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Resources for creating great romantic and familial relationships curated by Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Amy Fuller
Curated by Dr. Amy Fuller
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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
August 17, 2013 4:58 PM!

62 Things to Say to Make Your Husband Feel Great — MomLife Today

62 Things to Say to Make Your Husband Feel Great — MomLife Today | Relationships |
Do you want to make your husband feel great? From sincere compliments to questions to help you understand your man better this list has 62 ways to do just that.
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Nice list of "words of affirmations" for couples. 

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Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from Healthy Marriage Links and Clips
August 17, 2013 4:27 PM!

How to build a great friendship with your spouse - Redeeming Marriages

How to build a great friendship with your spouse - Redeeming Marriages | Relationships |

How to build a great friendship with your spouse

Friendship in marriage is real important. It’s that place in marriage where two people are joined together in a way that they not only love each other, they really like each other.

When you like your spouse you will want to spend time with him/her. As friends you look forward to every chance you get to be together.

Via billcoffin
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Nice explaination of how to build a better friendship with your spouse. 

Michael Wiener's comment, August 17, 2013 5:52 PM
Marriage is a never ending courtship. I have figure it out when I was in my 20s by observing why many marriage people tend to be happy with their partners in the long run. I have also observed, during courtship or dating stage, couples are very affectionate that made the relationship very colorful and meaningful.
Sharilee Swaity's curator insight, August 18, 2013 1:25 AM

Great advice on how to be friends with your husband or wife. You do things with a friend that keep the friendship going, like being honest, and not criticizing too much. 

Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
August 16, 2013 12:52 PM!

3 Basic Communication Skills

3 Basic Communication Skills | Relationships |
Click here for 3 basic communication skills (for couples) that will stop your disagreements escalating into a full-on screaming matches, accompanied by the sounds of slamming doors and one of you sleeping on the couch.
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

These are 3 great skills that I teach couples all the time in therapy and are explained very well in this article on Love at first fight. When couples actually begin to use these skills many relationships issues are naturally resolved. 

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Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from Counselling Update
August 12, 2013 12:36 AM!

5 Damaging Myths We Believe About Relationships

5 Damaging Myths We Believe About Relationships | Relationships |

"My work over the last 15 years has largely been devoted to exploding the damaging myths that we absorb about love, romance, and relationships from the time we're old enough to ingest information. Hollywood, Disney, People magazine, and now Facebook do a superb job at propagating false messages like, When you meet The One, you'll just know or, If you don't feel butterflies every day, you're with the wrong partner.  On the surface, these messages may seem innocuous—ridiculous, even—but when the reality of a committed relationship falls short of the culturally-induced expectation, it's frightfully easy to fall prey to the insidious thought that there's something wrong with your relationship, which may cause you to walk away from a loving, well-matched partner. So let's deconstruct some of the most common myths (to deconstruct all of them would require a book-length article) that commonly create unnecessary anxiety even among the most level-headed, intelligent people..."

[click on the title for the full article]


Via Dimitris Tsantaris
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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
August 12, 2013 12:17 AM!

How to Rewire Your Brain to Be More Kind Toward Others

How to Rewire Your Brain to Be More Kind Toward Others | Relationships |
Kindness is the state of caring about other people's well-being and taking action to help make other people's lives better and happier. Here are fundamental ways we can build more kindness in our everyday lives.
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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
August 8, 2013 12:17 AM!

To Cure Anger in your Relationship, Stop Avoiding Conflict!

To Cure Anger in your Relationship, Stop Avoiding Conflict! | Relationships |
Avoiding Conflict is the Biggest Cause of Rage and Anger in a Relationship.
As strange as this may sound,I have found working with my clients for the las(...)
Maria Teresa Frezet terapeuta olistica's curator insight, August 8, 2013 5:36 AM

I agree! Every emotion that we tend to suppress, comes back overstated! It is much better to take anger as it is, a pure expression of an emotion.


The trick is not to blame the other person to let him/her feel guilty! He/she is actually making us a big favour because through this mirror we can understand more what kind of energy we have inside!


And... by the way... let's learn from young children who are fantastic at expressing anger as it is!

Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
August 6, 2013 12:24 AM!

Great News about Empathy: New research shows effort matters more than getting it right

Great News about Empathy: New research shows effort matters more than getting it right | Relationships |

If you sit in a restaurant and look around sometimes you can determine who is married and who is still dating. A couple still dating hangs on each other’s every word, while the married folks someti... Fuller LIfe Family Therapy

Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

A recent study has revealed a refreshing perspective on what really matters for couples is the sincere attempt to understand each other.

