Serrer la main d'un industriel de la pharmacie revient aujourd'hui à se commettre avec Satan. Que doivent penser les employés de ces firmes qui travai...
Via Guillaume de DURAT, catherine cerisey
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eMedToday's curator insight,
May 17, 2013 8:07 PM
Summary statement
"For Novartis, the message is highly controlled. If in the past, pharma communication was a one-way dialogue via glossy brochures with little opportunity for stakeholders to respond, the digital age of healthcare engagement appears to have bypassed Novartis, at least as far as its corporate communications activities go"
Pharma need to enter the patient engagement. One recent quote
" Patient Engagement is the Bigest BlockBuster Drug of the Century"
eMedToday's comment,
April 18, 2013 11:24 PM
Interesting example of getting it right. The key is patient engagement around a target disease or problem
Sven Awege's comment,
April 20, 2013 5:41 AM
They are building great insights too along the way through listening to the community. That will certainly be fed through into the more traditional marketing material ;-)
Franklin Delano Williams's curator insight,
March 22, 2013 10:28 AM
Our Frontier Medicine Better Health Partnership will be testing this out with our partnering Critical Access Hospitals in Montana |
eMedToday's curator insight,
May 22, 2013 9:08 PM
What do Physicians want: Physicians expressed a strong desire for more websites designed specifically for healthcare professionals.86% wanted more disease-state websites designed specifically for healthcare professionals.77% wanted more product/branded websites designed for healthcare professionals.eSampling continues to have high demand, with 85% of respondents wanting more availability of eSampling.
They do not want “ canned” sale calls
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