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Stéphane Cottin
August 19, 9:36 AM
Ce guide méthodologique a été conçu pour fournir : • une cartographie des gisements d’informations disponibles pour toutes les sources du droit français, du droit de l’Union européenne et du droit international (législation, jurisprudence, doctrine), • une description plus détaillée des données et outils essentiels, accompagnée de trucs et astuces pour une utilisation efficace, • une méthode de travail adaptable à tous les types de recherche et des conseils plus pointus pour des requêtes et investigations spécialisées.Le corps du texte s’accompagne d’outils permettant d’acquérir des compétences en recherche d’information juridique : des copies d’écran illustrent les procédures, des résumés permettent de mémoriser les points essentiels, des focus approfondissent certains aspects plus complexes. Privilégiant la pratique et une approche la plus concrète possible, l’ouvrage devrait être utile à l’étudiant en licence ou master, au professionnel du droit ou de l’information juridique. Au-delà, il devrait intéresser toute personne souhaitant : • se former à la recherche documentaire juridique, • vérifier ou actualiser ses connaissances dans le domaine, • former des étudiants à ce type de recherche, • mesurer l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur la recherche d’information juridique.
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Stéphane Cottin
from Droit électoral
December 11, 12:15 PM
Nouvelle diffusion Les médias se font l’écho à chaque élection de candidats recourant de nouveau à des grands véhicules avec des publicités électorales… alors que cette pratique est triplem…
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Stéphane Cottin
December 11, 9:08 AM
This paper examines how developers of predictive analytics-a technology wherein artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to predict the future outcomes of leg
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Stéphane Cottin
December 11, 6:35 AM
, s , Organisé par l'Association française de droit constitutionnel, en partenariat avec le Conseil constitutionnel, le concours Vedel vise à récompenser le , VEDEL.PNG , , Informations pratiques concernant le concours Georges Vedel 2025Le concours Georges Vedel se déroule de décembre 2024 à juin 2025 dans les conditions , Les éditions précédentes du Concours(avec les noms des Universités lauréates)2024 : Université de Strasbourg (en demande) et Université Toulouse Capit
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Stéphane Cottin
December 9, 1:31 PM
Decision Support in Law: From Formalizing Rules to Reasoning with Justification Authors Jeremy Bouche-Pillon, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Yannick Chevalier, Pascale Zarate Pages 25 - 36 DOI 10.3233/FAIA241231
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Stéphane Cottin
December 6, 12:57 PM
Many people think only of Zoom when they think of virtual courts. That’s wrong—or far too narrow. This Essay places courts’ use of synchronous remote v
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Stéphane Cottin
November 28, 5:39 AM
Cette sélection de références doctrinales est conçue par le service de la documentation et de l’aide à l’instruction du Conseil constitutionnel.
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Stéphane Cottin
November 27, 3:05 AM
In 2023, ChatGPT – an early form of generative artificial intelligence (AI) capable of creating entirely new content – took the world by storm. The
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Stéphane Cottin
November 25, 1:03 AM
This paper examines what policies concerning artificial intelligence (AI) applications to law will ensure the greatest benefits for the goal of free access to l
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Stéphane Cottin
November 22, 1:36 AM
A foundational principle of the law is that decision-makers must explain their reasons: judges write opinions, government agencies write reports detailing why t
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Stéphane Cottin
November 21, 4:54 AM
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Stéphane Cottin
November 20, 11:15 AM
This Article examines the potential use of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in constitutional interpretation. LLMs are extremely powerful tools, with s
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Stéphane Cottin
November 13, 2:02 AM
The novelty of technologies deployed for communications in cyberspace facilitated crucially human interactions. The intensive adoption of cyberspace technologie
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Stéphane Cottin
Today, 10:05 AM
Exploring, analyzing, and interpreting law can be tedious and challenging, even for legal scholars, since legal texts contain domain-specific language, require knowledge of tacit legal concepts, and are sometimes intentionally ambiguous. In related, text-based domains, Visual Analytics (VA) and large language models (LLMs) have become essential for working with documents as they support data navigation, knowledge representation, and analytical reasoning. However, legal scholars must simultaneously manage hierarchical information sources, leverage implicit domain knowledge, and document complex reasoning processes, which are neither adequately accessible through existing VA designs nor sufficiently supported by current LLMs. To address the needs of legal scholars, we identify previously unexamined challenges and opportunities when applying VA to jurisprudence. We conducted semi-structured interviews with nine experts from the legal domain and found that they lacked the ability to articulate their tacit domain knowledge as explicit, machine-interpretable knowledge. Hence, we propose leveraging interactive visualization for this articulation, teaching the machine relevant semantic relationships between legal documents. These relationships inform the predictions of VA and LLMs, facilitating the navigation between the hierarchies of legal document collections. The enhanced navigation can uncover additional relevant legal documents, reinforcing the legal reasoning process by generating legal insights that reflect internalized, tacit domain knowledge. In summary, we provide a human-is-the-loop VA workflow for jurisprudence that recognizes tacit domain knowledge as essential for deriving legal insights. More broadly, we compare this workflow with related text-based research practices, revealing research gaps and guiding visualization researchers in knowledge-assisted VA for law and beyond.
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Stéphane Cottin
December 11, 12:13 PM
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Stéphane Cottin
December 11, 8:43 AM
This paper examines how developers of predictive analytics-a technology wherein artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to predict the future outcomes of leg
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Stéphane Cottin
December 10, 2:13 PM
Use of legal fictions in public law has shown no sign of abating, as demonstrated in the enactment of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024. Ac
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Stéphane Cottin
December 9, 1:30 PM
In the research community and the legal industry, interest continues to grow in technological advances related to legal information, knowledge representation, engineering, and processing in areas such as computational and formal models of legal reaso...
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Stéphane Cottin
December 6, 3:34 AM
Nouvelle diffusion Les annonces publiques, celles des exécutifs locaux ou nationaux notamment, faites aux médias et/ou aux français, notamment les déclarations publiques et autres communiqués de p…
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Stéphane Cottin
November 28, 1:47 AM
At the start of the new legal year, literally tens of thousands of professional lawyers and their law firms from across the English-speaking world are
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Stéphane Cottin
November 27, 2:39 AM
Échange avec Stéphane Cottin, chef du service de la documentation et de l’aide à l’instruction du Conseil constitutionnel, autour de son ouvrage "Recherche documentaire juridique – Méthodologie" (6e édition), co-écrit avec Vincent de Briant.
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Stéphane Cottin
November 22, 7:28 AM
Continuons notre petite série de vidéos dédiée aux ouvrages juridiques. Avec une découverte de la 6e édition de l’ouvrage « Recherche documentaire juridique – Méthodologie » par MM. Stéphane …
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Stéphane Cottin
November 21, 5:11 PM
Large Language Models (LLMs) represent a challenge to traditional legal services, creating new means by which clients and lawyers can access legal concepts, cas
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Stéphane Cottin
November 20, 11:49 AM
A foundational principle of the law is that decision-makers must explain their reasons: judges write opinions, government agencies write reports detailing why t
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Stéphane Cottin
November 19, 2:21 AM
This article examines the impact of generative AI (GenAI) on the legal profession, focusing on the rise of AI-generated fake and inaccurate citations in l
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Stéphane Cottin
November 11, 3:07 PM
This document reports research conducted from December 2022 to August 2024, and in particular, Part I experiments conducted from May 20 to July 12, 2024, and Pa