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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:34 PM!

Delve into FileMaker 12 Interface - Starting from Scratch

This video shows how easy it is to use Filemaker, right out of the box, with an existing data set from a spreadsheet.


The highlight in FileMaker 12 is the ability to use themes, which make a solution look organized and sleek.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:34 PM!

FileMaker 12 Layout Objects (video 1:01'28")

Provided by - This video is an hour long presentation about what is going on behind the scenes with FileMaker 12 layout objects.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:32 PM!

New Window Types in FileMaker 12 | CoreSolutions Software Inc.

New Window Types in FileMaker 12 | CoreSolutions Software Inc. | Filemaker Info |
I thought I’d talk about a smaller (but still very useful) new feature – new window types. Creating windows isn’t new – it’s something that I’ve used for years – but the windows all behaved pretty much the same.

FileMaker 12 adds some new options for windows: you can now create Floating windows (which will stay above all other windows) and Dialog (or modal) windows.

These two new window types open up some interesting new options – like having a floating navigation palette that’s always accessible, or having cool custom dialog windows.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:32 PM!

Help | Video | YouTube | FileMaker (Video)

Help | Video | YouTube | FileMaker (Video) | Filemaker Info |

Accessing FileMaker's built-in Help is very useful; but, it can be a bit slow.

This trick has saved me countless hours over the years when I have needed to reference the Help documents.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:31 PM!

24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 file management plug-in for FileMaker Pro allows you to create, delete, copy, move, rename, read and edit all your files and folders directly from your databases.

24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 file management plug-in for FileMaker Pro allows you to create, delete, copy, move, rename, read and edit all your files and folders directly from your databases. | Filemaker Info |
Manage files & folders anywhere on your computer directly from FileMaker Pro!


Create, delete, copy, move, rename, read, edit all your files and folders from your databases.


Main features :


Importing/exporting formatted text to/from RTF files
Resizing and rotating picture files
Mounting and unmounting network volumes

Creating files and folders
Deleting files and folders (including complete contents)
Copying files and folders (including complete contents)
Moving files and folders (including complete contents)
Renaming files and folders
Checking kind of items (file/folder/not found)
Checking size of files and folders (data fork/resource fork/file/folder)
Checking and setting creation and modification date & time
Checking and setting file/folder privileges
Choosing file, folder and new file name via system dialog
Reading folders (list of items)
Reading files (whole contents or part)
Writing files (whole, append, modify)
Support for explicitly specified text encodings
Reading and writing binary files as hexadecimal dump
Support for full and relative paths (cross-platform)
100% Unicode

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:30 PM!

FileMaker Starting Point - A Completely FREE FileMaker Template Designed for use with FileMaker Pro 12

FileMaker Starting Point - A Completely FREE FileMaker Template Designed for use with FileMaker Pro 12 | Filemaker Info |

FM Starting Point is a completely FREE FileMaker template designed for use with FileMaker® Pro 10,11, 12, and is focused on small businesses, work groups, and non-profit organizations.

These templates were built with the experience gained from working with these target groups for over 22 years.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Scooped by David Anders
August 11, 2012 7:29 PM!

12 Ways FileMaker 12 Will Impact Your Work and Business

12 Ways FileMaker 12 Will Impact Your Work and Business | Filemaker Info |
If you haven't yet converted old databases from FileMaker 5 format, you've got two file format conversions to do to get up-to-date. If you remember the migration from .fp5 to .fp7 as being ... we upgrade our hosting servers and your databases.
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:28 PM!

Core4 - Strikingly Efficient FileMaker Pro CRM Accessed From Anywhere

Core4 - Strikingly Efficient FileMaker Pro CRM Accessed From Anywhere | Filemaker Info |

The Core4 CRM is a strikingly efficient customer relationship management system that offers organizations shared user access and control over critical business data.

This cross-platform business management tool includes a full suite of integrated modules to help organizations manage their business and direct their work flow.

From initial contact with a potential customer, through the sales and estimating process, and finally to managing and completing successful projects, the Core4 CRM will help you and your team produce efficient and organized results for your customers time and time again.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:27 PM!

FileMaker Website | No programming required.

