Via Robin Good
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Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
nice summary
![]() These teachers see the internet and digital technologies such as social networking sites, cell phones and texting, generally facilitating teens’ personal expression and creativity, broadening the audience for their written material, and encouraging teens to write more often in more formats than may have been the case in prior generations. At the same time, they describe the unique challenges of teaching writing in the digital age, including the “creep” of informal style into formal writing assignments and the need to better educate students about issues such as plagiarism and fair use. Via Nik Peachey
Tina Jameson's curator insight,
November 6, 2014 5:24 PM
Highly recommended reading - some stats and perceptions on the impact of digital tools on writing standards (some positive and some negative).
CECI Jean-François's curator insight,
November 10, 2014 2:49 AM
Enquête sur la litteracie numerique, des chiffres intéressants...
Pamela D Lloyd's curator insight,
January 12, 2015 9:46 PM
This study provides insight into the issues teachers see, positive and negative, regarding the ways in which digital tools impact student writing. Overall, they see many benefits, but there are specific areas of concern.
![]() Comme à chaque congrès de l’IFLA auquel j’ai eu la chance de participer, voici le compte rendu de ce que j’en retiens. Ce congrès s’est déroulé du 17 au 23 août 2013 à Singapour. La Fédération internationale des associations de bibliothécaires et d’institutions est la principale organisation internationale représentant les intérêts des bibliothèques. Un congrès de l’IFLA c’est gigantesque : 3750 participants de 120 pays, vous n’aurez donc qu’un aperçu de tout ce qui se passe pendant ces quelques jours extraordinairement denses ! Via Olivier Roumieux
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
in a global world of information
Olivier Roumieux's curator insight,
August 31, 2013 5:46 AM
Le compte-rendu en (presque) direct live de Silvère Mercier depuis Singapour. A lire et à creuser toute l'année : la prochaine édition se tient à Lyon !
![]() Vidéo du MIT relatives aux flux de trains et de passagers français sur les grandes lignes de la SNCF Via François Christiaens
![]() Entertainmentwise
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
![]() Parental Warning: US News & World Report Releases Best Colleges Rankings
![]() When I Actually Wear Google Glass
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
same problem in lfe sciences and medicine! too many informations are killing knowledge digestion
![]() Scientific reproducibility is hampered by a lack of specificity of the ...
![]() The details about the following nine word cloud generators will give you a fair idea how, as an educator, you can get the best out of them. Via Ana Cristina Pratas, James Funk
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
9 !
Alexandra Koukoumialou's curator insight,
September 1, 2013 2:46 AM
Great tools, Anna, and really creative, too!!!
![]() E-tourisme : pourquoi et comment gérer votre réputation et votre visibilité sur le web ? Via Jean Luc Boulin, Aure Louron Aure Louron's comment,
July 22, 2013 3:00 AM étant né à Toulouse, on aurait apprécié disposer d'une interface en Français.
Serge Dielens * e-Reputation * Influence * Inbound Marketing Communication expert @ *'s comment,
August 21, 2013 7:00 AM
N'hésitez pas à suivre
![]() What? A cMOOC to explore cities. (A radically different way to understand #cities. Doing it together.
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
a suivre |
![]() How much will new UC Davis medical school dean make?
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
ordre de grandeur de revenus aux USA
![]() SlideShare was recently voted amongst the world's top 10 tools for education and e-learning. Here are 14 ways to create and share killer SlideShare decks. (SlideShare was recently voted amongst the world's top 10 tools for education and e-learning.
![]() An e-learning portfolio is extremely important for your career. In this blog post, I will discuss tips for creating an E-Learning Portfolio with Articulate Storyline.
