Cultural History
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Cultural History
The roots of culture; history and pre-history.
Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
April 19, 2016 3:31 PM!

Fighting for the Right to Fight Symposium

Fighting for the Right to Fight Symposium | Cultural History |
In the years leading up to World War II, racial segregation and discrimination were constant factors in the daily lives of many in the United States. This Thursday, April 21, we will explore the path towards equal rights from before and after World War II with special guests. Join wherever you are via #livestream to watch the Fighting for the Right to Fight Symposium.
Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, April 19, 2016 3:33 PM


EazyDTF's comment, June 25, 2024 11:08 AM
ITNWorldwide's comment, June 26, 2024 1:24 PM
Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Sex History
April 14, 2016 6:44 PM!

The 1970s Political Activist who invented Penis Pants

The 1970s Political Activist who invented Penis Pants | Cultural History |
Introducing Eldridge Clever, Presidential candidate, writer, political activist, a prominent early leader of the Black Panthers, oh and inventor of the penis pa

Via Darla Darling, Gracie Passette
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

This is amaze-balls

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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Culture Curator
March 26, 2016 5:45 PM!

Gaelic language not dead, just 'sleeping,' says government official | Metro News

Gaelic language not dead, just 'sleeping,' says government official | Metro News | Cultural History |
A provincial official says organizations that promote Gaelic have inspired a new interest in the past.

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
March 25, 2016 4:50 PM!

The Racist Truth Of The War On Drugs: Legalize It All, by Dan Baum

The Racist Truth Of The War On Drugs: Legalize It All, by Dan Baum | Cultural History |
At the time, I was writing a book about the politics of drug prohibition. I started to ask Ehrlichman a series of earnest, wonky questions that he impatiently waved away. “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Human Interest
March 21, 2016 4:14 PM!

The British Museum Viking exhibition has a hint of Nordic Noir

The British Museum Viking exhibition has a hint of Nordic Noir | Cultural History |
Britain has embraced a love of all things Scandinavian in recent years, from TV series Borgen and The Killing, to author Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy. 

Via Skuuppilehdet
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Crimes Against Humanity
March 15, 2016 7:01 PM!

The lynching of Jesse Washington

The lynching of Jesse Washington | Cultural History |

The lynching of Jesse Washington.

Washington was beaten with shovels and bricks,was castrated, and his ears were cut off. A tree supported the iron chain that lifted him above the fire. Jesse attempted to climb up the skillet hot chain. For this, the men cut off his fingers.

Jesse was 15.


Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

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Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, March 13, 2016 7:01 PM

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Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, March 13, 2016 7:02 PM

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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from U.S HISTORY SHACK : MIKE BUSARELLO
March 13, 2016 11:53 PM!

A history of guns in America

No other developed country has embraced guns more than the United States. Just how did firearms become such a big part of American culture? Lee Cowan reports.

Via Mike Busarello's Digital Storybooks
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Crimes Against Humanity
March 13, 2016 6:48 PM!

Histories of Sexuality and the Carceral State–Part 1

Histories of Sexuality and the Carceral State–Part 1 | Cultural History |
Moderated by Regina Kunzel Edited by Devin McGeehan Muchmore What can histories of sexuality and gender tell us about the carceral state? The United States’ incarceration rate has quadrupled since the 1970s, giving the U.S. the largest prison population in the world. According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, over 2.2 million people were confined in…
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
February 29, 2016 11:22 PM!

A Circle of Skulls

A Circle of Skulls | Cultural History |
The Aztecs did creative things with severed heads. Archaeologists at Mexico City’s Aztec temple complex have found 35 human skulls mortared together with a mix of sand, limestone, and volcanic rock. Dating from about A.D. 1500, during a late Aztec building boom
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
January 18, 2016 8:39 AM!

Aesthetic Consumerism and the Violence of Photography: What Susan Sontag Teaches Us about Visual Culture and the Social Web

Aesthetic Consumerism and the Violence of Photography: What Susan Sontag Teaches Us about Visual Culture and the Social Web | Cultural History |
"Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted."

Decades before social media, Sontag (b. Jan 16, 1933) wrote brilliantly about our "aesthetic consumerism" of images

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
December 29, 2015 3:13 PM!

Persecution and Politicization: Roma (Gypsies) of Eastern Europe

Persecution and Politicization: Roma (Gypsies) of Eastern Europe | Cultural History |
Roma, the largest ethnic minority in Eastern Europe, are perhaps the region's most misunderstood, most persecuted, and maligned minority. Since their migration from India approximately six hundred years ago, Roma have suffered economic, political and cultural discrimination at the hands of both communist and capitalist and both democratic and totalitarian societies.
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
December 10, 2015 12:02 AM!

John Trudell, Outspoken Advocate for American Indians, Is Dead at 69

John Trudell, Outspoken Advocate for American Indians, Is Dead at 69 | Cultural History |
Mr. Trudell was a leading advocate of Native American rights who channeled his message of righteous defiance into poetry and songwriting.
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Silent Cinema
November 18, 2015 11:23 AM!

