Rainforest CLASSROOM
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Rainforest CLASSROOM
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
April 18, 2023 5:26 PM

Free eBird Lessons –

Free eBird Lessons – | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Download your free eBird lesson to get a taste of the eBird world! Meet standards, get kids outdoor and engage their inner scientist.
The Morpho Institute's insight:
Great resources from our friends at Cornell Lab K12 Education!
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
March 22, 2023 1:04 PM

National Geographic Society World Water Map

National Geographic Society World Water Map | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
The World Water Map helps us understand where and why water gaps arise, how climate change might aggravate them—and even how they might be managed.
The Morpho Institute's insight:
Great teaching tool and a powerful way to bring #geography into your instruction. #worldwaterday #geoinquiry @natgeo
gaurav Gautam's comment, March 23, 2023 5:23 AM
hi sir
Scooped by The Morpho Institute
February 21, 2023 8:42 AM

Podcast: Botanists are disappearing at a critical time

Podcast: Botanists are disappearing at a critical time | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
An early-career botanist joins the Mongabay Newscast to discuss his group’s recent study of the decrease in plant awareness and educational opportunities to study botany. A Ph.D. candidate in Urban Ecology and Botany at the University of Leeds, Sebastian Stroud explains why this trend — which is not unique to the U.K. — could vastly […]
The Morpho Institute's insight:

This is an outstanding interview with deep connections to education, environmental literacy, plant blindness, and our future!

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
February 16, 2023 8:29 AM

Ancient Builders of the Amazon | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS

Archaeological discoveries reveal long-forgotten ancient civilizations in the Amazon.

#NOVAPBS Official Website https://to.pbs.org/3HX6oTP

Recent stunning discoveries are exploding the myth of the Amazon as a primeval wilderness, revealing traces of ancient civilizations that flourished there for centuries. Dense settlements indicate populations in the millions, supported by sophisticated agricultural systems, while huge geometric earthworks and roadways bear witness to complex religious ideas and social networks. The evidence is now clear that, far from being an untouched wilderness, the Amazon has been shaped by human hands for millennia.

00:00 Introduction
01:55 The Amazon Rainforest Human History
04:35 Bolivian Amazon Archeology Efforts: Llanos de Mojos
09:50 Results of 2019 LIDAR Survey of Mound
14:19 Working with the Indigenous People of the Amazon
18:10 Evidence of the Arrival of First Humans in the Amazon
26:43 Uncovering Agriculture Practices of Early Amazon Civilizations
34:20 Peruvian Amazon Archaeology Efforts: Monte Grande
44:19 What Happened to the First Amazonians?
45:26 Indigenous People Getting Involved in Local Archaeology Efforts
51:00 Conclusion

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#amazonrainforest #peru #bolivia #pyramid #archeology #firsthumans #ancientcivilizations
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
February 13, 2023 1:33 PM

Lesson Plan: The Science of Awe - The New York Times

Lesson Plan: The Science of Awe - The New York Times | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
New research suggests that awe is beneficial for our physical and mental well-being. In this lesson students will learn how to cultivate more of it.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
February 4, 2023 2:32 PM

Anchored Inquiry Learning: The Next Innovation in BSCS’s Instructional Design

Anchored Inquiry Learning: The Next Innovation in BSCS’s Instructional Design | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
At BSCS, we have the opportunity to work closely with K-12 science teachers all over the country. Each year, we meet teachers who want to tap into students’  interests and ideas about the world around them. We meet teachers who want to engage students in meaningful ways. And we meet teachers who want to make […]
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
January 7, 2023 5:53 PM

How Glass Frogs Weave the World’s Best Invisibility Cloak

How Glass Frogs Weave the World’s Best Invisibility Cloak | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
The amphibians pull off a death-defying magic trick to stay hidden while they sleep.
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Rescooped by The Morpho Institute from Sustainability & Education
January 6, 2023 2:50 AM

E-books for Climate Education

E-books for Climate Education | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Bring science to life at the touch of a fingertip. Download the latest iBooks Textbooks from KQED! Explore STEM topics and careers through real-world examples.
Via Roxana Marachi, PhD
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
January 6, 2023 2:43 AM

Educator Resource for Environmental Inquiry | Toronto

Educator Resource for Environmental Inquiry | Toronto | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Natural Curiosity is an educational resource that builds children's understanding of the world through environmental inquiry, environmental education, and Indigenous perspectives. We are housed in the Dr.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 4, 2022 10:18 AM

#164: Amazon Tipping Point – Where Are We?

