Co-creation in health
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Co-creation in health
E-citizens, e-patients, communities in shaping e-health, health literacy.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 7, 2019 3:39 PM!

The Challenge of Behaviour Change and Health Promotion - Glenn Laverack

The Challenge of Behaviour Change and Health Promotion - Glenn Laverack | Co-creation in health |
The evidence about the effectiveness of behaviour change approaches—what works and what does not work—is unclear. What we do know is that single interventions that target a specific behavioural risk have little impact on the determinants that actually cause poor health, especially for vulnerable people. This has not prevented health promoters from continuing to invest in behaviour change interventions which are widely used in a range of programs. The future of behaviour change and health promotion is through the application of a comprehensive strategy with three core components: (1) a behaviour change approach; (2) a strong policy framework that creates a supportive environment and (3) the empowerment of people to gain more control over making healthy lifestyle decisions. This will require the better planning of policy interventions and the coordination of agencies involved in behaviour change and empowerment activities at the community level, with government to help develop policy at the national level.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
November 25, 2021 3:08 AM!

"Lo sai che..." Interferenti endocrini: Demain, tous crétins?

Un documentario «demain tous cretin» che sostiene che la recente diminuzione del quoziente intellettivo è, in parte, legata al bagno di chimica a cui siamo esposti e principalmente all'esposizione agli interferenti endocrini.
Gli interferenti endocrini sono sostanze chimiche presenti nei pesticidi usati in agricoltura , nei cosmetici che usiamo tutti i giorni , o nella plastica cha avvolge i nostri alimenti , questi prodotti hanno invaso la nostra vita quotidiana: siamo immersi in una zuppa chimica. 
Gli interferenti endocrini attaccano la ghiandola tiroidea, in particolare quella delle donne in gravidanza, causando danni al cervello e, negli ultimi decenni, un calo del Quoziente intellettivo
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
February 26, 2020 4:20 AM!

(Corona)Virus e batteri? Bene la febbre, attenzione ai rubinetti - Pillole di Alberto Donzelli

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
February 9, 2020 8:26 AM!

Private health insurance is harmful to your health: “The profit motive of corporations does not lend itself to caring for the sickest among us..”

Private health insurance is harmful to your health: “The profit motive of corporations does not lend itself to caring for the sickest among us..” | Co-creation in health |

At the Martin Luther King Day Health Justice Conference at Upstate Medical University, the keynote speaker stated, “Politics is nothing more than medicine but on a societal level.” Her figurative use of the word “medicine” means that elected officials have the responsibility to diagnose and treat issues that affect their communities. As current and future health care providers, we have the duty to do what is best for each patient, and more broadly, to speak up for legislation that can improve the health of all our patients. Because governmental policies have the power to affect the medical outcomes of our patients, it makes sense for us to speak up in support of the New York Health Act (NYHA) and Medicare for All.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Public Health - Santé Publique
May 7, 2019 2:58 PM!

Crise des opiacés : l’espérance de vie continue de baisser aux Etats-Unis

Crise des opiacés : l’espérance de vie continue de baisser aux Etats-Unis | Co-creation in health |
L’espérance de vie à la naissance était en 2017 de 76,1 ans pour les hommes et de 81,1 ans pour les femmes. Une baisse attribuée aux overdoses de drogues.

L’espérance de vie a continué de baisser aux Etats-Unis en 2017, par rapport à 2014, une dégradation historique principalement due à la crise des overdoses de drogues, selon des statistiques de santé publiées jeudi 29 novembre. « C’est la première fois que l’on voit une tendance à la baisse depuis la grande épidémie de grippe de 1918 », dit à l’Agence France-Presse Robert Anderson, chef des statistiques de la mortalité au Centre national des statistiques de santé, qui a publié les nouveaux chiffres. Tout en précisant que la baisse était certes beaucoup plus forte en 1918.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Empathy and HealthCare
May 7, 2019 2:28 PM!

How to Maintain Empathy in Healthcare | Clinical Empathy

How to Maintain Empathy in Healthcare | Clinical Empathy | Co-creation in health |

How to Maintain Empathy in Healthcare
March 13, 2019
What it means and why it matters.
Showing empathy in healthcare is an important driver of patient satisfaction.   Communication is the key – both receiving and sharing information.  As a member of the healthcare team, the quality of your communication with patients should be consistent and aim to build relationships with patients and their families. How do you walk the tightrope between managing your workload and providing high quality care? Clinical empathy plays a critical role in the answer.   

