JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Building a cross-platform desktop app with NW.js, React & Flux

Building a cross-platform desktop app with NW.js, React & Flux | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Finch helps web designers and developers test their development sites on multiple devices without the need for lengthy deployments or public staging servers.

Before we get in too deep let’s evaluate why we felt a desktop (as opposed to a command-line) app was needed:

  1. Simplicity: Finch should ‘just work’ for as many people as possible; the rich interface offered by a desktop versus command-line app gives us a better crack at making this happen
  2. Compatibility: Although Node.js and npm (both required to install the command-line app) are free, open-source and widely compatible, installation often proved troublesome for users less experienced with terminal interfaces
  3. Reach: A by-product of the previous factors; by making the entrypoint simpler and more accessible we’d hope to attract, and interest, a far broader audience.
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overreact - Fullstack Boilerplate for React Redux Webpack Express

overreact - Fullstack Boilerplate for React Redux Webpack Express | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
overreact - Fullstack Boilerplate for React Redux Webpack Express
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TypeScript Deep Dive

The definitive guide to TypeScript. Dive into all the details that a JavaScript developer needs to know to be a great TypeScript developer
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Using Ember.js To Create An Example App With Reddit

Using Ember.js To Create An Example App With Reddit | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Reddit as you probably know is a huge social networking, news website. Check out the /r/emberjs subreddit It has a really great growing community of Ember developers. Today I thought it would be fun to see if I could...
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AngularJS: MVC implementation

AngularJS: MVC implementation | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Now that we’ve discussed how AngularJS fits into Web development as a framework for building rich client side Web applications, we’ll move on to the Model-View-Controller (MVC). So, let’s dive right in by examining how the MVC pattern is implemented in AngularJS and how that drives your application development.

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Angular 2: Developer Preview

Angular 2: Developer Preview | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Though Angular 1.x has proved to be a good framework for building rich internet applications (RIA), it was built with older browsers in mind. The framework had to build its own module system and a set of abstractions to make its usage easier. By leveraging the new features of the web, the framework won’t have to define certain abstractions, and will instead focus on making the experience of working on it better in many other ways. Angular 2 still adopts some of the good things from Angular 1, but at the same time, it abandons features that complicate things while writing large applications or, the features that are already covered by the language. 

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Universal React

Universal React | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

One of the libraries to receive a huge amount of focus in 2015 has been ReactJS, a library created by Facebook for building user interfaces and web applications.

More generally we’ve seen an even greater rise in the number of applications built primarily on the client side with most of the logic implemented in JavaScript. One of the main issues with building an app in this way is that you immediately forgo any customers who might browse with JavaScript turned off, and you can also miss out on any robots that might visit your site to crawl it (such as Google’s search bots). Additionally, we gain a performance improvement by being able to render from the server rather than having to wait for all the JavaScript to be loaded and executed.

The good news is that this problem has been recognised and it is possible to build a fully featured client-side application that can be rendered on the server. The way in which these apps work is as follows...

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React Virtual DOM vs Incremental DOM vs Ember’s Glimmer: Fight

React Virtual DOM vs Incremental DOM vs Ember’s Glimmer: Fight | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Take a look at competing DOM manipulation libraries and find out which one is faster with a performance benchmark!

In this post we will explore three technologies to build dynamic DOMs. We will also run benchmarks and find out which one is faster. At the end we will share with you why we choose one of them for our projects. Read on!!

Rollup: How we use React.js and npm to share UI code at AdRoll

Rollup: How we use React.js and npm to share UI code at AdRoll | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This is the second in a series of three blog posts about Rollup, AdRoll's UI component library. This post covers how we build individual components and the developer tools supporting them.

All the shared UI components we use at AdRoll live in a private GitHub repository called Rollup. In the repo, each component has its own directory whose name matches the component’s npm package name. All components, and by extension Rollup npm package names, are prefixed with ar- for AdRoll.

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Anatomy of a large Angular application

Anatomy of a large Angular application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

How to design the architecture of an Angular application and not go insane in the process.

This article aims to tell the story of a better architecture but also to provide a working example of all the principles discussed here. That’s why you’ll find anaccompanying repository with an interactive demo application. Details of the repository and how it relates to this article will be discussed later.

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Bacon.js for Breakfast: An intro to functional reactive programming

Bacon.js for Breakfast: An intro to functional reactive programming presented by Eric Ponto at Midwest JS 2015
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Plug and Play All Your Observable Streams With Cycle.js

Plug and Play All Your Observable Streams With Cycle.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Cycle.js is an extension of the RxJS library more than a framework (though it will probably fall into that category). RxJS is the JavaScript version ofReactiveX, an API for asynchronous programming with observable streams. While RxJS solves the part of composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences, Cycle.js does a unique thing by looping data flow between your application and the outside world. We will go into the details how this works later, but this makes explicit data-flow graphs possible; i.e., reasoning of dependencies between operations. Neither Angular nor React (nor any other that I am aware of) does this. This unique feature of Cycle.js has the benefit of making it far more easy to read and understand large code bases.Cycle.js is an extension of the RxJS library more than a framework (though it will probably fall into that category). RxJS is the JavaScript version ofReactiveX, an API for asynchronous programming with observable streams. While RxJS solves the part of composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences, Cycle.js does a unique thing by looping data flow between your application and the outside world. We will go into the details how this works later, but this makes explicit data-flow graphs possible; i.e., reasoning of dependencies between operations. Neither Angular nor React (nor any other that I am aware of) does this. This unique feature of Cycle.js has the benefit of making it far more easy to read and understand large code bases.