FileMaker Website | No programming required. | Filemaker Info |

FileMaker Website is designed so that you can do almost all of your development with FileMaker and publish to the web without having to mess with any PHP/CSS/HTML/XML.


Our FileMaker Website software is designed by, and for, FileMaker developers.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Scooped by David Anders
August 11, 2012 4:21 PM!

FileMaker GO Now FREE, Business App Opportunities Explode

FileMaker GO Now FREE, Business App Opportunities Explode | Filemaker Info |

And what's not to like about the rest of the FileMaker Suite of business tools. FileMaker Pro runs on Mac and Windows desktops, includes a proven database engine (FileMaker Server) upgraded to 64 bit architectures and has ...

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Scooped by David Anders
August 11, 2012 4:20 PM!

Cool things to do with Tab Controls in FileMaker 12

Cool things to do with Tab Controls in FileMaker 12 | Filemaker Info |

FileMaker 12 is here, and with it comes many new cool new features, a lot of which are a result of the new css-based layout engine. In this article we are focusing on one small change borne out of the new layout engine which has massive potential for building new interface controls.

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Scooped by David Anders
August 11, 2012 4:15 PM!

FileMaker 12 Theme Engine

A sequence of videos which cover how the FileMaker 12 theme engine works. How it can be used to create your own custom themes.
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 3:46 PM!

Grow your FileMaker Product, Plugin and App Development Business

Grow your FileMaker Product, Plugin and App Development Business | Filemaker Info |

Conference Dates
October 23-24, 2012 Chicago, IL


Do you have a software solution, product, plugin or app developed in or for FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Go?


What it would it take to double your sales in the next year?


Do you have an idea for a product but you’re not sure how you would market and sell it on a larger scale?


Come join other successful business owners and developers to take part in a 2 Day workshop to explore the many issues we face in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace.

Whether you’re an experienced product developer looking for new ideas or someone with a great idea looking to learn from others' experience, this conference is for you.


The format of the meeting is a combination of speaker led seminars, roundtable discussions and facilitated workshop sessions.

We invite your full participation in a variety of workshops with exercises facilitated by Molly Connolly and Allen Imbarrato.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:34 PM!

Virtual Lists – A Whitepaper by Michael Rocharde - eX Cetera

Virtual Lists – A Whitepaper by Michael Rocharde - eX Cetera | Filemaker Info |

Since its earliest days, FileMaker™ developers have come up with amazing workarounds to solve problems that could not be solved using the built in tools.

As FileMaker™ developed and became more powerful & creative tool, many of those workarounds disappeared and were able to be done natively.

However there have always been, and will continue to be, developers who push the envelope.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:33 PM!

FileMaker Pro 12 review |

FileMaker Pro 12 review | | Filemaker Info |
FileMaker occupies an interesting space in the database world – straightforward enough for non-techies to use for basic record-keeping, yet powerful enough for professionals to make a living designing and then selling bespoke custom-built databases.

It also runs on both Windows PCs and Apple Macs and there's a free 'to go' version for iPhones and iPads that enables you to access databases created by the desktop product while you're out and about.


FileMaker Pro 12 (hereafter referred to as FMPro 12) builds on these characteristics as well as offering a number of significant changes and new features, specifically a new file format (FMP12), the ability to apply visual themes to databases, and 16 new so-called 'Starter Solutions' - pre-baked templates that cover a range of application types.


Let's look at the main new features in turn.


(Rob Beattle missed at least one point : the big changes around the container functionalities ...)

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:32 PM!

SMS Gateways | fmSMS

SMS Gateways | fmSMS | Filemaker Info |
fmSMS - send and receive SMS TEXT Messages from FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server and FileMaker Go...


fmSMS integrates with multiple SMS Gateways around the world.

When you send an SMS Message using fmSMS the message is sent (using a FileMaker plug-in) directly to your specified SMS Gateway via an HTTP POST.

Most SMS Gateways will send to multiple carriers/networks around the world

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:31 PM!

Playing with autoresize in Filemaker 12 | @inevco | @toddgeist

Explore the Auto Resizing with off screen objects of Filemaker (video 2'09")

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:30 PM!

