Email Marketing
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Email Marketing
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 8, 2017 1:35 PM!

Infographic: 119 Facts You Don’t Know About Email Marketing - B&T

Infographic: 119 Facts You Don’t Know About Email Marketing - B&T | Email Marketing |
Forced to go to tedious marketing conferences? Well, this cartoony thing is just as good (there's just no free mints.)
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 8, 2017 1:32 PM!

4 Cold Email Subject Lines That Generated $4 Million in Revenue

4 Cold Email Subject Lines That Generated $4 Million in Revenue | Email Marketing |
Without a good subject line, the content of the email doesn't matter.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
February 23, 2017 11:47 AM!

Improve Your E-mail Open AND Response Rates - Social Talent

Improve Your E-mail Open AND Response Rates - Social Talent | Email Marketing |
All the perfect ingredients you need to create an irresistible e-mail that will increase your open rates. All you need From subject line to e-mail content.
Brunofridl's insight:

Des stats super étonnantes qu'il va falloir tester et appliquer courante si je constate les mêmes résultats

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 20, 2016 2:13 PM!

Find Any Email Address in Minutes with These 12 Apps and Tips

Find Any Email Address in Minutes with These 12 Apps and Tips | Email Marketing |
A blog about productivity, workflow automation, company building and how to get things done with less work.
Brunofridl's insight:

Besoin de retrouver une adresse email ? Voire plein d'adresse email ?

Voilà alors une mine d'or pour vous 

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 3, 2016 7:16 AM!

What Most Marketers Are Missing in Their Drip Emails

What Most Marketers Are Missing in Their Drip Emails | Email Marketing |
Marketing automation doesn't have to be thoughtlessly mechanical. Here's how modern drip email campaigns take context into consideration.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 25, 2016 4:49 AM!

Email marketing : quels sont les meilleurs moments pour envoyer vos campagnes ?

L'email n'est pas une science exacte, mais voici quelques analyses pour optimiser vos campagnes emailing dès à présent.
Brunofridl's insight:

Des infos intéressantes. Attention, la meilleure source d'informations reste VOTRE base de données et votre propre stratégie TEST & LEARN. 

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Scooped by Brunofridl
August 23, 2016 5:00 AM!

How to Create a Welcome Email that Rocks - KickoffLabs

How to Create a Welcome Email that Rocks - KickoffLabs | Email Marketing |
Creating a welcome email requires takes a lot of planning. Here are our top tips to making a good first impression with your welcome email.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
July 4, 2016 5:20 AM!

How to Recover From an Email Disaster

How to Recover From an Email Disaster | Email Marketing |
Anyone who has ever had to send an email marketing campaign will know “The Fear” – the sense of dread you get when you personally are about to hit the go button on an email that is going to be…
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Scooped by Brunofridl
July 4, 2016 5:15 AM!

Creating Email Marketing Strategies that Convert: Guide to A/B Testing

Creating Email Marketing Strategies that Convert: Guide to A/B Testing | Email Marketing |
Learn how to integrate A/B testing in your existing Email marketing campaign. Improve your email marketing strategies with these power tips.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
June 28, 2016 8:28 AM!

4 Secrets to Emailing Important, Powerful People and Actually Hearing Back

4 Secrets to Emailing Important, Powerful People and Actually Hearing Back | Email Marketing |
If you think about it, asking a random professional for advice or help should never work.
After all, you want them to give up precious time in their day to share their hard-earned wisdom and experience with a stranger -- and a salesperson, no less.

So, why do people ever say yes to coffee dates or phone calls with reps? It’s possible the person asking got lucky and stumbled upon someone who’s incredibly altruistic. But more often than not, they reached out in the right way.

Want to make your own chances of success with snagging time on an important person’s calendar way higher? Follow these four best practices.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
June 28, 2016 7:04 AM!

Why You Should Never Start a Sales Follow Up Email With "I Haven't Heard Back From You"

Why You Should Never Start a Sales Follow Up Email With "I Haven't Heard Back From You" | Email Marketing |
Does guilt in sales actually work? Find out.
Brunofridl's insight:

L'email marketing, un outil au service du Social Selling

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Scooped by Brunofridl
June 19, 2016 1:54 AM!

Email Marketing Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Email Click-Through Rate

Email Marketing Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Email Click-Through Rate | Email Marketing |
Email marketing has been around for decades and it still remains one of the most effective forms of online marketing, in fact some people believe it to be the most
Brunofridl's insight:

Des basiques qui sont utiles à rappeler

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Scooped by Brunofridl
May 27, 2016 1:56 AM!

Les e-mails transactionnels cliquent davantage que les newsletters - Blog du Modérateur

Les e-mails transactionnels cliquent davantage que les newsletters - Blog du Modérateur | Email Marketing |
D'après une enquête de Vero, plateforme d’e-mailing marketing, les campagnes d’e-mails transactionnels (triggered emails) ont un taux de clics plus élevé q
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Scooped by Brunofridl
April 8, 2017 1:33 PM!

18 Tried-And-True Ways to Improve Your Email Content

18 Tried-And-True Ways to Improve Your Email Content | Email Marketing |
Do your emails need a refresh? Here are 18 ways to help you improve your email content.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
March 27, 2017 5:50 AM!

