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September 30, 2012 1:43 AM!

How small businesses can use Pinterest for a content marketing boost

How small businesses can use Pinterest for a content marketing boost | Content on content |
Being from San Francisco, I’ve always had a soft spot for the underdog small business or high street boutique, and coming from a social media background, I love to stay on top of new ways social can help this market segment.
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Metacontent insights + content philosophy + content strategy
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November 11, 2012 4:32 PM!

Psychology behind link giving

Psychology behind link giving | Content on content |
The concept for this book actually began late in 2009 when I began looking at the psychology behind why someone would want to naturally give someone else on the Internet a citation, or link, to their website.

"This Theory has Ten Postulates:

1 The concept of emotion is applicable to all evolutionary levels and applies to all animals including humans.
2 Emotions have an evolutionary history and have evolved various forms of expression in different species.
3Emotions served an adaptive role in helping organisms deal with key survival issues posed by the environment.
4 Despite different forms of expression of emotions in different species, there are certain common elements, or prototype patterns, that can be identified.
5 There is a small number of basic, primary, or prototype emotions.
6 All other emotions are mixed or derivative states; that is, they occur as combinations, mixtures, or compounds of the primary emotions.
7 Primary emotions are hypothetical constructs or idealized states whose properties and characteristics can only be inferred from various kinds of evidence.
8 Primary emotions can be conceptualized in terms of pairs of polar opposites.
9 All emotions vary in their degree of similarity to one another.
10 Each emotion can exist in varying degrees of intensity or levels of arousal."

What an inspiring concept...
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June 13, 2013 11:40 PM!

Want a Million Likes on Facebook? It's All About the Reshares

Want a Million Likes on Facebook? It's All About the Reshares | Content on content |
Remember that time a couple of Norwegian 20 year-olds posted a picture to Facebook? Sure you do. The one where the girl, Catherine, agreed to have sex with her friend Peter if t...
Content's insight:

Facebook reshare analysis

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June 4, 2013 11:29 AM!

The science behind online content recommendations

The science behind online content recommendations | Content on content |
Experts explain how the application of algorithms, large data sets and human curation are making predictions even smarter. By Neerav Bhatt
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about content suggestion systems / content recommendation systems

for better recommendations

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May 31, 2013 11:12 AM!

The 360Hero Cameras Are All Shades of Mind Blowing 360° Awesome

The 360Hero Cameras Are All Shades of Mind Blowing 360° Awesome | Content on content |
If we can agree on one thing, let's agree on this: 360° videos are unbelievably awesome because they completely immerse you into the video itself.
Content's insight:

360 degree videos

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May 26, 2013 6:54 PM!

22Cans | A great team with a great idea leads to great success

22Cans | A great team with a great idea leads to great success | Content on content |
Content's insight:

Godus by

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December 26, 2012 3:44 PM!

The Social Media Way of Life for B2B Experts and Content Marketers | Content Marketing & Content Strategy

The Social Media Way of Life for B2B Experts and Content Marketers | Content Marketing & Content Strategy | Content on content |
Content marketing is an essential way we do business within Web 2.0. Replacing spam, a bombardment of advertisement and self-promotion, is useful and high quality content.
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Rescooped by Content from Content Creation, Curation, Management
December 23, 2012 6:25 PM!

Content Marketing Essentials You Need to Know Before 2013

Content Marketing Essentials You Need to Know Before 2013 | Content on content |
In 2012, CMI contributors talked about everything from content marketing strategy to distribution. Here are 60+ content marketing essentials we can use in 2013.

Via Stefano Principato, massimo facchinetti
Content's insight:

Useful stuff

Tanja Elbaz's curator insight, November 20, 2023 5:29 PM
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November 29, 2012 6:50 PM!

2013: How Content Will Be A Driving Factor In Search Rankings | Business 2 Community

2013: How Content Will Be A Driving Factor In Search Rankings | Business 2 Community | Content on content |
To say that Search Engine Optimization is a volatile industry would be a gross understatement.

1. Content Marketing: the pursuit of developing and distributing content that solves customer problems and generates leads.

2. SEO: the pursuit of getting your content to appear in the search results.

3. Social Media: a delivery system for your content.

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November 23, 2012 7:10 PM!

[Infographic] The Content Marketing Matrix for Small Businesses

[Infographic] The Content Marketing Matrix for Small Businesses | Content on content |
PRWeb has created this matrix to show how different types of content can appeal to different consumers and offers facts or suggestions about each.
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November 22, 2012 5:22 AM!

