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Fausses infos sur le coronavirus, les vaccins ou challenges dangereux... Aux États-Unis, mais aussi en Europe, les docteurs investissent le réseau social chouchou des ados pour contrer la désinformation en matière de santé.
Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 25, 2020 8:04 AM
What should be the role of Twitter in public conversations about clinical trials and their results when both experts and crackpots can weigh in and, if they have enough followers, shape the narrative?
In its 14th year, PwC Health Research Institute’s report highlights the forces that will most powerfully affect the industry in 2020.
Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
La medicina è sempre più “digital”, per rendere più mirate l’assistenza e le cure. E le tecnologie digitali aiuteranno anche la prevenzione a diventare “di precisione”. Ma insieme ai benefici, il digitale comporta anche qualche rischio: privacy, ipermedicalizzazione, pervasività della tecnologia. Sabato 21 settembre, all'Auditorium del Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia "Leonardo da Vinci" di Milano, un incontro per gli appassionati del mondo digital sul futuro delle innovazioni nella prevenzione cardiovascolare digitale, con alcuni dei massimi esperti di questo settore in continua crescita.
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Buzz e-sante
July 15, 2019 6:48 AM
Au cours de la Rencontre IRL du 9 juillet, Medisite a présenté les résultats de son étude sur les Français et la publicité en ligne. Découverte des principaux e
Silicon Valley is obsessed with growth. And for digital health startups, that obsession is not only misguided, but dangerous. The prevailing idea in the tech industry is that to succeed, you have to be ready to sell your idea, no matter how far along your idea really is. You’re encouraged to believe in your product even when there is no product to believe in.
Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Giuseppe Fattori
May 7, 2019 4:16 PM
L'impatto di Internet e dei social media, secondo il filosofo Justin Smith, è paragonabile a quello avuto dal fuoco 400mila anni fa in termini di distruzione e cambiamenti. Il suo intervento in occasione di una lezione a Roma, organizzata dal gruppo Grande come una città.
The global pharmaceutical industry reached unprecedented heights in 2018, being estimated at an astounding $1.11 trillion. By 2020, this figure is set to rise to $1.43 trillion. With rising pressure to develop drugs to meet ever increasing global demand, pharmaceutical companies continue to work tirelessly to bring the most innovative and cutting-edge treatments to patients. Being a research-driven industry, approximately $150 billion is spent by pharmaceutical companies every year on research and development projects. Out of thousands of compounds, only a small percentage gain regulatory approval to be used by patients to treat disease and improve quality of life. However, in 2018, a record number of novel drugs developed by pharmaceutical companies across the globe were approved by various regulatory bodies. A large proportion were approved by the US regulatory body, the FDA, which approved 55 novel drugs and smashed its record for generic approvals (781 up from 763 in 2017).
Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Pharma Hub
May 7, 2019 2:32 PM
In recent weeks, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon have done something previously thought unimaginable: They’ve censored potentially dangerous health information, at last addressing a problem that started in the late 1990s.
Via nrip
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Social Media and Healthcare
February 16, 2019 3:31 PM
Telling someone their child has just died has to be one of the most difficult things a human can do. For an emergency room physician, it’s part of their day-to-day lives. Every day there’s a chance they’ll deliver horrifying news that will forever change someone’s life. It’s not a responsibility to be taken lightly. But it’s understandable that an emergency room physician would become calloused after years of delivering tragic news. The physician may also be enraged after seeing another lifeless body of a young person who died due to drugs or carelessness. That’s why a LInkedIn blog post by Dr. Louis M. Profeta, an emergency room physician practicing in Indianapolis, is so powerful. In the post, he reveals how he comes to understand the individual importance of every life he loses on the operating table. A life of someone he never knew that was most likely delivered to him bloody, unconscious, and on a stretcher. He looks at their Facebook profile. You see, I’m about to change their lives — your mom and dad, that is. In about five minutes, they will never be the same, they will never be happy again. Right now, to be honest, you’re just a nameless dead body that feels like a wet bag of newspapers that we have been pounding on, sticking IV lines and tubes and needles in, trying desperately to save you. There’s no motion, no life, nothing to tell me you once had dreams or aspirations. I owe it to them to learn just a bit about you before I go in. His post also serves as a warning to young people who think they’re invincible to the dangers posed by drugs or texting while driving. Maybe you were texting instead of watching the road, or you were drunk when you should have Ubered. Perhaps you snorted heroin or Xanax for the first time or a line of coke, tried meth or popped a Vicodin at the campus party and did a couple shots. Maybe you just rode your bike without a helmet or didn’t heed your parents’ warning when they asked you not to hang out with that “friend,” or to be more cautious when coming to a four-way stop. Maybe you just gave up. He then paints a disturbing picture he’s seen far too many times. You’re kind of lucky that you don’t have to see it. Dad screaming your name over and over, mom pulling her hair out, curled up on the floor with her hand over her head as if she’s trying to protect herself from unseen blows. By checking their Facebook page, it also helps quell his anger over a life lost far too early. I check your Facebook page before I tell them you’re dead because it reminds me that I am talking about a person, someone they love—it quiets the voice in my head that is screaming at you right now shouting: “You mother fucker, how could you do this to them, to people you are supposed to love!”
