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Giuseppe Fattori
September 9, 2015 10:26 AM
With the recent measles outbreak causing widespread alarm in the US, approaches and attitudes to vaccination have seen a new peak in terms of public conversation over recent weeks. With some parents citing personal beliefs and the fear of the potential side effects of vaccinating their children, the topic has been elevated to global proportions by celebrities who have used their fame as a platform to protest vaccination. Other times, the discussion around the practice of vaccination has veered into political territory, becoming a sort of proxy for bigger structural issues within the healthcare system. With some parent...
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Giuseppe Fattori
June 8, 2015 6:30 AM
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Giuseppe Fattori
June 8, 2015 6:29 AM
Quali opportunità per clinici, pazienti, istituzioni e industria? Milano, 16 giugno Il convegno di quest’anno, incentrato su mobile health & wearable devices, vuole esplorare le opportunità di diffusione di queste tecnologie in ambito sanitario, analizzandone: le possibilità di applicazione, il valore in termini di empowerment e qualità della vita dei pazienti, gli impatti in termini di contenimento della spesa sanitaria, le ripercussioni per una migliore gestione dell’assistenza domiciliare, gli sviluppi possibili a livello industriale.
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Giuseppe Fattori
June 8, 2015 6:28 AM
Ormai l’utilizzo delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione per migliorare servizi e processi nel settore healthcare sta diventando un asset dell’assistenza sanitaria anche in Italia. I social media diventano uno strumento “necessario” per favorire un dialogo tra pazienti affetti da una stessa patologia, tra pazienti e medici e operatori healthcare. Durante questo evento saranno discussi tutti i vantaggi e le opportunità offerte dall’utilizzo di strumenti e tecnologie social, sia per i protagonisti del Sistema Sanitario che per l’utente finale di tale sistema, ovvero il paziente.
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Giuseppe Fattori
June 8, 2015 6:26 AM
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Giuseppe Fattori
June 8, 2015 6:25 AM
Social networking sites may facilitate the spread of sexually transmitted disease, but these sites also serve as effective education and prevention tools. So has social media helped or hurt the HIV community? According to Simon Rosser, director of the HIV/STI Intervention and Prevention Studies (HIPS) Program at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, that’s the wrong question to ask. “Something as complex as new technology and media, it’s like asking the question, ‘Is the Internet good or bad?’ It’s just too simplistic a question when framed that way,” says Rosser. On the other hand, “asking what are the effects of the Internet, how is it changing society, and what are the benefits and risks inherent in it is very, very helpful, even critical.”
In this book, Katherine Smith offers an insightful analysis of evidence-based policy, providing an interesting typology with which to deepen our exploration of the relationship between research and policy. Lee Gregory finds it a rare book which captures the reader, inviting self-reflection upon how one can engage with research either as an academic, an advocate, or policymaker, and their own research. Beyond Evidence-Based Policy in Public Health: The Interplay of Ideas. Katherine Smith. Palgrave Macmillan. October 2013.
Find this book: The advocacy of evidence-based policy (EBP) has grown in prominence for more than a decade, whilst attention to health inequalities in the UK has intensified somewhat since the publication of The Spirit Level. In this book Katherine Smith explores the relationship between the two, not only providing an interesting exploration of the role of EBP within public health, but also insight in the plight of the contemporary academic in a world of research impact.
Via Giuseppe Fattori
Si chiama Lives on the line ed è una mappa delle linee della metropolitana che racconta Londra con due statistiche fondamentali:l’aspettativa di vita e la povertà infantile (l’indice IDACI – Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index). Confrontando i due indici si ha un quadro di come, senza i margini per una aspirazione all’ascesa sociale, le sorti dei bambini che vivono nelle zone più povere di Londra potrebbero essere già segnate.
