In The Name Of God
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Strange days indeed...
onto In The Name Of God
August 19, 2014 10:47 AM!

The Greatest Fake Religion of All Time

The Greatest Fake Religion of All Time | In The Name Of God |
Over fifty years ago, a group of pranksters founded a satiric religion devoted to creating conspiracy theories so insane that nobody would ever believe uncritically in conspiracies again. They called themselves the Discordians.

Via F. Thunus
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In The Name Of God
Mainly acts done in the name of religion, but also discussions of atheism, faith, & spirituality.
Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Walking On Sunshine
January 12, 2016 3:15 PM!

Petition launched calling on God to bring David Bowie back to life

Petition launched calling on God to bring David Bowie back to life | In The Name Of God |
A petition has been launched calling on God to bring David Bowie back to life. Titled 'Say no to David Bowie dead', the petition has amassed more than 1,700 signatures.
Deanna Dahlsad's curator insight, January 12, 2016 3:15 PM

If only it would work!

Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
November 8, 2015 2:28 PM!

Religious children are meaner than their secular counterparts, study finds

Religious children are meaner than their secular counterparts, study finds | In The Name Of God |
Religious belief appears to have negative influence on children’s altruism and judgments of others’ actions even as parents see them as ‘more empathetic’
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
May 14, 2015 3:21 PM!

Satanic Temple: Missouri Anti-Choice Restrictions an 'Affront' to Religious Freedom

Satanic Temple: Missouri Anti-Choice Restrictions an 'Affront' to Religious Freedom | In The Name Of God |
The Satanic Temple last week filed a lawsuit against Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, alleging that the state’s abortion restrictions violate temple members’ freedom of religion.
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
April 9, 2015 6:34 PM!

Jesus Christ the family man? Why the church won’t buy it

Jesus Christ the family man? Why the church won’t buy it | In The Name Of God |
New scientific evidence on the tomb of Jesus – and his wife and child – will never be accepted. Religion prefers its relics, like its art, with smoke and mirrors
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Modern Atheism
February 25, 2015 1:23 AM!

Bruder Spaghettus Seeks German Approval of 'Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster' - disinformation

Bruder Spaghettus Seeks German Approval of 'Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster' - disinformation | In The Name Of God |

Pastafarians are after equality in Germany. Rüdiger Weida aka Bruder Spaghettus founded the“Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” in Templin, Germany of last year.

Via Modern Atheism
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
January 14, 2015 10:24 PM!

American Cardinal Blames Women for “Feminizing” the Catholic Church

American Cardinal Blames Women for “Feminizing” the Catholic Church | In The Name Of God |
Last year, Pope Francis demoted American Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke by removing him as head of the Apostolic Signatura (the Vatican's high court) and giving him a perfunctory post at the Knights of Malta. This was a big deal because Burke is a fire-breathing reactionary who rose high under Pope Benedict, and his demotion...
Deanna Dahlsad's insight:

No words.

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
January 14, 2015 1:57 AM!

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Newspaper Edits Female World Leaders Out of Charlie Hebdo March

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Newspaper Edits Female World Leaders Out of Charlie Hebdo March | In The Name Of God |
Yesterday's historic march across Paris included over 40 world leaders expressing solidarity for France after the Charlie Hebdo massacre., but if you read Haredi newspaper Precursor, you'd believe that none of them were women.
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Religion in the 21st Century
January 14, 2015 12:40 AM!

How to suck at your religion - The Oatmeal

How to suck at your religion - The Oatmeal | In The Name Of God |

Via Religulous
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Modern Atheism
January 12, 2015 7:42 PM!

Out of the Closet Campaign - Freedom From Religion Foundation

Out of the Closet Campaign - Freedom From Religion Foundation | In The Name Of God |

Calling All Non-believers . . . Come Out of the Closet! Declare and share your nonbelief! Although the nonreligious — including one in five U.S. citiz...

Via Modern Atheism
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
December 21, 2014 12:35 PM!

Why Is Rape at the Origin of Most Religion?

Why Is Rape at the Origin of Most Religion? | In The Name Of God |

The impregnation process may be a “ravishing” or seduction or some kind of titillating but nonsexual procreative penetration. The story may come from an Eastern or Western religious tradition, pagan or Christian. But these encounters between beautiful young women and gods have one thing in common. None of them has freely given female consent as a part of the narrative. ( Luke’s Mary assents after being not asked but told by a powerful supernatural being what is going to happen to her, “Behold the bond slave of the Lord: be it done to me . . .”)

Who needs consent, freely given? If he’s a god, she’s got to want it, right? That is how the stories play out.

Whether or not the delectable young thing puts up a protest, whether or not seduction requires deception, whether or not the woman already has a husband or love, whether or not she is physically forced, the basic assumption is that the union between a god and a woman is overwhelming in an orgasmic way, not a bloody, head-bashed-against-the-ground kind of way. And afterwards? Well, what woman wouldn’t want to be pregnant with the son or daughter of a god?

Underneath this remarkably enduring and widespread trope lie two assumptions that, in their most primitive form, may trace their roots all the way back to evolutionary biology.

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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Tasers and Drones: Abuse of power in law, justice, and national security
December 20, 2014 7:32 AM!

Muslim woman sues Cleveland police for making her attend Christian service in jail

Muslim woman sues Cleveland police for making her attend Christian service in jail | In The Name Of God |

Via Jocelyn Stoller
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Fabulous Feminism
December 19, 2014 10:17 PM!