My Garden Markers

My Garden Markers | Content on content |
Want to know what you do when it’s 12:30am and you can’t sleep because you took your thyroid medication too late in the day? Well, I’ll tell you! Better than that, I’ll show...
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November 22, 2012 5:05 AM!

What is the best tool to merge multiple RSS feeds?

What is the best tool to merge multiple RSS feeds? | Content on content |
Russell Wright's answer: There are only two RSS services that perform well in our testing. One of them is Yahoo Pipes, which can be found at Pipes: Rewire the web.
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November 20, 2012 2:15 PM!

5 tips for using procedurally-generated content in your game

5 tips for using procedurally-generated content in your game | Content on content |
1. Pick your battles
2. Remember that randomness is random
3. Try anything to add 'life'
4. Prepare for tough testing
5. Do something with it!

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November 19, 2012 9:04 AM!

How to Develop Content That Turns Up in Search

How to Develop Content That Turns Up in Search | Content on content |
This two-pronged approach to SEO will help make your small business’ website turn up in online searches.
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Rescooped by Content from Business Improvement
February 5, 2016 1:52 AM!

Why Multitasking is Killing Your Brain

Multitasking is Killing Your Brain - Life Tips. - Medium
Many people believe themselves to be multitasking masters, but could it all be in their heads?

Via Daniel Watson
Content's insight:

Monotask or Multitasking?

Giuseppe Fattori's curator insight, March 8, 2016 3:37 PM

...and why stopping to do this will improve your performance significantly

Salim Bennouri's curator insight, March 11, 2016 7:14 AM


As a business owner you will always have a lot on your plate, and if you are like most business owners, you will pride yourself on your ability to multitask in order to get everything done. Research has long shown that multitasking is actually a very inefficient way in which to operate, yet business owners tend to take little notice of such research findings. Perhaps, if you were conscious of what multitasking is doing to your brain, you might review your modus operandi, and focus on monotasking instead. This article should be a wake up call for every business owner who sees multitasking as a virtue.

Alexandru Otelea's curator insight, March 19, 2016 3:43 AM

This article breaks the myths. Many people believe the multitasking it a skill of which they are proud. It's not! Let's listen the studies.

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June 4, 2013 6:02 PM!

Surface Tension Drops In Slo-Mo: a Ballet More Graceful Than Swan Lake

Surface Tension Drops In Slo-Mo: a Ballet More Graceful Than Swan Lake | Content on content |
Ballet is considered one of man's most graceful artistic endeavors, but as is often the case, through the right lens, mother nature can still easily one-up us.
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Waterdrop wonderworld

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June 2, 2013 2:15 AM!

6 Essential Criteria Your Pinterest Pins Should Meet

6 Essential Criteria Your Pinterest Pins Should Meet | Content on content |
Find out how to select content for your business's Pinterest boards that will help define your business and your brand.
Content's insight:

Better pinterest pins

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Rescooped by Content from Marketing Strategy and Business
May 26, 2013 7:06 PM!

30 Quick Editing Tips Every Content Creator Needs to Know | Copyblogger

30 Quick Editing Tips Every Content Creator Needs to Know | Copyblogger | Content on content |

Excerpted from article on Copyblogger:
"While keeping diligent focus on your content production, you must also review your past choices, looking for ways to allow more readers to engage with your writing.
In other words you may need to think more like an editor.

Here are 30 editing tips that will help you become a more effective editor-in-chief of the content you create.

***Fall in love with your website:
1. Forget “like.”
2. Sit down; stay awhile.
3. Turn the spotlight outward.
4. Highlight a reason to subscribe.
5. Have discerning taste.
6. Break the rules for a good cause.
7. Don’t call it Google Minus.
8. Check your WordPress before you wreck your WordPress.
9. Tell them what you want.
10. Say no to “yes men.”

***Vamp up your editorial strategy:
11. Water the plant.
12. Prepare; don’t plan.
13. Take yourself out of the equation.
14. Research what’s hot.
15. Seduce your audience.
16. Diversify your topics.
17. Look in nooks and crannies.
18. Tighten up.
19. Walk the line.
20. Log out and mute.

***Make your words irresistible:
21. Try the Fat Ass Fudge diet.
22. Divide and conquer.
23. Use concise language.
24. Outline major points.
25. Write one compelling line.
26. Learn language rules.
27. Avoid word choice mistakes.
28. Examine each letter.
29. Leave time.
30. Regard everything as practice.

Drafts aren’t only rough versions of documents and manuscripts. Most creations are ongoing works in progress..."

Each tip is analyzed with more information and with many external links to explain better the tips.
Read full original article here:


Via Giuseppe Mauriello
Content's insight:

Great advice for all content creators

Margaret Doyle's curator insight, May 31, 2013 3:45 PM

Some good reminders and a little kick in the you know what on copy/content creation. 

