Didactics and Technology in Education
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Science News
onto Didactics and Technology in Education
October 8, 2012 6:20 PM

Researchers use magnets to cause programmed cancer cell deaths

Researchers use magnets to cause programmed cancer cell deaths | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
A team of researchers in South Korea has developed a method to cause cell death in both living fish and lab bowel cancer cells (in vivo and in vitro) using a magnetic field. The application of the magnetic field, as described in their paper published in the journal Nature Materials, triggers a "death signal" that leads to programmed cell death.


Via Sakis Koukouvis
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Didactics and Technology in Education
Almost "everything" about new approaches in Education
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Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
April 25, 2018 5:17 AM

De la musique de qualité sous licence libre pour vos projets – Korben

De la musique de qualité sous licence libre pour vos projets – Korben | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
April 21, 2018 1:09 PM

The BBC is letting you download more than 16,000 free sound effect samples from its archive

The BBC is letting you download more than 16,000 free sound effect samples from its archive | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Explore a weird and wonderful collection of noises from the broadcasting behemoth
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Content Creation, Curation, Management
April 10, 2018 5:05 PM

Visual Storytelling: The Future 

Visual Storytelling: The Future  | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Visual marketing expert Shlomi Ron discusses how brands can better leverage the power of visual storytelling to drive impact.

Via massimo facchinetti
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Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
April 10, 2018 12:01 PM

3 outils pour apprendre une langue avec les sous-titres des films

3 outils pour apprendre une langue avec les sous-titres des films | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Plusieurs services ont vu le jour pour aider les étudiants à apprendre une langue avec les sous-titres des films. En voici trois. Trois outils et services pour apprendre une langue sans presque s'en rendre compte.
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Educación, TIC y ecología
April 4, 2018 12:32 PM


Ejemplos de algunas Dinámicas de Presentación, de Confianza y Cohesión grupal, para el Contacto, para la Comunicación y para la Resolución de Conflictos

Via Ramon Aragon
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from :: The 4th Era ::
April 4, 2018 10:58 AM

The principles of learning to design learning environments | READ online

The principles of learning to design learning environments | READ online | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

"The overview section presents: a) the Learning Principles themselves, b) the Principles recast around teachers and educators. These Principles maintain that learning environments should: make learning and engagement central; ensure it is understood as social; be highly attuned to learners’ emotions; reflect individual differences; be demanding for all while avoiding overload; use broad assessments and feedback; and promote horizontal connectedness. Tool 1.1 gets learning environments to interrogate how well they are organised so as to optimise young people’s learning, using either a relatively rapid scan or more profound review. Tool 1.2 builds on the Learning Principles through a Spiral of Inquiry as developed in British Columbia, Canada. Tool 1.3 puts learners centre stage by getting schools to juxtapose the perceptions of staff with the views of learners themselves. Tool 1.4 recasts the Learning Principles so that they are focused on the educators, leading to the identification of priorities and strategies for action."

Via Jim Lerman
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Best
April 3, 2018 6:54 PM

Four Semesters of Computer Science in Six Hours

Four Semesters of Computer Science in Six Hours | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

This course is actually for any developer. The first and likely last book about this topic you need to read is Cormen's Intro to Algorithms (MIT). This book, while not super fun to read, will serve you throughout your entire career as a programmer. While computers have made leaps and bounds, we're still using the same algorithms and this book will impart that knowledge to you.

Via Dr. Stefan Gruenwald
Rui Guimarães Lima's insight:


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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from EDUCACIÓN 3.0 - EDUCATION 3.0
April 3, 2018 6:36 PM

109 conceptos clave utilizados en formación, aprendizaje e innovación educativa

109 conceptos clave utilizados en formación, aprendizaje e innovación educativa | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

Conjunto de post que tratan de explicar de una forma sencilla y breve conceptos relacionados con la formación, el aprendizaje y la innovación educativa.

Marcados con (*) los últimos conceptos introducidos.

Via Edumorfosis, Javier Sánchez Bolado
Aidee Garcia's curator insight, April 27, 2022 8:53 PM

Serie de conceptos clave, importantes y necesarios para comprender de manera más clara y puntual lo fenómenos tecnológicos que acontecen la educación del siglo XXI  

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from EDUCACIÓN 3.0 - EDUCATION 3.0
April 3, 2018 6:34 PM

Sound: página de sonidos de la Biblioteca Británica. Más de 90.000 grabaciones gratis

Sound: página de sonidos de la Biblioteca Británica. Más de 90.000 grabaciones gratis | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
  Sound the British Library https://sounds.bl.uk/World-and-traditional-music   Sounds de la British Library  ofrece actualmente 90.000 obras seleccionadas de música, palabra hablada y entornos humanos y naturales disponibles en línea para investigación no comercial, estudio y disfrute privado. El sitio incluye otras grandes secciones, algunas de las cuales pueden ser reproducidas por cualquier persona, otras requieren afiliación…

Via Javier Sánchez Bolado
Rui Guimarães Lima's insight:


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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Inovação Educacional
April 3, 2018 6:28 PM

Brasileiros associam baixa qualidade da educação a violência e corrupção

Brasileiros associam baixa qualidade da educação a violência e corrupção | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Para a população brasileira, a violência e a corrupção estão diretamente relacionadas à baixa qualidade da educação no país. Além disso, a insatisfação do cidadão com a educação no Brasil cresceu nos últimos quatro anos, sendo maior com o ensino público do que com o ensino particular.

