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January 14, 12:51 AM!

Le Pentagone veut compenser au Bénin la perte de ses capacités au Niger et au Tchad

Le Pentagone veut compenser au Bénin la perte de ses capacités au Niger et au Tchad | DEFENSE NEWS |
Trois développements récents illustrent la place croissante du Bénin dans le dispositif militaire US en Afrique. Un dispositif pénalisé par le départ forcé du Niger et, dans une moindre mesure, du Tchad (qu’ont quitté les forces spéciales US).

Premier développement, la pression djihadistes qui s’amplifie. Le 8 janvier, le Groupe de soutien à l’islam et aux musulmans (GSIM, JNIM en arabe), affilié à al-Qaïda, a lancé une attaque qui a tué au moins 28 soldats béninois dans le nord du pays, à la frontière avec le Niger et le Burkina Faso. Les premières attaques terroristes datent de 2019 avec le rapt de deux touristes français et leur libération en compagnie de deux autres otages étrangers (au prix de la vie de deux commandos marine français). En 2003, 150 incidents violents ont été recensés, comme le précise une étude du CRS américains de mars 2024.

Ensuite, preuve que la situation sécuritaire dégradée du Bénin inquiète Washington, une délégation politico-militaire américaine s’est rendue à Cotonou au tout début de janvier 2025. Cette délégation rassemblait Amanda Dory, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Maureen Farrell, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs, et le major-général Kenneth Ekman, de l’US Air Force, qui est détaché à l’Elément de coordination de l’Africa Command (AFRICOM). Objectif de cette visite: renforcer la coopération en matière de sécurité, de lutte anti-piraterie et de lutte anti-terroriste. Sur cette visite, qui s’est prolongée en Côte d’Ivoire, lire le communiqué de l’AFRICOM.

Enfin, l’accident d’hélicoptère US de la semaine dernière (voir mon post) confirme une présence sécuritaire américaine avec des contractors chargés de missions aériennes. Cet accident a impliqué un S-62N de CHI Aviation, l’un des prestataires de services du Pentagone en Afrique.

Le déploiement militaire US au Bénin reste discret et limité, Washington tablant aussi sur des pays comme le Nigeria, le Ghana, la Côte d’Ivoire.

Au Bénin, la partie la plus visibles concerne les programmes de formation et d’échange avec la Garde nationale du Dakota du Nord qui a, par exemple, animé des stages de formation à la lutte contre les IED en juillet 2024. Outre la formation, les Etats-Unis renforcent aussi les moyens matériels des Forces armées béninoises (FAB); en novembre dernier, 12 MRAP de type Puma M36 ont été livrés aux FAB. On notera aussi la modernisation d’infrastructures aéroportuaires (révélée par l’AFRICOM) pour qu’elles puissent accueillir des aéronefs américains dont des drones, ainsi que les avions et hélicoptères civils mis en oeuvre par des contractors.
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Today, 1:43 AM!

Remorqueurs des bases navales : la DGA regarde (enfin) des solutions civiles sur étagère

Remorqueurs des bases navales : la DGA regarde (enfin) des solutions civiles sur étagère | DEFENSE NEWS |
Début 2024, le programme RP 30/RPC 30, notifié en avril 2020 par la DGA à Piriou, s’achevait prématurément à l’issue de sa tranche ferme initiale, soit quatre unités, mises en service en 2023 par la Marine nationale.
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Today, 1:39 AM!

European engineers review Singapore’s NGPV vehicle

European engineers review Singapore’s NGPV vehicle | DEFENSE NEWS |
During a recent visit by the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) team to Singapore, a new Next-Generation Protected Vehicle (NGPV) was unveiled. The visit, which included discussions with ST Engineering and other key stakeholders, provided insight into the country’s innovative approach to military mobility and energy resilience. A photo of the NGPV
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Today, 1:38 AM!

Ukraine boosts production of deep-strike kamikaze drones

Ukraine boosts production of deep-strike kamikaze drones | DEFENSE NEWS |
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has showcased the mass production line of the country’s long-range kamikaze drone, the AN-196 "Liutyi" (Fierce), to the Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee. The demonstration comes as Ukraine rapidly scales up its drone warfare capabilities, with production figures increasing significantly over the past year. Early, local media revealed that Ukraine has
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Today, 1:38 AM!

