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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from E-HEALTH - E-SANTE - PHARMAGEEK
August 21, 2012 3:36 AM!

GE Healthcare inaugure une campagne de sensibilisation et de prévention du cancer portée par les réseaux sociaux

GE Healthcare inaugure une campagne de sensibilisation et de prévention du cancer portée par les réseaux sociaux | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

La deuxième campagne annuelle #GetFit utilise Twitter, l'application HealthyShare de GE sur Facebook et Sina Weibo pour promouvoir la prévention du cancer par des styles de vie plus sains
GE Healthcare inaugure une campagne de sensibilisation et de prévention du cancer portée par les réseaux sociaux
GE Healthcare a lancé aujourd'hui un concours mondial sur plusieurs plates-formes de médias sociaux ? Twitter, Facebook et Sina Weibo ? afin de sensibiliser le public à la prévention du cancer. Au cours des six prochaines semaines, la campagne « #GetFit » de GE Healthcare encouragera des personnes du monde entier à partager leurs activités de santé et de remise en forme personnelles et à décrire ce qu'elles font pour réduire leur risque de développer un cancer, une des premières causes de mortalité.
Selon l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), près de 30 % des cancers pourraient être évités grâce par l'adoption d'un style de vie sain et la pratique régulière d'une activité physique. Pour la deuxième année, la campagne #GetFit ? dont l'objectif consiste à diffuser un message positif dans le monde entier ? invite les participants à partager leurs méthodes pour rester en forme et garder la ligne. La campagne utilise la puissance du savoir collectif, portée par les réseaux de médias sociaux, pour promouvoir des styles de vie plus sains.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from E-HEALTH - E-SANTE - PHARMAGEEK
August 20, 2012 12:04 PM!

World's smallest Smart glucose meter for the mobile phones get CE approval

World's smallest Smart glucose meter for the mobile phones get CE approval | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Philosys, a company based in New York City, received European CE Mark approval for its Gmate SMART glucose meter, an iPhone/iPad attachment that is the world’s smallest glucometer.

The meter uses the iOS device via the headset jack as the interface to display results and track readings. It would seem that the same glucometer should also be compatible with other smartphones as long as an appropriate app is developed.

Philosys is currently looking to partner with cell phone firms to help distribute the Gmate SMART and hopes to have it’s device available to European customers by the end of the year.

Via Chatu Jayadewa, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from i-Pharma Digital
August 17, 2012 6:18 AM!

UK doctors don't have time for reps but are making time for digital

UK doctors don't have time for reps but are making time for digital | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Time-pressured GPs in the UK are refusing to see pharmaceutical sales reps and turning to online channels to conduct product research, according to a new study. surveyed more than 1,000 GPs in April this year and found 52 per cent of GPs did not see any pharmaceutical sales representatives in a typical week, while 26 per cent only saw one pharma sales rep during that period.


Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of the GPs surveyed said they preferred to find their own product information via “independent online resources”.

Via Tom Hall, Nikos Papaioannou
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Scooped by Dominique Godefroy
August 16, 2012 9:21 AM!

GlaxoSmithKline competes in pharma social media for London 2012 Olympics

GlaxoSmithKline competes in pharma social media for London 2012 Olympics | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

In 2008, British athlete Jessica Ennis faced one of numerous setbacks in her sporting career after injury kept her out of the Beijing Olympics. In the run-up to the London 2012 Olympics, she worried that further injury would end her hopes of competing in the Games.


Yet fear of injury and past setbacks did not prevent her from winning the gold medal in the heptathlon, breaking records on the way.

It is a similar story for some pharmaceutical companies in social media. The path taken by pioneers of new digital channels is well documented by Healthcare Engagement Strategy and includes setbacks, lessons learned, and challenges overcome. It also includes the triumph of seeing great business and health outcomes – the best are recognised each year in the Healthcare Engagement Strategy Awards, each of which leaves a legacy of great practice and lessons learned.


Last year I wrote in pharmaphorum about GlaxoSmithKline’s Facebook page, pointing out that the company was one of a very few deliberately engaging consumers in two-way dialogue, even before Facebook made open walls mandatory. The page was in its infancy, yet displayed a systematic approach to engaging and responding to comments. I suggested then that it provided a platform for testing a two-way engagement model that would surely be at the heart of pharmaceutical corporate communications well into the future.

Integrating advertising into social media


Eleven months have passed since my last review, representing a long time in the digital age, with much water under the bridge. GSK’s role as partner to the London 2012 Olympics provided the setting for a major advertising campaign by the company which includes television, print, outdoor and digital media. Assets created for the advertising campaign were also deployed across GSK’s social media channels including its Youtube channel, Flickr photostream, Twitter profile, and Facebook page.