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 7:03 PM
Some apps have the potential to encourage healthier habits and are accessible to most people, writes Iltifat Husain, but Des Spence notes the lack of any evidence of effectiveness and the potential for encouraging unnecessary anxiety
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 5:24 PM
Health equity audit ai tempi della crisi
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:16 PM
Health Equity Audit Made Simple: A briefing for Primary Care Trusts and Local Strategic Partnerships provides an approach to gathering evidence on health inequities to inform planning decisions. The resources provided in this briefing include a self-assessment tool and a step-by-step guide to the process, which support public health professionals in using health equity audits.
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Disease mongering
April 15, 2015 6:53 PM
Survey shows one in five teenagers in north west England have bought or tried e-cigarettes and found a strong link to to binge drinking
Three decades ago, Prof. Noam Chomsky, who is seen by some as the most brilliant and courageous intellectual alive and by others as an anti-U.S. conspiracy theorist, penned his powerful critique of the Western corporate media in his seminal book "Manufacturing Consent," with co-author Edward S. Herman. The book had a profound impact on my perception of the mainstream media in my teenage years, and was crucial in some ways to my decision to start Byline with my co-founder Daniel Tudor. By cutting out the advertiser and political bias of the proprietor, we believed that crowdfunding had the potential to democratize the media landscape and support independent journalism.
Via jean lievens, Giuseppe Fattori
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Giuseppe Fattori
from Co-creation in health
June 8, 2015 6:29 AM
I continue to hear doubts echoing from my fellow medical students, residents, and attendings, particularly about the use of Twitter. Many of them ask how using Twitter has benefited me, and my answer almost always makes them stop and think.
My life has been enriched by the network of intelligent and forward-thinking people I have connected with on Twitter–many of them medical students, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, or other professionals who have made the leap into social media.
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Giuseppe Fattori
June 8, 2015 6:28 AM
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Giuseppe Fattori
June 8, 2015 6:25 AM
Le nostre parole d’ordine sono: libertà, consapevolezza, salute, benessere, sobrietà, amicizia e condivisione! Siamo un gruppo di ragazzi che hanno deciso di impegnarsi in prima linea per migliorare il proprio futuro! Abbiamo piccole esperienze maturate in questo campo attraverso l'AICAT (Associazione Italiana dei Club Alcologici Territoriali) e vogliamo costruire una rete su scala nazionale che ci permetta di dialogare con i nostri coetanei sui temi della salute, quindi dell’adozione si stili di vita sani, sulle abitudini erroneamente ritenute non pericolose e sulla capacità di migliorare il nostro benessere, attraverso scelte consapevoli. Una rete che possa anche favorire lo scambio di esperienze già maturate nel campo della peer education a livello territoriale e che possa favorire alla costruzione di una rete giovanile tra le associazioni che si occupano di queste tematiche.
Distortion of the evidence based brandThe first problem is that the evidence based “quality mark” has been misappropriated and distorted by vested interests. In particular, the drug and medical devices industries increasingly set the research agenda. They define what counts as disease (for example, female sexual arousal disorder, treatable with sildenafil16 and male baldness, treatable with finasteride17) and predisease “risk states” (such as low bone density, treatable with alendronate).18 They also decide which tests and treatments will be compared in empirical studies and choose (often surrogate) outcome measures for establishing “efficacy.”19Furthermore, by overpowering trials to ensure that small differences will be statistically significant, setting inclusion criteria to select those most likely to respond to treatment, manipulating the dose of both intervention and control drugs, using surrogate endpoints, and selectively publishing positive studies, industry may manage to publish its outputs as “unbiased” studies in leading peer reviewed journals.20
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:10 PM
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:48 PM
On fait remonter les fondements de la médecine à Hippocrate. Selon notre vision européenne ou occidentale, il en est le père légitime. C’est oublier un peu vite les autres médecines : la tradition chinoise, la médecine arabe, et le monde des chamanes. Et c’est oublier aussi vite que l’informatique a bouleversé nos existences. Comme le fit Gutenberg en son temps. Un grand écart que la médecine 3.0 peut combler.
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:44 PM
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:39 PM
Twitter, Health, Social Media, Health promotion
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Giuseppe Fattori
April 15, 2015 6:57 PM