Email Marketing
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onto Email Marketing
April 9, 2020 3:55 AM!

Délivrabilité des Emails Marketing : Comment Multiplier par 3 vos Taux d'Ouverture Facilement ? [+ 19 Outils Bonus]

Délivrabilité des Emails Marketing : Comment Multiplier par 3 vos Taux d'Ouverture Facilement ? [+ 19 Outils Bonus] | Email Marketing |
Délivrabilité de vos Emails Marketing �Comment Multiplier par 3 vos Taux d’Ouverture Facilement ? [+ 19 Outils Bonus]. Cliquez ICI �
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Email Marketing
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Scooped by Brunofridl
July 12, 2020 4:13 AM!

Comment lutter contre les spams dans sa boîte mail ?

Comment lutter contre les spams dans sa boîte mail ? | Email Marketing |
L'application DoNotPay débarrasse nos boîtes mails des spams et nous fait gagner de l’argent en passant.
Brunofridl's insight:
Un abonnement pour se désabonner des abonnements !
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Scooped by Brunofridl
March 18, 2020 9:19 AM!

Mailwarm : un outil pour ne plus jamais atterrir dans les SPAMS de vos destinataires

Mailwarm : un outil pour ne plus jamais atterrir dans les SPAMS de vos destinataires | Email Marketing |
Mailwarm est un outil qui permet d'améliorer la réputation de votre compte de messagerie et évite ainsi que vos mails n'arrivent en SPAM.
Brunofridl's insight:
Ma question sera toute simple : est ce un outil de plus pour les spammeurs ?
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Scooped by Brunofridl
November 3, 2019 6:23 AM!

Comment devenir une entreprise Great Place to Work

Comment devenir une entreprise Great Place to Work | Email Marketing |
On évalue souvent les entreprises selon leur chiffre d’affaires. Et si on questionnait les employés plutôt que les actionnaires ?
Brunofridl's insight:
Pour les leaders, il faut adopter une posture d’humilité, d’honnêteté et avoir une vision affirmée. Il faut aussi arrêter de penser que l’entreprise, c’est la lutte des classes. Tout le monde a des droits, mais aussi des devoirs. Et il faut accepter que les gens aient envie d’aller voir ailleurs.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 6, 2018 2:58 PM!

Emailing et RGPD : comment adapter ses formulaires de collecte ? [Infographie]

Emailing et RGPD : comment adapter ses formulaires de collecte ? [Infographie] | Email Marketing |
Vos formulaires de collecte d'emails sont-ils en conformité avec le nouveau réglement européen sur la protection des données personnelles ? Quels sont les changements concrets à effectuer avant le 25 Mai 2018 pour être en conformité ? Voici un résumé en infographie. A partir du 25 Mai prochain, le nouveau règlement
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Scooped by Brunofridl
March 13, 2018 3:10 AM!

Comment, en cinq jours, la pépite française Front a séduit le fonds légendaire de la Silicon Valley

Comment, en cinq jours, la pépite française Front a séduit le fonds légendaire de la Silicon Valley | Email Marketing |

Cette semaine, Front occupe le devant de la scène de la Silicon Valley. Sa boîte mail collaborative a tapé dans l’oeil du prestigieux fonds d’investissement Sequoia Capital qui a participé au deuxième tour de table de la start-up française. La jeune PDG Mathilde Collin revient sur cette levée de fonds éclair de 66 millions de dollars... et les balbutiements de Front.

Brunofridl's insight:
Pour rendre l’email collaboratif, il y a Front !
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Scooped by Brunofridl
January 15, 2018 4:48 AM!

6 Manipulative Email Tactics that Marketers Should Stop Using in 2018 – Litmus Software, Inc.

6 Manipulative Email Tactics that Marketers Should Stop Using in 2018 – Litmus Software, Inc. | Email Marketing |
Replace these manipulative email tactics with subscriber-centric approaches that build strong relationships with consumers and avoid negative backlashes.
Brunofridl's insight:
Vraiment très intéressant ces 6 points. Certains que je trouvais pertinents sont en fait à proscrire. Belle remise en question ! Ne jamais rester sur ses convictions.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
December 23, 2017 9:15 AM!