#164: Amazon Tipping Point – Where Are We? | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
It is increasingly reported that the largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon, is rapidly approaching a tipping point. As repeatedly highlighted by the late Tom Lovejoy (see Acknowledgements), t…
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
September 19, 2022 7:45 AM

Educator Resource for Environmental Inquiry | Toronto

Educator Resource for Environmental Inquiry | Toronto | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Natural Curiosity 2nd Edition is an educator resource that builds children's understanding of the world through environmental inquiry and indigenous perspectives. We are housed in the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, a laboratory school of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
The Morpho Institute's insight:
An excellent resource for integrating inquiry and indigenous perspectives into instruction!
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
May 22, 2022 8:55 AM

New PLT Activity Collections: Biodiversity Blitz for Grade 3-5

New PLT Activity Collections: Biodiversity Blitz for Grade 3-5 | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Biodiversity Blitz features three PLT activities for educators of students in grades 3-5 that invites learners to investigate the variety of species in an ecosystem, and learn how this variety helps sustain life on Earth.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
April 19, 2022 9:37 AM

University of Edinburgh: Huge Amazon swamp carbon stores under threat, study says –

University of Edinburgh: Huge Amazon swamp carbon stores under threat, study says – | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
The largest peatlands in the Amazon rainforest, which hold a vast, concentrated amount of carbon, are under increasing threat from changing land use, research suggests.Peruvian palm swamp in the LPAPalm swamp in lowland Peruvian Amazonia. Credit: Ian
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
April 15, 2023 11:34 AM

Earth Day activities to inspire your students and make a difference

Earth Day activities to inspire your students and make a difference | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Use these activities to inspire your students to take action this Earth Day, and every day. Earth Day is more than learning about recycling - it's about taking action.
The Morpho Institute's insight:

This upcoming week is Earth Week, culminating in Earth Day on April 22!  All week, we'll be sharing interesting resources, fun activities, and innovative ways to bring to your classroom.  


Check out these cool activities from our friends over at @projectlearningtree ! 




#earthweek #earthday #teacherresources #classroom #plt #projectlearningtree #celebrateeartyh #savetheearth #conservation #conservationeducation #k12 #education #raisethemright #startthemyoung 

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Rescooped by The Morpho Institute from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
March 9, 2023 2:08 PM

Conservation and EcoSystems - free resources and interactives

Conservation and EcoSystems - free resources and interactives | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Nature works everywhere, understanding how nature affects our lives every day. Forests, reefs, rivers, watersheds — all ecosystems impact human life.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
Lynette DeBoer's curator insight, August 1, 2013 9:12 AM

a bright colourful presentation that has some interesting interactive tasks for students about conservation

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February 18, 2023 9:00 AM

Explorer Classroom Event

Explorer Classroom Event | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Join Explorer and ecologist Varun Swamy as he shares how he uses drones and citizen science to study the life cycles of giant Amazon trees without needing to climb them.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
February 14, 2023 6:03 PM

Out of the woods: Protecting tropical forests

Out of the woods: Protecting tropical forests | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Tropical forests are critical for the planet, but they’re in danger. Each year, an area the size of Portugal is deforested in the tropics. Fortunately, U.S. legislators and consumers can protect tropical forests. Learn how here.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
February 12, 2023 9:07 AM

Darwin Correspondence Project

Darwin Correspondence Project | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Read and search the full texts of more than 12,000 of Charles Darwin’s letters, and find information on 3,000 more. Discover complete transcripts of all known letters Darwin wrote and received up to the year 1878.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
January 25, 2023 5:35 PM