![]() Dans un excellent billet intitulé « Innovation and Serendipity« posté en juin 2013 par Ralph OHR, l’auteur met en évidence le fait que le hasard heureux peut se provoquer. On parle de sérendipité, c’est à dire de la façon de trouver quelque chose de nouveau sans le chercher spécifiquement, mais en créant toutes les conditions qui feront que cela arrive. Il ne suffit donc pas de penser que « le hasard fait bien les choses » comme dans le cas de nombreuses découvertes, de la pénicilline à la tarte Tatin en passant par le post-it, encore faut-il le provoquer ! (...) - blog de JC2, 07/09/2013 Via ESR_Info
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
at last but not least
Gilbert C FAURE's comment,
September 20, 2013 5:09 AM
enfin, le concept anglo-saxon arrive en France.. La quasi totalité des étudiants français ne connaissent même pas le mot, ni l'idée et il est évident que les évaluateurs de la recherche "planifiée" non plus. Bien évidemment, il faut construire ces mises en situation innovantes heureuses!
ESR_Info's comment,
September 20, 2013 7:12 AM
Effectivement ! Créer les situations de sérendipité et surtout... REcréer. Moins de recherches fléchées, plus de temps, moins de pression sur le résultat et peut-être aussi plus d'ouverture vers les mouvements d'open science et de citizen science source de créativité et d'innovation
![]() Interesting historical perspective of a truly "transformational" breakthrough - nice for students!
Via Mary Williams, juandoming
La Commission franco-américaine accorde chaque année environ 150 bourses à des étudiants et des chercheurs...
![]() Opinion: Translational Research in Crisis
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
translational clinical research could be the best
![]() This simple kitchen utensil allows you to quickly and efficiently scoop and drain food straight from a pan or oven dish.
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
scoop as kitchen ustensil....
![]() is a great online curation tool that enables us to share relevant information with students in a visually appealing, easy to use format. ”Creative consumption” according to the folks at Previously I’ve shared links to websites with students via koodle/wiki/email but enables creators to “scoop” several sites onto one page (or online magazine). It pays to show students the page to pique their interest. Via Heiko Idensen
Guillaume Decugis's curator insight,
September 7, 2013 11:59 PM
Nice review of in an education context.
Gilbert C FAURE's comment,
September 8, 2013 3:45 AM
it helps sharing relevant information with students who have less time than teachers to look for information. It allows those are curious enough to go further in a topic with the help of others. It may awaken those who have a "research" profile to go further into the information frontier.
![]() What are the 3 major indications for which angiogenic therapies are in clinical use? Find out here:
![]() RT @DailyLearnDrop: #e-learning inspiration - interactive timeline of 50 years of NASA’s accomplishments
![]() You can form a cartel. Or you can ignore it all together. - If you want to understand the modern academy, it wouldn’t hurt to start at “impact factor.” Every year, the company Thomson Reuters assigns every academic journal an “impact factor.” Impact factors measure, roughly, how often papers published in one journal are cited by other journals. It is an ecological measurement, in other words. You’d recognize the names of journals with the highest impact factors — Nature, Science, etc. — but the world of scholarly journals is enormous, and there’s crowding at the bottom. Two stories today illustrate the problems with impact factors, and the difficulty of measuring knowledge through any metric. First, Nature News revealed that a Brazilian citation cartel had been outed by Thomson Reuters. That’s right: a citation cartel. The Brazilian government measures graduate schools based on the impact factor of the journals that those schools’ students publish in. Brazilian journals, many of which are newer, have low impact factors, so Brazilian graduate students often publish in journals abroad. This makes them and their graduate program look better, but it means the commercial benefit of Brazilian scholarship flows, in part, to non-Brazilian companies. So editors at a set of Brazilian journals began linking to each others’ journals... a lot. The flurry of cross-citation made every journal appear more influential, and succeeded in raising the journals’ impact factor in 2011. For a moment, the scheme worked. Until it didn’t. Via Wildcat2030, Christos Nikolaou
Gilbert C FAURE's insight:
from Brazil to California
Karen Pearlman's comment,
September 7, 2013 11:23 PM
The implication here is that applying economic rationalization to research culture seems to lead directly to a) corruption; b)meaningless research activity; c) strife filled worlds for academic researchers whereby value is measured against criteria external to the research concerns; and d) probably lower standards of teaching since this research outputs have more "value" for academic's careers.
La "Content Curation" è una nuova forma di giornalismo? Se lo è chiesto un giornalista freelance italiano specializzato in tecnologia, Federico Guerrini, in una ricerca commissionata dal Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
newsroom curators to engage readers !