É o que indica a pesquisa Retratos da Sociedade Brasileira – Educação Básica, realizada em 2017 pela CNI (Confederação Nacional das Indústrias) em parceria com o movimento Todos Pela Educação. O levantamento foi divulgado na manhã desta terça-feira (3).

Os dados mostram que a maior parte da população (77%) concorda totalmente ou em parte com a afirmação de que o problema da violência no Brasil se relaciona de forma direta com a baixa qualidade da educação no país. Já seis em cada dez brasileiros, ou seja, 60%, dizem o mesmo com relação à corrupção.

Via Inovação Educacional
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from EDUCACIÓN 3.0 - EDUCATION 3.0
January 21, 2018 1:58 PM

Copyright for Educators

A presentation shared at ITSC 2009 in Portland, Oregon, on February 15, 2009 about copyright for educators.

Via Ramon Aragon, Javier Sánchez Bolado
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Learning & Technology News
October 28, 2017 1:45 PM

Education Technology and the Twenty-First-Century Skills Gap

Education Technology and the Twenty-First-Century Skills Gap | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
All too often in many countries, students do not get the education they must have to prosper in the twenty-first century, and countries are not finding adequate numbers of the skilled workers they need to compete. But innovative education technologies are beginning to show potential in helping close the twenty-first-century skill gap.

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, October 25, 2017 12:07 AM

Interesting and clear.

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Learning & Technology News
October 27, 2017 4:42 AM

How Technology Is Transforming the Way We Teach and Learn

How Technology Is Transforming the Way We Teach and Learn | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Our education system is in need of reform. Most students are not taught to be self-motivated lifelong learners, nor do they come out of the school system with the skills, mindsets, and values required to survive a world of accelerating change. Most students do not graduate to feeling inspired to contribute to human progress.

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, October 14, 2017 1:23 AM

Some useful points.

Mrs. Reinagel's curator insight, October 20, 2017 10:30 AM

Absolutely need to work on self-motivating! 

Dr. Theresa Kauffman's curator insight, October 28, 2017 11:33 PM
How can we engage our students to become life-long learners?
Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
April 24, 2018 3:49 AM

Free Technology for Teachers: PhET PowerPoint Add-in - Add Science & Math Simulations to Slides

Free Technology for Teachers: PhET PowerPoint Add-in - Add Science & Math Simulations to Slides | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
PhET is a free resource that has been popular with science and math teachers for many years. PhET provides free interactive math an
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Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
April 10, 2018 6:28 PM

Goggles In The Gallery: Mass. Art Museums Venture Into Virtual Reality | The ARTery

Goggles In The Gallery: Mass. Art Museums Venture Into Virtual Reality | The ARTery | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
As virtual reality technology has become more accessible, more artists and art museums — like the ICA and MASS MoCA — are experimenting with this new, immersive medium.
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Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
April 10, 2018 2:34 PM

8 Great Citation Generators for Academics and Student Researchers

8 Great Citation Generators for Academics and Student Researchers | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Free resource of educational web tools, 21st century skills, tips and tutorials on how teachers and students integrate technology into education
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Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
April 7, 2018 5:06 PM

Enter "The Magazine Rack," the Internet Archive’s Collection of 34,000 Digitized Magazines

Before we kept up with culture through the internet, we kept up with culture through magazines.
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from E-Learning, Formación, Aprendizaje y Gestión del Conocimiento con TIC en pequeñas dosis.
April 4, 2018 12:31 PM

Narrativas Transmedia aplicadas al Aprendizaje: Un Paso más en las Pedagogías de la Participación

Narrativas Transmedia aplicadas al Aprendizaje: Un Paso más en las Pedagogías de la Participación | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
"Las historias tienen un efecto directo sobre el cerebro y funcionan como un segregador de hormonas o una especie de generador de experiencias y emociones". Puro Marketing  Comienzas la historia viendo un vídeo, pero esto es solo una parte y quieres descubrir más. Escuchas un audio que se complementa con un artículo en un post…

Via Juan Jesús Baño Egea
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Networked learning
April 4, 2018 10:56 AM

Coding, designing and networking: fostering learning through social connections | Carvalho & Saunders | Research in Learning Technology

Coding, designing and networking: fostering learning through social connections | Carvalho & Saunders | Research in Learning Technology | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it


Trends in digital technologies and new social practices are calling for innovative models of learning in education. A recent development in the learning sciences, which conceptualises learning activity as networked learning, can offer deeper insight into how digital learning spaces influence the ensuing activity of learners. The networked approach coupled with social semiotics is applied in the analysis of Peep – a computer-based platform with social networking features that supports an undergraduate design course. This article illustrates how the networked learning approach and social semiotics reveal elements of the platform that enable design learning and foster social connections amongst students and lecturers. The article also examines the distribution of students’ activity and changes in their patterns of interaction over time.

