Rainforest CLASSROOM
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 8, 2013 3:22 PM

The Benefits of Tarantulas on the Ceilings and Frogs in the Showers

The Benefits of Tarantulas on the Ceilings and Frogs in the Showers | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Let's be honest...looking for tarantulas on the ceiling before sitting down to dinner is not considered normal. Nor is checking for frogs in the shower before you shampoo.  But as many of our Amazo...
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 6, 2013 2:36 PM

Putting the planet in pupils' own hands: ideas on student-led green lessons

Putting the planet in pupils' own hands: ideas on student-led green lessons | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
From running workshops for primary pupils to promoting recycling in school, a secondary in Worthing is using the power of student voice to teach green lessons
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 4, 2013 11:11 AM

International Education Week Begins Nov. 12 -Great tools and resources!

International Education Week Begins Nov. 12 -Great tools and resources! | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 4, 2013 8:11 AM

Kids' Corner | Rainforest Alliance

Kids' Corner | Rainforest Alliance | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Teach your kids about the rainforest! Visit our Kids' Corner for fun facts, games & activities http://t.co/1IsnAHmXSp http://t.co/BjQwKSha2n
The Morpho Institute's insight:

More good stuff from Rainforest Alliance - games, facts, activities, virtual storybooks, and more! 

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 31, 2013 11:35 AM

Chocolate! Fun Facts about The Food of the Gods!

Chocolate! Fun Facts about The Food of the Gods! | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Fun facts about this fascinating rainforest understory plant, world wide favorite, and economic commodity

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 25, 2013 3:23 PM

Creating the Amazon in the classroom

Creating the Amazon in the classroom | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Kim Thomas talks to three different primaries about how they recreated the Amazon environment in school
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Great ideas from the UK on bringing the Amazon to life in elementary classrooms. 

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October 23, 2013 8:14 AM

This Pulsing Earth

This Pulsing Earth | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
If you are off the planet with a camera looking down at Earth, the seasons seem like breaths.

Via Mike Busarello's Digital Storybooks
The Morpho Institute's insight:

This is just amazingly awesome! 

Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 22, 2013 9:10 AM

Lesson ideas to bring the rainforest to life

Lesson ideas to bring the rainforest to life | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
A range of education programmes are bringing the rainforest to life for students. Kim Thomas profiles her favourite locations and mobile apps
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Love those UK educators!  They have always found ways to infuse Amazon awareness into their curriculum.  Here's a batch of ideas from across the pond!

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 17, 2013 11:08 PM

When You Should Leave the Phone at Home

When You Should Leave the Phone at Home | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Do you think that nature-and-adventure travel companies should now have official cell phone policies in place? Have you ever had a bad -- or good -- experience with cell phone users on an adventure trip?
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Great question!!!  Amazon travelers?  What do you think?? 

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 14, 2013 7:20 PM

Diversity of Species in the Rainforest | Visual.ly

Diversity of Species in the Rainforest | Visual.ly | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
The character of the world's rainforests is changing to reflect a new kind of indigenous species, the monstrous vehicles that are causing their destru
The Morpho Institute's insight:

A field guide to rainforest deforestation implements...interesting! 

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Rescooped by The Morpho Institute from Community Connections: Events and Resources To Support Youth Development
October 14, 2013 12:55 PM

Sustainability & Education

Sustainability & Education | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it

Resources for teaching about sustainability


Via Roxana Marachi, PhD
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Great curated collection of sustainability education resources

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 8, 2013 9:11 AM

"Community Clean Water Systems" -- News from the Amazon Rainforest October 2013

"Community Clean Water Systems" -- News from the Amazon Rainforest October 2013 | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Service Learning and STEM project based learning - a brilliant combination that could involve your students in solving water equity issues in the Amazon! 

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 3, 2013 1:39 PM

K-12 Educators Caught Moonlighting as Amazon Super Heroes!

K-12 Educators Caught Moonlighting as Amazon Super Heroes! | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it

We've heard it once, we've heard it a thousand times...the future of the planet depends on the students sitting in our classrooms.  As educators, the task of nurturing this next generation to appreciate the role of science in addressing local as well as global problems often falls to us. At times this may seem like a super human task that requires a spandex suit and a cape. 

The Morpho Institute's insight:

K-12 Educators caught moonlighting as Amazon Super Heroes.  Traded in their capes for rain ponchos, field notebooks, and i-buttons!

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 8, 2013 7:46 AM

Geography Poster

Geography Poster | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Awesomeness Alert!  What a great infographic on "a sense of place" - we will be using this as part of our 2014 Educator Academy in the Amazon for sure! 

Thomas C. Thompson's curator insight, November 9, 2013 6:02 AM

Why care? It's all right here!


Leoncio Lopez-Ocon's curator insight, November 9, 2013 7:17 AM

Poster sobre la enseñanza de la geografía

Marcelle Searles's curator insight, January 25, 2014 4:39 AM

can be used for the inquiry process

Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 6, 2013 2:31 PM

Biomimicry "greenlighted" in new Discovery Robert Irwin nature series - Kidscreen

Biomimicry "greenlighted" in new Discovery Robert Irwin nature series - Kidscreen | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Discovery greenlights Robert Irwin nature series
The young co-hosts will explore a branch of science known as biomimicry where nature's inventions are studied and then imitated to help solve human problems.
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Hope to see this on a North American channel soon! 