Hieu Vu's curator insight, November 8, 2015 6:14 PM

Has anyone used Cycle.js? would be interested to see what this has been used in.!

SurviveJS - Webpack and React

SurviveJS - Webpack and React | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Want to learn Webpack or React? Get started for free and build a Kanban board by following the example project.

SurviveJS - Webpack and React shows you how to build a simple Kanban application based on these technologies. During the process you will learn to:

  1. Set up a Webpack based development and production environment. You will learn to get most out of react-hot-loader and Babel for development.
  2. Improve the quality of your code by using ESLint and friends to spot possible mistakes earlier.
  3. Get into the React mindset while learning the basics of Alt, an implementation of Flux Application Architecture.
  4. Style your React application in various emerging ways.
  5. Implement drag and drop for your application using React DnD.
Arik Grinstein's curator insight, September 10, 2015 4:43 AM

A lot of good stuff in this one!

Building a Speech Recognition app with Meteor framework

Building a Speech Recognition app with Meteor framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this post, I’m going to walk you through building your own Speech Recognition web app that uses many of the same technologies and techniques that my team did in building Ayni’s speech recognition tool. We’re going to work through:


  • Downloading & installing Meteor
  • Adding the necessary packages
  • Recording speech from your laptop microphone
  • Getting a transcript of the recording using the Haven OnDemand API


We’re going to focus on the most interesting aspect of the project: Getting a text transcript of you speaking to your microphone.

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Ember.js - Goodbye MVC (Part 1)

Ember.js - Goodbye MVC (Part 1) | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

At EmberConf 2015, Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale announced the arrival of certain changes to Ember 2. Most notably, the routable components RFCattracted a lot of attention because of its proposal to deprecate and eventually remove controllers. Naturally, this was alarming to many existing Ember users, especially since Ember and Sproutcore have always been client-side MVC frameworks.

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Create a GitHub File Explorer Using Vue.js

Create a GitHub File Explorer Using Vue.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Vue.js makes everything easy. Creating seemingly complex applications becomes super simple and is something that can be done in much less time than previously. We will demonstrate this by creating a Github file explorer that will allow us to explore files in public Github repos. All the code for this post can be found on […]
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The Command pattern applied to your Ember.js application

The Command pattern applied to your Ember.js application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The Command pattern is one of the patterns for object-oriented software design that is treated in the famous GoF book. The essence of the pattern is to encapsulate the actions in your application into separate objects. Using this pattern appropriately can make your code cleaner and easier to test. I had a situation in the HSTRY application (built on Ember.js) where it was well applicable and I found out that it actually fits well into the architecture of an Ember.js application. Let me elaborate on how to use the Command pattern in an Ember.js application.

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Bliss.js — Heavenly JavaScript!

Bliss.js — Heavenly JavaScript! | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Want to use Vanilla JS but find native APIs a bit unwieldy? Bliss is for you.

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Git Rebasing: An Elfin Workshop Workflow

Git Rebasing: An Elfin Workshop Workflow | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This year Santa’s helpers have been tasked with making a garland. It’s a pretty simple task: string beads onto yarn in a specific order. When the garland reaches a specific length, add it to the main workshop garland. Each elf has a specific sequence they’re supposed to chain, which is given to them via a work order. (This is starting to sound like one of those horrible calculus problems. I promise it isn’t. It’s worse; it’s about Git.)

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5 Reasons to Fall in Love with Angular Material

CSS layout is historically notable as the foremost cause of countries going to war, mental health issues, and countless physical confrontations between humans and technological devices. Angular Material has redeemed the sins of our CSS patriarchs by making layout simple. At some point or another, we have all Googled “How to layout two divs side by side” and eventually “How to center element vertically in CSS”.

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Concurrently JavaScript

Concurrently JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

What is concurrency? How is it different from parallelism? JavaScript is single-threaded on the event loop, so how does its asynchrony fit into the mix?

These are great questions, but sadly, I think most JS developers are not really asking them enough. The concepts behind writing concurrent code are incredibly important, but we tend to only focus on the API provided to us by some library or framework. These APIs have a tremendous capability to shape our thoughts about the underlying functionalities, and often not in accurate or productive ways.

I want us to talk first about the concepts around concurrency before we focus on what we can do with some API or pattern. Don’t worry: following parts of this blog post series will talk more about APIs, if that’s what really gets you excited. But don’t skip over these concepts.

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wu.js — Higher order functions for ECMAScript 6 iterators

wu.js — Higher order functions for ECMAScript 6 iterators | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

wu.js provides the higher order functions you've come to love from working with arrays (such as map and filter) as well as ones that may be new to JavaScript developers (such as takeWhile). 

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Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps (Part II)

Making MEAN Apps with Google Maps (Part II) | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Today, we’ll be taking our work a step further by adding a new control panel that allows us to filter users based on a variety of fields. The final product will allow us to query our map based on gender, age, favorite language, proximity, and whether a user’s location has been HTML5 verified. Additionally, this tutorial will give us an opportunity to introduce some of MongoDB’s geospatial query tools.

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Videos of jQuery Conf 2015

Videos of jQuery Conf 2015 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

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Typed Arrays in ECMAScript 6

Typed Arrays in ECMAScript 6 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Typed Arrays are an ECMAScript 6 API for handling binary data. This blog post explains how they work.

Arik Grinstein's curator insight, September 11, 2015 4:26 AM

Types in javascript. Where is the world coming to ??? :)