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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from NTIC et Santé
August 14, 2012 9:46 AM!

Le Serious Game devient un outil majeur en e-santé

Le Serious Game devient un outil majeur en e-santé | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Officiellement, les Serious Games seraient nés en 2002, via « America Army » jeu de simulation des exercices d’entrainement de l’armée américaine.
Toutefois il est intéressant de noter que dès 1992, des jeux édités sur Super Nintendo et PC montraient déjà les mécanismes de scénarisation très proches de ceux qui font la philosophie des Serious Games appliqués à la santé.
La thématique de ces jeux était orientés vers le diabète (Captain Novolin – 1992 / Packy & marlon – 1994).

Aujourd’hui, les domaines d’applications des Serious Games dans le domaine de la santé sont très divers. Ils peuvent être destinés à l’éducation, à la prévention, à la publicité, aux soins et s’adressent aussi bien aux professionnels de santé qu’au grand public, en passant par les étudiants avec un apport pédagogique indéniable lié à l’immersion du « joueur » dans un environnement santé.



Via dbtmobile
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from E-HEALTH - E-SANTE - PHARMAGEEK
August 14, 2012 9:00 AM!

Mobile Health Applications: 2012 Study

Mobile Health Applications: 2012 Study | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Verasoni Worldwide, AhHa! Insights publishes mobile health applications study.

The study is a snapshot of what people are doing with healthcare related mobile applications, what platforms they are using and it also examines the popularity of healthcare application downloads by categories and specific applications themselves.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from social media and networks in medical education
August 13, 2012 11:18 AM!

Why does a twittering doctor tweet? The #ASME2012 presentation

Why does a twittering doctor tweet? The #ASME2012 presentation | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Anne Marie Cunningham (@amcunningham) writes:


'"My very first tweet was made in May 2008.

preparing for a seminar on medicine and the media- thinking about health 3.0"

— AnneMarie Cunningham (@amcunningham) May 27, 2008


I was invited to join Twitter by a friend who works in IT. It just happens that at the time I was still at work thinking about a teaching session so my first tweet has quite a strong medical education flavour.


Like many people I wasn't sure what to actually make of Twitter after this and I left it for several months until I went to two medical education conferences and decided that social media could serve a purpose for me.


But I'm not a techno-evangelist. I believe we have to be very careful about how we use technology and to consider how it impacts on relationships.


If you google web 2 (a term for newer social technologies including social media) sceptic then the top result is actually about me, because I have disputed with other doctors in the past that these technologies are having any impact on our clinical practice. And I am still uncertain about this.


However I am certain, and have decided that I can allow myself to be evangelical, about the benefits that can be had for anyone who is at this conference and is therefore interested in improving medical education. I started becoming aware of this a short while after starting my own blog in October 2008 which is why in 2009 I gave a presentation at [the Association for the Study of Medical Educaton Annual Scientific Meeting] ASME about how social media and networks could develop and support scholarship in medical education. However, this did not lead to the expected paradigm shift in scholarly communication. So I have decided that I might need to be a little more direct with you this time. And this is why I am going to give you 10 reasons why you should be on Twitter now.'

Via AnneMarie Cunningham
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from PATIENT EMPOWERMENT & E-PATIENT
August 13, 2012 8:42 AM!

"Virtual" Patients Could Close the Gap in Patient Adherence

"Virtual" Patients Could Close the Gap in Patient Adherence | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

New "virtual patient" computer models currently being employed in psychiatry could provide the key to better understanding patient non-adherence...

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from HEALTHCARE & SOCIAL MEDIA
August 13, 2012 6:08 AM!

Les réseaux sociaux en chiffres (juillet 2012)

Infographies des principaux chiffres des réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Videao).

Via Ghislain Vacherot, Mongaillard Maeva, emmanuel chila, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from PATIENT EMPOWERMENT & E-PATIENT
August 9, 2012 11:01 AM!

Pintherapy, A New Way of Sharing Hope with Cancer Patients

Pintherapy, A New Way of Sharing Hope with Cancer Patients | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Pinterest has bet on images being worth a thousand words. In many cases, for the millions of users that share thoughts through the network, one powerful image can help to share exactly how they are feeling.


GE’s Cancer Pintherapy Board is one such example of sharing and inspiring through pictures on Pinterest. This board shares the experience of women and men that participated in the Breast Cancer Mosaic, inspirational videos and messages from cancer survivors and inspirational quotes to repost. It also contains relevant information, collected through the ‘Is My Cancer Different’ site, where patients can find out more about the disease.


