JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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JavaScript Performance Patterns

Slides from Web Directions South, Sydney 2012...
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HTML5, JavaScript, Knockout, JQuery, Guide for Recovering Silverlight/WPF/C# Addicts. Part 2 - Solar System Animation built with SVG, Knockout and MVVM Pattern. - CodeProject

HTML5, JavaScript, Knockout, JQuery, Guide for Recovering Silverlight/WPF/C# Addicts. Part 2 - Solar System Animation built with SVG, Knockout and MVVM Pattern. - CodeProject | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Creating Solar System animation in HTML5/JavaScript

In order to achieve the separation between visual and non-visual components I use Knockoutjs framework. Knockoutjs is an excellent open source framework giving developers ability to bind properties and events within HTML to JavaScript's entities representing the View Model. The Knockoutjs bindings are similar to those of WPF and Silverlight. From my point of view, Knockoutjs is a must for building an HTML web site that has a considerable amount of business logic.

In order to draw the non-textual visuals, e.g. the orbits and in order do animations I am using SVG. SVG is part of HTML5 spec and it provides HTML tags to create various shapes use transforms on them and create animations. SVG is quite similar to WPF/Silverlight Shape/Path, transforms and animations functionality. Again, this article is not a tutorial on SVG, it just demonstrates some SVG concepts. Perhaps in the future articles I'll talk about SVG in more detail.

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Compiling to JavaScript: What, Why, and How? - Build New Games

Compiling to JavaScript: What, Why, and How? - Build New Games | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

A very comprehensive overview of what you can do to make JavaScript programming much more professional - i.e. choose language of your choice and crosscompile it

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Twitter Bootstrap for ASP.Net MVC 4 Sample

Twitter Bootstrap for ASP.Net MVC 4 Sample | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

If you want to use the very fine UI Elements of Twitter Bootstrap within your Razor Views this Package will get you going.

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The World Beyond MVC

There's no shortage of JavaScript MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectures out there. The best-known is Backbone, but there are others: Spine, Agility, Knockback, etc. And in addition to the range of MVC frameworks, there ...
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chaplin - An Application Architecture Using Backbone.js

chaplin - An Application Architecture Using Backbone.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Key Features CoffeeScript class hierarchies as well as object composition Module encapsulation and lazy-loading using AMD modules Cross-module communication using the Mediator and Publish/Subscribe patterns Controllers for managing individual UI views Rails-style routes which map URLs to controller actions A route dispatcher and a top-level view manager Extended model, view and collection classes to avoid repetition and enforce conventions Strict memory management and object disposal A collection view for easy and intelligent list rendering


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Single page apps in depth (new free book)

Single page apps in depth (new free book) | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This free book is the book I would have wanted when I started working with single page apps. It's not an API reference on a particular framework, rather, the focus is on discussing patterns, implementation choices and decent practices.

I'm taking a "code and concepts" approach to the topic -  the best way to learn how to use something is to understand how it is implemented. My ambition here is to decompose the problem of writing a web app, take a fresh look at it and hopefully make better decisions the next time you make one.

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Sequel Sphere - An HTML 5 Relational Database

Sequel Sphere - An HTML 5 Relational Database | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

written 100% in JavaScript to run in any Web Browser and on any Platform. It parses and executes SQL dynamically in the browser, returning results formatted for RIA Frameworks or directly for inserting into HTML.

SequelSphere is a Relational Database written in JavaScript that runs in any browser and on any platform. It’s ‘Relational’, meaning that it handles SQL and stores data in tables. This enables JavaScript programmers to store and retrieve data using standard relational database methods, without worrying about browser or platform specifics.

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SQL, EF, OData - One Sweet Stack

Last Saturday at the Seattle Code Camp I delivered a presentation I called One Sweet Stack which showed how to start with a SQL Azure database (though it would work with any relational database really), connect to it using Entity Framework, and extend it as OData with WCF Data Services.

I chose this stack because…

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Common Idioms in JavaScript development

These are some of the common idioms I find myself using again and again.

* Use Array.join to concatenate strings

* Minimize use of if/else blocks by creating object hashes

* Make the parameter value be of any-type

* Use IIFE to compute on the fly

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Why does TypeScript have to be the answer to anything? - Scott Hanselman

Why does TypeScript have to be the answer to anything? - Scott Hanselman | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

TypeScript was announced and folks are saying "TypeScript is clearly Microsoft's answer to Google's Dart" or "So TypeScript is Microsoft's answer to CoffeeScript."

I was chatting with Jez Humble today about the intense interest and some little gnashing of teeth around TypeScript and he offered this little gem of a quote:

It's disappointing when smart people display a profound ignorance of computing history. - Jez Humble

TypeScript has been out a day. It's way early to see if it has legs, but it seems initially promising

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The obligatory TypeScript reaction post

The obligatory TypeScript reaction post | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
It’s been known for some time that Anders Hejlsberg was doing something interesting in the JavaScript space, and when Anders is doing something interesting, it’s worth paying attention. This is, af...
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The Syncfusion Company Blog | Dynamic, Data-bound Web UIs with Knockout.js Succinctly

The Syncfusion Company Blog | Dynamic, Data-bound Web UIs with Knockout.js Succinctly | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Knockout.js Succinctly is intended for professional web developers who need to build dynamic, scalable user interfaces with minimal code. Author Ryan Hodson guides you through the essentials of the library, starting with a brief overview of Knockout and its data-oriented aspects, followed by a thorough examination of binding data to various HTML elements, and finally examples of accessing external data and combining Knockout with jQuery animation routines. Complete with code examples and informative diagrams yet shorter than 100 pages, Knockout.js Succinctly is the one resource you need for getting started with Knockout as fast as possible.

