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Scooped by michel verstrepen
January 8, 6:42 AM!

Le jeux vidéo un outil de développement de compétences à encadrer - Thot Cursus

Le jeux vidéo un outil de développement de compétences à encadrer - Thot Cursus | blended learning |
Des études suggèrent que les jeux vidéo peuvent améliorer certaines compétences cognitives mais garder un équilibre est essentiel; les parents et éducateurs jouant un rôle clé dans la gestion du temps de jeu et la sélection de contenus appropriés.
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
August 23, 2023 6:42 AM!

Qu'est-ce que la présence en formation à distance ?

Qu'est-ce que la présence en formation à distance ? | blended learning |
Qu'est-ce que la présence en formation à distance ? Comment être présent en e-learning ou en microlearning ? Suivez le guide pour le savoir.

Via Marco Bertolini, juandoming
Marco Bertolini's curator insight, August 22, 2023 6:36 AM

Comment assurer une "présence" à distance ? Voici un concept issu des recherches de Garrison et Arbaugh qui donne de bonnes idées d'interventions ;)

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
August 10, 2023 1:45 AM!

8 Online Learning Trends Created By eLearners

8 Online Learning Trends Created By eLearners | blended learning |

"From interactive videos to gamification and bite-size content, these online learning trends are here to stay."

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
August 1, 2023 11:52 PM!

3 Pillars of High-quality Blended Learning

3 Pillars of High-quality Blended Learning | blended learning |
Blended learning seamlessly weaves together online and in-person learning experiences to boost student engagement and meet the unique needs of a diverse class by providing flexible pathways through learning experiences. Blended learning aims to lean on technology to do what it does well–information transfer–and free teachers to do what they do well–support individual and small groups of students as they progress toward firm standards-aligned goals. As teachers use blended learning models to design their lessons, they can elevate the experience for students by prioritizing three pillars of high-quality blended learning.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC
July 10, 2023 6:54 AM!

Blended learning, sociodemografía y aprendizaje de inglés

Blended learning, sociodemografía y aprendizaje de inglés | blended learning |

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC
March 13, 2023 7:56 AM!

CUED: (Lo + de RIED-5). Los límites borrosos entre educación a distancia y presencial (blended)

CUED: (Lo + de RIED-5). Los límites borrosos entre educación a distancia y presencial (blended) | blended learning |
Por Lorenzo García Aretio Hoy exponemos aspectos esenciales del cuarto artículo de RIED  más citado de  2018  de entre todos los publicados...

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
December 24, 2022 1:58 AM!

Blended Learning challenges and their solutions

Blended Learning challenges and their solutions | blended learning |

When staff and students cannot come to campus, the loss of in-person programming labs can cause a significant setback in learning computer programming, particularly for beginners. This has a knock-on effect on student retention in such courses. We offer blended learning, making use of technology to deliver quality teaching to students on-site and online, simultaneously. In particular, we focus on designing courses to be as inclusive as possible, promoting student participation and equal opportunity for all learners.

Via Edumorfosis, EDTECH@UTRGV
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
September 27, 2022 1:54 PM!

Blended Learning: 4 Models that Work

Blended Learning: 4 Models that Work | blended learning |
Instead of the teacher doing the lion’s share of the work, these models shift control to students and create more time and space for human connection.

Via Nik Peachey, juandoming
Nik Peachey's curator insight, September 27, 2022 6:41 AM

Interesting reading.

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC
September 12, 2022 11:00 AM!

Universities Work to Combine In-Person and Online Student Experiences | EdTech Magazine

Universities Work to Combine In-Person and Online Student Experiences | EdTech Magazine | blended learning |
Balancing the traditional on-campus experience with the flexibility of online learning requires careful planning.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Leadership in Distance Education
August 30, 2022 10:12 PM!

Learning to Learn Online

Learning to Learn Online | blended learning |

SEPTEMBER 11 TO OCTOBER 15, 2022 Learn how online education differs from traditional classrooms while you develop your own personal plan and strategies for online learning success. In this five-module course, you will explore the fundamentals of the learning process and various...

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
August 5, 2022 3:08 AM!