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Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from SEX | DATING | RELATIONSHIPS
August 6, 2013 12:04 AM!

How Just One Night's Poor Sleep Can Hurt a Relationship

How Just One Night's Poor Sleep Can Hurt a Relationship | Relationships |

Study tracked couple's sleep and their arguments to reveal how the damage was done.


"Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can't sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can't sleep with the window open." —George Bernard Shaw

People are usually at their worst after a bad night's sleep, but what does that do to their intimate relationships?

Sharilee Swaity's curator insight, August 5, 2013 11:16 PM

Just one bad night's sleep can lead to relationship problems -- just one night! This is pretty amazing information, and for any couples with chronic sleep problems, it does help to explain a lot. 



Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from la coppia serena - the happy couple
August 5, 2013 11:40 PM!

» 7 Small & Simple Habits for a Happy Marriage - World of Psychology

» 7 Small & Simple Habits for a Happy Marriage - World of Psychology | Relationships |
Ashley Davis Bush, LCSW, a psychotherapist who specializes in couples therapy, believes that relationships don’t require hard work. They do require attention

Via billcoffin, Maria Teresa Frezet terapeuta olistica
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

A wonderful reframe from how marriage is "hard work" to the reality that marriage just takes both "attention and intention" like taking care of a plant.  

Maria Teresa Frezet terapeuta olistica's curator insight, August 5, 2013 1:38 AM

Come creare un'unione duratura...


In particolare, il punto 6 mette l'accento su come dire le cose al nostro partner in maniera costruttiva anziché distruttiva.... In pratica si tratta di saper esplicitare i propri limiti invece di far sentire in colpa l'altra persona. Un meccanismo semplicissimo ma estremamente efficace! 


Ulteriori approfondimenti sul vivere in coppia su

Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
August 3, 2013 1:59 AM!

» For A Better Relationship, Catch Some Sleep - World of Psychology

» For A Better Relationship, Catch Some Sleep - World of Psychology | Relationships |
Skipping out on shut-eye can mean problems at home. Place a priority on sleep for better health.
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

TY @davidbmartin  @Joyce_Marter

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Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from Emotional Intelligence
August 1, 2013 1:30 AM!

What our Brain Tells Us About Our Ability to Empathize

What our Brain Tells Us About Our Ability to Empathize | Relationships |
You're hard-wired for empathy, whether you like it or not.

Via Garth Sanginiti
Garth Sanginiti's curator insight, July 15, 2013 11:02 AM

"In fact, human beings are “hard wired” for empathy – it’s part of what makes us deeply social animals, and distinct from other animals on the planet."

Maria Teresa Frezet terapeuta olistica's curator insight, August 1, 2013 2:15 AM

Thank you Amy for rescooping this nice article! Our ability to empathize leads us to compassion, which is the key to change "negative" patterns in our life!


Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from Healthy Marriage Links and Clips
August 1, 2013 12:04 AM!

Why marriage can be good for your health

Why marriage can be good for your health | Relationships |
Why marriage can be good for your health

Proponents of marriage may quote any number of reasons why couples should tie the knot instead of living a life of singlehood. A desire to raise children together is one reason many couples wed, but getting hitched might also be better for your health. That's right, a growing body of evidence has suggested marriage may be beneficial for men and women from a health and wellness standpoint.

Via billcoffin
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

this article lists the health benefits of being married...

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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
July 31, 2013 10:11 PM!

Guide to Step-parenting and Blended Families: How to Bond with Stepchildren and Deal with Stepfamily Problems

Guide to Step-parenting and Blended Families: How to Bond with Stepchildren and Deal with Stepfamily Problems | Relationships |
Blending two families? Get tips for easing the transition, bonding with stepchildren, and dealing with common challenges.
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Excellent resource for blended familes. 

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Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from Counselling Update
July 31, 2013 7:38 PM!

Mindfulness and Neural Integration: Daniel Siegel, MD at TEDxStudioCityED

Daniel Siegel, MD, is Clinical Professor of psychiatry at UCLA, Co-Director of Mindful Awareness Research Center, Executive Director of Mindsight Institute, author, and recipient of numerous awards and honorary fellowships.

This talk examines how relationships and reflection support the development of resilience in children and serve as the basic '3 R's" of a new internal education of the mind.