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Essential JavaScript: the top five MVC frameworks

Essential JavaScript: the top five MVC frameworks | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Picking the right JavaScript framework for your needs can be tricky.
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HTML5, JavaScript, Knockout, JQuery, Guide for Recovering Silverlight/WPF/C# Addicts. Part 1 - JavaScript and DOM. - CodeProject

HTML5, JavaScript, Knockout, JQuery, Guide for Recovering Silverlight/WPF/C# Addicts. Part 1 - JavaScript and DOM. - CodeProject | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |


JavaScript/DOM basics for WPF/Silverlight/C# developers

The purpose of these series of articles is to make it easier for WPF/Silverlight developers to master programming HTML5/JavaScript utilizing WPF and Silverlight concepts. These articles assume that the reader already has some basic familiarity with HTML and JavaScript, so people who are completely new to it, should start with something else.


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Knockout.js vs Backbone.js

What the hell am I talking about? Backbone? Knockout?
These are 2 popular javascript frameworks, supposedly designed to help/facilitate the building of rich client application on the web.

To me, this means web apps with non-trivial interactive UI, which would be difficult to manage with just jQuery. What’s wrong with jQuery, you say? Well, jQuery is awesome, but it’s too low-level as far as app-development is concerned. How are you going to manage it when the complexity increases? It gets hairy very quickly.

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nodbg - social debugging

nodbg - social debugging | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

awesome way of pairprogramming over the wire

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Montage - HTML5 framework

Montage - HTML5 framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Montage simplifies the development of rich HTML5 applications by providing modular components, real-time two-way data binding, CommonJS dependency management, and many more conveniences. Also runs on node.js


Some features

Components and HTML templates 2-way data binding Data persistence Serialization Event Management
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Tres - A mobile web development framework

Tres - A mobile web development framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Tres is a development suite, focused on mobile devices (phones, tablets). It features automatic compilation of template formats such as Haml, as well as transparent CoffeeScript and Compass support (and thus, Sass.). The idea is you'd develop a mobile web app locally, package it, and then use it with whatever other back-end you want.

Tres also provides default/desirable styles for creating mobile applications, such as headers, lists, buttons, and other common mobile app design patterns.

It also provides helpful JavaScript classes to easily implement behaviour and connect the UI with real data from say, an API.

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Forward Thinking: KnockoutJS | Centare

As web applications become more and more rich, we need a way to help separation of concerns, decouple our code, and make testing easier. KnockoutJS is one such client-side framework that lets us structure our code using the MVVM pattern. We’ll start out with an overview of the basics of Knockout, then moving on to more advanced topics like templating, the mapping plugin, and custom binding handlers.

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Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Here you get a complete reference of JS Programming Patterns that may help structureing your code for better independency and reuse.

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Using TypeScript with AngularJS and Web API at

Using TypeScript with AngularJS and Web API at | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
In this post I will show how to use TypeScript together with AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API to write a simple web application that implements a CRUD scenario.
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Building Modern Mobile Web Apps (Project Liike from Microsoft)

Building Modern Mobile Web Apps (Project Liike from Microsoft) | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Project Liike is an effort to produce guidance that helps organizations build mobile web experiences based off of existing web applications. There are countless devices available today and all indications suggest this number is only going to grow, without convergence. The factors to help choose between native apps and web apps are fairly well-known. Those who choose the web face numerous decisions and challenges based on their requirements. This project aims to help.

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Get 50GB of free Box cloud storage without rooting

Get 50GB of free Box cloud storage without rooting | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

OffTopic but very nice offer: With this Android App you can upgrade an existing 5GB Free Account to a whopping 50GB! Works lika a charm. After that you're able to invite more people who can redeem their 50GB Box. They only have to have the same EMail provider. So that works for colleagues at work or if you're on but unfortunately not

With the plethora of Apps that you can use right from your account, or even more clients which are opensourced on github, there are a tons of possibilities to integrate your cloud stored files.

Only Disadvantage is a 10GB Upload Limit per Day and 200MB FileSize Limit.

Note: You need to get that apk from the mediafire link.

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Microsoft TypeScript: the JavaScript we need, or a solution looking for a problem?

Microsoft TypeScript: the JavaScript we need, or a solution looking for a problem? | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

New language makes large app development easier, but we've seen it all before.

In this Article we are going to see how the new cross compiled Language might influence WebDevelopment (not only) within the .Net Stack.

in my opinion it's true, history repeats, but it's going to be the next big thing. Why else are there no productive IDEs for pure JavaScript atm? 

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