What Is Empathy in Healthcare and Why Does it Matter?

A basic definition of empathy in the nurse-patient context is this: the ability of the nurse to understand how a patient is feeling. As a nurse, you should be able to listen, analyze and formulate a deliberate response when interacting with patients and their families. The most effective way to do this is to get to know the patient, his/her health history and the environmental factors that help to explain who the patient is and what he/she is going through. Empathy in healthcare matters. 

Via Edwin Rutsch
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Festival de la Communication Santé
November 20, 2018 6:53 AM!

Le 29ème Festival de la Communication Santé est dédié à l’éthique

Le 29ème Festival de la Communication Santé est dédié à l’éthique | Co-creation in health |

Le 29ème Festival de la Communication Santé est dédié à l’éthique

Le développement considérable des canaux d’information et des techniques de communication place plus que jamais l’éthique au premier rang des enjeux de la communication santé. La 29ème édition du Festival de la Communication Santé les 23 et 24 novembre prochains à Deauville sera l’occasion d’apporter un éclairage inédit sur ce thème avec la contribution de grands acteurs de la santé.

Intelligence artificielle et communication, fake news et dérives sectaires, communication des professionnels de santé, impacts de l’information médicale, éthique et vieillissement, éthique du patient expert … pas moins de 12 sujets majeurs feront l’objet de tables rondes et de « speed vision » de haut niveau le vendredi 23 novembre. Le deuxième jour du Festival sera consacré à la présentation de près de 80 campagnes de communication devant 8 jurys d’experts.

Professionnels de santé et du soin, patients et aidants, collaborateurs et dirigeants d’entreprises et d’établissements de santé, membres d’organisations professionnelles, universitaires, start-uppers et professionnels de la communication… plus de 500 personnes seront réunies à l’occasion de cette 29ème édition.

Via Festival Communication Santé
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
November 20, 2018 4:32 AM!

The healthiest people in the world don't go to the gym

The healthiest people in the world don't go to the gym | Co-creation in health |

If you want to be as healthy as possible, there are no treadmills or weight machines required. Don’t just take my word for it—look to the longest-lived people in the world for proof.

People in the world’s Blue Zones—the places around the world with the highest life expectancy—don’t pump iron, run marathons or join gyms.

Instead, they live in environments that constantly nudge them into moving without even thinking about it. This means that they grow gardens, walk throughout the day, and minimize mechanical conveniences for house and yard work.

In fact, Blue Zones researchers determined that routine natural movement is one of the most impactful ways to increase your life span, and a common habit among the world’s longest-lived populations.

Of course this might not seem realistic in our current knowledge economy, where we’re often tied to a desk and in front of a computer screen all day.

Moving naturally throughout the day might sound pleasant and romantic, but the reality is that 100 years ago only 10% of us had sedentary jobs, whereas today it’s 90%.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 218
October 29, 2018 4:57 PM!

Bubelè il bambino nell'ombra. Il pozzo di Giacobbe - Sergio Tanzarella

Bubelè il bambino nell'ombra. Il pozzo di Giacobbe - Sergio Tanzarella | Co-creation in health |

Il pozzo di Giacobbe, Trapani, Italy. 

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Public Health - Santé Publique
October 7, 2018 4:04 PM!

Santé publique : «Négliger la prévention, c’est renforcer les inégalités»

Santé publique : «Négliger la prévention, c’est renforcer les inégalités» | Co-creation in health |

Dans une tribune au Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France, deux professeurs et deux députés alertent sur la nécessité de mener une action politique forte en matière de prévention, afin de réduire les inégalités face à la santé.

Les professeurs Didier Jourdan, chaire Unesco et collaborateur OMS ; Franck Chauvin, université Jean-Monnet (Saint-Étienne) et président du Haut Conseil de la santé publique (HCSP). Les députés de la commission des Affaires sociales Ericka Bareigts, élue de la Réunion et ancienne ministre ; le docteur Cyrille Isaac-Sibille, élu du Rhône.

