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Stéphane Cottin
August 19, 9:36 AM
Ce guide méthodologique a été conçu pour fournir : • une cartographie des gisements d’informations disponibles pour toutes les sources du droit français, du droit de l’Union européenne et du droit international (législation, jurisprudence, doctrine), • une description plus détaillée des données et outils essentiels, accompagnée de trucs et astuces pour une utilisation efficace, • une méthode de travail adaptable à tous les types de recherche et des conseils plus pointus pour des requêtes et investigations spécialisées.Le corps du texte s’accompagne d’outils permettant d’acquérir des compétences en recherche d’information juridique : des copies d’écran illustrent les procédures, des résumés permettent de mémoriser les points essentiels, des focus approfondissent certains aspects plus complexes. Privilégiant la pratique et une approche la plus concrète possible, l’ouvrage devrait être utile à l’étudiant en licence ou master, au professionnel du droit ou de l’information juridique. Au-delà, il devrait intéresser toute personne souhaitant : • se former à la recherche documentaire juridique, • vérifier ou actualiser ses connaissances dans le domaine, • former des étudiants à ce type de recherche, • mesurer l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur la recherche d’information juridique.
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Stéphane Cottin
September 5, 2:21 PM
Law professors enjoy marking up drafts of papers with "Do Not Cite or Circulate" notifications-hoping that doing so will manage reader expectations, p
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Stéphane Cottin
August 29, 5:26 PM
In recent years, a new figure, the tech bro, has arrived in the legal field. He can be found opining on podcasts and social media platforms, selling his wares i
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Stéphane Cottin
August 28, 2:41 PM
Justice isn’t free, but it might soon get much less expensive. Policies concerning issues such as arbitration, class actions, and plea bargaining depend on how
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Stéphane Cottin
August 28, 2:39 PM
I prepared these reading materials on copyright and generative AI for my copyright and disruptive technologies course. The first part deals with the copyrightab
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Stéphane Cottin
August 27, 3:28 AM
Little is known about the extent to which readability differences exist between opinions written by different apex court judges, or about the potential biogr
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Stéphane Cottin
August 27, 2:55 AM
Avec l’objectif d’aider les acteurs de l’industrie du livre à mieux comprendre les aspects juridiques de leurs métiers, Livres Hebdo lance sa nouvelle newsletter La Lettre juridique – Le droit au service du livre chaque mois le mercredi à 17h, à partir du 3 juillet 2024.
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Stéphane Cottin
August 23, 7:43 AM
The International Journal for Court Administration (IJCA) is an electronic journal which focuses on court, judicial, and justice system administration, management, and governance. It provides a platform for the professional exchange of knowledge, experience and research in those areas for a diverse audience of practitioners and academics. Its scope is international. The editors welcome submissions from court officials, judges, justice ministry officials, academic researchers and consultants whose work and interests lie in the practical aspects of the effective administration of justice.
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Stéphane Cottin
August 21, 2:45 AM
The Supreme Court will soon decide Garland v. VanDerStok, a case concerning whether a “gun parts kit” or “ghost gun” is a “firearm” subject to regulation
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Stéphane Cottin
August 20, 4:29 PM
Citations are the vernacular the legal profession uses to communicate the precedents that underline our arguments and analysis. They are the building blocks of
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Stéphane Cottin
August 19, 12:27 PM
With AI now passing the bar, and with court caseloads worldwide hampering access to justice, there are calls for judges to make use of chatbots to help expedite
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Stéphane Cottin
August 15, 3:38 AM
The Dual Aspects of Legal Reasoning in the Era of Artificial Intelligence - Defeasible Reasoning and Argumentation Scheme
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Stéphane Cottin
August 14, 2:21 AM
Pursuant to the aims and scope of the Special Issue it is part of, this invited contribution seeks to shed new light on the nature and working logic of legal re
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Stéphane Cottin
September 6, 12:51 PM
Le fonds d’investissement du milliardaire a réalisé une jolie plus-value en cédant sa participation dans la legaltech, qu’il avait accompagnée depuis ses débuts.
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Stéphane Cottin
September 2, 2:13 PM
This Article considers the influence of Large Language Models (LLMs) on legal practice and the legal services industry. In the near term, LLMs will spur new leg
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Stéphane Cottin
August 28, 2:41 PM
Judges have a brand new bag—an algorithmic accessory in criminal adjudication. It scores criminal defendants, aiming to inform judges which defendants are likel
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Stéphane Cottin
August 28, 2:40 PM
Legal history or the history of law is the study of how law has evolved and why it changed. Legal history is closely connected to the development of civilizatio
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Stéphane Cottin
August 27, 10:53 AM
Should judicial opinions be interpreted with an eye to their purpose, context, or the intent of their authors, or should interpreters focus solely on t
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Stéphane Cottin
August 27, 3:26 AM
Law by design obligations represent a dynamic and emerging regulatory approach increasingly prominent in European digital technology regulation. Originating in
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Stéphane Cottin
August 25, 10:58 AM
The judiciary is a foundation of democracy, upholding the rule of law and protecting rights. Efficient court administration is vital for public trust, justice, and timely proceedings. Currently, courts face challenges such as inconsistencies, adjournments, and absence of transparency, undermining the justice system. Traditional manual processes and paper-based documentation cause significant backlogs, slow resolutions, and limited public access. As case volumes and complexities rise, modernizing court administration through digital transformation is progressively critical. Currently, many countries are integrating technologies in the courts for its administration and other activities. In recent years, courts and judges have been subjected to pressure to improve performance, uplifting judicial effectiveness to a top priority. Subsequently, several countries have integrated simplification and digitization strategies in judicial initiatives to enhance court efficiency. Switzerland’s Justitia 4.0 and Brazil’s PJE are notable initiatives that focused to strengthen court administration through digitalization. These aspects motivated this study to examine the detailed integration of industry 4.0 technologies such as the Internet of things, cloud computing, blockchain, big data analytics, robotics, drones, Metaverse, digital twins, and artificial intelligence for court administration with digitalized infrastructure. According to the study, integrating these technologies in less complex cases helps minimize expenditures and save time, making to resolve cases conveniently, efficiently, and superiorly. The study also identified the challenges and issues associated with industry 4.0 technologies such as evidence gathering, evidence preservation, robot judges for pre-judgment analysis, and judgment delivery, which future studies need to be explored.
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Stéphane Cottin
August 22, 2:18 AM
Pursuant to the aims and scope of the Special Issue it is part of, this invited contribution seeks to shed new light on the nature and working logic of legal re
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Stéphane Cottin
August 21, 2:45 AM
An empirical approach to comparative law is challenging: neither are jurisdictions independent, nor can observational data isolate the causal effect of differen
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Stéphane Cottin
August 19, 2:57 PM
The United States Supreme Court frequently looks to history when interpreting the Constitution. On some occasions, it does so to determine the original
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Stéphane Cottin
August 19, 9:34 AM
By Andrew Caplin, Andrei Gomberg and Joyce Sadka; Abstract: We demonstrate that cognitive constraints produce injustice in its most paradigmatic form: incorrect verdicts in
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Stéphane Cottin
August 14, 3:06 AM
Legal norms serve as practical standards for individuals and officials. While this ‘normative aspect’ of law is widely acknowledged, its significance for theori