Grippingly written by award-winning author, Anita Ganeri, and vibrantly illustrated by Margaux Carpentier, Forest Fighter tells the inspiring story of Chico Mendes, who was not afraid to speak up for others and worked tirelessly to protect the rainforest. It depicts the incredible wildlife and peoples who co-exist there and shows why it is so important that all rainforests are protected.
I AM A SCIENTIST: the stories & science of real world scientists
Science reflects the biases of society. To counteract the stereotypes, we need to celebrate science's incredible range of personalities, interests, backgrounds, and pursuits. Because every student deserves a chance to see themselves in science."
A lot of beloved storybook characters scavenge food in the wild, go on bear hunts, and otherwise explore the natural world, and almost all of them are white.
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Ainbo is the story of a girl who was born and grew up in the deepest jungle of the Amazon in the village of Colonia. One day she discovers that her homeland is being threatened and realizes that there are other humans in the world besides her people. Using the help of her spirit guides, the skinny armadillo “Dillo” and the heavy-set tapir “Vaca”, she embarks on a journey to seek help from the most powerful Mother Spirit of the Amazon, Turtle “Motelo Mama”. As she fights to save her paradise against the greed and exploitation of logging and illegal mining, she struggles to reverse this destruction and the impending evil of the “Yacaruna”, the darkness that lives in the Amazon. Guided by her mother’s spirit, Ainbo is determined to save her land and save her people before it’s too late.
Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rainforest rose in October from a year ago, satellite data showed on Friday, undercutting vows by the government of President Jair Bolsonaro that it is curbing destruction of a crucial bulwark against climate change.
Learn how making a map can help you observe and describe your discoveries. A simple overhead view with a key and scale is a great way to explore an ecosystem or tell the story of a place.
The practice of observing detail over time, analyzing deeply and applying different perspectives helps students appreciate the richness of the world we live in.
Network of Conservation Educators and Practioners.
Just discovered this treasure trove of open access teaching modules and high quality, up-to-date educational resources for conservation teachers and professional trainers around the world, particularly in regions with high biodiversity, significant threats, and limited opportunities. Check it out!
Eleven-year-old Dylan dreams of a wonderful future – a future where he grows up on his family’s farm in Wales, builds a treehouse and plays with his friends by the river. Then, suddenly, one phone call changes everything.
Presented by Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC)'s Dr. Michael Coe, Tropics Program Director, IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute)'s Dr. Ane Alencar, Director of Science, and WHRC's Dr. Paulo Brando, WHRC Adjunct Scientist and Assistant Professor at University of California, Irvine. Moderated by WHRC's Dr. Heather Goldstone, Chief Communications Officer.
With the fire season in the Amazon ramping up, early deforestation data are flashing warning signs that this year could be even worse than 2019’s decade-high that sent CO2 emissions spiking. Dry climate conditions and the pandemic compound those concerns. A panel of scientists from Woods Hole Research Center and our Brazilian sister organization, IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute), will discuss our latest analyses of the situation, the consequences of Amazon fires for climate both locally and globally, and how science can support efforts to slow forest loss.
Discover how experiential learning across all subjects can be achieved by encouraging your students to use a nature journal when leading PLT activities.
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