« Comme l’a rappelé le président de la République, si la France soigne bien, elle prévient mal, bien plus mal que la majorité de ses voisins. Loin d’être un concept, le déficit de prévention se mesure : différence de treize années pour l’espérance de vie entre les plus aisés et les plus défavorisés, taux de mortalité prématurée évitable parmi les plus élevés d’Europe, comportements à risques plus présents chez les enfants d’ouvriers que de cadres. Les inégalités de destin sont liées au lieu de résidence, notamment dans les territoires d’outre-mer.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 5, 2018 3:59 PM!

A Patient Engagement Manifesto– 6 Principles of Partnership – Patient Empowerment Network

A Patient Engagement Manifesto– 6 Principles of Partnership – Patient Empowerment Network | Co-creation in health |

Recently I presented at a conference on the topic of patient engagement. I spoke to the audience, mainly comprised of digital technology start-ups, about the need to find ways to engage patients meaningfully in healthcare design.  Too many developers think they understand what patients need, but in reality, many appear to be motivated more by the cleverness of a technology than actual improvements in health outcomes.  A 2015 study from the New York University School of Medicine Department of Population Health reported that only 29% of smartphone owners using health apps say the apps have made a big impact on their health.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 1, 2018 2:44 PM!

Expanding the Time We Have With Patients Through Poetry 

Expanding the Time We Have With Patients Through Poetry  | Co-creation in health |
This Arts and Medicine essay discusses the relevance of poetry to clinical medicine in an edited transcript of a conversation between physician-poet Rafael Campo and National Book Award–winning poet Mark Doty.
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from BEST OF PHARMAGEEK
September 26, 2018 11:40 AM!

Is this Japanese concept the secret to a long, happy, meaningful life?

Is this Japanese concept the secret to a long, happy, meaningful life? | Co-creation in health |

What’s your reason for getting up in the morning? Just trying to answer such a big question might make you want to crawl back into bed. If it does, the Japanese concept of ikigai could help.

Originating from a country with one of the world's oldest populations, the idea is becoming popular outside of Japan as a way to live longer and better.

While there is no direct English translation, ikigai is thought to combine the Japanese words ikiru, meaning “to live”, and kai, meaning “the realization of what one hopes for”. Together these definitions create the concept of “a reason to live” or the idea of having a purpose in life.


Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
Sonia Bhattacharyya's curator insight, November 29, 2018 2:05 AM
To achieve Ikigai! - I think I know how....
Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
May 22, 2023 10:15 AM!

Professor Giuseppe Fattori speaks on the role of Social Marketing in today's global landscape

Professor Giuseppe Fattori speaks on the role of Social Marketing in today's global landscape | Co-creation in health |

“We should be proud of Social Marketing for having promoted social good across all continents by overcoming the stigma that the word ‘Marketing’ carries with it” a strong sentiment by Giuseppe Fattori, Professor in Social Marketing at the University of Bologna.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
March 6, 2020 2:29 AM!

"Strafottenti"​ o "Cagasotto"​? Ma se voi foste pluripatologici, anziani, immunodepressi, sfigati vorreste morire? - Di Chiara Carrisi

"Strafottenti"​ o "Cagasotto"​? Ma se voi foste pluripatologici, anziani, immunodepressi, sfigati vorreste morire? - Di Chiara Carrisi | Co-creation in health |

E non è un complotto, è la natura.

Sono reduce insieme ai miei colleghi di 7 giorni di lavoro, 19 ore al giorno. E dopo aver letto e ascoltato qualsiasi cosa, voglio, per quello che faccio, prendermi e prendervi qualche minuto per dire la mia.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
February 25, 2020 4:58 AM!

Il coronavirus terrorizza, il clima no: come nasce la percezione del rischio

Il coronavirus terrorizza, il clima no: come nasce la percezione del rischio | Co-creation in health |

Con le prime vittime italiane del coronavirus e i casi di contagio anche nel nostro Paese è scoppiata la fobia. Cittadine isolate, scuole chiuse, eventi annullati, protocolli d’emergenza. Tutto questo in poco più di un mese e a fronte di un bilancio che, mentre scriviamo, è arrivato a 2461 morti nel mondo.

Solo in Italia l’inquinamento dell’aria è la causa di circa 80 mila decessi l’anno (Aea)

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 7, 2019 3:14 PM!