The collapse of insects

The collapse of insects | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
The most diverse group of organisms on the planet are in trouble, with recent research suggesting insect populations are declining at an unprecedented rate.
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Rescooped by The Morpho Institute from Sustainability & Education
January 6, 2023 2:50 AM

Green Engineering: National Environmental Education Week - Science Buddies Blog

Green Engineering: National Environmental Education Week - Science Buddies Blog | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it

By Amy Cowan, April 16th, 2014 

"From creating systems to desalinate water using solar energy to growing rooftop gardens to increase food supply and regulate building temperature, environmental engineers tackle all kinds of problems and innovate new solutions to help create a more sustainable world. Students and classes can explore environmental engineering with a range of hands-on science projects.


Talk with your students about environmental engineering and help them see how many different challenges there are that engineers can tackle by brainstorming and testing solutions. The engineering design process can help students visualize how to work on a project, step by step!


This week (April 13-19) is National Environmental Education Week (EE Week). Sponsored by Samsung, this year's EE Week celebrates the theme Greening STEM: Engineering a Sustainable World and encourages students in all grades to learn more about the ways in which engineering can be used to develop sustainable solutions.


On the EE Week website, teachers will find a plethora of resources and tools for use with students, all of which celebrate the ways in which environmental engineers tackle real-world challenges as they "make, move, and improve" the world around them. The downloadable Educator Toolkit: Engineering a Sustainable World highlights a collection of environmental engineering science projects from various online science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) sites. Suggestions for environmental engineering projects in areas of Biomimicry, Sustainable Energy & Design, Recycling & Reusable Materials, and Environmental Conservation are listed by grade to make it easy for teachers to locate projects relevant to their classes.

Science Buddies is proud to have projects included in this resource to support and encourage teachers to integrate hands-on environmental engineering lessons and activities in the classroom. In addition to project summaries, the resource includes an infographic and an overview of games and apps related to environmental engineering."... 


For full post with links to the above mentioned resources, please click title above or here: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/blog/2014/04/green-engineering-national-environmental-education-week.php?from=TW

Via Roxana Marachi, PhD
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
January 6, 2023 2:47 AM

Climate Change Education

Climate Change Education | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Responding to the challenges created by climate change will take an all-hands-on-deck approach—and educators of every stripe, working in settings across the educational spectrum, will have a big role to play.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 15, 2022 7:28 AM

What does a scientist look like? Children are drawing women more than ever before | Science | AAAS

Study is based on 20,860 sketches drawn by children over 5 decades
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
September 29, 2022 11:01 AM

20 Middle Grade Books on the Environment & Climate Change –

20 Middle Grade Books on the Environment & Climate Change – | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Sharing 20 Middle Grade Books on the Environment & Climate Change for sustainably-minded tweens looking for fiction and nonfiction.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
May 24, 2022 8:25 AM

The Amazon Rainforest - Origin and Destiny

Amazon Rainforest - what makes it so special? This video tells the story of the Amazon - its formation, composition, history, demographics, and environmental damage (deforestation, fires, agriculture, cattle ranching) from human intervention.

Although it's not perfect this video took months to make. Please consider subscribing, liking and sharing it with your friends. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.

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The Amazon Rainforest occupies most of the 7m km^2 of the Amazon Basin which spans from the Atlantic in the east to the tree line in the Andes to the west. If that is not impressive enough, the Amazon forest represents over 50% of the planet’s remaining rainforests, comprises the largest and most biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest in the world, produces more than 20% of the world’s oxygen and is home of the second longest river on the Planet (Amazon River).

#AmazonRiver #AmazonJungle #AmazonRainforest #amazonfires
I have used Google Earth in parts of this video.
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
May 10, 2022 9:32 AM

Record Amazon deforestation may be driven by highway projects

Record Amazon deforestation may be driven by highway projects | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest broke all records for the month of April, an alarming situation.
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