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Curated by Rémy TESTON
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
October 7, 2013 7:24 AM!

Votre dossier médical bientôt consultable sur smartphone

Votre dossier médical bientôt consultable  sur smartphone | Digital Pharma news |
Votre dossier médical bientôt consultable par un médecin sur tablette ou sur smartphone ! Un procédé nouveau que vient de mettre au point le laboratoire "Orange Labs" de Caen en Normandie.
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Digital Health
October 6, 2013 10:30 AM!

How Can Pharma Be Inspired by other industries? | DigitallySick

How Can Pharma Be Inspired by other industries? | DigitallySick | Digital Pharma news |

Via Alex Butler
Alex Butler's curator insight, October 4, 2013 11:46 AM

How can healthcare and pharma be inspired by other industries? I they could be who would they take inspiration from to drive innovation? Could other industries be inspired by healthcare?


The pod are joined by special guest Angela Dunn (@blogbrevity) who lends her considerable expertise to the topic, joining the usual team line-up

Scooped by Rémy TESTON
September 25, 2013 4:08 PM!

Vente de médicaments sur Internet : attention aux falsifications, prévient l’ANSM MyPharma Editions | L'Info Industrie & Politique de Santé

Vente de médicaments sur Internet : attention aux falsifications, prévient l’ANSM MyPharma Editions | L'Info Industrie & Politique de Santé | Digital Pharma news |
L’ANSM relaie la campagne du Ministère des Affaires sociales et de la Santé sur la contrefaçon des médicaments et souhaite rappeler que l’achat de médicament sur Internet doit se faire dans ce circuit légal.
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from i-Pharma Digital
September 6, 2013 3:25 AM!

2015 Pharma Rep Experience

A perspective on the big trends that are changing pharmaceutical sales and the new best practices and opportunities those trends inspire.

Via Nikos Papaioannou
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
July 27, 2013 6:12 AM!

Un robot d'imagerie médicale piloté par iPhone | ...

Un robot d'imagerie médicale piloté par iPhone | ... | Digital Pharma news |
Il y a une application pour tout. Un groupe de chercheurs japonais vient une fois encore de le prouver avec ce robot d'imagerie médicale piloté à partir d'un iPhone. Ce robot de santé, encore au stade de prototype, a été ...
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Digital marketing pharma
July 23, 2013 3:31 AM!

Can Pharma collaborate effectively online with the medical community? » gary monk 's blog

Can Pharma collaborate effectively online with the medical community? » gary monk 's blog | Digital Pharma news |

Actually Pharma often has a clear goal for why it wants to work with online communities, which is a good start.  The issue, perhaps unsurprisingly is that the goal is often self-serving.  Exciting for the Pharma company, less so for the HCPs.


Via Olivier Delannoy
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Digital Health
July 11, 2013 1:55 AM!

Inspire and Novartis to launch community connecting patients with rare disease

Inspire and Novartis to launch community connecting patients with rare disease | Digital Pharma news |

Inspire, which builds and maintains online patient communities, has enlisted industry and advocacy leaders to create a peer-to-peer support community for those affected by pancreatic neuroendocrine...

Via Alex Butler
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July 1, 2013 2:44 PM!

10 Digital Marketing ‘Pearls’ for Pharma

10 Digital Marketing ‘Pearls’ for Pharma | Digital Pharma news |
Real time data for pharma market researchers (10 Digital Marketing Ideas You Can Use in the #Pharma Space: #IDSD)

Via eMedToday, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
eMedToday's curator insight, July 1, 2013 5:43 AM


Take away. Use mobile to send content of useful information to your customer

Scooped by Rémy TESTON
June 23, 2013 7:01 AM!

Le visiteur Médical Connecté - Nouvelle enquête EuroStaf

Le visiteur Médical Connecté - Nouvelle enquête EuroStaf | Digital Pharma news |
Le visiteur médical connecté Dans un contexte inédit de retournement du marché et de contraintes réglementaires croissantes, les laboratoires pharmaceutiques doivent repenser leur stratégie produit et faire évoluer en profondeur les modes de communication...
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Santé-pharma : digital, mobile & réseaux sociaux
June 12, 2013 11:34 AM!