Via Dimitris Tsantaris
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Very informative explaination of the brain and how it works to help us manage ourselves. 

John Threadgold's comment, September 8, 2013 5:17 PM
very good video indeed. I offer a combination of Mindfulness and Focusing-Oriented Therapy to my clients, and those who embrace it, recover !
Carla Chapman's curator insight, October 1, 2014 11:19 AM

Does emotional and social intelligence impact attention? I believe it does.  Watch this brief and eye opening video to see if you agree. 

Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
July 31, 2013 4:53 PM!

What Inspires Me: It's One Question Away

What Inspires Me: It's One Question Away | Relationships |
I have a little secret. I am an inspiration junkie. As an entrepreneur, I want to get as much positive energy as I can in any given day. A few years back, I stumbled into one simple question that
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

I really identify with what Gina Bianchini shares as a way to get inspiration anywhere and from anyone. What a great practice. 

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Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from Good News For A Change
July 31, 2013 4:36 PM!

How Eye Contact Works

How Eye Contact Works | Relationships |
Eye contact can signal love, hate, intelligence, creepiness, persuasion, sarcasm and sometimes lies.

Via Bobby Dillard
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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
July 31, 2013 3:26 AM!

ADHD and Marriage | Learning how to thrive in your relationship

ADHD and Marriage | Learning how to thrive in your relationship | Relationships |
Welcome to "ADHD and MarriageHelping adults thrive in relationships impacted by ADHD
Dr. Edward Hallowell and Melissa Orlov blog about marriage when one or both spouses has ADHD. What is it like? What are common themes in marriages with ADHD? What strategies can be used to improve these relationships? How can struggling couples get their marriages back on track so both partners can thrive?
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

ADHD and Marriage

Adult ADHD presents unique challenges for couples in particular to living interdependently. This website offers tools and resources for the couple where one or both sturggle with attention and focus issues.  

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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
July 31, 2013 3:17 AM!

Finding Common Ground: The Harvard Negotiation Project

Finding Common Ground: The Harvard Negotiation Project | Relationships |

Finding Common Ground: The Harvard Negotiation Project

Here’s the good news: 
Instead of suffering the loss of what is most important to you, or unknowingly putting your partner’s needs in jeopardy, you can use a simple approach to change the nature of negotiation. Take Fisher and Shapiro’s advice – focus on these five core concerns. 

Go through them all: Appreciation, Affiliation, Autonomy, Status, and Role. Do you feel that your needs are being met in all of these areas? Don’t worry if they aren’t. These are not easy concerns to address! Your level of satisfaction with each of them is a result of many complex and long-lasting dynamics between yourself and your partner.
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Wonderful tool for navigating conflict in a healthy manner from the Gottman Relationship Blog: 

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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
July 31, 2013 3:02 AM!

Empathic Listening | Beyond Intractability

Empathic Listening | Beyond Intractability | Relationships |

Empathetic Listening

Empathy is the ability to project oneself into the personality of another person in order to better understand that person's emotions or feelings. Through empathic listening the listener lets the speaker know, "I understand your problem and how you feel about it, I am interested in what you are saying and I am not judging you." The listener unmistakably conveys this message through words and non-verbal behaviors, including body language. In so doing, the listener encourages the speaker to fully express herself or himself free of interruption, criticism or being told what to do.

Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Extensive discussion about empathic listening with benefits, how to's, and guidelines. 

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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
July 31, 2013 2:55 AM!

Trust and Trust Building | Beyond Intractability

Trust and Trust Building | Beyond Intractability | Relationships |

Trust and Trust Building

Trust has been identified as a key element of successful conflict resolution (including negotiation and mediation). This is not surprising insofar as trust is associated with enhanced cooperation, information sharing, and problem solving.

The need for trust arises from our interdependence with others. We often depend on other people to help us obtain, or at least not to frustrate, the outcomes we value (and they on us). As our interests with others are intertwined, we also must recognize that there is an element of risk involved insofar as we often encounter situations in which we cannot compel the cooperation we seek. Therefore, trust can be very valuable in social interactions.

Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

This essay on trust and trust building is quite through and very informative. Helpful for families and parents with adolescents and couples who struggle with trust. 

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Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
July 31, 2013 2:48 AM!

Can't Buy Me Love

Can't Buy Me Love | Relationships |

BYU study shows that materialistic couples are less happy. New research confirms The Beatles’ lyrical hypothesis and finds that there are indeed som...

Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Money is one of the big 3 sources of conflict for couples (with sex and family) it makes sense that couples with a great love of money might have less love for each other.This interesting study stands in the face of what our culture says brings the good life. 

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Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from What we are learning about the brain
July 31, 2013 2:05 AM!

Why Your Brain is Hooked on Being Right (and What You Can Do About It)

Why Your Brain is Hooked on Being Right (and What You Can Do About It) | Relationships |

Why your brain is hooked on being right...

I'm sure it's happened to you: You're in a tense team meeting trying to defend your position on a big project and start to feel yourself losing ground.

Via Patty Ball, Jen Thompson
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Cortisol vs. Oxytocin....with great exercises for dealing with this addiction in new ways. 

Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from The Healing Art of Story
July 30, 2013 3:09 AM!

60 Tiny Love Stories to Make You Smile

60 Tiny Love Stories to Make You Smile | Relationships |

Here’s a selection of 60 tiny love stories recently submitted to our sister site, Makes Me Think, that not only made us think, but warmed our hearts and made us smile too.  We hope they do the same for you.

  1. Today, my 75-year-old grandpa who has been blind from cataracts for almost 15 years said to me, “Your grandma is just the most beautiful thing, isn’t she?” I paused for a second and said, “Yes she is. I bet you miss seeing that beauty on a daily basis.” “Sweety,” my grandpa said, “I still see her beauty every day. In fact, I see it more now than I used to when we were young.” MMT

Via Happiness Blueprint , Dr. Amy Fuller
Happiness Blueprint 's curator insight, May 28, 2013 5:20 PM


Jennifer Hoffmaster Christian's curator insight, July 30, 2013 11:12 AM

These are the most beautiful little love stories. I experienced tears of joy and gratitude for living in such a beautiful world.

Scooped by Dr. Amy Fuller
July 29, 2013 11:01 PM!

Dr Daniel Siegel presenting a Hand Model of the Brain

Dr Daniel Siegel presents a hand model of the brain.
Dr. Amy Fuller's insight:

Dr. Seigel explains the brain using his hands in an easy to understand language. This clip specifically explains brain function in relationship to parenting. HT @thompson3_jen

Jennifer Hoffmaster Christian's curator insight, July 30, 2013 10:09 AM

This is such a great easy model of what happens in the brain and how we can use that knowledge to help us be more regulated emotionally with our children and loved ones. VERY COOL!

Rescooped by Dr. Amy Fuller from Authentic Dialogue
July 29, 2013 11:58 AM!

I Don't Feel Your Pain: Overcoming Roadblocks to Empathy

I Don't Feel Your Pain: Overcoming Roadblocks to Empathy | Relationships |
Why empathy is import at home and work and how to be better at it.


Neuroscientists have recently discovered that humans are wired to experience empathy through multiple systems of mirror neurons in our brains. These mirror neurons reflect back actions that we observe in others causing us to mimic that action in our own brains.  When we observe someone in pain or when we are with someone happy, we experience that to a certain extent. These mirror neurons are the primary physiological basis of empathy. They create a neural Wi-Fi that connects us to the feelings of people around us. 


Many people seem to be naturally empathetic. Others are not.  The good news is that research shows that empathy can be learned. There are however a few potential roadblocks to empathy that must be overcome.


by David F. Swink

Via Edwin Rutsch, Jean-Philippe Bouchard
Barbara Kerr's curator insight, March 10, 2013 2:56 PM

Did you know that those who negotiate with hostage-takers are trained to "fake" empathy?  Read more to see what happens!

The Writing Goddess's curator insight, March 12, 2013 10:01 AM

add your insight...

Garth Sanginiti's curator insight, August 1, 2013 9:57 PM

Empathy is a key skill to dealing and interacting with people in a manner that produces positive outcome and builds healthy relationships.  The article does a good job explaining what emphathy is, as well as giving some tips to improve in this area.  It also includes facts to support the assertion that empathy matters at work, "Empathy is also important in the workplace. A study conducted by the Center for Creatively Leadership investigated 6,731 leaders from 38 countries. Their results reveal that empathy is positively related to job performance. The study concluded that managers who show more empathy toward direct reports are viewed as better performers in their job by their bosses."

Curated by Dr. Amy Fuller
Dr. Amy Fuller, Marriage & Family Therapist passionate about healing & empowering a fuller life through Relational, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Health/Growth.

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