Simple Static Map Overlays in FileMaker Pro

Simple Static Map Overlays in FileMaker Pro | Filemaker Info |

I came up with this idea, because I ski regularly at a place called Sun Peaks Resort in BC.


The resort is great and I love skiing there, but I wished their web site had a more visual display of the hill’s nightly grooming maps, instead of just a text list of the runs.

I can remember a visual image easier than a list of names, when I am skiing.

If it is a powder day you avoid the groomers, if the conditions are challenging, you head for them.

OK, I will be honest, usually I head for the groomers anyway, I love the feel of fresh corduroy in the morning.


It occurred to me that I could build a database in FileMaker Pro to convert the text-based list of runs, into a more visual map to display the days preferred runs.


This concept of a static map with transparent overlays could be adapted for situations such as:


tour bus seating maps
airplane seating reservation maps
restaurant table bookings
reserved theatre seating

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:30 PM!

Inventory: FileMaker Pro 12 Starter Solution | The Mac Office

Inventory: FileMaker Pro 12 Starter Solution | The Mac Office | Filemaker Info |

The Inventory Starter Solution is a quick way to monitor your business' products and services details, location, and costing information.

It's one of the 16 pre-made templates that's available for you to start using for your database requirements.

It's fully unlocked so you can view and modify the database tables, relationships, layouts, and scripts.


Let have a look to this Filemaker Inventory Starter Solution ...

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:29 PM!

Worldcloud - FileMaker on almost any device ...

Worldcloud - FileMaker on almost any device ... | Filemaker Info |

FileMaker on almost any device


Worldcloud, Inc. of Knoxville, TN is releasing a new virtual FileMaker Pro client for HTML5.


This new service will allow any device capable of running a HTML5 Browser to have a full FileMaker Pro 12 experience (including plug-in support).


This service will allow devices such as the following to enjoy FileMaker.

Legacy Macs & PCs G3/G4/G5 Macs, 486+ Windows sytems
Most tablet devices- Blackberry PlayBook, Microsoft Slate, Android and even iPad!
Android, Windows, & Blackberry smartphone devices
Sony, LG, GoogleTV, Boxee and other smart televisions or media players, Sony Playstation 3 or xBox 360, Linux systems
And many other devices, normally not supported directly by FileMaker, Inc.


These clients run faster than a traditional FileMaker Pro client, are more secure, and easier to maintain.


Worldcloud also offer both FileMaker Server AND FileMaker Pro from the cloud

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Rescooped by David Anders from Learning Claris FileMaker
August 11, 2012 7:27 PM!

Could I really ditch my laptop for an iPad?

Could I really ditch my laptop for an iPad? | Filemaker Info |
As tablets get more powerful, some people are asking if they really need to use their laptops for blogging or other work-related tasks. CNET's Marguerite Reardon offers some advice on whether you can really replace your laptop with an iPad.

Via Didier Daglinckx
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Scooped by David Anders
August 11, 2012 7:26 PM!

Miscellaneous behavior changes in FileMaker Pro 12 | FileMaker

Miscellaneous behavior changes in FileMaker Pro 12 | FileMaker | Filemaker Info |

Important differences with FileMaker 12.

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Scooped by David Anders
August 11, 2012 4:20 PM!

Skeleton Key YouTube Training Videos

We'll share tutorial videos on a wide range of topics within Skeleton Key's expertise.
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Scooped by David Anders
August 11, 2012 4:19 PM!

Using FileMaker 12 Runtime files with FileMaker Go 12

Using FileMaker 12 Runtime files with FileMaker Go 12 | Filemaker Info |
Did FileMaker just open the door for developers to create databases that will run on Macs, Windows, iPhones and iPads, all for free? Runtime + Go = Free Platform The recent launch of FileMaker Pro ...
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Scooped by David Anders
August 11, 2012 3:47 PM!

Froodware offers FREE Mac Address Book plug-in for developers ...

Froodware offers FREE Mac Address Book plug-in for developers ... | Filemaker Info |
Froodware offers FREE Address Book plug-in for developers - posted in Product Announcements: Yes it is true, we are giving away our Filemaker Apple Address Book plug-in for free to any Filemaker developer!
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