Gamification for the Win
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Scooped by GwynethJones
onto Gamification for the Win
February 5, 2017 6:51 AM!

How to Gamify Your Classroom

How to Gamify Your Classroom | Gamification for the Win |
GwynethJones's insight:

Who doesn't like gaming?

Martha Bongiorno's curator insight, February 5, 2017 11:40 AM
Share your insight
Gema López López's comment, January 23, 5:55 AM
Me parece muy interesante. Además, se puede implementar mediante el sistema de puntos y niveles con desafíos y misiones, creando juegos de mesa o digitales. Por ello, le adjunto un vídeo que puede ser interesante.
Gamification for the Win
All things related to Educational Gaming (or just gaming for fun!)
Curated by GwynethJones
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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Learning & Technology News
March 24, 2019 6:32 PM!

Gamification in the classroom: small changes and big results [Infographic]

Gamification in the classroom: small changes and big results [Infographic] | Gamification for the Win |
When it comes to including gamification in the classroom, teachers can reap the benefits of some low-hanging fruits with impressive results.

Via Nik Peachey
GwynethJones's insight:

Gamification for the Win!

Nik Peachey's curator insight, March 24, 2019 3:11 AM

A very simple way to understand the benefits of gamification.

Rescooped by GwynethJones from Educational Technology News
February 3, 2019 8:59 AM!

Games Can Breed Uncivil Behavior. They Can Also Teach Digital Citizenship 

Games Can Breed Uncivil Behavior. They Can Also Teach Digital Citizenship  | Gamification for the Win |

"For most children, online video games offer an early window into social interactions with friends—and strangers. These virtual realms have become the latest hotspots where parents, teachers and guardians attempt to reinforce safe, positive and responsible behaviors online."

GwynethJones's insight:

Interesting read. What do you think?

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Professional Learning for Busy Educators
February 22, 2018 8:54 PM!

4 Games to Spark Empathy-building in the Classroom | MindShift | KQED News

4 Games to Spark Empathy-building in the Classroom | MindShift | KQED News | Gamification for the Win |
Can technology help kids develop empathy? Due to the rise of virtual reality experiences, there’s been some buzz lately about the impact technology might have on how we understand and share the feelings of others.

Since video games have an inherent ability to transport us to places and meet people we normally wouldn’t, teachers can use them to create authentic experiences in their classes — where students reflect on their own lives, share personal stories with peers, and hopefully begin to share in the perspectives of others. Games can’t be the sole tool to help build empathy, but emotional and powerful moments in games can drive meaningful discussions in the classroom.

Via John Evans
GwynethJones's insight:

Can technology help kids develop empathy? Due to the rise of virtual reality experiences, there’s been some buzz lately about the impact technology might have on how we understand and share the feelings of others." --- very cool.


Kids NEED to learn EMPATHY

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Educational Technology News
August 10, 2017 8:35 PM!

Can Minecraft Camp Help Open Up The Tech World To Low-Income Kids?

Can Minecraft Camp Help Open Up The Tech World To Low-Income Kids? | Gamification for the Win |
Minecraft is touted for its educational possibilities. But is that potential really accessible to all?

GwynethJones's insight:


Patricia Stitson's curator insight, August 11, 2017 12:22 PM

I have been witness to the power of minecraft in the classroom for all individuals.  Accessibility could be as simple as a $40 raspberry pi, $10 keyboard and mouse - and monitor.  The result could be this:

Rescooped by GwynethJones from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education
May 14, 2017 6:01 PM!

Top 10 Educational Games to Use with Students in Class (from Nobel Prize Website)

Top 10 Educational Games to Use with Students in Class (from Nobel Prize Website) | Gamification for the Win |, the official site of Nobel Prize, offers a number of interesting educational games you can use with your students in class. These are interactive games and simulations based on Nobel-awarded achievements to teach and inspire students. There are actually over 29 games covering different topics including physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, and economics. Most of these games include a ‘Read more’ link to help students learn more about the subject. Below are the 10 most popular games in To access all the educational resources and games, check out this page.

Via John Evans
GwynethJones's insight:

I'd give a Nobel prize for good games to use with the kiddos!

Carol Hancox's curator insight, May 19, 2017 4:59 AM
Possible game ideas for teaching and learning
Rescooped by GwynethJones from EdTech Evolution - Mapping the Intersection of tech, innovation, and instruction
April 16, 2017 5:53 PM!

Gamifying Your Class to Meet the Needs of All Learners

Gamifying Your Class to Meet the Needs of All Learners | Gamification for the Win |
Introduce game dynamics like leveling up and earning badges into your classroom to boost student engagement.

