World's Best Infographics
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World's Best Infographics
Celebrating the FINE ART of visual communication in social marketing
Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Rescooped by Jeff Domansky from Digital Marketing Fever
February 4, 2013 5:16 PM!

The Best Infographics on the Planet

The Best Infographics on the Planet | World's Best Infographics |
Infographics that describe Social Media, Wordpress Plugins and Blogging

Via Anthony Burke
Jeff Domansky's insight:

Excellent resource for you infographics lovers...

Anthony Burke's curator insight, February 4, 2013 5:09 PM

A good resource for infographics

Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 9:56 PM!

Logos: A look up the meaning in colors | Daily Infographic

Logos: A look up the meaning in colors | Daily Infographic | World's Best Infographics |
There are thousands of companies marketing themselves to consumers (both prospective and returning) several times per day, all of them with their own unique logo.
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 9:51 PM!

IBM Social Business

IBM Social Business | World's Best Infographics |
Becoming a social business drives real business value and helps organizations gain competitive advantages in today’s social marketplace.
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 9:44 PM!

Infographic | If Social Media were a Cheeseburger | The Fish Firm

Infographic | If Social Media were a Cheeseburger | The Fish Firm | World's Best Infographics |
The Fish Firm is a social business development agency specializing in Social Media Networks integrated with Content Management, Analytics, SEO, PR & Modern Marketing Tools!
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 9:00 PM!

Why content for SEO?

Why content for SEO? | World's Best Infographics |
Why Content for SEO? How great content delivers search engine results
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:49 PM!

Anatomy of the Mobile Market |

Anatomy of the Mobile Market | | World's Best Infographics |

Mobile devices are changing the face of online content and communications. People are using their mobile phones and devices to trade stocks, look up movie times and, of course, social network. In fact, over half the world uses mobile phones, which is a huge proportion compared to Internet users and television viewers. Learn more about this growing market here.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:41 PM!

Which Social Network’s Users Make the Most Money? | Social Fresh

Which Social Network’s Users Make the Most Money? | Social Fresh | World's Best Infographics |
Compete ran some numbers last month on the average income levels for each of the top 6 social networking sites in the US.
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:35 PM!

Top Social Internet Retailers

Top Social Internet Retailers | World's Best Infographics |
Today's infographic takes us through the top 250 internet retailers on social media.
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:30 PM!

Infographic - Social Media Statistics for 2013 | Velocity Digital Blog

Infographic - Social Media Statistics for 2013 | Velocity Digital Blog | World's Best Infographics |
Some great social media statistics for 2013 covering Facebook, Twitter, Google + Instagram and Pinterest.
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:23 PM!

Google+ 2012

Google+ 2012 | World's Best Infographics |
2012 was Google+'s first full year in operation, so what did it achieve?
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:01 PM!

The History of Film by HistoryShots

The History of Film by HistoryShots | World's Best Infographics |
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 7:59 PM!

The Great Tree of Life |

The Great Tree of Life | | World's Best Infographics |
Trace any branch back through time to see how it connects to any other of life's major branches. Use the curved time scale to find when their common a
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 7:54 PM!

7 Steps To Calculate Your Social Media ROI | BitRebels

7 Steps To Calculate Your Social Media ROI | BitRebels | World's Best Infographics |
Calculating your social media ROI is tricky. To help you figure it out, this infographic presents some of the most popular formulas to measure your success.
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 9:59 PM!

America's New Minority | Cool Infographics

America's New Minority | Cool Infographics | World's Best Infographics |

The demographics of America are changing, and America’s New Minority from 59 Liberty shows us how far we have come and predicts the next 40 years.  

With the country’s changing demographics, whites will drop under 50% of the population in the 2040s. Every Republican Presidential candidate since 1968 has won the white vote, but with the population shift can the GOP compete?

This graphic simply presents the data of a changing electorate. We went through numerous iterations attempting to find something appealing that presented the data accurately....

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 9:54 PM!

Is content marketing traditional advertising is a new rival?

Is content marketing traditional advertising is a new rival? | World's Best Infographics |
Is Content Marketing Advertising’s New Rival
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 9:47 PM!

Exploring the Media Universe |

Exploring the Media Universe | | World's Best Infographics |

Infographic mapping the US media universe as a solar system of planets (devices) which rotate around the sun (consumers). This graphic gives a snapshot view of all the devices consumers own and how they're used in the US during 2012.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 9:05 PM!

Brightcove | Make Content Marketing Work in a Social Mobile World

Brightcove | Make Content Marketing Work in a Social Mobile World | World's Best Infographics |
Brightcove Video Cloud is the leading online video hosting platform. Use Brightcove Video Cloud for affordable video hosting solutions to deliver high quality online videos on websites, smartphones and tablets.
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:53 PM!

Chief Marketing Officers and Social Media |

Chief Marketing Officers and Social Media | | World's Best Infographics |

As you may know, social media is changing the face of modern marketing. CMOs or chief marketing officers are starting to invest in social media platforms in order to promote products and services. Yet not every social media Website can offer what CMOs are looking for. Here is a guide to the top social media sites and what they can do for CMOs.

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:47 PM!

Effective Internet Marketing |

Effective Internet Marketing | | World's Best Infographics |
This infographic details the prevailing trends for for effective online marketing, with some strong numbers to support each channel. It is interesting
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:39 PM!

The most effective content for inspiring consumers to take action

The most effective content for inspiring consumers to take action | World's Best Infographics |
How We Consume Content from Brands
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:32 PM!

Content PR

Content PR | World's Best Infographics |
What is Content PR?
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:27 PM!

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Klout – The Retail Social Media Top 10 | AllTwitter

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Klout – The Retail Social Media Top 10 | AllTwitter | World's Best Infographics |

Here's a valuable look at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Klout – The Retail Social Media Top 10 

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 8:04 PM!

Why Brands Must Embrace Visual Social Media in 2013

Why Brands Must Embrace Visual Social Media in 2013 | World's Best Infographics |
Two infographics provide data and tips to explain why brands must leverage visual social media in 2013 to stay relevant and grow.
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
February 2, 2013 7:58 PM!

70% of Mobile Searches Lead to Action Within 1 Hour | Social Media Today

70% of Mobile Searches Lead to Action Within 1 Hour | Social Media Today | World's Best Infographics |

Eloqua, the international marketing automation firm, has assembled a selection of key mobile marketing facts, assessing the importance of mobile usage, key aspects of user behaviour, and future trends for mobile marketers.


Usage stats

There are 6.8 billion people on the planet; 4 billion use a mobile phone; only 3.5 billion use a toothbrush.

Search and activity

70% of desktop searches lead to an action within 1 month. 70% of mobile searches lead to an action within 1 hour....

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