Le numérique peut-il soigner l'industrie pharmaceutique ? - Transformation Digitale - Supplément partenaire Capgemini - Les Echos

Le numérique peut-il soigner l'industrie pharmaceutique ? - Transformation Digitale  - Supplément partenaire Capgemini - Les Echos | Digital Pharma news |
Alors que le modèle traditionnel de l'industrie pharmaceutique s'essouffle, apparaissent de nouvelles solutions thérapeutiques, dans lesquelles les technologies numériques jouent un rôle central. Une planche de salut pour les labos.

Via Julie Thudin, Isabelle Delignière-Léglise
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Santé-pharma : digital, mobile & réseaux sociaux
June 8, 2013 3:36 AM!

7 Ideas to Create the Best Mobile Website for Your mHealth Company

7 Ideas to Create the Best Mobile Website for Your mHealth Company | Digital Pharma news |
Discover 7 ways to create an effective mobile website to market your mHealth business (7 Ideas to Create the Best Mobile Website for your #mHealth Company

Via eMedToday, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek, Isabelle Delignière-Léglise
eMedToday's curator insight, June 7, 2013 8:24 PM

Most Pharmas do not have mobile sites. Good advise for design

eMedToday's comment, June 7, 2013 8:26 PM
This applies to hosptials as well
Scooped by Rémy TESTON
June 3, 2013 2:31 PM!

5 Reasons to Include Pinterest in Your Healthcare Marketing Plan |

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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma Hub
May 26, 2013 6:30 AM!

Translating Digital into an Organization Strategy at Sanofi

Translating Digital into an Organization Strategy at Sanofi | Digital Pharma news |

As the pharmaceutical industry reorganizes to seize the digital challenge, many are watching to understand how this heavily regulated industry is navigating this new course. In our perspective, Sanofi is definitely a company to watch, with some exciting digital assets already to their credit.

Via Philippe Marchal
eMedToday's curator insight, May 25, 2013 9:57 PM

Impressive current strategy for digital. Here are five pillars


five pillars:

Create a Digital Business Leader (DgBL) role in each country

Integrate digital as part of the mix in brand planning

Define and track digital KPIs linked to digital objectives

Develop digital skills through the organisations by creating a ‘Digital Academy’

Implement a European digital platform

Scooped by Rémy TESTON
October 7, 2013 7:23 AM!

Pharma social media: come on in

Pharma social media: come on in | Digital Pharma news |

There’s a database that tracks pharma conflicts with the FDA about social media, and Mark Senak runs it.

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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Digital marketing pharma
September 27, 2013 7:28 AM!

Being a Community Manager in Pharma @ ePatCon12 - PharmFresh.TV

Being a Community Manager in Pharma @ ePatCon12 - PharmFresh.TV | Digital Pharma news |

What are the responsibilities of a community manager (in pharma)?
How do you connect with the diabetes communities and become a legitimate participant in the conversation?
How do you demonstrate the value of your engagement with the community back to the diabetes franchise and your organization overall?....

Via Olivier Delannoy
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
September 25, 2013 1:48 AM!

Pfizer begins using ‘digital’ reps | Pharmafile

Pfizer begins using ‘digital’ reps | Pharmafile | Digital Pharma news | is a leading portal for the pharmaceutical industry, providing industry professionals with pharma news, jobs, events, and service company listings.
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma Hub
August 11, 2013 4:15 AM!

3 ideas for pharma companies to become bigger players in mobile health

3 ideas for pharma companies to become bigger players in mobile health | Digital Pharma news |
One research firm thinks that pharma companies' app have been too niche, not designed with best practices in mind and not integrated with companies' core business.

Via Philippe Marchal
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Scooped by Rémy TESTON
July 27, 2013 6:11 AM!

eDetailing: The future for pharma communication?

eDetailing: The future for pharma communication? | Digital Pharma news |

Dinesh Chindarkar, Co-founder, MediaMedic Communications elucidates about eDetailing – where technology and graphics, married with rich content, come to the rescue of mundane communication. Detailing has always been the backbone of doctors’ communication with the pharma industry for over the last three to four decades. This print tool, though has undergone quality improvements in terms of its content, visual appeal, some added gimmicks etc; all these have been value-adds within the box. Nothing has challenged it so far.

With the advent of technology, video content, graphics, motion and interactivity, and newer digital tools are challenging this visual aid and redefining communication. This version of detailing adds an ‘e’ of electronic to it, making it completely different from the current mode of communication. A different form of eDetailing is one where communication is sent to doctors on the PC without a personal interaction. But we are talking of eDetailing in the context where the electronic detailing aid is used by the sales rep in person-to-person call.