Via Suvi Salo, Dean J. Fusto
GwynethJones's insight:

AWESOME! Thanks Edutopia!

HCL's curator insight, April 19, 2017 7:04 PM
Some useful strategies for adding gamification to learning.
Gema López López's comment, January 23, 6:11 AM
Un artículo muy interesante. Es cierto que para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestro alumnado debemos considerar los diferentes ritmos y estilos de aprendizaje. Adjunto un artículo que puede ayudar a complementar
Scooped by GwynethJones
March 26, 2017 8:33 PM!

Kids fight stereotypes using chess in rural Mississippi

Kids fight stereotypes using chess in rural Mississippi | Gamification for the Win |
Grade-school chess teams from Franklin County, Mississippi, blow past stereotypes about who can play chess and win national recognition
GwynethJones's insight:

Dr. Jeff Bulington On @60Minutes is inspiring!

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Edtech
February 28, 2017 10:21 AM!

Quidditch Ping Pong!

Quidditch Ping Pong! | Gamification for the Win |
As part of our week-long World Book Day celebrations the library kicked Monday off with a lively round of Quidditch Ping Pong! It's

Via Bookmarking Librarian
GwynethJones's insight:

Quidditch Ping Pong! Yet another Brilliant idea from @lucasjmaxwell of @glenthornelrc

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Future Ready School Libraries
January 21, 2017 10:37 PM!

The Perfect Time To Announce Gen 2 For 'Pokémon GO'

The Perfect Time To Announce Gen 2 For 'Pokémon GO' | Gamification for the Win |
Niantic should wait just a second before pushing out Gen 2 of creatures in 'Pokémon GO.'
Via Bookmarking Librarian
GwynethJones's insight:

Uhhh yes, please!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
October 2, 2016 9:19 PM!

5 Reasons to Use Game-Based Learning in Your Classroom - Class Tech Tips

5 Reasons to Use Game-Based Learning in Your Classroom - Class Tech Tips | Gamification for the Win |
Earlier this year I shared QuoDeck an interactive learning content creator that promotes game-based learning. QuoDeck is a learning tool that lets teachers create and host content with a few simple steps. Users are able to create interactive learning content all in one place. This content creator includes gamified decks, quizzes, flashcards, assessments, learning games, and…
GwynethJones's insight:

Just another thing to add & try!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
September 11, 2016 8:14 AM!

3 Ways Pokémon GO Can Create Meaningful Learning Opportunities

3 Ways Pokémon GO Can Create Meaningful Learning Opportunities | Gamification for the Win |
Educators from around the web offer ideas for incorporating Pokémon GO into the classroom.
GwynethJones's insight:

Yeah, it's a FAD. But, let's ride it and hard!

Gema López López's comment, January 23, 6:32 AM
Estoy de acuerdo con tu artículo. Otra de las ideas para implementar en el aula, es la de Harry Potter. Los Pokémon, personas ficticios y la magia, son elementos que les encantan a los alumnos. Aquí le adjunto un enlace que podría ser interesante, de cómo implementar la gamificación con Harry Potter en el aula
Rescooped by GwynethJones from Future Ready School Libraries
September 7, 2016 6:21 AM!

Easy Pokeball Bookmark - Pokemon Go Origami - Paper Crafts - Collab with Natasha Lee Pokeball Nails

Easy Pokeball Bookmark - Pokemon Go Origami - Paper Crafts. With Pokemon Go being all the rage right now, it was time we FINALLY made some Pokemon DIYs.

Via Bookmarking Librarian
GwynethJones's insight:


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Scooped by GwynethJones
September 5, 2016 3:03 PM!

This Pokemon Go evolution calculator will help you get the most powerful Pokemon

This Pokemon Go evolution calculator will help you get the most powerful Pokemon | Gamification for the Win |
One of the most satisfying moments in Pokemon Go is when you finally have enough candies to evolve one of your rare Pokemon. The only problem is that, at a glance, it's impossible to tell how powerful that evolved Pokemon is going to be, and you might not have any candies left to power it u
GwynethJones's insight:

I don't think I have to worry about this being only level 2! LOL

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education
February 10, 2019 10:40 AM!

Game-Based Learning: Preparing Students for The Future :: EdSurge Guides

Game-Based Learning: Preparing Students for The Future :: EdSurge Guides | Gamification for the Win |

"Two decades in, and it’s abundantly clear that one of the most effective ways to nurture the 21st century’s trademark skills—creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration—is by creating opportunities for kids to do what kids do naturally: play. So we’ve crafted this educators’ guide to game-based learning, packed with resources for gaming gurus and greenhorns alike."

