Consumption Junction
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Consumption Junction
Consumerism meets marketing; who & what manipulates the free market of goods & services. See also:
Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
October 15, 2014 7:48 PM!

Moms Magazine: We Want You for Our Holiday Gift Guide

Moms Magazine: We Want You for Our Holiday Gift Guide | Consumption Junction |

With the holiday season just around the corner, we want to hear from Moms and Brands that have a beautiful, handy, unique or smart product to share with our Readers!

From now until Nov. 10, we invite all eligible businesses to tell us about up to five items that you sell, that is the perfect gift for the Moms Magazine Holiday Gift Guide, and possibly reviewed and included in our Video: Must Have Products by our Chief Curator and Mommy Expert

Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

Be sure to read the FAQ!

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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from For Art's Sake-1
October 11, 2014 8:29 PM!

Men focus more on ‘brand’ when judging art

Men focus more on ‘brand’ when judging art | Consumption Junction |
Men and women focus on different aspects of art, report researchers: Men pay more attention to the artist’s background and authenticity, while women pay more attention to the art itself.

Via Jocelyn Stoller, Deanna Dahlsad
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Sex Positive
October 11, 2014 11:49 AM!

If Buying Condoms Was Like Buying Birth Control

Safe sex isn’t always easy. Share on Facebook: Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: Share on Twitter: http://bit.l...
No Shame Movement's curator insight, October 10, 2014 2:08 PM

great role reversal 

Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
October 10, 2014 10:26 AM!

Why PayPal’s Split From eBay Threatens 70 Million Americans

Why PayPal’s Split From eBay Threatens 70 Million Americans | Consumption Junction |
This article originally appeared in Inc. PayPal’s coming split from eBay potentially threatens eBay, Apple Pay, and all the ungainly legacy tech companies whose investors are now pushing them to break into pieces.  But there’s also a large group of people for whom the PayPal-eBay breakup is bad news: anyone...
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from You Call It Obsession & Obscure; I Call It Research & Important
September 24, 2014 8:13 PM!

When Should I Sell My '80s Toys?

When Should I Sell My '80s Toys? | Consumption Junction |
On Sunday I posted Nostalgia Drives The Collectibles Market, to which dinocollector posted the following comment: But my question is will generations of c
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
September 15, 2014 3:18 PM!

Why Collect?

Why Collect? | Consumption Junction |
Not only is is obvious (and lame) to say that the reasons for collecting are as varied as the collections themselves, but I've already discussed that the m
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
September 14, 2014 8:17 PM!

16 reasons why this research will change how you look at news consumption

16 reasons why this research will change how you look at news consumption | Consumption Junction |

The most interesting news consumption research uses ethnography: this involves watching people and measuring what they actually do – not what they say they do. To this end AP’s 2008 report A New Model for News is still one of the most insightful pieces of research into news consumption you’ll ever read – because it picks out details like the role that email and desktop widgets play, or the reasons why people check the news in the first place (they’re bored at work, for example).

Now six years on two Dutch researchers have published a paper summarising various pieces of ethnographic and interview-based consumption research (£) over the last decade – providing some genuine insights into just how varied news ‘consumption’ actually is....

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, September 13, 2014 2:55 AM

Very interesting research and categorization of news consumption. Good read for news wonks.

Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
September 13, 2014 2:53 PM!

Policy Update: “Redskins” | Etsy News Blog

Policy Update: “Redskins” | Etsy News Blog | Consumption Junction |
Effective today, the term redskin will no longer be permitted in the Etsy marketplace, out of respect for Native Americans.
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
September 11, 2014 12:08 AM!

Should Buyers Be Able to Cancel eBay Orders within 1 Hour?

Should Buyers Be Able to Cancel eBay Orders within 1 Hour? | Consumption Junction |
There's a new eBay policy that may have gotten lost in the shuffle with all the changes the marketplace announced on ...
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

This is another attempt by eBay to nail the coffins shut on small mom & pop shops, independent artists and antique dealers, plain & simple.

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
August 21, 2014 10:40 AM!

Good News-Bad News: Priority Mail Rates Change Next Month

Good News-Bad News: Priority Mail Rates Change Next Month | Consumption Junction |
There's good news - or bad news - for shippers when it comes to new USPS Priority Mail rates that go into effect on September 7th, depending on how you purchase postage. Make sure you're prepared for next month's changes.
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
August 18, 2014 4:33 PM!