Via Steven Verjans
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from APRENDIZAJE
April 3, 2018 6:40 PM

Se busca profesional eLearning [2018]

Se busca profesional eLearning [2018] | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Guía de competencias a desarrollar para convertirse en el perfil de profesional eLearning que se demanda en el año 2018.

Via Marta Torán
Marta Torán's curator insight, April 2, 2018 2:59 PM

Azahara García revisa las competencias del profesional del eLearning. Muy bueno

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Daily Magazine
April 3, 2018 6:35 PM

Agripreneurs are hunting for green gold on top of Johannesburg's buildings

Agripreneurs are hunting for green gold on top of Johannesburg's buildings | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
The Chamber of Mines, in central Johannesburg, has become the site of green entrepreneurship - rooftop farming.

Rui Guimarães Lima's insight:

Check this out #portuguese #agripreneurs 

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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Orientación y Educación - Lecturas
April 3, 2018 6:32 PM

¿Cómo orientar a una niña de 3 años que se incorporará al mercado laboral en el año 2040?

¿Cómo orientar a una niña de 3 años que se incorporará al mercado laboral en el año 2040? | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

"Entre unas cosas y otras, pongamos que se incorporará al mercado laboral en 2040. ¿Somos conscientes de esto? Lo que nos pasa es que estamos acostumbrados a innovar haciendo balance de lo que hemos hecho: miramos lo realizado hasta el momento y lo que podemos hacer para mañana, como mucho. Pero nos toca imaginar el futuro y, en base a esto, apostar por darle a la pequeña Laia una educación que le facilite unas herramientas que la capaciten para poder vivir con plenitud en el 2040." 

Via Alberto del Mazo
Alberto del Mazo's curator insight, April 3, 2018 5:13 PM

Un debate interesante sobre orientación académica y profesional a partir de una reflexión de Xavier Aragay. Compartido en redes hace unos días por Mábel Villaescusa.

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Recull diari
January 21, 2018 2:01 PM

Las 10 escuelas más innovadoras de España - Educación 3.0

Las 10 escuelas más innovadoras de España - Educación 3.0 | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Cuando se habla de los países que destacan por contar con los centros educativos más innovadores del mundo siempre se habla de Finlandia, Suecia o Reino Unido, pero no hace falta salir de España para encontrarlos. En esta lista hemos recopilado algunas de las escuelas más innovadoras de España.

Via Teresa Torné
Rui Guimarães Lima's insight:

Quais serão, presentemente, as 10 mais inovadoras em Portugal? Alguma de Matosinhos?

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Scooped by Rui Guimarães Lima
January 21, 2018 1:56 PM

Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies | Open Access Articles | Digital Commons Network™

Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies | Open Access Articles | Digital Commons Network™ | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Open access academic research from top universities on the subject of Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from Knowmads, Infocology of the future
October 27, 2017 4:43 AM

Neuroeducation Will Lead to Big Breakthroughs in Learning

Neuroeducation Will Lead to Big Breakthroughs in Learning | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

As neuroscience brings greater understanding of the human brain, experts are applying those findings in the classroom to improve how we teach and learn.

In recent decades we’ve seen the rise of an emerging interdisciplinary field that brings together neuroscientists and educators. As technologies like brain mapping and scanning continue to advance our understanding of the human brain, a sub-sector of experts are applying those findings to the classroom. Instead of being based on traditional or individual assumptions about learning, education is beginning to be treated more like a science. The new discipline, neuroeducation, serves to apply the scientific method to curricula design and teaching strategies. This comes with attempts for a more objective understanding of learning that is based on evidence. What Is Neuroeducation? All human abilities, including learning, are a result of our brain activity. Hence, a better understanding of how our brains operate can result in a better understanding of learning. As we continue to unravel the issues and limitations of traditional education, many solutions involve a better scientific basis behind how we teach. The goal of neuroeducation (also known as mind and brain education or educational neuroscience) is to solidify a scientific basis in teaching and learning. The field uses the latest findings from neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive science to inform education and consequently, teaching strategies.

Via Wildcat2030
Ocean´s five's curator insight, October 27, 2017 3:23 AM
¿Qué es la neuroeducación? 
 Todas las habilidades humanas, incluido el aprendizaje, son el resultado de nuestra actividad cerebral. Por lo tanto, una mejor comprensión de cómo funciona nuestro cerebro puede resultar en una mejor comprensión del aprendizaje.
Dani Rivera's curator insight, November 2, 2017 11:35 AM
It shows findings in neuroeducation and how does that affect the nree metholodiges and techniques for teaching int he classroom, for instance that affective filters is linked with theories like neurolinguistic and linguistic programming, (you are able to understand and to perfom activities if you think you can do it and have the abilities to do it), another finding is that in the future mind mappings could be done per individuals of the brain, this means that teachers in the future will be able to understand the synapsis of the brain of the students, in order to know how they learn and how their neurons activate through different learning styles.
Florencia's curator insight, November 9, 2017 10:02 AM
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