The Giant Email Marketing Statistics Guide [Infographic]

The Giant Email Marketing Statistics Guide [Infographic] | Email Marketing |

Social Media Today
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Scooped by Brunofridl
June 27, 2017 6:29 AM!

Why Email Marketing Is Still The Best Way To Reach An Online Audience

Why Email Marketing Is Still The Best Way To Reach An Online Audience | Email Marketing |
You might think email is a thing of the past but you could not be more wrong. Email marketing is still the best ways to reach out to an online audience.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
June 1, 2017 9:06 AM!

Email Tech Is Now Ad Tech | eBay Tech Blog

eBay has come a long way in our CRM and email marketing in the past two years. Personalization is a relatively easy task when you’re dealing with just one region and one vertical and a hundred thousand customers. With 167M active buyers across the globe, eBay’s journey to help each of our buyers find their version of perfect was quite complex.

Like many in our industry, we’ve had to deal with legacy systems, scalability, and engineering resource constraints. And yet, we’ve made email marketing a point of pride — instead of the “check mark” that we started from. Here’s our story.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
May 10, 2017 2:08 AM!

The Brand-New Breakup Email That Gets Responses Right Away

The Brand-New Breakup Email That Gets Responses Right Away | Email Marketing |
Get access to a breakup email that'll actually revive your sales deals.
Brunofridl's insight:
Quand la vente ne se fait pas, il faut rester dans la conversation avec son prospect. Et l'email reste un bon media pour y parvenir.Que pensez vous de cette action ? Auriez vous répondu à cet email
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 22, 2017 1:54 PM!

5 Email Marketing Tips To Take Your Business To The Next Level

5 Email Marketing Tips To Take Your Business To The Next Level | Email Marketing |
Email marketing has proved itself a powerful tool for engaging existing customers and generating more business. Make the most of it with these tips.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 22, 2017 1:53 PM!

What is Email Marketing definition? - A Complete Guide for Beginners

What is Email Marketing definition? - A Complete Guide for Beginners | Email Marketing |
What is Email Marketing definition? - A Complete Guide for Beginners. The definition of Email Marketing is simply the promotion of products or services via
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 8, 2017 1:36 PM!

20 Catchy Words That Make The Best Email Subject [1000+ Email Case Study]

20 Catchy Words That Make The Best Email Subject [1000+ Email Case Study] | Email Marketing |
Learn how to craft the best email subject using these proven catchy words.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 9, 2020 3:55 AM!

Délivrabilité des Emails Marketing : Comment Multiplier par 3 vos Taux d'Ouverture Facilement ? [+ 19 Outils Bonus]

Délivrabilité des Emails Marketing : Comment Multiplier par 3 vos Taux d'Ouverture Facilement ? [+ 19 Outils Bonus] | Email Marketing |
Délivrabilité de vos Emails Marketing �Comment Multiplier par 3 vos Taux d’Ouverture Facilement ? [+ 19 Outils Bonus]. Cliquez ICI �
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Scooped by Brunofridl
February 18, 2020 3:18 AM!

Email marketing : enquête sur la mort supposée des newsletters

Les newsletters sont mortes, l’email marketing est mort, la mort est morte. Comme je l’ai déjà souligné par le passé, les marketeurs adorent faire mourir
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 11, 2018 6:15 AM!

Comment SNCF renforce l’engagement de ses agents ?

SNCF existe depuis le 1er janvier 1938 et emploie 170 000 collaborateurs, occupants des fonctions multiples. Aujourd’hui, le statut d
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 6, 2018 10:09 AM!

Optimisation des campagnes d'e-mailing, dans la bonne boîte

Optimisation des campagnes d'e-mailing, dans la bonne boîte | Email Marketing |
Optimisation des campagnes d'e-mailing ; les règles à suivre pour une délivrabilité optimale des e-mails
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Scooped by Brunofridl
January 30, 2018 2:46 AM!