Promuovere la salute con l'empowerment

Public health: power, empowerment and professional practice by Glenn Laverack of University of Southern Denmark. A practical understaniding of how to help others to empowerment themselves in public health practice.
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from eParenting and Parenting in the 21st Century
May 7, 2019 2:55 PM!

Is autism a medical condition or just a differnce? The question is causing a vitriolic divide.

Is autism a medical condition or just a differnce? The question is causing a vitriolic divide. | Co-creation in health |

This year, London’s Southwark Playhouse announced the cast of a new play, “All in a Row.” It was instantly clear this would not be a typical family drama. The play unfolds the night before social services separates a boy named Laurence from his family. Unlike the other three characters, Laurence, a nonverbal autistic and sometimes aggressive 11-year-old, would be portrayed by a child-size puppet.

When the play opened, a reviewer for the Guardian newspaper awarded it four stars, saying it had “warmth and truth.” On Twitter and beyond, theatergoers also offered praise.

“It was utterly believable. Raw. Honest,” Sarah Ziegel, mother of four autistic boys and author of “A Parent’s Guide to Coping With Autism,” wrote on her blog. The puppet was an effective stand-in for a role that would have been too challenging for any child actor, Ziegel wrote.


Via Peter Mellow
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
May 5, 2019 6:12 PM!

Più etica, metodologia e filosofia per lo scienziato | Scienza in Rete - Giovanni Boniolo

Più etica, metodologia e filosofia per lo scienziato | Scienza in Rete - Giovanni Boniolo | Co-creation in health |

Richard Smith, che è stato editor di The British Medical Journalha affermato vigorosamente che 

healthcare, which is suffering an existential crisis, badly needs the help of philosophers

Lo stesso sentimento è condiviso da un numero sempre crescente di ricercatori di scienze della vita e da clinici: tutti questi chiedono più etica, più metodologia scientifica e più filosofia della scienza nei corsi di formazione di chi poi si troverà a lavorare in laboratori o nelle corsie di ospedali. Addirittura, Arturo Casadevall, microbiologo della Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, afferma che dovremmo mettere “the ‘Ph’ back into ‘PhD’”, ossia la filosofia (Ph) nei corsi di dottorato (Philosophiae Doctor).


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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
November 20, 2018 4:51 AM!

How the tobacco industry meddles with government attempts to stop people smoking

How the tobacco industry meddles with government attempts to stop people smoking | Co-creation in health |
It is thought about two in three smokers want to kick their deadly habit, and with good reason – the same proportion of them are believed to die prematurely because of smoking. Around the world, the habit kills more than 6 million people a year.

Yet quitting is notoriously difficult. Smoking tobacco is an addictive habit that the UK Royal College of Physicians has likened to heroin and cocaine addiction.

But this doesn’t mean there is nothing we can do. The evidence suggests that increases in tobacco taxation are the most effective means of reducing tobacco use. These taxes, recommended by the World Health Organisation and the World Bank, increase the price of tobacco products in shops, reducing their affordability – a situation which encourages smokers to quit, and deters others from starting in the first place.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Tout et Rein by
November 9, 2018 4:46 PM!

Les patients sont-ils mal informés ? Le fossé qui sépare la connaissance scientifique et les croyances des patients est-il en train de s’élargir ? 

Les patients sont-ils mal informés ? Le fossé qui sépare la connaissance scientifique et les croyances des patients est-il en train de s’élargir ?  | Co-creation in health |

Le fossé qui sépare la connaissance scientifique et les croyances des patients est-il en train de s’élargir ? La réponse est clairement oui pour l’éditorialiste du journal médical « The Lancet Oncology » qui parle d’une réelle crise de confiance entre les professionnels de la santé et le grand public.

Des médecins et des patients toujours plus éloignés ?

Les raisons de cette évolution ? En vrac et sans être exhaustif : des patients qui ne croient plus aveuglément ce que les médecins leur disent, la disponibilité toujours plus grande d’informations santé de qualité très variable, des professionnels de la santé qui communiquent insuffisamment avec leurs patients et enfin, pour lier le tout, une bonne dose de crédulité humaine.


En oncologie, cet éloignement se manifeste de façon très concrète par des patients qui s’auto-diagnostiquent et qui recourent à des thérapies alternatives non éprouvées, quel que soit l’avis de leurs médecins.


