Learning Claris FileMaker
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Learning Claris FileMaker
Give life to your data with an easy to use database ... I'll share cool FileMaker stuff for you, avoiding the programming part of it as much as I can.                        #WorkplaceInnovationPlatform #Claris
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
May 29, 8:44 AM

Drilling down in list views by using FileMaker subsummaries

Drilling down in list views by using FileMaker subsummaries | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it
How do you find information in lists? 

One option is to search. 
The result is a list of hits. 

In some situations, a different approach may be more helpful for the user. 

This article is about a simple “drilling down” technique for list views. 
It is a more interactive option. 

A sample file is available for download. 

This is what we are looking for, an interactive selection and display of belonging sections, down to the display of the records themselves. 

Users can simply click on ever more specific categories to find the selection of data they are interested in.
Didier Daglinckx's insight:
A nice way to improve your users' experience ...
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
April 10, 4:53 PM

Cut through integration chaos with Claris Connect

Welcome to our in-depth session on leveraging Claris Connect as a powerful integration layer for APIs and services! 

Join us as Lui de la Parra from Claris walks us through creating custom integrations for unique APIs, simplifying FileMaker Server management, and implementing data-driven automation with Claris Studio.

In this video, you'll discover:
• Practical demonstrations on building bespoke API integrations.
• Tips for streamlining FileMaker Server administration using Claris Connect.
• Strategies for data-driven automation with Claris Studio.
• Insights on Claris Connect's security and scalability benefits for FileMaker Server deployments.
• Techniques to reduce secret management complexity and seamlessly switch between deployment environments.

Unlock the potential of Claris Connect, Claris Studio, and FileMaker for your web-based workflows! Hit the like button, subscribe for more integration tips, and let's navigate the world of seamless API integrations and automation together.

#ClarisEngage2024 #ClarisConnect #IntegrationLayer #APIIntegration #ClarisFileMaker #WorkflowAutomation #FileMakerServer #DataIntegration #AutomationTools #WebDevelopment #ClarisStudio #IntegrationStrategies #TechTips

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
April 10, 5:36 AM

Delivering AI driven solutions with Claris FileMaker: a practical overview

Welcome to our session on leveraging AI in Claris FileMaker to boost your business! 

Join us as Ronnie Rios from Claris shares insights on harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize your workflows and elevate your FileMaker solutions. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a business user, this session offers a comprehensive guide to integrating AI seamlessly into your FileMaker projects.

In this video, you'll learn:
• Key considerations for implementing AI, including strategy, ethics, and data privacy.
• Live demos showcasing AI's capabilities within FileMaker.
• A sneak peek into the future of AI-powered FileMaker solutions.

Don't miss out on unlocking the full potential of AI for your business with Claris FileMaker! Hit the like button, subscribe for more AI tips, and let's dive into the exciting world of AI-driven productivity together.

#ClarisEngage2024 #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ClarisFileMaker #BusinessProductivity #WorkflowOptimization #DataPrivacy #EthicalAI #FutureTech #DemoExamples #TechInnovation

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 26, 4:43 AM

FileMaker ChatGPT Integration

FileMaker ChatGPT Integration | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it

Simple integration using ChatGPT and FileMaker Pro solving two business problems. 


By now, almost everyone has heard of ChatGPT, marvelling at its ability to write poetry, tell jokes, and entertain. 

But what about its practical applications in business? 

Are there any? 

We think so, and have started to solve some real world problems with the technology. 

These simple use cases will focus on how to use ChatGPT to improve or provide substitutes for the text we give it. 


This is the number one tool for managing your response. 

In the demo file you will see that by changing the language code in the prompt (one word) we will receive an entirely different message. These models can’t read your mind.

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 13, 12:06 PM

Downloading Claris Studio Form Submissions as Leads in FileMaker Pro

Downloading Claris Studio Form Submissions as Leads in FileMaker Pro | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it

You can now incorporate data gathered by your Claris Studio web forms in your FileMaker Pro application! 

Includes download file and demo video.

In the modern business landscape, web and data management applications have become increasingly valuable. 

With FileMaker 20.2+ and Claris Studio, it has become even easier to use both! With FileMaker 20.2+, you can effortlessly incorporate data gathered from Claris Studio web forms into your application. 

This article provides a practical overview of the capabilities of integrating Claris Studio in FileMaker Pro. 

Additionally, you'll find a step-by-step guide to implementing this integration to benefit your business. 

Explore the seamless convergence of web technology and data management for enhanced business efficiency.

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 13, 11:38 AM

Collapsible Lists in Claris FileMaker

Creating a collapsible list in Claris FileMaker might initially seem challenging, but with a strategic approach using a web viewer, it becomes achievable. 

