaccines.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 4:06 AM

Misinformation and vaccine fatigue has 'inundated' hospitals with flu patients, says consultant

Misinformation and vaccine fatigue has 'inundated' hospitals with flu patients, says consultant | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Professor Patrick Mitchell called for a change in how vaccines are promoted here...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 10, 1:05 AM

How Dr Robert Malone invented Antivaxxery –

How Dr Robert Malone invented Antivaxxery – | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
"People who feel deprived of the credit that they think they deserve will gravitate to new friends who do at least pretend to respect them sufficiently." -Smut Clyde
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
Today, 4:34 AM

Social Media, Conspiracy Beliefs, and COVID-19 Vaccines: A Survey Study of Emerging and Middle-Aged Adults in the United States

Social Media, Conspiracy Beliefs, and COVID-19 Vaccines: A Survey Study of Emerging and Middle-Aged Adults in the United States | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
This study examined the connections between social media use and behaviors, COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy beliefs, and COVID-19 vaccine uptake in 809 emerging and middle-aged adults. Emerging adults reported more overall social media use, active and passive social media behaviors, and use of most...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 9:29 AM

S4. L'information scientifique, technique et sociétale à l'ère numérique par Gilbert C. Faure, immunologiste. ACCS

S4. L'information scientifique, technique et sociétale à l'ère numérique par Gilbert C. Faure, immunologiste. ACCS | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Gilbert C. Faure souligne l'importance d’une veille informationnelle spécialisée dans le contexte actuel de surabondance d'information. Il utilise une variété d'outils, dont Scoop.it, les réseaux sociaux et les bases de données pour se tenir au courant des dernières avancées scientifiques e
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 8:06 AM

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’ | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 6:54 AM

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: Enough To Make Scientists Cry!

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: Enough To Make Scientists Cry! | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Of course notorious conspiracy theorist, science denier and anti-vaxxer Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr has been spewing dangerous misinformation for decades, now…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 6:53 AM

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: ‘No no no. Avoid them all’: anti-vaccine conspiracies spread as UK cases…

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: ‘No no no. Avoid them all’: anti-vaccine conspiracies spread as UK cases… | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Online anti-vaxxers, conflating Covid and MMR theories, are convincing parents against immunising their children.

This unfortunately, is our new reality as a…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 6:52 AM

Andrea C. Love, Ph.D. on LinkedIn: Remember when RFK Jr profited off the lie that vaccines cause autism? |…

Andrea C. Love, Ph.D. on LinkedIn: Remember when RFK Jr profited off the lie that vaccines cause autism? |… | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
RFK Jr. has made millions of dollars spreading the falsehood that vaccines cause autism. He’s done this for 25 years, even though millions of data points have…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 6:51 AM

Negus Rudison-Imhotep, Ph. D. on LinkedIn: Powell, A. (2025). A Critical Analysis of Black Immunity Myths and Their…

Negus Rudison-Imhotep, Ph. D. on LinkedIn: Powell, A. (2025). A Critical Analysis of Black Immunity Myths and Their… | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Powell, A. (2025). A Critical Analysis of Black Immunity Myths and Their Deadly Consequences. In Pandemic Resilience: Vaccination Resistance and Hesitance…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 5:44 AM

The Real Reason People Don’t Trust in Science Has Nothing to Do with Scientists

The Real Reason People Don’t Trust in Science Has Nothing to Do with Scientists | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
“Propaganda works” is the real upshot of a survey showing lingering postpandemic distrust of science
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

Merci Jérome Barrière pour cette analyse du terrain


Tout d’abord il faut comprendre la non vaccination : ça n’est pas de l’antivaxisme primaire bête et méchant (et totalement stupide) Non Voici les principales causes lassitude et doute sur efficacité : chaque année, c’est à la longue perçu comme inutile, d’autant qu’il est vrai le vaccin a une efficacité variable d’une année sur l’autre. Donc c’est une sorte de pari, on le voit bien avec la forte demande aujourd’hui après coup puisque cette année la grippe « castagne » procrastination : beaucoup de soignants se prennent pas le temps. Ils ne sont pas contre mais trouvent cela secondaire. Le temps passe et plus il passe moins la vaccination est perçue comme utile ne se sente pas à risque : c’est le principal frein, et ceci particulièrement chez les jeunes soignants pas convaincus qu’en se vaccinant ils protègent les autres. Sur ce point, il faut avouer que nous manquons de données prospectives de fort niveau de preuve. C’est le point d’ailleurs principal qui explique que les autorités de santé n’ont pas rendu la vaccination obligatoire pour les soignants à ce jour. peur des effets secondaires. C’est un point indiscutable mais minoritaire dans les enquêtes. Exemple : pas envie d’avoir mal au bras ou céphalée pendant 24h. On préfère alors ne pas faire et prendre le risque de choper la grippe (≈ 5-10% de risque annuel donc il faut se vacciner 10-20 fois pour éviter une grippe …) C’est le biais d’omission

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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 4:08 AM

Fake News Detection and Classification: A Comparative Study of Convolutional Neural Networks, Large Language Models, and Natural Language Processing Models

Fake News Detection and Classification: A Comparative Study of Convolutional Neural Networks, Large Language Models, and Natural Language Processing Models | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
In an era where fake news detection has become a pressing issue due to its profound impacts on public opinion, democracy, and social trust, accurately identifying and classifying false information is a critical challenge.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 4:08 AM

Novak Djokovic Speaks on 'Actual Reason' for Deportation From Australia

Novak Djokovic Speaks on 'Actual Reason' for Deportation From Australia | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
Novak Djokovic sparked global controversy in 2022 when he was deported from Australia after forgoing the necessary COVID vaccinations to play in the Australian Open. Now, with three years of hindsight, the Serbian tennis star is reflecting on the moment and speaking honestly about what he believes...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 4:06 AM

Growing 'Medical Freedom' Movement Poses Challenge for Public Health | MedPage Today

Growing 'Medical Freedom' Movement Poses Challenge for Public Health | MedPage Today | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
The notion isn't new, but is 'coalescing, now, around this phrase'...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 12, 3:45 AM

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: Anti-Vaccine Conspiracies

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: Anti-Vaccine Conspiracies | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
How Does Anti-Vax Tie into Other Conspiracy Theories?

The Great Reset
First promoted in 2020 among extreme-right influencers online, supporters of the “Great…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
January 10, 1:03 AM

Christian B. on LinkedIn: #kristobal | 14 comments

Christian B. on LinkedIn: #kristobal | 14 comments | "Fake News and Vaccinations" et-ou Hésitations Vaccinales | Scoop.it
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