Entering the ancient world through silent cinema

Entering the ancient world through silent cinema | Cultural History |
Cléopatra (1910)
This is a guest blog for Silent London by Maria Wyke, professor of Latin at University College London.
Few people realise how important and innovative a role early cinema played in shaping modern knowledge of ancient Greece and Rome.

Via Julie B
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

How silent film shaped views on ancient cultures

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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from De-Constructing the HolyRomanAngloAmerican Empire: Revolution, Social Justice, & Community Development
November 18, 2015 2:38 AM!

We Created Islamic Extremism: Those Blaming Islam for ISIS Would Have Supported Osama bin Laden in the ’80s

We Created Islamic Extremism: Those Blaming Islam for ISIS Would Have Supported Osama bin Laden in the ’80s | Cultural History |

Jingoists conveniently forget the West's Cold War strategy was to arm the Islamic extremists that became al-Qaida.

Via ReactNow, ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Sex Work
November 11, 2015 11:20 AM!

Dean Martin's Kiss Me, Stupid

Dean Martin's Kiss Me, Stupid | Cultural History |

This movie isn’t always as appreciated as it ought to be. People too often hear the name “Billy Wilder” and expect a ‘screwball comedy’ but completely miss the deeper, darker tones… Kiss Me, Stupid is one of those films. 

People may chuckle & hoot at the idea of Dean playing “Dino,” a caricature of the drinking, skirt-chasing Dean Martin persona, and the comedy of errors involving mistaken identities, but what they fail to see is black comedy teeth that takes a bite out of the music industry, marriage, and even sex...

Via Gracie Passette
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
November 6, 2015 10:03 AM!

What America’s immigrants looked like when they arrived on Ellis Island

What America’s immigrants looked like when they arrived on Ellis Island | Cultural History |
America's diversity captured in photos of immigrants arriving at Ellis Island
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

Click to see all the antique photos!

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
November 5, 2015 9:54 PM!

A Tribute to the Rust Belt, Carefully Crafted from Domestic Decay

A Tribute to the Rust Belt, Carefully Crafted from Domestic Decay | Cultural History |
For 10 weeks in a disused church basement somewhere in the Midwest, Julie Schenkelberg built a turbulent installation of broken furniture, found objects, and housing rubble anointed with blue and g…
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

Seriously beautiful!

eyedelightart 's curator insight, April 10, 2016 2:56 AM

Iv never seen anything like this. Its not everybodies cup of tea, but inspiration has hit me head on!

DTLLS tutor's comment, April 17, 2016 7:59 AM
Strange, but somehow very attractive
Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
November 5, 2015 4:07 PM!

The places the world forgot

The places the world forgot | Cultural History |
Sylvain Margaine has been photographing ‘forbidden places’ since 1998. He tells Fiona Macdonald about his haunting images of prisons, churches and mental asylums.
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

If you love the history of abandoned places...

Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
July 28, 2015 4:44 PM!

Jamestown excavation unearths four bodies — and a mystery in a small box

Jamestown excavation unearths four bodies — and a mystery in a small box | Cultural History |
The discovery of remains at historic Jamestown may provide new details about the nation’s earliest settlers.
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
July 17, 2015 4:28 PM!

white =/= caucasian

white =/= caucasian | Cultural History |
“Stop referring to white people as caucasian.

Truth. I think the confusion comes from the forensic...
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

A history & language lesson.

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
July 9, 2015 7:26 PM!

When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren't Called 'Hitler'

When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren't Called 'Hitler' | Cultural History |

Most people haven’t heard of him.

But you should have. When you see his face or hear his name you should get as sick in your stomach as when you read about Mussolini or Hitler or see one of their pictures. You see, he killed over 10 million people in the Congo.

His name is King...

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
July 6, 2015 7:21 PM!

Streaker Uniforms!

Streaker Uniforms! | Cultural History |

Streaker Uniforms!
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from You Call It Obsession & Obscure; I Call It Research & Important
July 6, 2015 7:02 PM!

Of Swastikas & Confederate Flags (Collectibles Vs Living Culture)

Of Swastikas & Confederate Flags (Collectibles Vs Living Culture) | Cultural History |

I was watching Morning Joe and they were freaking out that eBay (and perhaps others) were selling swastikas while removing confederate flags. They said such an announcement to remove the flags was hypocritical and a pandering publicity move.


 Let me educate you:

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April 8, 2015 11:50 AM!

An 1840s Broadsheet for the New Jersey Juvenile Temperance Band

An 1840s Broadsheet for the New Jersey Juvenile Temperance Band | Cultural History |
In the 1840s, a rare broadsheet, historical ephemera, for the New Jersey Juvenile Temperance Band and the Cold Water Army.

Via Mike Busarello's Digital Storybooks
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Suggested by Christina Boyes
March 28, 2015 12:18 AM!

5 Failed Assassination Attempts on President Lincoln You Didn't Know About

5 Failed Assassination Attempts on President Lincoln You Didn't Know About | Cultural History |
From explosives to biological warfare, there were five failed Lincoln assassination attempts you haven't heard about, and they are very strange indeed.
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Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
An opinionated woman obsessed with objects, entertained by ephemera, intrigued by researching, fascinated by culture & addicted to writing. The wind says my name; doesn't put an @ in front of it, so maybe you don't notice.
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