By leveraging the web viewer, you can create a dynamic list that incorporates FileMaker data seamlessly. 

We demo how to create a collapsible list in FileMaker to provide a more intuitive and efficient workflow for users.

Read the article and download the sample file.

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 11, 4:43 PM

Highlights and product updates from Claris Engage 2024.

Highlights and product updates from Claris Engage 2024. | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it

Thank you to the more than 600 Claris FileMaker developers and Claris Partners who helped us make Claris Engage 2024 a success! 

The conference theme, build the future, came to life at the event with discussions around FileMaker and AI, plus other disruptive innovations. 

The three-day event featured training courses, more than 50 sessions led by Claris developers and members of the Claris team, plus an opening keynote presented by Claris leadership. 

Explore highlights from Claris Engage 2024 and see what’s on the horizon for FileMaker and the rest of the Claris platform.

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 9, 4:16 PM

Claris Engage 2024 Keynote: Integrated platform plans and priorities

VP of Engineering, Peter Nelson, walks through Claris' engineering plans.

Discover how Claris is revolutionizing development platforms and empowering developers like you to unlock their full potential. 

In this video, we delve into the core principles guiding our engineering efforts and how they translate into practical solutions. Join us as we explore:

• Seamless Integration: Learn how FM Pro, Connect, and Studio work together to streamline development and deployment processes. From publishing web content to mobile device compatibility, Claris offers solutions tailored to your needs.
• One Platform, One Identity: Experience the convenience of managing your solutions and identities in one place. Whether you're using Cloud services or Active Directory, Claris ensures a unified experience across the board.
• Data Accessibility: Discover how Claris ensures that your data is accessible everywhere within the platform. With universal data representation and seamless syncing, you can leverage your data effortlessly.
• Honoring Developer Investment: We understand the importance of preserving existing solutions while embracing new technologies. Claris is committed to supporting legacy solutions while paving the way for innovation.
• Unconstrained Innovation: Embrace modern structures and technologies without being hindered by past limitations. Claris leverages cutting-edge tools like Mongo and AI to propel your solutions forward.

00:10 - Introduction: Claris engineering are your partners
00:58 - Value from the entire Claris platform
03:22 - Claris Connect and Claris Studio: enablement with free tier
04:38 - North stars: guiding principles for Claris engineering
12:26 - Public Claris Product Backlog shows priorities for development

Subscribe now to stay updated on the latest insights and advancements from Claris.

Brought to you by Claris International Inc. www.claris.com
#ClarisPlatform #DevelopmentTools #IntegrationSolutions #DataAccessibility #DeveloperCommunity #InnovationInTech #SoftwareEngineering #CloudServices #UnifiedExperience #FutureOfDevelopment #clarisfilemaker #clarisconnect #clarisstudio #filemakerpro

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 9, 3:29 PM

Claris Corner - Claris Studio Sneak Peak with Bridget Lumb

Claris Studio Sneak Peak with Bridget Lumb -https://youtu.be/qpULoomnC3k

Claris Returns to have another discussion on the FileMaker Platform! 

Product Manager, Bridget Lumb is here to discuss and demo Claris Studio!

Claris Studio Kitchen Sign-up - https://bit.ly/Claris_Studio_ETS
Claris Studio KanBan Sample - https://bit.ly/Claris_Studio_Kanban

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 8, 3:42 PM

Claris Engage 2024 Recap

Claris Engage is the premier event sponsored by Claris to help developers advance their skill set.

Brought to you by Claris International Inc. www.claris.com

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 3, 9:20 AM

MBS Claris FileMaker Blog - Ten FileMaker Conferences

MBS Claris FileMaker Blog - Ten FileMaker Conferences | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it

This year 2024 looks great for all FileMaker developers as we get plenty of places to get together. 

Make connections, learn what's new and best practice, and chat about your beloved development tool. 

The conferences are your chance to leave your working desc and travel around the world to visit the various places the conferences happen. 

Meet new people each time as well as old friends. Especially if you speak English, you have seven choices. 

Although not yet announced, we got notice that there will be another EngageU conference towards the end of the year. 

Didier Daglinckx's insight:
Vous pouvez ajouter la conférence francophone 
le 31 mai et 1 juin 2024
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 1, 11:58 AM

The Strange Game Julio Torres Loved As A Kid

Comedian and actor Julio Torres and Stephen Colbert bond over their memories of childhood games and being bored in school. 

Stick around for more with Julio Torres and watch his film, “Problemista,”...

Didier Daglinckx's insight:
Claris FileMaker Pro is making its big screen debut in #Problemista! 🎬 As #tilda knows...from movie premieres to production magic and warehouse wonders, FileMaker Pro's the unsung Hollywood hero - not your avg spreadsheet!