Comme le rappelle cet article, des chercheurs ont étudié l’association entre l’utilisation de la médecine complémentaire et alternative, l’adhésion aux traitements conventionnels et la survie globale chez les patients atteints de cancer1, 2. Ces études ont révélé que les patients qui ont recours à la médecine complémentaire sont plus susceptibles de refuser la chirurgie, la radiothérapie ou la chimiothérapie, et que les patients qui ont recours à la médecine complémentaire ou alternative sont deux fois plus susceptibles de mourir que ceux qui sont traités par la médecine conventionnelle.


Je pensais jusqu’à récemment que l’homéopathie et les autres thérapies alternatives, à défaut d’être efficaces, ne faisaient pas de mal, je n’en suis plus convaincu.

Comment savoir quel est le meilleur traitement ?

Un article publié sur le site nous donne la réponse :


  1. Le patient et le professionnel de la santé doivent accéder à des informations de qualité.
  2. Le patient doit avoir confiance au médecin mais doit aussi être capable de le « challenger », il ne doit pas croire et faire tout ce que le médecin lui dit sans réfléchir.
  3. Le professionnel de la santé doit être capable de prendre en compte les préférences du patient.


Cela nécessite de former les professionnels de la santé. Ils doivent apprendre à utiliser les bases de données médicales électroniques où ils pourront trouver les réponses aux questions qu’ils se posent face à leurs patients. Cela signifie aussi qu’ils doivent être capables d’intégrer dans les traitements proposés les préférences et les valeurs du patient.


Pour ce qui est des patients, ils doivent eux aussi apprendre à utiliser l’Internet santé. C’est ce que l’on appelle la littératie santé, la capacité d’une personne à trouver, à comprendre, à évaluer et à utiliser une information sur la santé afin de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant sa propre santé ou celle d’un proche.

Les patients s’informent

Je me réjouis bien sûr de voir les patients prendre une plus grande place dans la relation soignant – soigné, de les voir s’informer sur leurs problèmes de santé. Mais pour que cela soit utile, ils doivent impérativement accéder à des informations de qualité.


Un des grands problèmes actuels est à mes yeux la qualité extrêmement variable des informations santé trouvées dans les médias. A une époque où les fausses informations se répandent sur Internet et sur les médias sociaux plus vite que les vraies, on est en droit de s’inquiéter.


Internet n’a pas l’exclusivité des fausses informations santé, les magazines dits féminins en sont la preuve. Si vous devez encore vous en convaincre, lisez cet article « Non, je ne veux pas  repulper ma poitrine en trois pschitt, merci » paru dans le Temps cet été.


Il y a aussi une foule d’inspirés qui sans aucune connaissance médicale se permettent de donner des conseils santé, les célébrités sont les plus dangereuses car leurs conseils sont suivis. Vous découvrirez un bel exemple dans cet article « Oeuf dans le vagin et jus détox : un dimanche en enfer avec Gwyneth Paltrow ».


Chose plus inquiétante encore, ce sont parfois les professionnels de la santé qui diffusent de dangereux messages, ce médecin proposant de traiter l’homosexualité par l’homéopathie en est la preuve.


Un des problèmes d’Internet est que l’on y trouve tout, y compris ce qui est complètement faux. Si vous vous demandez si le SIDA peut être guéri par une plante, vous trouverez facilement un site qui vous dira que oui (une plante qui en plus traite le diabète et le cancer…).


Dans ce domaine de la fausse information, les médecines dites alternatives sont surreprésentées.

Suivre des traitements inefficaces, pour peu qu’ils ne soient pas dangereux, est sans conséquence pour des problèmes de santé qui guérissent tout seuls. Vous pouvez traiter votre rhume hivernal avec n’importe quel traitement, vous guérirez. Pour les problèmes plus sérieux, faites tout de même attention.

Mieux informé, mieux soigné

Je ne prétends pas avoir la réponse à cette problématique mais deux pistes doivent à mon avis être suivies :


  1. Aider le grand public à acquérir les connaissances pour une utilisation efficace mais aussi critique de l’Internet santé. Cela pourrait être une belle mission pour l’Office fédéral de la santé publique.
  2. Encourager les professionnels de la santé à plus communiquer, avec leurs patients bien sûr mais aussi en dehors de leur cabinet, en étant présents sur Internet et sur les médias sociaux. Il ne s’agit pas de se substituer au travail des journalistes scientifiques, juste de proposer une information complémentaire.

