Virology News
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Virology News
Topical news snippets about viruses that affect people.  And other things. Like Led Zeppelin. And zombies B-)
Curated by Ed Rybicki
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 14, 2012 10:20 AM!

Small Things Considered: It’s Raining Viruses!

Small Things Considered: It’s Raining Viruses! | Virology News |
by Merry Youle

It’s true! Each year it rains viruses, more than a trillion of them per acre over thousands of forested acres in the USA.


Imagine that: they'll be spraying live bacteria next...oh, wait!  They do!!

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Suggested by Chris Upton + helpers
February 13, 2012 3:36 PM!

Death-rate row blurs mutant flu debate : Nature News & Comment

Death-rate row blurs mutant flu debate : Nature News & Comment | Virology News |
Even if a 59% mortality rate for H5N1 is too high, the virus could still cause a flu pandemic more serious than that of 1918.
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 13, 2012 5:54 AM!

Virology Journal | Full text | Abrogation of contaminating RNA activity in HIV-1 Gag VLPs

"HIV-1 Gag virus like particles (VLPs) used as candidate vaccines are regarded as inert particles as they contain no replicative nucleic acid, although they do encapsidate cellular RNAs."


In light of HPV VLPs being flagged as containing HPV DNA, this is interesting as it gives an idea of how to get rid of the NA in the HIV Pr55Gag particles.  Plus, my lab wrote it.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 13, 2012 2:51 AM!

Protein knocks out HIV by starving it of raw materials

Protein knocks out HIV by starving it of raw materials | Virology News |

Washington, Feb 13 (IANS) A protein knocks out the most virulent form of HIV by starving it of the raw materials it needs to reproduce, in order to protect our immune cells, a study reveals.


...and this may be relevant for other viruses, like herpesviruses...

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 13, 2012 2:30 AM!

70% of oral cancers now traced to HPV [virus]

70% of oral cancers now traced to HPV [virus] | Virology News |
An estimated 7% of American teens and adults carry the human papilloma virus in their mouths, an infection that puts them at heightened risk of developing cancer of the mouth and throat, researchers say.


Of course, a goodly number of NON-Americans do, too...B-)

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 10:22 AM!

FDA Information on Gardasil – Presence of DNA Fragments Expected, No Safety Risk

FDA Information on Gardasil – Presence of DNA Fragments Expected, No Safety Risk | Virology News |

"The FDA has recently received inquiries regarding the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA fragments in Gardasil and is aware that information related to this issue is on the internet."


The thing they don't mention is that there is probably OTHER yeast-derived DNA present as well, seeing as the VLPs are made in yeast - and that the HPV DNA is probably present in very low amounts detectable only by PCR


Picture courtesy of Russell Kightley Media

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 10:09 AM!

Gardasil: Dr. Hanan Polansky Explains How the Foreign DNA Fragments Found in the Vaccine can Cause Disease

Bullshit alert:

Dr. Hanan Polansky, from the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease, uses his highly acclaimed discovery of Microcompetition to explain how these DNA fragments [HPV L1 gene fragments] can cause major diseases.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 7:25 AM! HIV in South Africa: Talking About the Big Thing eBook: Corinne Squire: Kindle Store HIV in South Africa: Talking About the Big Thing eBook: Corinne Squire: Kindle Store (HIV in South Africa: Talking About the Big Thing: No description available


And it has the VERY interesting option of renting the book - for about $10.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 7:19 AM!

Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise

Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise | Virology News |

Great site, with a LOT of info on the search for HIV vaccines.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 7:15 AM!

Smallpox Through Time

Smallpox Through Time | Virology News |

In 1910, egyptologists discovered smallpox scars on the face of the mummy of Ramses V - the earliest evidence of smallpox in human history. Andrew explains the origins of the disease, and traces its spread into the modern era.


EXCELLENT series of short films on smallpox through the ages, courtesy of the Wellcome Trust - and AJ Cann, who tweeted it.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 10, 2012 3:39 AM!


"Immunizing boys and girls before they become sexually active, experts say, is the most effective way to prevent the spread of the human papilloma virus, or HPV, associated with genital warts and cancer.

U.S. government advisory committee this October recommended that males between the ages of 11 and 21 be vaccinated against the human papilloma virus, believed responsible for thousands of new cancer cases in men and women each year.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices further explained that the vaccine series can begin as early as age 9."

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 10, 2012 3:34 AM!

And while they were arguing about killer H5N1…

And while they were arguing about killer H5N1… | Virology News |

...Elsevier's Virology was calmly publishing another paper on a "mutant" H5N1....

Showing up the silliness of the wrangling over publication of the modified H5N1 flu virus data.

The abstract:
Acquisition of α2-6 sialoside receptor specificity by α2-3 specific highly-pathogenic avian...

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 10, 2012 3:18 AM!