Developing a Blended Learning Strategy That Works

Developing a Blended Learning Strategy That Works | blended learning |
Developing a culture of continuous improvement in your business enhances employee knowledge and academic performance. This leads to success for your organization and provides employees with opportunities to improve their skills; they will feel more engaged and motivated at work. It is essential to remember that turnover increases without access to these opportunities because it becomes easier for employees to feel that their career is in a holding pattern. This is where blended learning can assist.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
July 21, 2022 2:59 PM!

Hybrid Workforce: 4 Factors That Help in Creating Effective Learning Environment

Hybrid Workforce: 4 Factors That Help in Creating Effective Learning Environment | blended learning |
Making the transition to a hybrid workforce necessitates numerous changes. But why is a collaborative learning environment necessary for a hybrid workforce? Find out why and how to create collaborative learning for the hybrid workforce in this blog.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
July 14, 2022 1:19 AM!

4 Questions About the Blended Classroom That Educators Must Answer

4 Questions About the Blended Classroom That Educators Must Answer | blended learning |
The blended classroom is a type of learning that focuses on learner engagement and active learning. Learners arrive in the classes having already learned a portion of the classwork in their own time. The educator then engages in discussions with the class, and the learners complete projects and assignments under supervision. 

This method of teaching is becoming more and more popular every year. We will be discussing 4 questions about the blended classroom that educators must answer. 

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Scooped by michel verstrepen
January 8, 6:42 AM!

E10 - Valoriser mon travail de formatrice dans une dimension de Blended Learning

🎙 Comment valoriser son travail et ses contenus de formation, passant d'une modalité présentielle à Blended Learning ?

Nous recevons Laurent, hôte habituel de ce podcast.

Responsable de l'ingénierie du dispositif CCIOPENLAB labellisé Grande Ecole du Numérique, il a en charge la formation des formateurs du dispositif ainsi que l'accompagnement des apprenants.

🚀 Avec Laurent, nous allons parler d'ingénierie, de déploiement, d'utilisation d'outil pédagogique au travers de son expérience au sein du CCIOPENLAB qu'il pilote depuis maintenant 4 ans.

Il a été amené avec ses équipes, en plein COVID, à trouver des solutions pour aider les formatrices et les formateurs de son campus à valoriser, entre autres leurs PowerPoint.

Venez partager son histoire...

❓ Comment valoriser son travail en passant d'un 100% présentiel, à un Blended puis E-learning 100% distanciel ?

💡 Un outil développé pour les équipes pédagogiques durant ces 4 années dont il nous parle aujourd'hui.

PPT Digital permet aux formatrices et formateurs de proposer leurs contenus de formation directement en ligne sur une plateforme et de pouvoir ainsi valoriser leur travail, mettre à disposition leurs contenus des apprenants et aussi vendre leur formations en lignes en toute sécurité !

💬 Vous aussi, vous voulez valoriser votre travail ?

Alors nous vous invitons à aller visiter le site de PPT Digital>PPT Digital ( et de bénéficier de l'offre exclusive des utilisateurs Parcooroo.

❓ Des questions 👇
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🔔 Pour nous soutenir, abonnez-vous !
❤ Vous aimez le podcast de la Formation : encouragez-nous avec un avis ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ sur Apple podcast, Spotify ou sur votre plateforme d’écoute préférée.
Cela aide d’autres formatrices et formateurs à découvrir le podcast, et en plus, on adore vous lire !

Retrouvez le Podcast de la Formation :
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC
August 10, 2023 4:28 AM!

Gagne's Nine Principles In Corporate Blended Learning

Gagne's Nine Principles In Corporate Blended Learning | blended learning |
Discover how to leverage Gagne's nine principles to ensure the success of your corporate blended learning program.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
August 10, 2023 1:44 AM!

eLearning Mistakes to Avoid: 10 Mistakes That Sabotage Your Course!

eLearning Mistakes to Avoid: 10 Mistakes That Sabotage Your Course! | blended learning |
Imagine this: You've invested time, effort, and resources into creating what you thought would be a great eLearning course. But instead of garnering accolades, it falls flat, leaving learners disengaged and disinterested. What could have gone wrong? Read on to see if you have made any of the following mistakes

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
July 30, 2023 12:16 PM!

