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In this book, Katherine Smith offers an insightful analysis of evidence-based policy, providing an interesting typology with which to deepen our exploration of the relationship between research and policy. Lee Gregory finds it a rare book which captures the reader, inviting self-reflection upon how one can engage with research either as an academic, an advocate, or policymaker, and their own research. Beyond Evidence-Based Policy in Public Health: The Interplay of Ideas. Katherine Smith. Palgrave Macmillan. October 2013.
Find this book: The advocacy of evidence-based policy (EBP) has grown in prominence for more than a decade, whilst attention to health inequalities in the UK has intensified somewhat since the publication of The Spirit Level. In this book Katherine Smith explores the relationship between the two, not only providing an interesting exploration of the role of EBP within public health, but also insight in the plight of the contemporary academic in a world of research impact.
Via Giuseppe Fattori
Si chiama Lives on the line ed è una mappa delle linee della metropolitana che racconta Londra con due statistiche fondamentali:l’aspettativa di vita e la povertà infantile (l’indice IDACI – Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index). Confrontando i due indici si ha un quadro di come, senza i margini per una aspirazione all’ascesa sociale, le sorti dei bambini che vivono nelle zone più povere di Londra potrebbero essere già segnate.
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 7:03 PM
Some apps have the potential to encourage healthier habits and are accessible to most people, writes Iltifat Husain, but Des Spence notes the lack of any evidence of effectiveness and the potential for encouraging unnecessary anxiety
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 5:24 PM
Health equity audit ai tempi della crisi
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:16 PM
Health Equity Audit Made Simple: A briefing for Primary Care Trusts and Local Strategic Partnerships provides an approach to gathering evidence on health inequities to inform planning decisions. The resources provided in this briefing include a self-assessment tool and a step-by-step guide to the process, which support public health professionals in using health equity audits.
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Disease mongering
April 15, 2015 6:53 PM
Survey shows one in five teenagers in north west England have bought or tried e-cigarettes and found a strong link to to binge drinking
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:31 PM
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 3:30 PM
13 gennaio 2015 - Il VII corso “Girolamo Mercuriale”, organizzato dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna per i prossimi 19 e 20 febbraio a Bologna, cade proprio nel periodo in cui le Regioni stanno elaborando i Piani della prevenzione 2015-2018. È questo uno dei motivi per cui le sessioni della manifestazione sono dedicate alle differenti età della vita, in modo tale da approfondire – per ogni fase – i bisogni di salute, le patologie emergenti, i setting più importanti e le migliori strategie per raggiungere quella specifca popolazione target.
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 11:03 AM
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 3:01 PM
Da circa dieci anni, in Italia non varia il numero delle nuove diagnosi di Hiv: ogni anno sono circa 4.000. Nel 2013, per l’esattezza, a 3.806 persone è stata diagnosticata l’infezione. Oltre la metà
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 2:56 PM
Binge-drinking among young adults in Britain is continuing to fall, figures from the Office for National Statistics show.
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 3:16 PM
Most scientists (87%) believe it is important to participate in public policy debates. Almost half use social media to discuss or follow science, and nearly a quarter blog about science and research.
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:10 PM
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:48 PM
On fait remonter les fondements de la médecine à Hippocrate. Selon notre vision européenne ou occidentale, il en est le père légitime. C’est oublier un peu vite les autres médecines : la tradition chinoise, la médecine arabe, et le monde des chamanes. Et c’est oublier aussi vite que l’informatique a bouleversé nos existences. Comme le fit Gutenberg en son temps. Un grand écart que la médecine 3.0 peut combler.
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:44 PM
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:39 PM
Twitter, Health, Social Media, Health promotion
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:57 PM
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:46 PM
Il Community Tool Box, segnalato dalla dott.ssa Luana Valletta: rappresenta un valido strumento ideato per la valutazione dei progetti di comunità. Il documento consiste in 7 punti da seguire per avere un quadro più chiaro possibile dei punti di forza e delle criticità del progetto che si sta portando avanti. Aree tematiche --> [Marketing sociale]
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 3:12 PM
Using Twitter can help physicians answer health queries from their patients in a better way, say researchers from University of British Columbia (UBC).
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 17, 2015 3:21 AM
The definitive text on health promotion, this book covers both the knowledge-base and the process of planning, implementing and evaluating successful health promotion programmes. This new edition features a companion website developed with an international team of contributors to support teaching and enhance learning. The website provides: * 14 new and original international case studies of health promotion in action * Example discussion questions to encourage critical reflection in seminars and assessments * Free SAGE journal articles which support evidence-based learning. Recent developments are covered throughout this third edition on topics such as asset-based approaches, mental health promotion and the use of social media in promoting health.
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 1:47 PM
This toolkit was developed by the Electronic Media Branch, Division of News and Electronic Media, Office of the Associate Director of Communication at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It was designed to provide guidance and to the share lessons learned in more than three years of integrating social media into CDC health communication campaigns, activities and emergency response efforts. In this guide, you will find information to help you get started using social media—from developing governance to determining which channels best meet your communication objectives to creating a social media strategy.
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 11:01 AM
This 51 second animation accompanies my article last week in the BMJ, “From Patient Centred to People Powered: Autonomy on the Rise.” The video expresses, concisely, a slide that for years I’ve presented in 3-5 minutes. It’s an idea first published back in 2010 by Lucien Engelen, during the same time period when he was preparing for the TEDx Maastricht event in April 2011 where I spoke. It shows how the flow of valuable information has changed, which makes new things possible, as in all other parts of life.
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Giuseppe Fattori
February 18, 2015 2:44 PM
(AFP) - La génération Z, qui a grandi avec les jeux vidéo et les téléphones portables, a gagné des aptitudes cérébrales en termes de vitesse et d’automatismes, au détriment parfois du raisonnement et de la maîtrise de soi, explique le professeur ...