Email Marketing
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Email Marketing
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Scooped by Brunofridl
November 6, 2013 1:48 AM!

L’e-mail marketing règne toujours sur Facebook et Twitter

L’e-mail marketing règne toujours sur Facebook et Twitter | Email Marketing |
Le marketing sur les réseaux sociaux est, sans aucun doute, un nouveau "must".
Brunofridl's insight:

Et oui, l'email est le meilleur levier marketing.

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 25, 2013 12:45 PM!

GPlusData : Un nouvel outil d'analyse dédié à Google+

GPlusData : Un nouvel outil d'analyse dédié à Google+ | Email Marketing |

Vous connaissiez All My Plus ou Circle Count. Un autre service vaut le coup d’être testé : il s’agit de GPlusData, un outil d’analyse proposé par Mediabistro.

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 23, 2013 4:38 PM!

3 Creative Ways to Get More Email Opt-Ins

3 Creative Ways to Get More Email Opt-Ins | Email Marketing |
3 Creative Ways to Get More Email Opt-Ins - Email Marketing
Brunofridl's insight:

Interessante pistes à suivre

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 15, 2013 7:00 AM!

Que vaut l'outil de collecte d'emails de Google Adwords ?

Que vaut l'outil de collecte d'emails de Google Adwords ? | Email Marketing |
Les e-commerçants voyaient dans cet outil l'opportunité de collecter des emails en supprimant la friction que représente le clic sur l'annonce. Mais qu'en est-il vraiment ?
Brunofridl's insight:

Pour l'avoir testé comme consommateur en m'inscrivant avec des adresses identifiées pour le suivi, je n'ai toujours rien reçu. ZERO email, ni accueil, ni newsletter. Rien, nada.

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 10, 2013 7:56 AM!

L’art de bien délivrer des campagnes e-mailing

L’art de bien délivrer des campagnes e-mailing | Email Marketing |
Selon une étude du SNCD*, plus de 8 messages commerciaux ont été envoyés par jour et par internaute en 2012.
Brunofridl's insight:

oui l'email marketing devient un art pour arriver à destination

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 7, 2013 8:19 AM!

Get Touchy: Mobile-Friendly Email Marketing Design Tips

Get Touchy: Mobile-Friendly Email Marketing Design Tips | Email Marketing |
What is a must-have when it comes to designing mobile-friendly emails? Let's get touchy:
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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 4, 2013 5:05 PM!

What Does Salesforce\'s ExactTarget Acquisition Mean for Marketers?

What Does Salesforce\'s ExactTarget Acquisition Mean for Marketers? | Email Marketing |
Radian6, BuddyMedia and will integrate with the ExactTarget platform; what does this mean for marketers?
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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 3, 2013 7:04 AM!

Les internautes français face à l'email

Les internautes français face à l'email | Email Marketing |
Brunofridl's insight:

hyperconnectés, multi-email, mobile et tablette, ecommerce, et énervement

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 2, 2013 10:31 AM!

Email Marketing Still Relevant for UK Consumers

Email Marketing Still Relevant for UK Consumers | Email Marketing |
The topic of email marketing often gets buried beneath the headlines for other, “sexier” marketing platforms.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 1, 2013 4:45 AM!

Pierre Coquard (CCM Benchmark) : "Nous proposons aux annonceurs de recibler via de l'emailing les internautes exposés à leurs publicités"

Pierre Coquard (CCM Benchmark) : "Nous proposons aux annonceurs de recibler via de l'emailing les internautes exposés à leurs publicités" | Email Marketing |
Le nouveau responsable de la structure "Data&Marketing" du groupe CCM Benchmark explique comment son offre va s'inscrire dans un marché bipolarisé entre OPS et data.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 27, 2013 2:09 PM!

How Email Marketing Tactics Have Changed in the Last Five Years

How Email Marketing Tactics Have Changed in the Last Five Years | Email Marketing |
Email Marketing - Since 2008, marketers have adopted a more simplified email sign-up process for new subscribers and now ask for significantly less personal information, according to a recent study by Return Path.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 27, 2013 2:08 PM!

MediaPost Publications Email Reengagement: Is it Time to Say Goodbye? 09/25/2013

MediaPost Publications Email Reengagement: Is it Time to Say Goodbye? 09/25/2013 | Email Marketing |
Email Reengagement: Is it Time to Say Goodbye? - 09/25/2013
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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 27, 2013 9:58 AM!

Email Marketing: How to Avoid Triggering Spam Filters | Email Marketing

Email Marketing: How to Avoid Triggering Spam Filters | Email Marketing | Email Marketing |
Use these tips and follow best practices to avoid spam filters and allow you to enjoy the high return on investment that email marketing can deliver.
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Rescooped by Brunofridl from The MarTech Digest
November 3, 2013 5:24 AM!