Via Plus91
Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives. If you still think of virtual reality as the province of dystopian science fiction and geeky gamers, you had better think again. Faster than you can say “Ready Player One,” VR is starting to transform our world, and medicine may well be the first sector where the impact is profound. Behavioral neuroscientist Walter Greenleaf of Stanford University has been watching this field develop since the days when VR headsets cost $75,000 and were so heavy, he remembers counterbalancing them with a brick. Today some weigh about a pound and cost less than $200. Gaming and entertainment are driving current sales, but Greenleaf predicts that “the deepest and most significant market will be in clinical care and in improving health and wellness.”
Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Giuseppe Fattori
June 9, 2022 12:50 PM
“We should be proud of Social Marketing for having promoted social good across all continents by overcoming the stigma that the word ‘Marketing’ carries with it” a strong sentiment by Giuseppe Fattori, Professor in Social Marketing at the University of Bologna.
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 25, 2020 4:16 PM
Le champion mondial de l’e-commerce a entamé une offensive dans la sphère médicale. Moins visible que celle de Google, sa stratégie, globale, inclut télémédecine, pharmacie et assurance.
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 5, 2020 12:21 PM
They have M.D.s, but are they up for this challenge? Dr. Danielle Jones, a gynecologist at Baylor Scott and White Health in College Station, Tex., films videos for TikTok and YouTube about women’s health at home on her days off.
Social Marketing: Marketing e comunicazione sociale per la promozione della salute - ISS 11 ottobre 2019
Marketing Sociale - Iscrizioni Il workshop intende promuovere l’approccio del marketing e della comunicazione sociale, per aumentare l’efficacia delle iniziative volte a tutelare la salute dei cittadini. Tale iniziativa intende sottolineare la centralità della comunicazione efficace nella promozione della salute e nella ricerca scientifica.
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Giuseppe Fattori
July 15, 2019 7:36 AM
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Doctors Hub
July 15, 2019 6:46 AM
«Alexa, quels sont les symptômes d'une grippe?»: le gouvernement britannique a annoncé que ses citoyens pourraient désormais s'informer auprès du service de santé public NHS par l'intermédiaire d'enceintes intelligentes produites par Amazon.
Via Philippe Marchal
Su 330 milioni di utenti/mese attivi, solo poco meno di otto milioni sono italiani. Ha dunque ragione Alberto Tozzi, Chief Innovation Officer dell’Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù di Roma, quando dice che l’Italia resiste all’uso di Twitter come social, soprattutto per quanto riguarda scienza e medicina?
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Giuseppe Fattori
May 7, 2019 2:51 PM
Puissance, autorité, expertise et contrôle de l’information Pour comprendre l’originalité de la notion émergente d’influenceur, il est utile de prendre une perspective historique sur le temps long. L’Antiquité classique grecque et latine est riche de réflexions sur le pouvoir. Les Romains en particulier distinguaient auctoritas (« autorité ») et postestas (« puissance »). Alors que la seconde désigne le contrôle de l’appareil exécutif, judiciaire et militaire et correspond à l’ossature de ce que nous appelons aujourd’hui le « pouvoir », la première désigne une simple préséance, ou influence, fondée sur le mérite ou l’exceptionnalité d’un individu – celui qui parle en premier, celui que tous écoutent. Cette distinction a été reprise par l’Eglise pour distinguer le pouvoir spirituel du pouvoir temporel. Le mérite ou l’exceptionnalité est essentiellement fondé sur la réputation ou les honneurs rendus. L’autorité se distingue donc nettement d’une autre forme de pouvoir de décision, fondée sur l’expertise, essentiellement intellectuelle. C’est la posture commune adoptée par des personnages aussi opposés que Platon (dans l’Antiquité) et Machiavel (à la Renaissance) : ils ne sont pas recommandables par leur vertu mais par leurs capacités intellectuelles. Une quatrième forme de pouvoir est représentée par le contrôle de l’information. Bien que reconnue depuis l’Antiquité, elle est théorisée tout particulièrement à partir du XXème siècle, à partir d’une réflexion sur les formes extrêmes que constituent la propagande, l’idéologie ou le mensonge d’Etat. C’est à une nouvelle forme de « pouvoir » que nous avons affaire avec la notion d’influence.
Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Pharma Hub
May 7, 2019 2:34 PM
The FDA has cleared a new device manager platform from Medtronic that allows physicians to program and download data from compatible cardiac implants using an iPad. The medtech giant’s portable CareLink SmartSync system includes a patient connector and telemetry head, as well as a base station and pacing system analyzer, which all weigh just over two pounds when combined with the Apple tablet. It also uses Bluetooth to wirelessly communicate with its line of BlueSync-enabled devices. Medtronic describes SmartSync as a next-generation programmer and pacing system that follows on from its CareLink 2090 device, which had its internet update functionality disabled by the company last year amid concerns that it might be vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Via Dominique Godefroy, Philippe Marchal
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Doctors Hub
May 7, 2019 2:26 PM
Aux États-Unis, la FDA a autorisé la commercialisation de 13 solutions médicales s’appuyant sur l’IA. Une seul a fait l’objet d’une étude clinique rigoureuse.Selon le docteur Jean-Emmanuel Bibault*, l’utilisation des méthodes d’intelligence artificielle sans régulation par les autorités sanitaires peut exposer la population à d’éventuelles erreurs.
Via Philippe Marchal
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Digital News in France
February 18, 2019 12:55 PM
"De nombreuses entreprises commettent une erreur en traitant les millennials comme s'ils avaient une personnalité identique et partageaient un socle commun de valeurs», explique David Allison, expert en habitudes de consommation.
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Social Media and Healthcare
February 12, 2019 5:14 PM
Informing and connecting: If social media is supporting the development of quality care in Ontario and elsewhere, it is through effectively performing these two key tasks.
While social media may still only be used by a portion of health care providers, policy-makers and patients in the province, the platforms we have come to associate with social media – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. – can be influential in supporting quality care initiatives.
In developing a system that we wish to be patient-centred, social media has emerged as an important platform for allowing patients and members of the public to engage with health care providers and policy-makers to make their views clear. The degree of interaction between those with lived experience with a disease or illness with those providing their care is unprecedented thanks to online communities and social media like Twitter.
The Twitter hashtag #metoomedicine, galvanized women physicians and their supporters through Twitter to demand more equity and gender equality within the medical profession and has helped bring a much higher profile to this issue. It is an example of how social media has emerged as a powerful tool for helping health care providers share their experiences and insights. It can also help providers deal with their challenges to support the fourth pillar of the Quadruple Aim in quality care – that of enhancing provider wellbeing (although to be fair, social media can also impede this by adding more time pressures to already stressed providers or exposing practitioners to frankly hostile or upsetting views or individuals).
Social media has enhanced the development of a quality care network too, connecting people provincially, nationally and globally. Leaders in the development and promotion of quality care initiatives exist in every jurisdiction, and platforms such as Twitter allow them to share their experiences and knowledge with each other and those who follow them. Examples in Ontario include Health Quality Ontario’s own Dr. Irfan Dhalla (@IrfanDhalla), Lee Fairclough (@LFairclo) and Dr. David Kaplan (@DavidKaplanMD) and family physicians such as Dr. Sarah Newbery (@snewbery1) and Dr. Cathy Faulds (@fauldsca). Elsewhere in Canada there are others too numerous to list although some such as Dr. Dennis Kendel (@DennisKendel) in Saskatchewan merit mention because of the outstanding job they do in sharing information about quality care initiatives. Globally, health quality leaders such as Helen Bevan (@helenbevan) in the UK are highly active on social media and have shared ideas that appear in health quality presentations in Canada and elsewhere.
Conferences such as Health Quality Transformation hosted by Health Quality Ontario and the upcoming BC Quality Forum (#QF19) hosted by the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council significantly expand their reach and generate much broader conversations about quality through use of Twitter and other social media channels.
For health quality organizations such as Health Quality Ontario, social media are invaluable for sharing information and engaging about initiatives and programs. Any organization or individual choosing to use social media needs to first consider how and why they are going to use certain platforms or tools.
For instance, Health Quality Ontario (@HQOntario) uses Twitter extensively to engage with its followers and others because it has found Twitter to be the most strategically useful platform to connect with work in or use the province’s health care system. We also use Facebook because many patients and members of the public rely on Facebook to keep informed and we have much that we would like to share with them and seek their opinion. Health Quality Ontario also hosts a vibrant online community about health care quality called Quorum.
It is important to remember that social media can promote and amplify bad ideas and opinions just as easily as good. “Fake news” flourishes on social media, but that is no reason to dismiss the platforms themselves.
For those choosing to embrace social media to support quality care, it is also important not to forget that your social media contacts and online communities do not mirror the real world. As we can choose who to follow on Twitter or which Facebook or LinkedIn groups to join, we often create social media worlds that are amicable to our own worldview and, unless we are careful, can forget other voices and opinions that can be just as influential. To combat this tendency, it is good to follow people or organizations on social media who have views with which you may not agree, so as to gain a broader perspective.
Writing in this space recently, the former CEO of Health Quality Ontario Dr. Joshua Tepper (@DrJoshuaTepper) said one of the seven core competencies of leadership should be familiarity with social media and an understanding of how the growth of social media platforms “is transforming traditional communications hierarchies, means of information sharing and participation.”
I would extend this argument beyond leaders to everyone who has an interest in supporting the principles of quality care and promoting agendas that see these principles more fully enshrined on our own health care system.
Pat Rich is Senior Digital Writer at Health Quality Ontario
Via Plus91