Jim Lerman's insight:


A sizable, and growing, collection of resources on game-based learning for educators. Resources are grouped into 3 sections:  The Big Picture, Gaming in the Classroom, and Teaching with Minecraft. Don't miss the beginner's Minecraft video tutorial.

Via Jim Lerman, John Evans
GwynethJones's insight:

Gamification \\FTW//!

Suzanne McLaughlin's comment, May 23, 2019 12:21 AM
Thanks @Samuel Johnson and @Rich A. for sharing this posts. Not only is game play great for sharpening up the old reflexes but I also think its great in aiding students to think strategically. It is a requirement as teachers to have our students practicing high order thinking such as through collaboration, problem solving or critical thinking - when students game play they are actually practicing these skills and they may not even realise because of the enjoyment they are experiencing! One of my subject area is maths and minecraft would be a great way for teaching area and volume as student can build their own shapes and objects. Further, I have seen a minecraft lesson where students are learning about bearings and coordinates. A great way to teach if you are unable to get you class outside and is much easier to visualise
Luke Flint's curator insight, May 23, 2019 2:59 AM
Finding concepts that interest students is sometimes a losing battle for modern teachers. Having resources where video games can be incorporated into actual learning scenarios is one way to not only improve engagement in students, but also break the monotony of generic classroom activities by including new technology.
Sylvia Galvan's curator insight, February 5, 2021 3:12 PM
Students learn through the process of playing the game. By playing a game, students may be able to understand a new concept or idea, take on a different perspective, or experiment with different options or variables.
Rescooped by GwynethJones from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education
January 6, 2019 7:10 PM!

New LEGO Forma sets are supposed to help reduce stress and anxiety

New LEGO Forma sets are supposed to help reduce stress and anxiety | Gamification for the Win |
Danish toymaker LEGO has revealed a new set aimed at helping adults improve their mental wellbeing. Titled "Forma," the set uses LEGO pieces to create the skeleton of a fish, which is then finished with customizable skins. The idea behind the project comes from the view that combining organic forms and mechanical work could help reduce stress and anxiety.

Via John Evans
GwynethJones's insight:

Gamification for the Win!

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
September 16, 2017 12:51 PM!

3 Examples Of Game-Based Learning: Actual Stories From The Classroom - by Ryan Schaaf

3 Examples Of Game-Based Learning: Actual Stories From The Classroom - by Ryan Schaaf | Gamification for the Win |

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
GwynethJones's insight:

Kids love gaming - why not use that to engage them?

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Educational Technology News
July 29, 2017 1:31 PM!

7 Reasons and Resources for EdTech Gamification in Education

7 Reasons and Resources for EdTech Gamification in Education | Gamification for the Win |

"With the proliferation of the wide range of EdTech tools that we have seen in recent years and the widespread popularity of games (whether video, sport or board) among students, it comes as no surprise that many are seeking ways to introduce new and innovative EdTech games into their curriculum."

GwynethJones's insight:

So cool!

Gema López López's comment, January 23, 5:34 AM
Estoy de acuerdo con tu video, el alumnado necesita métodos de enseñanza más atractivos y eficaces, y la gamificación en las aulas lo ofrece, es por ello, que está teniendo un crecimiento bastante significativo en los últimos años. Aquí le muestro una página web que puede ser interesante para ampliar información.
Rescooped by GwynethJones from Technology
April 29, 2017 10:05 PM!

Flowlab Game Creator - Make games online

Flowlab Game Creator - Make games online | Gamification for the Win |
Great for teachers & students. Flowlab is being used all over the world to introduce game design & development, along with crucial STEM skills. Creating themed games is also a fun way to get students engaged with classroom material.

Via Nik Peachey, Liz Bujaki
GwynethJones's insight:

Gamification for the WIN!

Gust MEES's curator insight, April 30, 2017 7:25 AM
Great for teachers & students. Flowlab is being used all over the world to introduce game design & development, along with crucial STEM skills. Creating themed games is also a fun way to get students engaged with classroom material.


Learn more / En savoir plus / Mehr erfahren:


MARÍA TERESA GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ's curator insight, November 22, 2017 7:44 AM
Flowlab está siendo utilizado como material de trabajo en las aulas para desarrollar las habilidades y fomentar la creatividad, creando juegos y compartiéndolos con el resto de compañeros, una nueva metodología  de enseñanza a través de los juegos del siglo XXI en el que el alumnado disfruta trabajando y aprendiendo.
Scooped by GwynethJones
April 14, 2017 7:59 AM!