What are bisynchronous classes? | Blending asynchronous and synchronous Learning | EdTech

What are bisynchronous classes? | Blending asynchronous and synchronous Learning | EdTech | blended learning |

"Here's how bisynchronous classes offer engaging learning experiences for students in Higher Ed with a blend of real-time interaction and self-paced instruction ...

Via Leona Ungerer, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
June 26, 2023 3:52 AM!

Blended Learning — How Does it Help Organizations With Leadership Training?

Blended Learning — How Does it Help Organizations With Leadership Training? | blended learning |

Strong leadership can have a powerful impact on your organization, and it is crucial to train them over time. In this blog, we will explore why it is important to build a strong leadership team to achieve business goals and how to impart leadership training using a blended learning approach.

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Via CommLab India, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
January 17, 2023 10:09 AM!

Rapid eLearning: How It Helps to Design Blended Learning Assets Rapidly

Rapid eLearning: How It Helps to Design Blended Learning Assets Rapidly | blended learning |
Designing a blended learning program from scratch can be a big blow to your time and budget but rapid eLearning solutions can ease out these issues single-handedly. Explore how you can utilize rapid eLearning to create blended learning assets quickly.

Via EDTECH@UTRGV, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC
October 24, 2022 10:37 AM!

Blended Learning: 4 Models that Work

Blended Learning: 4 Models that Work | blended learning |
Instead of the teacher doing the lion’s share of the work, these models shift control to students and create more time and space for human connection.

Via Alenka Andrin, LGA
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC
September 25, 2022 7:56 PM!

Blended Learning Students’ preferred learning option

Blended Learning Students’ preferred learning option | blended learning |

Mixing online studies with on-campus teaching is, narrowly, the favoured learning option among students responding to a major new study

The 2021/22 edition of Jisc’s annual student digital experience insights survey found that 45% preferred blending learning, while almost as many – 42% – would like to study mainly on-site.

Just 13% wanted to be taught mainly online, despite the fact that almost a third (30%) had experienced exactly that for the majority of the 2021/22 academic year.

Via Edumorfosis, LGA
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
August 31, 2022 8:09 AM!

Hybrid, Whatever that Means, Will Dominate the Future of Online Learning

Hybrid, Whatever that Means, Will Dominate the Future of Online Learning | blended learning |
In a recent survey, nearly all higher education chief online officers expected online learning of some kind to be a part of the typical student experience within the next three years. While survey respondents did not necessarily agree on how much online would become the norm, it's clear that hybrid models are favored to dominate instruction by 2025.

Via Peter Mellow, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
August 24, 2022 4:44 AM!

A Crucial Blended Learning Tool: The Traffic Light Dashboard

A Crucial Blended Learning Tool: The Traffic Light Dashboard | blended learning |
As mentioned in an earlier article , Frank

Via Marta Torán, juandoming
Marta Torán's curator insight, August 23, 2022 3:01 AM

El Tablero de semáforos. Una herramienta que permite personalizar el aprendizaje explotando los datos de actividad de los alumnos->

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News
July 23, 2022 6:17 AM!

How to Pace Your Lessons for Hybrid Instruction

How to Pace Your Lessons for Hybrid Instruction | blended learning |
I have adapted teaching my content in a very strategic way by breaking up my lesson into five parts. This has allowed me to transition from in-person teaching to hybrid and virtual at ease. Each of these lesson parts provides multiple ways for my learners to meaningfully engage with the content. Additionally, I have a set amount of time for each part of the lesson to make sure the lesson pacing is swift and the students stay engaged.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
July 20, 2022 6:27 PM!

Planning for a Blended Future: A Research-Driven Guide for Educators

Planning for a Blended Future: A Research-Driven Guide for Educators | blended learning |
Embora muitos de nós ao longo dos anos tenham experimentado e testemunhado o potencial da aprendizagem combinada (ou híbrida) no futuro da educação pós-secundária, a promessa nunca passou da resposta mundial a uma pandemia global e na urgência de continuidade académica por meio da instrução remota de emergência que exigia tecnologias de aprendizagem on-line para misturar ou substituir a experiência no local dos alunos por uma nova experiência on-line. 

Via Inovação Educacional, juandoming
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