Intelligence artificielle et défense : la France restera-t-elle « souveraine » ?

Intelligence artificielle et défense : la France restera-t-elle « souveraine » ? | DEFENSE NEWS |
Le ministère des Armées s'est doté d'une agence spécialisée très active et va acquérir un supercalculateur... avec des puces américaines
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Today, 1:36 AM!

Colombian Navy buys new Arcángel vessel

Colombian Navy buys new Arcángel vessel | DEFENSE NEWS |
The Colombian Navy (Armada de la República de Colombia: ARC) and the Cotecmar shipyard signed a contract for the manufacture of a new ARC Marrugo-III-type patro
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Today, 1:36 AM!

France/Ukraine : Panique chez Parrot : un conflit commercial lié à l'Ukraine dégénère en règlement de comptes

France/Ukraine : Panique chez Parrot : un conflit commercial lié à l'Ukraine dégénère en règlement de comptes | DEFENSE NEWS |
Parrot en Ukraine, épisode 1 - En contact avec le renseignement militaire ukrainien et les services français, l'ancien consultant du fabricant de drones, Nicolas Yahmi, livre une bataille sans merci
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Today, 1:34 AM!

China’s J-20 Fighter Is Now Flying In ‘Beast Mode’

China’s J-20 Fighter Is Now Flying In ‘Beast Mode’ | DEFENSE NEWS |
The configuration could see the J-20 carry up to 14 air-to-air missiles today, and 16 tomorrow, but with the sacrifice of stealth. The ability to carry additional air-to-air missiles, potentially including outsized ones, is a significant boost to the J-20 stealth fighter.
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Today, 1:32 AM!

IAV 2025 - Protecting armoured vehicles from drones and FPVs

IAV 2025 - Protecting armoured vehicles from drones and FPVs | DEFENSE NEWS |
Numerous short range air defence (SHORAD) and counter-UAS (C-UAS) systems exhibited at the International Armoured Vehicles Conference
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Today, 1:32 AM!

Thales delivers first autonomous drone system for mine countermeasures to the French Navy

Thales delivers first autonomous drone system for mine countermeasures to the French Navy | DEFENSE NEWS |
Thales has delivered the first drone system for mine countermeasures to the French Navy, as part of the MMCM (Maritime Mine Counter Measures) programme.
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Today, 1:31 AM!

ICEYE and SATIM partner to develop AI-powered SAR imagery analysis products

ICEYE and SATIM partner to develop AI-powered SAR imagery analysis products | DEFENSE NEWS |
ICEYE, a global leader in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite operations, has entered into a partnership with SATIM, a specialist in AI-driven Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) for SAR imagery.
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Today, 1:30 AM!

Denmark acquires JUMP 20 reconnaissance drones from AeroVironment

Denmark acquires JUMP 20 reconnaissance drones from AeroVironment | DEFENSE NEWS |
The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) has signed an agreement with AeroVironment for the acquisition of JUMP 20 reconnaissance drones.
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Today, 1:29 AM!

Italy deploys SAMP/T air defence system to Lithuania in NATO exercise

Italy deploys SAMP/T air defence system to Lithuania in NATO exercise | DEFENSE NEWS |
Italy is set to deploy its SAMP/T surface-based long-range air and missile defence system to Lithuania as part of a NATO-led air defence exercise.
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Today, 1:29 AM!

U.S. Navy awards contracts for future Mine Countermeasures Capabilities

U.S. Navy awards contracts for future Mine Countermeasures Capabilities | DEFENSE NEWS |
The U.S. Navy has awarded a series of contracts to enhance its Mine Countermeasures (MCM) capabilities, focusing on the deployment of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) MCM Mission Package (MP).
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Today, 1:41 AM!

Sébastien Lecornu, la vie sans Matignon

Sébastien Lecornu, la vie sans Matignon | DEFENSE NEWS |
Le ministre des Armées, Sébastien Lecornu, a résisté à tous les remaniements depuis juin 2017. En décembre, il aurait pu devenir Premier ministre. « Je ne serai jamais candidat à Matignon », assure-t-il aujourd'hui à l'Opinion
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Today, 1:39 AM!