10 Examples of Brilliant Email Marketing (and Why They're So Great) - HubSpot | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert

10 Examples of Brilliant Email Marketing (and Why They're So Great) - HubSpot | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | Email Marketing |
“Check out these 10 examples of top-notch email marketing.”Excerpt...But there's one marketing channel that is really, really hard to find good examples of unless you're already in the know: email. There's nothing casual about it -- you either need to be subscribed to an email list or stumble on a roundup kinda like this one to find great examples of emails. And even if you're subscribed to good emails, you're often getting bombarded day after day by them, so it's hard to notice the gems. Because of the difficulty to find good examples on email, we decided to do the scouring for you. What we found were 10 examples of effective email marketing. Read on to find out which emails we chose and get the lowdown on what makes them great -- or just keep on scrolling to get a general feel for each. However you like to be inspired is fine by us! ___________________________________► NEW: iNeoMarketing makes content marketing easy with the new Q8 Content. Q8 fills your content pipeline daily with relevant articles that your audience wants to read. Learn more and sign up for the beta program.-Receive a FREE daily summary of The Marketing Technology Alert directly to your inbox. To subscribe, please go to (your privacy is protected).
Via Joemktg
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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 25, 2013 8:12 AM!

Worried About Reach? Send An Email!

Worried About Reach? Send An Email! | Email Marketing |
Are you one of the 82% of marketers worried about how many people you're reaching? Now's a great time to start an email campaign.
Brunofridl's insight:

L'email, toujours en forme comme levier marketing

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 20, 2013 2:34 PM!

Targeting Email Marketing by Persona Improves Clickthrough Rate 16% [New Data]

Targeting Email Marketing by Persona Improves Clickthrough Rate 16% [New Data] | Email Marketing |
Learn the 10 major components of developing buyer personas for your business so you can segment your email marketing.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 13, 2013 10:05 AM!

3 Key Trends in Email Marketing & What to Do Now | Email Institute

3 Key Trends in Email Marketing & What to Do Now | Email Institute | Email Marketing |
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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 8, 2013 6:06 AM!

People Are Sharing Almost As Much Content On Pinterest As They Do Via E-Mail

People Are Sharing Almost As Much Content On Pinterest As They Do Via E-Mail | Email Marketing |
The social tracking firm ShareThis says people are sharing almost as much content on Pinterest as they do via e-mail. How will this affect advertisers?
Brunofridl's insight:

Interessante cette news ! Donc l'email était (est encore) un média de partage !

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 7, 2013 8:19 AM!

Email On the Move

Email On the Move | Email Marketing |
Brands that lack a mobile email strategy are already behind the curve. Heres how to get started and get ahead.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 4, 2013 3:48 AM!

Yahoo’s New “Not My Email” Option

Yahoo’s New “Not My Email” Option | Email Marketing |
Brunofridl's insight:

Oula ça va faire mal ça aussi

Vu le nombre de marchands qui ne nettoie jamais leur base !

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 3, 2013 3:12 AM!

L'e-mail, premier service internet utilisé par les agriculteurs

L'e-mail, premier service internet utilisé par les agriculteurs | Email Marketing |
L'e-mail reste encore aujourd'hui la meilleure façon d'envoyer un message à un agriculteur, comme le montre l'enquête BVA-TIC Agri sur l'équipement et les usages des agriculteurs sur internet.
Brunofridl's insight:

Même pour les agriculteurs, l'email est utile

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Scooped by Brunofridl
October 2, 2013 3:27 AM!

Comment rester positif en cas de désinscription

Comment rester positif en cas de désinscription | Email Marketing |
Brunofridl's insight:

Toujours rester positif face à une desinscription. Ce n'est pas une rupture définitive. Il y a toujours une raison à cet acte. Qu'il soit du à l'émetteur (trop de pression commerciale, contenu non pertinent, ...) ou au consommateur (besoin comblé, achat réalisé, changement de centre d'interet,...)

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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 30, 2013 4:46 AM!

Email Marketing Still Relevant for UK Consumers

Email Marketing Still Relevant for UK Consumers | Email Marketing |
The topic of email marketing often gets buried beneath the headlines for other, “sexier” marketing platforms.
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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 27, 2013 2:09 PM!

MediaPost Publications Email Reengagement: Is it Time to Say Goodbye? 09/25/2013

MediaPost Publications Email Reengagement: Is it Time to Say Goodbye? 09/25/2013 | Email Marketing |
Email Reengagement: Is it Time to Say Goodbye? - 09/25/2013
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Scooped by Brunofridl
September 27, 2013 2:06 PM!

How Email Marketing Tactics Have Changed in the Last Five Years

How Email Marketing Tactics Have Changed in the Last Five Years | Email Marketing |
Email Marketing - Since 2008, marketers have adopted a more simplified email sign-up process for new subscribers and now ask for significantly less personal information, according to a recent study by Return Path.
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