Via Angel Gonzalez, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from #DigitalHealth
August 8, 2012 6:42 AM!

Kaiser’s Online Patient Portal Keeps Members in the Fold

Kaiser’s Online Patient Portal Keeps Members in the Fold | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Kaiser Permanente Members who access their health records through Kaiser Permanente’s online patient portal are 2.6 times more likely than nonusers to stay with the health care giant, according to a study published in July in the American Journal of Managed Care.

Via Denise Silber
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Scooped by Dominique Godefroy
August 7, 2012 12:26 PM!

Study: doctors prefer online to print

Study: doctors prefer online to print | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

When making clinical decisions doctors spend twice as much time using online resources like professional websites and mobile apps compared to print, according to a new survey.

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Scooped by Dominique Godefroy
August 7, 2012 6:28 AM!

Is healthcare self-service online enough to satisfy patients?

Accenture survey shows that patients embrace eHealth, but still want face-time with doctors

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Scooped by Dominique Godefroy
August 21, 2012 3:29 AM!

Cardiio launches innovative iPhone App for touch-free heart rate monitoring

Cardiio launches innovative iPhone App for touch-free heart rate monitoring | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |
Cardiio has launched a biosensor that measures heart rate using an iPhone or iPad camera and novel software developed at MIT.
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Scooped by Dominique Godefroy
August 22, 2012 11:44 AM!

Communautés de patients et marketing pharmaceutique : Trouver la bonne équation?

Communautés de patients et marketing pharmaceutique : Trouver la bonne équation? | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

"On n'a pas fini d'entendre parler du rôle des laboratoires pharmaceutiques dans les communautés de patients en ligne." Cet article est un compte rendu de lecture d'un autre article en anglais qui interroge les stratégies des laboratoires pharmaceutiques vis-à-vis des communautés de patient. La ligne de partage des eaux entre les deux est de pouvoir concilier l'intérêt de l'entreprise pharmaceutique et l'intérêt du patient (l'article parle de "consommateur") qui cherche notamment une source d'information fiable.

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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from diabetes and more
August 17, 2012 5:43 AM!

Announcing the 2012 DHF Seeds Grant recipients | Diabetes Hands Foundation

Announcing the 2012 DHF Seeds Grant recipients | Diabetes Hands Foundation | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |
Diabetes Hands Foundation connects people touched by diabetes and raises diabetes awareness.

2012 DHF Seeds Grant Recipients
Today we are happy to announce the nine innovative diabetes advocacy projects selected to receive DHF Seeds grant funding for 2012. Each of these projects, aimed at connecting, educating or empowering people touched by diabetes, will receive US$2000.

“Our goal is to support promising projects and help advocates through grants that assist them in taking their projects to the next level,” explains Manny Hernandez, president and founder of the Diabetes Hands Foundation.

Via Ellen H Ullman, MSW
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from PATIENT EMPOWERMENT & E-PATIENT
August 16, 2012 3:24 AM!

Merck’s partnership with PatientsLikeMe could offer innovative way forward for drug development

Merck’s partnership with PatientsLikeMe could offer innovative way forward for drug development | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Big pharma company Merck (NYSE:MRK) has formed a collaboration with an online patient community platform to develop personalized psoriasis treatment.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from Jeunes Médecins et Médecine Générale
August 14, 2012 9:55 AM!

Silber's BLOG: Interview Denise Silber: les médecins français et le web ?

Silber's BLOG: Interview Denise Silber: les médecins français et le web ? | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Je publie ce jour une interview de moi-même concernant l'intérêt des médecins français pour le web et les perspectives de l'e-santé. Les questions ont été proposées par Guillaume Marchand, interne en psychiatrie, qui a, de son côté rédigé quelques synthèses de sessions après la conférence Doctors 2.0 & You.

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Scooped by Dominique Godefroy
August 13, 2012 11:27 AM!

L’ASIP Santé lance le label e-santé destiné aux logiciels « Maisons et Centres de santé »

L’ASIP Santé lance le label e-santé destiné aux logiciels « Maisons et Centres de santé » | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Dans le cadre du soutien à l’informatisation des maisons et centres de sante, l’ASIP Santé propose aux éditeurs de logiciels d’obtenir le label e-santé « logiciel Maisons et Centres de sante ».


Ce label peut être attribué à toute solution logicielle ou famille de produits destinés aux professionnels de santé exerçant en maison ou centre de santé respectant le cadre fonctionnel associé.