Ukraine unveils top-secret underground missile plant

Ukraine unveils top-secret underground missile plant | DEFENSE NEWS |
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has presented a top-secret underground missile production facility to NATO Military Committee Chairman Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, revealing the development and deployment of the country’s latest unmanned self-propelled guided missile, known as the "Peklo." The missile, also referred to as a "drone-missile," represents Ukraine’s expanding domestic defense industry amid its ongoing war
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Today, 1:38 AM!

Germany Kicks Off Work On Leopard 3 Main Battle Tank

Germany Kicks Off Work On Leopard 3 Main Battle Tank | DEFENSE NEWS |
Enhanced firepower, protection, and mobility are all requirements as Germany begins to look for a successor to its Leopard 2 tanks. Enhanced firepower, protection, and mobility are all requirements as Germany begins to look for a successor to its Leopard 2 tanks.
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Today, 1:36 AM!

Bundeswehr receives Yamaha Ténéré 700 motorcycles

Bundeswehr receives Yamaha Ténéré 700 motorcycles | DEFENSE NEWS |
The Bundeswehr announced on its website on 6 February that it is procuring Yamaha Ténéré 700 motorcycles built in France.
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Today, 1:36 AM!

Germany deploys Patriot air-defence systems to Poland

Germany deploys Patriot air-defence systems to Poland | DEFENSE NEWS |
Germany deployed two Patriot air-defence systems to Poland in mid-January, the Bundeswehr announced on its website on 7 February. From 13 to 17 January 100 vehicle
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Today, 1:35 AM!

Unprecedented New View Of BLU-109 Bunker Buster Strike That Killed Hezbollah's Leadership

Unprecedented New View Of BLU-109 Bunker Buster Strike That Killed Hezbollah's Leadership | DEFENSE NEWS |
The video shows the moment the bunker busters struck, burrowing deep below the road and detonating with such force that the ground is lifted all around.
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Today, 1:33 AM!

Rare Look At S-300V1 Surface-To-Air Missile Systems In Action In Ukraine

Rare Look At S-300V1 Surface-To-Air Missile Systems In Action In Ukraine | DEFENSE NEWS |
The S-300V1 with its big interceptors has been one of Ukraine's only air defense systems capable of knocking down ballistic missiles.
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Today, 1:32 AM!

International Armoured Vehicles conference 2025

International Armoured Vehicles conference 2025 | DEFENSE NEWS |
The 25th edition of the International Armoured Vehicles conference, IAV in short, organised by Defence iQ, took place in a
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Today, 1:32 AM!

Helsing and Loft Orbital to launch Europe’s first AI-powered multi-sensor satellite constellation

Helsing and Loft Orbital to launch Europe’s first AI-powered multi-sensor satellite constellation | DEFENSE NEWS |
Helsing, a leading European defence technology company, has partnered with satellite infrastructure specialist Loft Orbital to develop and deploy Europe’s first AI-powered multi-sensor satellite constellation.
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Today, 1:31 AM!

Indra secures contract to supply space surveillance radar for German Air Force

Indra secures contract to supply space surveillance radar for German Air Force | DEFENSE NEWS |
Indra, the Spanish defence technology company, has won a contract to equip the German Air Force with a state-of-the-art space surveillance radar.
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Today, 1:30 AM!

Latvia to supply Ukraine with Patria 6x6 Armoured Personnel Carriers

Latvia to supply Ukraine with Patria 6x6 Armoured Personnel Carriers | DEFENSE NEWS |
The Latvian Ministry of Defence has confirmed that it has ordered Patria 6x6 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) for Ukraine.
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Today, 1:29 AM!

VIDEO - International Tank Challenge: five nations face off at Grafenwoehr

VIDEO - International Tank Challenge: five nations face off at Grafenwoehr | DEFENSE NEWS |
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa International Tank Challenge will take place at the Grafenwoehr Training Area in Germany from 7 to 20 February 2025.
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