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 4, 2013 11:07 AM

46 Tools To Make Infographics In The Classroom

46 Tools To Make Infographics In The Classroom | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
46 Tools To Make Infographics In The Classroom



Infographics are interesting–a mash of (hopefully) easily-consumed visuals (so, symbols, shapes, and images) and added relevant character-based data (so, numbers, words, and brief sentences).

The learning application for them is clear, with many academic standards–including the Common Core standards–requiring teachers to use a variety of media forms, charts, and other data for both information reading as well as general fluency. It’s curious they haven’t really “caught on” in schools considering how well they bridge both the old-form textbook habit of cramming tons of information into a small space, while also neatly overlapping with the dynamic and digital world.

The Morpho Institute's insight:


Louise Robinson-Lay's curator insight, November 9, 2013 3:35 PM

creating infographics is easy using these sites. The most important thing is to do quality research first.

Raquel Oliveira's curator insight, November 10, 2013 9:26 AM

gosto de ferramentas que facilitem o aprndizado visualmente. Para quem compartilha da ideia, mas nao tem o dom grafico como eu...pode recorrer a algumas estrategias prontas...

Luís Cálix's curator insight, November 22, 2013 6:54 PM

Sempre apelativos os infográficos são uma boa ferramenta para trabalho na sala de aula. Esta lista é extensa e apresenta muito boas sugestões. A explorar.

Scooped by The Morpho Institute
November 2, 2013 8:46 AM

Avocados should be extinct! - Salon

Avocados should be extinct! - Salon | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Avocados should be extinct!
His research in the late '70s in the neotropics— an ecozone that includes both Americas and the entire South American temperate zone—sparked a shift in ecological thinking regarding these evolutionary-stunted fruits.
The Morpho Institute's insight:

This is an AWESOME essay and perfect to introduce evolution and co-evolution to MS/HS students!  Be sure to check out the video at the end "Ghosts of Evolution" 

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 25, 2013 3:39 PM

Learning about the Amazon rainforest: a resource under threat

Learning about the Amazon rainforest: a resource under threat | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Rainforest experts explain the challenges to maintaining one of the planet's essential natural resources • Plus top Amazon facts to share with your students
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 24, 2013 9:54 PM

Revolutionizing Education in the Colombian Rainforest - Huffington Post

Revolutionizing Education in the Colombian Rainforest - Huffington Post | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Revolutionizing Education in the Colombian Rainforest Huffington Post In 2010, I traveled to this region as a representative of the Amazon Conservation Team (ACT), an NGO providing resources and support for Yachaikury, an experimental school of 150...
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 22, 2013 7:36 PM

Water Activities | Sustainable Schools

Water Activities | Sustainable Schools | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it

Break the Cycle:  Water bottle life cycle

The Morpho Institute's insight:

Great sustainablity resources and activites from ASU's Sustainable Science for Sustainable Schools. 

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 21, 2013 3:42 PM

Amazon Rainforest Day Five: Where the Teacher becomes the Learner

Amazon Rainforest Day Five:  Where the Teacher becomes the Learner | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
This morning I woke up very tired. Last night, Julie and I has a creature in our room. We were laying there trying to go to sleep listening to the animals "talking" from a distance. Then we heard a...
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Role reversal in the Amazon - teachers become learners and worlds get rocked during the Educator Academy in the Amazon! http://www.amazonworkshops.com/educators--naturalists.html

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 15, 2013 2:02 PM

Welcome to NEXT.cc

Welcome to NEXT.cc | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it

NEXT.cc is an eco web that develops ethical imagination and environmental stewardship. NEXT.cc introduces what design is, what design does, and why design is important. It offers activities across nine scales – nano, pattern, object, space, architecture, neighborhood, urban, region, and world. 

The Morpho Institute's insight:

This is an amazing site and resource for educators who want to connect local to global, form and function to design, STEM to the environment, and more!  

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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 14, 2013 1:03 PM

Madison Brings The Rainforest To Students - Stacey Page Online

Madison Brings The Rainforest To Students - Stacey Page Online | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Madison Brings The Rainforest To Students
Stacey Page Online
The Morpho Institute's insight:

Awesome classroom project focusing on the rainforest and chocolate! 

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Rescooped by The Morpho Institute from Biomimicry
October 14, 2013 12:52 PM

The Biomimicry Manual: How Does Nature Make Saltwater Drinkable?

The Biomimicry Manual: How Does Nature Make Saltwater Drinkable? | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
A billion people don't have enough drinking water. Desalinating oceans is economically and environmentally expensive. Biomimicry looks at how nature does it.

Via Miguel Prazeres
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Scooped by The Morpho Institute
October 3, 2013 2:32 PM

Climate and Kids – Investing in Sustainability

Climate and Kids – Investing in Sustainability | Rainforest CLASSROOM | Scoop.it
Under a buttonwood tree on Wall Street beginning in 1792, men gathered to exchange the stocks of the day.  On the first evening of the 2013 NYC Climate Week and nearing the 1st anniversary of super storm Sandy, corporate America gathered on the...
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