Email opens: our first sentence has more impact than our subject line - Sales automation

Email opens: our first sentence has more impact than our subject line - Sales automation | Email Marketing |
While we are still working on our next webinar “800 000 Sales Email Conversations in Europe”, some stats piqued our curiosity: impacts of variables in subject lines versus preview texts, onto the open rates of these text emails. (Note: these stats come from text emails sent by sales reps to leads in the UK, Nordics,Read more
Brunofridl's insight:

Travaillez vos emails différemment. 

La première phrase est presque plus importante que votre objet lui-même. 

Vous avez un retour d'expériences à partager sur le sujet ?

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Scooped by Brunofridl
February 10, 2017 2:15 AM!

8 Email Templates With 50% or Higher Open Rates (Used by Real HubSpot Sales Reps)

8 Email Templates With 50% or Higher Open Rates (Used by Real HubSpot Sales Reps) | Email Marketing |
Boost your open and response rates with these successful sales email templates.
Brunofridl's insight:

Je suis trop impliqué dans ces techniques de prospection pour apprécier la réception de ces messages. Votre avis? 

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 4, 2016 4:55 PM!

How to Rocketboost Your Cold Email Outreach Click Rate - Reply

How to Rocketboost Your Cold Email Outreach Click Rate - Reply | Email Marketing |
Think about the last unsolicited email that you actually clicked or replied to. What was it about the email that made you want to follow through on the call-to-action? Chances are, the email you responded to DID NOT look like this: What a nightmare. If this email isn’t sitting in your spam folder right now, …
Brunofridl's insight:

De tres bons conseils pout travailler ses emails de prospections "froids" en y apportant de la valeur. Et l'usage de l'email enrichi de datas issues des réseaux sociaux prend tout son sens.

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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 28, 2016 9:39 AM!

How to Create an Email Course that Rocks - KickoffLabs

How to Create an Email Course that Rocks - KickoffLabs | Email Marketing |
Looking for advice on how to create a winning email course? Here’s your beginner-friendly guide:
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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 2, 2016 10:07 AM!

Why Email Newsletter Subscribers Are Better Than Social Followers

Why Email Newsletter Subscribers Are Better Than Social Followers | Email Marketing |
Compared to old-shoe email, social media is the shiny new game. But if you want conversions, go with the tried-and-true: email delivers.
Brunofridl's insight:

Les réseaux sociaux au service de l'email marketing

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Scooped by Brunofridl
August 7, 2016 2:10 AM!

7 tendances qui vont changer l'email marketing en 2016

L'email marketing n'est pas mort. Loin de là. Entre personnalisation et innovations, voici 7 tendances qui vont changer l'email en 2016 !
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Scooped by Brunofridl
July 4, 2016 5:19 AM!

Email marketing for indie publishers/ self-publishers

Email marketing for indie publishers/ self-publishers | Email Marketing |

Many Indie publishers are very busy with writing and editing and they forget to market their publication. At Peecho, we think it’s a waste of your beautiful creation. In the traditional publishing world, marketing budgets become lower and lower. The good thing about self-publishing is that you can control the marketing process yourself. Email marketing is a very effective and inexpensive method. In this blog post, we set out 6 steps to make your email marketing campaign successful.

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Scooped by Brunofridl
July 1, 2016 2:21 PM!

15 Proven Ways to Build Your Email Marketing List

15 Proven Ways to Build Your Email Marketing List | Email Marketing |
A list of top quality email subscribers is one of the best marketing resources you'll ever have. Learn the top 15 ways to build an email marketing list.
Brunofridl's insight:

When subscribers sign up for your list, they’re signing up to hear from you and your company. They are genuinely interested in your products or your content. But in order to get subscribers, you have to first earn their trust.

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Scooped by Brunofridl
June 28, 2016 8:26 AM!

17 Rules to Make Your Sales Emails Incredibly Persuasive

17 Rules to Make Your Sales Emails Incredibly Persuasive | Email Marketing |
Which of the following two emails would you respond to?
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Scooped by Brunofridl
June 19, 2016 3:58 AM!

Email Marketing Tops Advertisers' Software Must-Have Lists - eMarketer

Email Marketing Tops Advertisers' Software Must-Have Lists - eMarketer | Email Marketing |
According to March 2016 research on marketing technology adoption by US-based email marketing firm dotmailer, email marketing was the top marketing software category used by respondents, with more than 88% mentioning the service. About two-thirds of respondents to the worldwide survey were in the UK.
Brunofridl's insight:

Et si on arretait de comparer systematiquement email, SEO, réseaux sociaux et autres leviers marketing ! Certes l'email reste globalement le meilleur levier marketing, cependant ces canaux sont COMPLEMENTAIRES et tout depend du contexte de l'opération et de son objectif.

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Scooped by Brunofridl
June 18, 2016 1:49 PM!

Emoji Email Marketing Infographic

Emoji Email Marketing Infographic. Our favorite emoji reactions to the marketing situations we know all too well.
Brunofridl's insight:

Les emoticons et les gif animés, j'ai vraient du mal. Suis je trop vieux ?

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