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Actualité de la pharma et du digital
Curated by Rémy TESTON
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from E-patients et e-santé, empowerment et advocacy
May 24, 2013 2:56 PM!

Il faut cesser de s'en prendre à l'industrie pharmaceutique

Serrer la main d'un industriel de la pharmacie revient aujourd'hui à se commettre avec Satan. Que doivent penser les employés de ces firmes qui travai...

Via Guillaume de DURAT, catherine cerisey
Guillaume de DURAT's curator insight, May 23, 2013 7:17 AM

si vous êtes abonnés aux Echos^^

Antoine POIGNANT, MD's comment, May 23, 2013 9:55 AM
La pharma est au service de la vie !
Martine Castro's comment, May 24, 2013 7:49 AM
un nouveau rôle pour les industriels de la santé :c'est bien là l'enjeu !
Scooped by Rémy TESTON
May 21, 2013 5:46 AM!

Developing an adverse event decision tree for pharma

Developing an adverse event decision tree for pharma | Digital Pharma news |
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Digital marketing pharma
May 19, 2013 6:48 AM!

Pharma gets social: Novartis has content, but no engagement

Pharma gets social: Novartis has content, but no engagement | Digital Pharma news |

Pharma gets social Novartis has content, but no engagement - Articles In his latest article, Daniel Ghinn takes a look at Novartis' social media channels and questions whether there is a missed opportunity for the pharma company as it is not using...

Via Olivier Delannoy
eMedToday's curator insight, May 17, 2013 8:07 PM

Summary statement


"For Novartis, the message is highly controlled. If in the past, pharma communication was a one-way dialogue via glossy brochures with little opportunity for stakeholders to respond, the digital age of healthcare engagement appears to have bypassed Novartis, at least as far as its corporate communications activities go"


Pharma need to enter the patient engagement. One recent quote


" Patient Engagement is the Bigest BlockBuster Drug of the Century"

Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Digital marketing pharma
April 21, 2013 3:22 PM!

Socializing Pharma – Sanofi Gets it Right

Socializing Pharma – Sanofi Gets it Right | Digital Pharma news |

Today’s patients are empowered and connected – living as much in the digital world as the “real” world. It isn’t easy to engage healthcare customers in soci...

Via Olivier Delannoy
eMedToday's comment, April 18, 2013 11:24 PM
Interesting example of getting it right. The key is patient engagement around a target disease or problem
Scott Chepow's comment, April 19, 2013 9:12 AM
Wonder how they monitor the reaction...
Sven Awege's comment, April 20, 2013 5:41 AM
They are building great insights too along the way through listening to the community. That will certainly be fed through into the more traditional marketing material ;-)
Scooped by Rémy TESTON
April 8, 2013 11:01 AM!

News Press - Les entreprises pharmaceutiques entrent dans l'ère du web social. - VA PRESS

News Press - Les entreprises pharmaceutiques entrent dans l'ère du web social. - VA PRESS | Digital Pharma news |
À l'heure où de nombreuses entreprises se lancent dans l'aventure du web social, 44 % des entreprises du secteur pharmaceutique se tiennent encore à l'écart des réseaux sociaux. Tandis que les...
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
April 4, 2013 6:42 AM!

Deux sites de Quintiles récompensés par la Web Marketing Association MyPharma Editions | L'Info Industrie & Politique de Santé

La société de services Quintiles vient d'être récompensée pour ses communications numériques par deux prix « Internet Advertising Competition » (IAC) : l’un récompensant son site Internet d’entreprise, et l’autre son site pédagogique...
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Digital Health
March 23, 2013 5:17 AM!

3 Reasons Why Mobile Health Is an Emerging Hospital Marketing Strategy – The Buzz Bin

3 Reasons Why Mobile Health Is an Emerging Hospital Marketing Strategy – The Buzz Bin | Digital Pharma news |
It’s time to tackle the proverbial elephant in the room –lifestyle change. When I was doing my field work in ...

Via Alex Butler
Franklin Delano Williams's curator insight, March 22, 2013 10:28 AM

Our Frontier Medicine Better Health Partnership will be testing this out with our partnering Critical Access Hospitals in Montana

Scooped by Rémy TESTON
March 19, 2013 9:22 AM!

L'inéluctable mue des laboratoires

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March 5, 2013 1:23 AM!

Boehringer partners with PatientsLikeMe on rare disease community - PMLiVE

Boehringer partners with PatientsLikeMe on rare disease community - PMLiVE | Digital Pharma news |

Via uri goren, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
March 5, 2013 1:05 AM!

Les utilisateurs d'applications mobiles attendent avant tout de la transparence | L'Atelier: Disruptive innovation

Les utilisateurs d'applications mobiles attendent avant tout de la transparence | L'Atelier: Disruptive innovation | Digital Pharma news |
La collecte de données personnelles par les entreprises lors de l'utilisation d'une application suscite de l'inquiétude de la part de leurs utilisateurs.
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma, Reps, iPads & Tablets
February 21, 2013 9:05 AM!

How do we create digital pharma representatives?

A presentation delivered by Dan Baxter (@DanBax76) at the Irish Pharma Managers association meeting October 11th 2012.

Via Antoine POIGNANT, MD
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma, Reps, iPads & Tablets
February 11, 2013 8:08 AM!

How do we create digital pharma representatives? | [ ]

How do we create digital pharma representatives? | [ ] | Digital Pharma news |
See on - Pharma, Reps, iPads & TabletsA presentation delivered by Dan Baxter (@DanBax76) at the Irish Pharma Managers association meeting October 11th (How do we create digital pharma representatives?