More in depth review with Mashable : https://mashable.com/article/problemista-review
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
February 2, 4:52 PM

The Confident Theme

The Confident Theme | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it
The Confident Theme is a professionally-designed FileMaker theme for anyone who wants to jump-start the UI/UX design of their next app.
Didier Daglinckx's insight:
More than 'just' a theme some inspirations for your Claris FileMaker solutions
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
May 8, 5:11 PM

FileMaker vs Airtable - Our 2024 Perspective

We (Portage Bay) first posted a review of FileMaker vs Airtable a little over four years ago. 

We’re circling back around to take another look and have updated this article accordingly. 

While Airtable has lots of strengths and works well in many circumstances, we remain confident that FileMaker takes the lead with its flexibility and broad range of customization possibilities.

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
April 10, 4:51 PM

Crafting dynamic solutions: a deep dive into Claris Studio for powerful app development

Delve into the technical prowess of Claris Studio for robust app development in this insightful session! 

Tailored for developers and enthusiasts alike, this video offers a deep dive into Claris Studio within the broader Claris platform, focusing on practical insights and real-world use cases. 

This session features Angela Chen and Bridget Lumb from Claris.

Key highlights of this session include:
• Comprehensive overview of Claris Studio's technical aspects.
• Emphasis on practical insights and real-world use cases.
• Unraveling technical intricacies essential for dynamic solutions.
• Empowering both seasoned developers and novices to explore Claris Studio's full potential.

Unlock the power of Claris Studio for your app development journey! Hit the like button, subscribe for more tech insights, and let's innovate together with Claris Studio.

#ClarisEngage2024 #ClarisStudio #AppDevelopment #TechnicalInsights #ClarisPlatform #DevelopmentTools #TechInnovation #RealWorldUseCases #TechEmpowerment #AppDesign #ClarisCommunity #TechSolutions

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
April 10, 5:34 AM

Claris FileMaker Stripe Invoicing Integration

Learn how to seamlessly integrate Claris FileMaker with Stripe for powerful online invoicing solutions. 

We dive into the details on how to harness the full potential of combining FileMaker features with Stripe's online payment capabilities to build a more efficient invoicing solution. Includes sample file and video.

Read the article and download the sample file.

Didier Daglinckx's insight:
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 24, 12:21 AM

Excel Plugin for FileMaker | Goya

Excel Plugin for FileMaker | Goya | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it

Excel for FileMaker Complete access to Excel for both read and write, including formatting and calculations. 

This plugin is based on the LibXL library, so the functionality is identical to that, and the documentation available is the same.

Didier Daglinckx's insight:
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 13, 11:41 AM

How to use the Claris FileMaker Pro Photo Gallery Add-on with Your Own Data

In this video, we demonstrate how to use the Photo Gallery Add-on with your own data instead of the sample data.

== Video Chapters ==
0:00 - Intro
1:19 - Learn about the Gallery View and how it works
1:43 - How do I get existing data to connect to the Photo Gallery add-on?
2:35 - How did the sample data get there?
3:18 -- Steps to incorporate my own data into the gallery
10:38 - Calibrating the data
11:52 - Recap and more

== Related Videos ==
▶️ Using the Photo Gallery -- FileMaker 19 Add-ons: https://youtu.be/w02FJzbCaTg

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 13, 11:35 AM

Apple Maps Integration with the Claris FileMaker Platform –

Apple Maps Integration with the Claris FileMaker Platform – | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it


Over the past couple of years I've worked on a number of Apple Maps integrations using Apple's MapKit JS and was also lucky enough to be invited to do a presentation on Apple Maps Integration at the recent EngageU European Claris FileMaker conference in Antwerp, Belgium.

The video of my presentation has just become available on YouTube. 

I've been wanting to write an article on integrating Apple Maps and MapKit JS with the FileMaker Platform so I decided to switch to using Apple Maps for this exercise.


Didier Daglinckx's insight:
The video is on EngageU YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbqwdUYli14
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 9, 4:20 PM

Claris Engage 2024 Keynote: Platform vision and what's new

Join us as we unveil our vision for development platforms and showcase the strides we're making to turn it into reality. 

Discover how success stories like the Mobile Tyre Shop and Exclusive Cars exemplify the power of having the right tools at your disposal.

From the explosion of cloud services to the increasing need for connectivity, we're navigating a world where data is scattered and user/device counts are soaring. 

But with complexity comes opportunity, and we're here to provide the solutions you need.

Join us as we delve into how Claris FileMaker, Claris Connect, and Claris Studio converge to address these challenges head-on. 

From internal-facing applications to enhancements in our ecosystem, we're here to support your journey.