5 Things You Must Know about Email Consent under GDPR – Litmus Software, Inc.

5 Things You Must Know about Email Consent under GDPR – Litmus Software, Inc. | Email Marketing |
Here’s a breakdown of the five most important things you must know about email consent under GDPR—with plenty of examples of how we put them into action.
Brunofridl's insight:
Certainement le sujet majeur de l'année.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
December 31, 2017 4:09 AM! Reinventing Email Marketing - The iStartup's Blog Reinventing Email Marketing - The iStartup's Blog | Email Marketing |
Email Marketing has always been the greatest source of getting leads but is very time taking and long process. With EMMARES, use email marketing like a pro.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
July 25, 2017 9:01 AM!

[RGPD/GDPR] Du CIL au Délégué à la protection des données : cap vers la conformité

[RGPD/GDPR] Du CIL au Délégué à la protection des données :  cap vers la conformité | Email Marketing |

Chaque semaine, les avocats Eric Caprioli, Pascal Agosti, Isabelle Cantero et Ilène Choukri se relaient pour décrypter les évolutions juridiques et judiciaires nées de la digitalisation. Aujourd'hui, Isabelle Cantero revient sur la necessaire mise conformité dans le cadre du Règlement Général de Protection des Données (RGPD/GDPR). Deadline : 25 mai 2018
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Rescooped by Brunofridl from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
June 3, 2017 7:42 AM!

23 Follow-Up Sales Email Templates to Send Instead of "Just Checking In"

23 Follow-Up Sales Email Templates to Send Instead of "Just Checking In" | Email Marketing |

Salespeople shouldn’t send “just checking in” emails for one very simple reason: They don’t work. Buyers feel like the rep is virtually poking them, making them reluctant to answer. Not only do “checking in” messages rarely garner responses, they can even turn prospects against their senders.

But reps still need a way to get in touch with buyers who’ve gone dark. Enter these 23 email templates.

These “just checking in” alternatives simultaneously add value to the prospect while putting the salesperson back on her radar. She’ll want to restart the sales conversation -- so it’s a win-win....

Via Jeff Domansky
Brunofridl's insight:

With these handy sales email templates, you'll never need to "check in" again. HubSpot's email advice is spot on! Recommended reading! 9/10

Jeff Domansky's curator insight, June 2, 2017 10:02 AM

With these handy sales email templates, you'll never need to "check in" again. HubSpot's email advice is spot on! Recommended reading! 9/10

Joshua Corbelli's curator insight, June 2, 2017 7:43 PM
In sales, "just checking in" often connotes stagnancy or regression. Here are some solid variations to keep the relationship moving forward.
OmniRunner's curator insight, June 3, 2017 6:30 AM
An extra minute and a little creativity can go a long way.
Scooped by Brunofridl
May 31, 2017 8:34 AM!

6 types of welcome emails-are you exploiting them?

6 types of welcome emails-are you exploiting them? | Email Marketing |
Welcome emails are key to establishing a dialogue with the customer that will keep them engaged and facilitate selling to them in future. Optimisation is key
Brunofridl's insight:

Quelle est votre mécanique d'accueil de vos nouveaux abonnés ? 

Quoi ? Vous n'accueillez pas vos futurs clients ? 

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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 22, 2017 2:03 PM!

The Best Email Marketing Infographic You've Ever Seen

The Best Email Marketing Infographic You've Ever Seen | Email Marketing |
No matter what type of marketing tactics you may have tried, there's one medium that consistently outperforms all the others: email marketing. [INFOGRAPHIC]
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 22, 2017 1:54 PM!

Email Marketing! Why do you need it? by Harpreet Singh

Email Marketing! Why do you need it? by Harpreet Singh | Email Marketing |
Email marketing can be defined as the targeted email marketing that solves all the problems related to non-targeted strategies.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 9, 2017 5:08 AM!

Email Marketing vs Social Media - the Pros and Cons

Email Marketing vs Social Media - the Pros and Cons | Email Marketing |
Wondering where your money should be going? Email or social media? In this article, you'll learn the pros and cons for each one in your marketing strategy.
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