Il permet aux responsables de projets de système d’information d’éclairer leur démarche de sélection de logiciels en identifiant sur le marché ceux disposant d’emblée des fonctionnalités adaptées à l’activité des maisons et centres de santé : dossier médical et de soins commun aux professionnels de l’organisation, gestion du consentement du patient au partage de ses données entre les professionnels de santé de l’organisation, indicateurs d’activité, DMP compatibilité…

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Scooped by Dominique Godefroy
August 13, 2012 9:54 AM!

When smartphone apps play doctor

When smartphone apps play doctor | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Health app developers initially focused on consumer diet and exercise, said Brian Dolan, editor of Boston-based, which tracks advances in mobile health and medical technology.

"Now we're seeing them look into more serious health conditions where there's a real need for innovation."


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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from BEST OF PHARMAGEEK
August 13, 2012 8:26 AM!

The Changing Key Opinion Leader and Advocate Environment | Healthcare Engagement Strategy

The Changing Key Opinion Leader and Advocate Environment | Healthcare Engagement Strategy | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Earlier this month I presented a session at KOL & MSL Best Practice conference in Basel, Switzerland.

The conference focused on pharmaceutical companies’ work with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and the role of Medical Science Liaisons, and I had been invited to speak on how new channels like the Internet, social media and mobile are changing the KOL environment...

Via Nikos Papaioannou, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from #DigitalHealth
August 13, 2012 6:05 AM!

Thinking Big About Big Data: GNS Tackles Personalized Healthcare

Thinking Big About Big Data: GNS Tackles Personalized Healthcare | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |
One of the top four trends identified in Rock Health's report on digital health was data / analytics. Arguably, big data is the most important factor in transforming the healthcare system - given the vast amount of genetic and other medical data available today, combined with the increasing prevalence of mobile health apps and EMRs (Electronic Medical Records).


Via Alex Butler, Denise Silber
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Scooped by Dominique Godefroy
August 13, 2012 10:18 AM!

The winners of the Healthcare Engagement Strategy Awards 2012

The winners of the Healthcare Engagement Strategy Awards 2012 | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

After months of research and analysis, we have selected six winners who have each pioneered in healthcare engagement over the past year, breaking down barriers and overcoming hurdles to achieve their vision.(...)

Our Healthcare Engagement Strategy 2012 winners are:...

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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from E-HEALTH - E-SANTE - PHARMAGEEK
August 8, 2012 6:39 AM!

Système de santé : le lower cost s'impose aux acteurs comme aux patients

Système de santé : le lower cost s'impose aux acteurs comme aux patients | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Le gouvernement Ayrault, par les voix de Marisol Touraine, ministre de la Santé, et de Jérôme Cahuzac, ministre du Budget (photo), a annoncé que l’Objectif national des dépenses d’assurance-maladie (ONDAM) devrait progresser de 2,7 % en 2013.


Ce sont ainsi plus de 4,6 milliards d’euros supplémentaires qui devraient être investis l’an prochain dans le système de soins. Contrepartie à cet investissement : certains postes de la dépense devront être revus à la baisse et des économies d’au moins 2 milliards par an devront être réalisées sur la période 2013-2017.


Le récent rapport de l’IGAS/Inspection des Finances sur la « maîtrise de l’ONDAM 2013-2017″, qui donne une vision prospective du système de santé, est sans ambiguïtés à cet égard : des mesures énergiques – dont des déremboursements, des baisses des tarifs et des prix – devront être prises sur chaque sous-enveloppe de l’ONDAM (ville, hôpital et médico-social). Car faute de croissance – et de remontée des recettes – le gouvernement – et donc l’assurance-maladie en prise à des déficits abyssaux – devra réviser certains postes de la dépense à la baisse.


L’industrie du médicament n’est pas épargnée : entre 2013 et 2017, elle sera sollicitée à hauteur de 4,5 milliards d’euros. De quoi accélérer ses restructurations et ses redéploiements vers l’Asie, et plus largement dans les BRIC, où se situent désormais ses véritables relais de croissance.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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Rescooped by Dominique Godefroy from HEALTHCARE & SOCIAL MEDIA
August 7, 2012 9:55 AM!

Développer les partenariats et s’ouvrir aux réseaux sociaux : une évolution indispensable pour les laboratoires pharmaceutiques

Développer les partenariats et s’ouvrir aux réseaux sociaux : une évolution indispensable pour les laboratoires pharmaceutiques | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Dans la course à l’innovation, l’ouverture aux partenariats et la présence sur les réseaux sociaux bouleversent le mode de fonctionnement classique des "Big Pharma".

Via Isabelle Delignière-Léglise, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
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