Church of England Breaks Tradition, Appoints First Woman Bishop

Church of England Breaks Tradition, Appoints First Woman Bishop | In The Name Of God |

The Church of England appointed its first ever female bishop on Wednesday, overturning centuries of tradition in a Church that has been deeply divided over the issue.

Via bobbygw
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
December 2, 2014 8:24 PM!

Kitschy Bobble-Head Nuns Pendant

Kitschy Bobble-Head Nuns Pendant | In The Name Of God |
Decorative amusement for the gal who wants to put the fun in fashion.
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Brain Tricks: Belief, Bias, and Blindspots
November 22, 2014 12:47 PM!

When It Comes to Pop Culture, There’s a Christian Version of Everything Secular

When It Comes to Pop Culture, There’s a Christian Version of Everything Secular | In The Name Of God |
A couple of months ago, I saw Seth Andrews (The Thinking Atheist) give a talk on how Christians co-opt just about everything in secular culture. For every great musician, or book, or movie… or fast food logo… there’s a Christian equivalent.

Via Jocelyn Stoller
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
November 12, 2014 5:58 PM!

Wicked? Homophobic wizards, gay witches and the fight for acceptance in the Wicca community

Wicked? Homophobic wizards, gay witches and the fight for acceptance in the Wicca community | In The Name Of God |

Though ‘Wicca’ and ‘paganism’ are often used interchangeably, paganism encompasses a diverse community including Druids, Shamans, Odinists and Heathens.  Wicca itself, has many sub-sections: Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Faery, Pictish and Kitchen Wicca are among the many. Though no single set of beliefs, tests or practices are shared by them all, they can be roughly characterised by: polytheism, the belief in multiple deities; pantheism, the belief that the spiritual and material universes are connected; belief in the afterlife; and an emphasis on ritual. And, like any widespread belief, paganism is not immune to infighting and disagreements.

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
October 31, 2014 7:18 PM!

DPopTart, weirdvintage: In the late 19th and early 20th...

DPopTart, weirdvintage: In the late 19th and early 20th... | In The Name Of God |

In the late 19th and early 20th century, the Spiritualism movement was all the rage, and people sought out mediums to communicate with spirits.  

One of the most famous mediums of the day was Marthe Beraud (also known as Eva C. and Eva Carrière)... 

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
October 8, 2014 10:20 PM!

It’s Official: Religion Doesn’t Make You More Moral

It’s Official: Religion Doesn’t Make You More Moral | In The Name Of God |
A recent study comparing views on morality of religious and non-religious people found something surprising: Religion doesn’t make our everyday lives more moral.
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Herstory
October 4, 2014 9:06 PM!

The Meditations of Europe's Last Brewmaster Nun

The Meditations of Europe's Last Brewmaster Nun | In The Name Of God |
For 45 years, Sister Doris Engelhard has dedicated her life to God and beer.
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Confronting hate, prejudice, cruelty, extremism, and dogmatism
September 9, 2014 12:24 AM!

Megachurch Closes After Founder Refers To Women As ‘Penis Homes’

Megachurch Closes After Founder Refers To Women As ‘Penis Homes’ | In The Name Of God |
Mars Hill, a Washington megachurch, has recently announced that several of its branches will be closing. In addition, Mars Hill founder Mark Driscoll has also announced that he will be taking a lea...

Via Jocelyn Stoller
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
August 20, 2014 4:50 PM!

America's Forgotten First Witch

America's Forgotten First Witch | In The Name Of God |
Almost half a century before the Salem Witch Trials, the Colony of Connecticut executed the first person accused of witchcraft in America. This was a victim named Alse Younge about whom nearly nothing is known except her dubious place in history as a macabre footnote.
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Strange days indeed...
August 19, 2014 10:47 AM!

The Greatest Fake Religion of All Time

The Greatest Fake Religion of All Time | In The Name Of God |
Over fifty years ago, a group of pranksters founded a satiric religion devoted to creating conspiracy theories so insane that nobody would ever believe uncritically in conspiracies again. They called themselves the Discordians.

Via F. Thunus
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
August 8, 2014 5:49 PM!

Christian broadcaster: Ebola could cleanse US of atheists, gay people, and sluts

Christian broadcaster: Ebola could cleanse US of atheists, gay people, and sluts | In The Name Of God |

A Christian radio host who enthusiastically looks for signs the world will end welcomed the Ebola virus as a cleansing force.

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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Akhenaten
July 29, 2014 3:44 PM!

Restored Image of Amun Discovered in Sudan - Archaeology Magazine

Restored Image of Amun Discovered in Sudan - Archaeology Magazine | In The Name Of God |
This stele depicting the Egyptian god Amun was defaced on the orders of a heretic pharaoh.

Via Rebeca BM
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Human Interest
July 26, 2014 6:21 AM!

Naughty Nuns, Flatulent Monks, and Other Surprises of Sacred Medieval Manuscripts

Naughty Nuns, Flatulent Monks, and Other Surprises of Sacred Medieval Manuscripts | In The Name Of God |
"Imagination is a much freer thing in the margins of a book; it’s allowed to run amok."Kaitlin Manning, an associate at B & L Rootenb...

Via Skuuppilehdet
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Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
An opinionated woman obsessed with objects, entertained by ephemera, intrigued by researching, fascinated by culture & addicted to writing. The wind says my name; doesn't put an @ in front of it, so maybe you don't notice.
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In The Name Of God
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Visiting The Past
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