Il en va de la santé des patients.


  1. Complementary Medicine, Refusal of Conventional Cancer Therapy, and Survival Among Patients With Curable Cancers. JAMA Oncol. Published online July 19, 2018.
  2. Use of Alternative Medicine for Cancer and Its Impact on Survival. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 110, Issue 1, 1 January 2018, Pages 121–124

Via Renaloo
Renaloo's curator insight, October 21, 2018 6:45 AM

Les patients sont-ils mal informés ? Le fossé qui sépare la connaissance scientifique et les croyances des patients est-il en train de s’élargir ? 

Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 11, 2018 11:47 AM!

“Precision” Public Health — Between Novelty and Hype | NEJM

“Precision” Public Health — Between Novelty and Hype | NEJM | Co-creation in health |

In May 2018, the National Institutes of Health

(NIH) began enrollment for a vast medical research

cohort. Named “All of Us,” it’s meant to

include 1 million U.S. volunteers, who will be studied

over 10 years at a cost of $1.45 billion.

The project promises to “lay

the scientific foundation for a new

era of personalized, highly effective

health care,” a counterpoint

to previous “‘one-size-fits-all’ medicine.”

All of Us derives from a decade’s

worth of developments in

the research world. In 2011, the

National Academies of Sciences,

Engineering, and Medicine called

for a “new taxonomy of human

disease,” stating that “opportunities

to define diseases more precisely

and to inform health-care

decisions” were “being missed.”1

Five years later, President Barack

Obama launched the Precision

Medicine Initiative. The concept

was promoted by NIH Director

Francis Collins, who defined it

as “prevention and treatment strategies

that take individual variability

into account.”2 A bandwagon

effect followed, with marked shifts

in resources and attention toward

precision medicine.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 5, 2018 4:05 PM!

FDA made surprise visit to Juul as CDC finds vape maker dominates market

FDA made surprise visit to Juul as CDC finds vape maker dominates market | Co-creation in health |

Juul has come to dominate the e-cigarette market with its slick devices and nicotine-laden “vape juice,” and that’s not a good thing, federal health officials said Tuesday.

Juul sales have soared, and it’s now got the greatest market share of any company in the e-cigarette market, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. “By December 2017, Juul Laboratories’ sales comprised 29 percent of total e-cigarette sales,” a CDC team reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 1, 2018 2:56 PM!

Les maladies rares touchent autant de personnes que le cancer

Les maladies rares touchent autant de personnes que le cancer | Co-creation in health |

Pas si "rares", les maladies rares

Si le nombre de patients atteints par une maladie rare est par définition faible, il faut savoir que ces maladies se comptent par millier. Toujours selon Orphanet, on en compterait actuellement entre 6.000 et 7.000. En réalité, il pourrait y en avoir plus de 8.000 recensées à travers le monde. Car en moyenne, 5 nouvelles maladies rares sont décrites tous les mois dans la littérature médicale. Ainsi, rien qu'en France, le nombre total de personnes touchées par les maladies rares serait équivalent voire supérieur à celui des personnes souffrant d'un cancer ou atteintes d'un diabète de type 2, maladies les plus fréquentes.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Technology and Financial Online Marketing
September 26, 2018 11:59 AM!

Apple to launch 'technology enabled' healthcare service

Apple to launch 'technology enabled' healthcare service | Co-creation in health |
Following Amazon’s lead, iPhone maker creating in-house clinics and health service for employees


Apple is launching its own primary care health clinics called AC Wellness, following Amazon and Warren Buffett’s push into healthcare.

Similar to Amazon’s team up with Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan, the AC Wellness Network aims to serve Apple’s roster of employees and their families providing “compassionate, effective healthcare to the Apple employee population”.

Two healthcare centres are planned to open in the spring in Santa Clara County, California, around Cupertino, near Apple Park and Infinite Loop headquarters.

Via Enos Senior
Enos Senior's curator insight, March 11, 2018 1:14 PM

"Apple is launching its own primary care health clinics called AC Wellness, following Amazon and Warren Buffett’s push into healthcare."