Digital Games in the Bilingual Classroom! Free Webinar by BrainPOP

Digital Games in the Bilingual Classroom! Free Webinar by BrainPOP | Gamification for the Win |
GwynethJones's insight:

I really LOVE BrainPop! Such a rich resource!

Thanks @MrVelasClass & my sweet friend @karistubbs !!

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Educational Technology News
March 5, 2017 6:52 AM!

12 Surprising Things Your Child Can Learn from Minecraft

12 Surprising Things Your Child Can Learn from Minecraft | Gamification for the Win |
This CodaKid infographic lists 12 surprising things that students can learn from Minecraft, including computer programming, architecture, physics, and more.

GwynethJones's insight:

Gamification for the WIN!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
February 5, 2017 6:51 AM!

How to Gamify Your Classroom

How to Gamify Your Classroom | Gamification for the Win |
GwynethJones's insight:

Who doesn't like gaming?

Martha Bongiorno's curator insight, February 5, 2017 11:40 AM
Share your insight
Gema López López's comment, January 23, 5:55 AM
Me parece muy interesante. Además, se puede implementar mediante el sistema de puntos y niveles con desafíos y misiones, creando juegos de mesa o digitales. Por ello, le adjunto un vídeo que puede ser interesante.
Rescooped by GwynethJones from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
October 16, 2016 1:53 PM!

5 Ways Gamification Can Help Students Develop A Growth Mindset — Emerging Education Technologies

5 Ways Gamification Can Help Students Develop A Growth Mindset — Emerging Education Technologies | Gamification for the Win |
Gamification allows us to enhance our knowledge and enhance our basic soft skills like multi-tasking, collaborating, creative thinking and committing to a goal. In 2002, the word gamification was coined as a way to describe the incorporation of game-thinking and

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
GwynethJones's insight:

Cool beans!

Manuel Garcia's curator insight, June 4, 2023 9:33 PM
By integrating gamification into e-learning, learners have the opportunity to improve their knowledge and acquire vital soft skills like multitasking, collaboration, creative thinking, and goal-oriented mindset. Furthermore, gamification fosters an environment that empowers learners to take responsibility for their learning journey and envision their own success, allowing them to progress at a pace that suits them best
Scooped by GwynethJones
October 2, 2016 6:51 PM!

Pokemon Go QR Code Library Scavenger Hunt

Pokemon Go QR Code Library Scavenger Hunt | Gamification for the Win |
I've been Tweeting about this idea for a few weeks now, promising to post about it,  but I've been just a wee bit busy with the start o
GwynethJones's insight:

This is my PokemonGo inspired QR Code Scavenger Hunt activity, Lesson Plan with FREE Printables and worksheets.


Links to my wikipage where you can download the PSD template is listed as well as other resources and related QR Code blog posts.


Martha Bongiorno's curator insight, February 5, 2017 11:41 AM
Too cool!!
Gema López López's comment, January 23, 6:22 AM
Muy interesante, además te adjunto un enlace que puede resultar interesante La gamificación en el aula con códigos QR fomenta el aprendizaje de manera interactiva y atractiva. Tanto es así, que el alumnado puede conectar con el mundo físico y el mundo digital en cuestión de segundos, mediante desafíos y actividades.
Scooped by GwynethJones
September 7, 2016 4:57 PM!

Rare Pokemon QR-Code-Sign

A RARE PokemonGo QR Code sign for the library or classroom! The QR Code takes kids or patrons to an article that discusses Rare Pokemon and how to find them! …
GwynethJones's insight:

Pokemon Go QR Code Sign to use in your school  or library!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
September 5, 2016 8:50 PM!

‘Pokemon Go’ Rare Pokemon List: Where to Find Snorlax, Dratini, Lapras & More

‘Pokemon Go’ Rare Pokemon List: Where to Find Snorlax, Dratini, Lapras & More | Gamification for the Win |
Wondering which are the rarest "Pokemon" in "Pokemon Go"? Here is the list of the most sought after, including Snorlax, Dratini, Porygon, Chansey and more.
GwynethJones's insight:

Gotta love Snorlax!

GwynethJones's comment, September 7, 2016 2:43 PM
If you want to thank me, re-scoopit & not just take the curated source and scoopit yourself! Give me credit, hon! ! Attribution always, sweet friend! LOL