Survey Asks eBay Sellers about Mandatory Managed Returns

Survey Asks eBay Sellers about Mandatory Managed Returns | Consumption Junction |
eBay sellers, will you be keeping your return policies the same once eBay's new Managed Returns policy takes effect for all sellers? Take our survey and we'll share the results.
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

I find this Managed Returns policy terrifying - both as a seller & a buyer.

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
August 9, 2014 10:56 PM!

Amazon Takes the Muppets Off the Shelf

Amazon Takes the Muppets Off the Shelf | Consumption Junction |
Disney is the latest entertainment company to have orders of its forthcoming releases blocked by the retailer.
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Strange days indeed...
July 29, 2014 8:47 PM!

The fashion and beauty industry's strangest jobs

The fashion and beauty industry's strangest jobs | Consumption Junction |
Beneath the glitzy façade of fashion lie unglamorous jobs involving light-holding, hair-flicking and dressing (The fashion and beauty industry's strangest jobs

Via F. Thunus
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from book publishing
July 22, 2014 2:12 PM!

Amazon Quietly Launches Its Consumer-Facing Mobile Wallet App, Amazon Wallet | TechCrunch

Amazon Quietly Launches Its Consumer-Facing Mobile Wallet App, Amazon Wallet | TechCrunch | Consumption Junction |
Amazon's first attempt at its own mobile wallet application, designed for use at the point-of-sale, has made a quiet debut on the Amazon Appstore and on..

Via Ware-Pak LLC
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from book publishing
July 22, 2014 2:00 PM!

Dutch courts lets ebook reseller stay online - PCWorld

Dutch courts lets ebook reseller stay online - PCWorld | Consumption Junction |
Dutch courts lets ebook reseller stay online
Tom Kabinet offers a platform that it says lets users legally sell used ebooks. Sellers have to declare they obtained their copies legally and agree to delete their versions when a sale is made.

Via Ware-Pak LLC
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from digital marketing strategy
July 18, 2014 6:21 PM!

How Facebook Calculates What Appears In Your News Feed

How Facebook Calculates What Appears In Your News Feed | Consumption Junction |
With Facebook organic reach destined to reach zero percent sooner or later, what can savvy business owners do to amplify their Facebook results now?

Via malek
malek's curator insight, July 18, 2014 12:52 PM

The 12 practical tips is how you can make use of the above analysis

Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
July 15, 2014 8:04 PM!

What We Really Taste When We Drink Wine

What We Really Taste When We Drink Wine | Consumption Junction |

Expectations, argued the neuroscientists Lauren Atlas and Tor Wager in a recent review, can influence our experience in two interrelated ways. There is the conscious influence, or those things we are knowingly aware of: I’ve had this wine before and liked or hated it; I’ve been to this vineyard; I love this grape; the color reminds me of a wine I had earlier that was delicious. As our experience grows, so do our expectations. Every time we have a wine, we taste everything we know about it and other related wines. Then there are the unconscious factors: the weather is getting on our nerves, or our dining companion is; we’ve loved or hated this restaurant before; I’m mad at my boss over something he said this morning; the music is too loud, and the room is too cold. These can all affect taste, too, even though they are unrelated to the wine itself.

One of the things wine researchers like to do, in fact, is manipulate some small factor of the environment or the wine to see how perceptions of taste are affected. If we are compelled by the description of the vineyard, its owners, or its history, we are likely to pay more for a bottle. Salzman admits, after we’ve handed in our scores, that that’s the reason he gave us so much background on the wines beforehand.

Information about the vineyard at least tells us something about the wine, but even factors that don’t, like price, can have an influence.

Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

Extrapolate across products, brands, consumers...

Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, July 16, 2014 8:02 PM

Extrapolate across products, brands, consumers...

Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from EuroMed gender equality news
June 27, 2014 10:40 AM!

Stop shops sorting toys by gender, says equalities minister

Stop shops sorting toys by gender, says equalities minister | Consumption Junction |
Separating toys into boys' and girls' aisles may discourage girls from science and engineering careers, says Jenny Wilmott

Via Caroline Claeys
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

add your insight...

malek's curator insight, June 27, 2014 6:43 PM

Gender between your ears not your legs. Time to smash taboos like gender specific toys.

Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
June 24, 2014 6:25 PM!

How to Take Your Vintage Shop to the Next Level

How to Take Your Vintage Shop to the Next Level | Consumption Junction |
Ready to turn your vintage hobby into a full-time gig? Find out how to take the plunge with winning tips from a seasoned pro.
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Let's Get Sex Positive
June 20, 2014 3:31 PM!

Porn-Opine: Getting My Mocks Off

Porn-Opine: Getting My Mocks Off | Consumption Junction |

Porn exists because people want it.

We want it to get off. We want it to get our partners off. We want it to mock. But we want it.

Via Gracie Passette
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

NWS, but excellent points about porn & "the media"

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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Readin', 'Ritin', and (Publishing) 'Rithmetic
June 20, 2014 2:49 PM!

Are Digital Distractions Monopolizing Reading Time? : Publishing Perspectives

Are Digital Distractions Monopolizing Reading Time? : Publishing Perspectives | Consumption Junction |
Books do furnish a room, but according to many in the publishing industry, the fear is that emails, online video texts and tweets will prevent them being read.

Via Ware-Pak LLC, Deanna Dahlsad
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
June 20, 2014 1:22 PM!

A Scientific Guide to Hashtags: How Many, Which Ones, and Where to Use Them | Social Media Today

A Scientific Guide to Hashtags: How Many, Which Ones, and Where to Use Them | Social Media Today | Consumption Junction |

Internet language has evolved considerably over the past few years as social media has taken off. Hashtags are a huge part of this evolution. What once was a telephone button is now a social media phenomenon.  No wonder people are curious.

When they ask, I tell them that hashtags are a pound sign immediately followed by a keyword. They're used for categorization on social media. Yes, they can be annoying if overused. And yes, I've seen the hashtag video of Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake.

Hashtags also have the potential to be truly valuable. The stats and info below make a pretty clear case that we should be understanding, using, and appreciating hashtags....

Via Jeff Domansky
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

Important for readers & writers, researchers & marketers

Jeff Domansky's curator insight, June 20, 2014 12:45 AM

Kevan Lee says hashtags rule and it's time you learned how to use them effectively.

Two Pens's curator insight, June 20, 2014 10:29 AM

Good  explanation and. Tips on #tags. 

wanderingsalsero's curator insight, June 21, 2014 12:29 AM

Most people don't really use hashtags because it sounds too confusing.  I'll admit I don't use them either but I know I should.

Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Inequality, Poverty, and Corruption: Effects and Solutions
June 20, 2014 1:19 PM!

This Ingenious Hoodie Could Save Homeless People's Lives

This Ingenious Hoodie Could Save Homeless People's Lives | Consumption Junction |
When Anders Hsi constructed a hoodie that zips up the front of a wearer’s face, he had in mind a person who values his privacy, like a passenger on an airplane.

But when a homeless man named Joe approached Hsi and was eager to try on the inn...

Via Jocelyn Stoller
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

Markets dictate

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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Brain Tricks: Belief, Bias, and Blindspots
June 19, 2014 7:37 AM!

Consumer Psychology & the E-Commerce Checkout

Consumer Psychology & the E-Commerce Checkout | Consumption Junction |
We all love a bit of online shopping but what goes through our head before we click to buy items over the web?

Via Jocelyn Stoller
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Readin', 'Ritin', and (Publishing) 'Rithmetic
June 13, 2014 4:37 PM!

Could Sellers Benefit from the Amazon - Hachette Standoff?

Could Sellers Benefit from the Amazon - Hachette Standoff? | Consumption Junction |
You've probably heard about the battle between and Hachette; it's been all over the media, and ...
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

Panic vs reality, and potential opportunity.

Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, June 13, 2014 4:36 PM

Breaks down the situation as well as presents the realities.

Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
An opinionated woman obsessed with objects, entertained by ephemera, intrigued by researching, fascinated by culture & addicted to writing. The wind says my name; doesn't put an @ in front of it, so maybe you don't notice.
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Readin', 'Ritin', and (Publishing) 'Rithmetic
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You Call It Obsession & Obscure; I Call It Research & Important
Links to (many of) my columns and articles.