Stomach Flu Sickens St. Maarten Cruise Passengers - LEX18 Lexington KY News

Stomach Flu Sickens St. Maarten Cruise Passengers - LEX18 Lexington KY News | Virology News |
Stomach Flu Sickens St. Maarten Cruise PassengersLEX18 Lexington KY NewsMaria Henry of the Collective Preventive Services says the Celebrity Silhouette disclosed the cases of gastroenteritis or stomach flu in its mandatory health declaration prior...
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 13, 2012 3:42 PM!

Almost 800 adverse reactions to swine flu vaccine identified - The Irish Times - Mon, Feb 13, 2012

Almost 800 adverse reactions to swine flu vaccine identified - The Irish Times - Mon, Feb 13, 2012 | Virology News |
THE SWINE flu vaccine has topped the list of drugs responsible for the largest number of suspected adverse reactions, new figures show.


...followed by (in third place) the HPV vaccine, then other childhood vaccines.  But "Most of these were relatively mild, such as localised swelling, gastrointestinal problems and flu-like symptoms."

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 13, 2012 6:04 AM!

Some African Sex Workers Are Naturally HIV Resistant

Some African Sex Workers Are Naturally HIV Resistant | Virology News |
HIV-resistant sex workers in Africa have a weak inflammatory response in their vaginas – a surprise for researchers, who were expecting the contrary considering the women’s high exposure to the virus.
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 13, 2012 5:49 AM!

Baculovirus GP64-Mediated Entry into Mammalian Cells

Baculovirus GP64-Mediated Entry into Mammalian Cells | Virology News |

"These results suggest that cholesterol in the plasma membrane, dynamin- and clathrin-dependent endocytosis, and macropinocytosis play crucial roles in the entry of viruses bearing baculovirus GP64 into mammalian cells."


And VLPs: see next one....

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 13, 2012 2:33 AM!

Vaccine urged as bird virus spreads

Vaccine urged as bird virus spreads | Virology News |
THE deadly virus sweeping through Melbourne's pigeons has been confirmed for the first time in other species, renewing urgent calls for a vaccine.


"the paramyxovirus" - WHICH paramyxovirus??!!  We should be told....

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 13, 2012 2:26 AM!

Health bosses: We overreacted to airport flu scare

Health bosses: We overreacted to airport flu scare | Virology News |
Health authorities have admitted to overreacting to a health scare at Auckland Airport but say it's better to be safe than sorry.


It's going to happen more often, people...I remember flying around Canada during the SARS breakout, and cringing and trying not to breathe every time the guy behind me coughed.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 10:13 AM!

HPV Vaccine Does Not Trigger Autoimmune Conditions, Study Finds

HPV Vaccine Does Not Trigger Autoimmune Conditions, Study Finds | Virology News |

Truth Alert:

The Gardasil human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine does not trigger autoimmune conditions in young women such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis, according to a new study.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 9:04 AM!

Reconstructing the History of Maize Streak Virus Strain A Dispersal To Reveal Diversification Hot Spots and Its Origin in Southern Africa

Reconstructing the History of Maize Streak Virus Strain A Dispersal To Reveal Diversification Hot Spots and Its Origin in Southern Africa | Virology News |

Of profound interest to geminivirologists (he says, modestly).  And hopefully, also to readers of Molecular Plant Pathology.  Like Gary Foster...B-)

Picture courtesy of Ben Odhiambo, of fond memory

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 7:21 AM!


HIVe | Virology News |

...and an excellent "journal club" site to bookmark for regular discussion papers on HIV-related topics

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 11, 2012 7:17 AM!

Journal Club: Even When You Think You Should Wait, It’s Probably Time to Start | HIV and ID Observations

Journal Club: Even When You Think You Should Wait, It’s Probably Time to Start | HIV and ID Observations | Virology News |
Observe an ongoing dialogue on HIV information, infectious diseases, all matters medical, and some not so medical.
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 10, 2012 7:36 AM!

Why Bad Immunity Genes Survive

Why Bad Immunity Genes Survive | Virology News |

Biologists have found new evidence of why mice, people and other vertebrate animals carry thousands of varieties of genes to make immune-system proteins named MHCs--even though some of those genes make vertebrate animals susceptible to infections and to autoimmune diseases.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 10, 2012 3:36 AM!

A Hero in the Battle Against Polio

A Hero in the Battle Against Polio | Virology News |
A Bangladeshi public health doctor, Asm Amjad Hossain, is the first recipient of the annual Gates Vaccine Innovation Award, which recognizes individuals who make significant contributions to advancing work in vaccine-preventable diseases.
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
February 10, 2012 3:27 AM!

Analysis of host genetic diversity and viral entry as sources of between-host variation in viral load 10.1016/j.virusres.2012.01.010 : Virus Research |

Analysis of host genetic diversity and viral entry as sources of between-host variation in viral load 10.1016/j.virusres.2012.01.010 : Virus Research | | Virology News |

"...these results indicate that although host genetic diversity and viral entry may play some role in between-fish viral load variation, they are not major factors. Other biological and non-biological parameters that may influence viral load variation are discussed."

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