Via Thierry Geufroi, Antoine POIGNANT, MD
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
February 8, 2013 7:47 AM!

5 Key Tips for Mobile Marketing Success in 2013

5 Key Tips for Mobile Marketing Success in 2013 | Digital Pharma news |
As mobile use grows, mobile marketing opportunities are increasing right along with it. Here are five key tips to consider while planning your mobile marketing [...]
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma Hub
May 23, 2013 4:48 AM!

Do physicians want to engage pharma in digital marketing?

Do physicians want to engage pharma in digital marketing? | Digital Pharma news |
What if you build a great online eDetailing portal and then nobody shows up?  That is the quagmire awaiting most drug companies as they shift money into digital marketing.  At the heart of this shi...

Via Philippe Marchal
eMedToday's curator insight, May 22, 2013 9:08 PM

What do Physicians want:

Physicians expressed a strong desire for more websites designed specifically for healthcare professionals.86% wanted more disease-state websites designed specifically for healthcare professionals.77% wanted more product/branded websites designed for healthcare professionals.eSampling continues to have high demand, with 85% of respondents wanting more availability of eSampling.


They do not want “ canned” sale calls

Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma Hub
May 20, 2013 4:01 AM!

Pharmas are cool with YouTube but fear Twitter

Pharmas are cool with YouTube but fear Twitter | Digital Pharma news |
Among social media channels, healthcare execs are most comfortable with YouTube and least comfortable with Twitter, a survey suggests.

Via Philippe Marchal
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from i-Pharma Digital
April 28, 2013 3:59 AM!

Pharma Communications in a Digital Era – A White Paper

Pharma Communications in a Digital Era – A White Paper | Digital Pharma news |
Mark Senak at Eye on FDA published a detailed white paper about the regulatory issues of pharma communications in social media. This white paper with the practical open access guide we published a ...

Via Nikos Papaioannou
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
April 17, 2013 4:11 AM!

Communication des laboratoires pharmaceutiques : dialogue avec l’homo numericus

Communication des laboratoires pharmaceutiques : dialogue avec l’homo numericus | Digital Pharma news |
Les contraintes réglementaires qui pèsent sur la communication des laboratoires pharmaceutiques sont fortes. Ils sont aujourd’hui à la recherche de nouvelles stratégies pour porter leur message...
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma Hub
April 6, 2013 2:02 PM!

Pinterest Becoming Top Choice for Social Media in The Pharmaceutical Industry

Pinterest Becoming Top Choice for Social Media in The Pharmaceutical Industry | Digital Pharma news |

Originating in 2009, the photo-based social media site Pinterest is quickly becoming a top choice for social media in the pharmaceutical industry

Via Philippe Marchal
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from La pharma dans tous ses états
March 23, 2013 5:18 AM!

Marketing for Healthcare Providers: A Primer for the Digital Age

Via Pharmacomptoir / Corinne Thuderoz
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
March 21, 2013 8:04 AM!

La convergence de l’industrie médicale et du digital en une seule image | PHARMA MULTI-CHANNEL MARKETING by PHARMAGEEK | Marketing et Communication Innovante

La convergence de l’industrie médicale et du digital en une seule image | PHARMA MULTI-CHANNEL MARKETING  by PHARMAGEEK | Marketing et Communication Innovante | Digital Pharma news |
La relation entre industriels du monde de la santé, les patients, leurs familles et entourages ainsi que les régulateurs et autres institutions ne cesse...
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Marketing digital, réseaux sociaux, mobile et stratégie online
March 10, 2013 7:26 AM!

Top digital pharma marketing trends (Part II)

Top digital pharma marketing trends (Part II) | Digital Pharma news |
Digital marketing is evolving and changing day to day.  What was true yesterday is not necessarily true today plus the hype around digital marketing trends often is bigger than the reality of ROI. ...

Via Isabelle Delignière-Léglise
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March 5, 2013 1:22 AM!

Digital Unlocked: A Beginner's Guide to Digital Pharma - Pharmaceutical Marketing Society

Digital Unlocked: A Beginner's Guide to Digital Pharma - Pharmaceutical Marketing Society | Digital Pharma news |

A book for pharmaceutical and healthcare marketers (and other pharma folk we're sure) that is called Digital Unlocked – A Beginner's Guide to Digital Pharma. Some of you may not consider yourselves 'beginners', but there's something here to learn for everyone, something to challenge your thinking and something to help. 


If you're not a regular tweeter, find the thought of comments appearing on your blog terrifying, or simply don't know what half the new words being bandied around mean, then fear not, this guide will help you walk the path of digital and emerge confident and sufficiently knowledgeable to work on a campaign or activity.

Via ehealthgr, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
March 4, 2013 11:58 AM!

21/02/13 : Conférence : Les enjeux de l’e-réputation pour les laboratoires pharmaceutiques

21% des français n'ont plutôt pas confiance dans les produits de l'industrie pharmaceutique. Depuis le scandale du Vioxx et plus récemment du
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
February 21, 2013 7:55 AM!

Que trouve-ton sur une boîte de médicament ? | LEEM - Les entreprises du médicament

Que trouve-ton sur une boîte de médicament ? | LEEM - Les entreprises du médicament | Digital Pharma news |
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
February 11, 2013 3:45 AM!

Sanofi ne sera pas le numéro un mondial escompté

Sanofi ne sera pas le numéro un mondial escompté | Digital Pharma news |
Fausse bonne nouvelle. En novembre 2011, le cabinet d’études Evaluate Pharma nous apprenait que Sanofi était en passe de devenir...
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