Director of Product Management, Giuliano Iacobelli, and the Product Management/Engineering team walks through Claris' platform plan and priorities. 

Guest speakers include, Lucy Chen, Bridget Lumb, Lui de la Parra and Ronnie Rios.

Subscribe now for the latest updates, insights, and solutions from Claris. 

Let's build a future of innovation together!

00:20 - Giuliano Iacobelli: Workplace operating system
01:54 - Three dimensions: Internal facing solutions, external facing solutions, data source integration
02:57 - Lucy Chen: FileMaker release cadence
08:06 - External facing solutions
08:52 - Bridget Lumb: Updates on Claris Studio
17:42 - Data Integrations
18:33 - Lui de la Parra: Updates on Claris Connect
22:40 - Claris and AI integrations: generative AI stack
28:23 - Ronnie Rios: the AI potential with Claris FileMaker
35:48 - The unified Claris platform

Brought to you by Claris International Inc. www.claris.com
#DevelopmentPlatform #CustomApplications #CloudServices #DataIntegration #FileMaker #ClarisSolutions #TechInnovation #SoftwareDevelopment #BusinessSolutions #DigitalTransformation

Didier Daglinckx's insight:
Let's go forward with the Claris platform !!!
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 9, 3:43 PM

ClarisTalk AI

ClarisTalk AI | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it

All things Claris FileMaker and AI. 

It's not just about ChatGPT. 

Practical advice, interviews, history, trivia, comedy, and more.Brought to you by Matt Navarre and Cris Ippolite. 

Combined, we have 432 years of FileMaker experience, and still haven't learned much.

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 8, 3:44 PM

Claris Engage 2024 Keynote: Claris vision

Welcome to Claris Engage 2024! 

Join us as we celebrate innovation and community at our annual event featuring insights from Brad Freitag, CEO of Claris. 

In this keynote address, Brad discusses the transformative journey of Claris, highlighting the company's commitment to empowering developers and businesses worldwide.

00:54 - Building momentum together with you our problem solvers
03:11 - Vision vs plan: building a platform ecosystem
04:31 - Returns on our transformational investments
05:33 - Our purpose lived by what you create
07:30 - Incorporating your feedback
10:57 - Growth: Alignment with Apple

Join us as we delve into the future of Claris and discover how our platform is driving innovation and growth across industries. 

Don't miss out on valuable insights and opportunities to enhance your solutions. 

Like, share, and subscribe for more updates from Claris Engage 2024! 

#ClarisEngage #Innovation #TechSolutions 



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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 7, 12:31 PM

ClarisTalk Episode 8... and Claris Talk AI Episode 1!

Matt Navarre and Cris Ippolite are launching a new podcast. Claris Talk AI!

In this video episode, Matt Navarre and Cris Ippolite discuss “Prompt Templates” and how to construct them to provide your #AI models with the most instruction around WHO is requesting a response when making an APi call to large language model. 

They break down all of the “behind the scenes” data that gets sent as payload when making API calls to LLMs: User Personas, Guardrails, Constraints, Context and more. 

 Many believe communicating with these models is just about asking questions and getting answers. 

This discussion peels back the curtain on methods for controlling truth and accuracy in your model responses and establishes a core foundation for integrating your proprietary data safely into language model API integrations.

Didier Daglinckx's insight:
Start your AI and Claris FileMaker exploration !
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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 3, 3:52 AM

Enterprise FileMaker - Claris Platform User Group Meeting (Video)

Enterprise FileMaker - Claris Platform User Group Meeting (Video) | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it

The January 2024 Claris Platform User Group meeting provided an informative presentation on Enterprise FileMaker by Tim Cimbura, CEO of LuminFire, joined by Mack Richardson, Solution Architect, and Shawn Krueger, Solution Engineer (also from LuminFire). 

The meeting focused on the role of FileMaker in an enterprise, and the challenges of implementing FileMaker in these environments.

Highlights included bids and negotiations, compliance, scalability, funding challenges, and being required to complete enterprise-specific training before development can begin. 

Also discussed: the complexities of maintaining security, the challenges of remote access, and the role Agile plays in an enterprise environment.

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Scooped by Didier Daglinckx
March 1, 11:35 AM

Reflections on Claris Engage 2024 – State of the Union

Reflections on Claris Engage 2024 – State of the Union | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it
Claris Engage is back! More than 600 developers, Claris partners, and Claris employees gathered at the Apple campus in Austin, Texas for three days in February, marking the first in-person Claris conference since 2019.
Didier Daglinckx's insight:
Take the time to read the blog post from one of the top Claris FileMaker developer, it will give you peace of mind about your investments in the Claris FileMaker platform !
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