The objective of having a rich, content – driven conversation with the doctor, so as to discuss about newer medical advances, sharing updated information and help him make the right decision for prescription can be achieved using eDetailing. All this can be done weaving the brand within the conversation rather than the brand dominating the communication.




eMedToday's curator insight, July 26, 2013 8:12 PM


This does reflect the changing trend.

However, problem is getting in front of the doctor.

Self directed e detialing it the future

Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma: Trends in e-detailing
July 22, 2013 8:50 AM!

The importance of e-detailing todays marketing environment

The importance of e-detailing today's marketing environment? A study by Verispan in 2007 showed 80 percent of physicians to participate in e-detailing initiatives, even more telling, 20 percent of doctors have totally replaced ...

Via eMedToday
eMedToday's curator insight, July 20, 2013 8:17 PM



The importance of e-detailing today’s marketing environment? A study by Verispan in 2007 showed 80 percent of physicians to participate in e-detailing initiatives, even more telling, 20 percent of doctors have totally replaced e-detailing for personal sales calls. More and more Big Pharma is taking note.

Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from La pharma dans tous ses états
July 9, 2013 11:59 AM!

SAS and GSK Pull Big Pharma Into Big Data Collaboration

SAS and GSK Pull Big Pharma Into Big Data Collaboration | Digital Pharma news |
SAS is sponsoring the ongoing support and management of a globally accessible private cloud where the pharmaceutical industry can securely collaborate around anonymized clinical trial information.

Via Pharmacomptoir / Corinne Thuderoz
Anne Canet's comment, July 8, 2013 2:59 PM
July 1, 2013 2:43 PM!

For pharma, the era of multi-channel marketing, closed loop marketing, sales force effectiveness, and market access is over

For pharma, the era of multi-channel marketing, closed loop marketing, sales force effectiveness, and market access is over | Digital Pharma news |
The era in which pharma could expect to be able to speak of 'multi-channel marketing', 'closed loop marketing', 'sales force effectiveness', or 'market access' without being called out as to their ...

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Contexte pharma et santé
June 15, 2013 2:36 AM!

Le numérique peut-il soigner l'industrie pharmaceutique ? - Transformation Digitale - Supplément partenaire Capgemini - Les Echos

Le numérique peut-il soigner l'industrie pharmaceutique ? - Transformation Digitale  - Supplément partenaire Capgemini - Les Echos | Digital Pharma news |
Alors que le modèle traditionnel de l'industrie pharmaceutique s'essouffle, apparaissent de nouvelles solutions thérapeutiques, dans lesquelles les technologies numériques jouent un rôle central. Une planche de salut pour les labos.

Via Julie Thudin
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Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Digital et Santé
June 8, 2013 12:25 PM!

The Future of Big Data for Big Pharma – Innovation Insights

The Future of Big Data for Big Pharma – Innovation Insights | Digital Pharma news |

Via eMedToday, Pharmacomptoir / Corinne Thuderoz, Tiffany Jésus
eMedToday's curator insight, June 6, 2013 8:24 PM

Adherence is a massive problem for Pharmas. This is intereting app which address the adherence problem. Could you incorporate this app within the frame work of a e detailing solution for doctors and patients. The answer: yes

Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Contemporary Challenges in Marketing
June 4, 2013 3:30 AM!

Most Influential Pharma Brands on Twitter: Infographic | Online Marketing Trends

Most Influential Pharma Brands on Twitter: Infographic | Online Marketing Trends | Digital Pharma news |

Via Cambridge Marketing College
Cambridge Marketing College's curator insight, May 29, 2013 3:40 AM

Interesting case study into Socail media in Pharma sector

eMedToday's curator insight, June 3, 2013 8:40 PM

Where is your Pharma on this ranking. Again, part of the overall mult channel strategy for Pharmas

Rescooped by Rémy TESTON from Pharma Hub
June 3, 2013 2:12 PM!

The Future of Big Data for Big Pharma – Innovation Insights

The Future of Big Data for Big Pharma – Innovation Insights | Digital Pharma news |

 Analyzing patient-centric trends – what customers want and do – can both identify and solve their problems, boosting medication adherence and companies’ revenues.

Via Philippe Marchal
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