Víctor V. Valera Jiménez's curator insight, June 2, 2013 8:34 PM

Excelente artículo de Stefanie Flaxman en Copyblogger en que nos da 30 consejos de edición que todo creador de contenidos necesita saber, agrupándolos en 3 grupos:


1.- Enamórate de tu página web.

2.- "Vampiriza" tu estrategia editorial.

3.- Haz tu palabra irresistible.


Y es que, en definitiva, ¡tu controlas tu proyecto!

malika bourne's comment, September 13, 2013 8:53 PM
I just had to look 3 times at "Try Fat Ass Diet Book". Got my attention.
Rescooped by Content from The Evolving World of Marketing
May 22, 2013 6:43 AM!

14 Unique Types of Content Every Marketer Should Try

14 Unique Types of Content Every Marketer Should Try | Content on content |

I selected this piece (by Allyson Galle for Hubspot) because there are some great tips for using under-used content to shake up your routine and keep things interesting and different.

Here are a few that caught my attention:

Concept/Content Visualizations

**These are not to be confused with infographics - you should use this when you have an abstract or difficult-to-understand concepts that are hard to describe through text.

**Content visualizations can serve as great trump cards in the back pockets of content creators when it comes to getting prospects and leads to understand difficult concepts that your products and services help to solve.

**In this article, there is a graphic that shows how this is done by illustrating the concept of closed-loop marketing. It's easy to understand and pleasant to look at.

Livestreaming Video

**This serves a dual purpose, content and traffic

**This is excellent for real-time engagement, traffic will be flooding into your site, Create a hashtag to accopany your livestreamed content, you can start a discussion before the event

**You can insert calls-to-action or product/service information if you'd like, but don't turn this into an infomercial

Jan Gordon - This is one of my favorites


**Get to know what popular memes currently circulating the internet (they do have proper form) see if you can adapt them for your marketing purposes.

**Memes are catch, fun and memorable and they can help you establish your brand's personality

The example of "What People Think I Do/What I really Do" Meme Hugspot used on their FB page generated 460 likes, 53 comments, 337 shares!

Selected by Jan Gordon covering "Content Marketing, Social Business and Beyond"

Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
Content's insight:

content types

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December 26, 2012 3:17 PM!

Content Marketing Pyramid: The Ingredients for a Successful Content Strategy

Content Marketing Pyramid: The Ingredients for a Successful Content Strategy | Content on content |
Content's insight:

The successfull content marketing pyramid

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December 5, 2012 11:41 AM!

Build Google+ FILTER Bubbles NOT Links - The Algo is Curating our World

Build Google+ FILTER Bubbles NOT Links - The Algo is Curating our World | Content on content |
For a mind bending and mind OPENING look at the FUTURE OF SEO , seriously take a look at the following Video from TED Talks.
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November 26, 2012 6:55 AM!

» collections as landscapes : part 1 – empowering spatial, experiential interaction

» collections as landscapes : part 1 – empowering spatial, experiential interaction | Content on content |
museum informatics, design and other things...
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November 23, 2012 6:51 PM!

Why is Professional Web Designing Better Than Basic Templates? - Make your ideas Art

Why is Professional Web Designing Better Than Basic Templates? - Make your ideas Art | Content on content |
As one starts a business, one of the first decisions that must be made is to define whether or not to choose a template web design as a base for the business’s website.
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Rescooped by Content from Digital Marketing Fever
November 22, 2012 5:06 AM!

Infographic: Why Content for SEO

Infographic: Why Content for SEO | Content on content |
Content marketing and SEO go hand in hand. When creating content for SEO, you should be focusing on the quality of the content over the quantity. Keeping that in mind, the infographic below from Brafton, explores how ...
Via Anthony Burke
James A Smith MCIM's curator insight, February 4, 2013 4:35 AM

The power of SEO shown through the power of an infographic - great content peice.

Anthony Hall's curator insight, February 19, 2013 7:34 PM

With all of the buzz going on about Social Media, I am finding that people are shying away from SEO and Search Engine Marketing.  However, the truth is that it is still very viable and should not be discarded from your marketing bag of tricks.

As a matter of fact, SEO and Social Media blend very nicely together as one feeds into the other.  

Now, you don't have to be a super SEO guru to get the benefits from it.  Learning how to identify high traffic keywords in your niche that you can optimize your content with is easier than you might think.  

Then, by following some simple guidelines for how to structure and optimize your content, you will find that the bulk of the work is practically en-grained in the process of creating the content in the first place; once you get the hang of it.


Then, simply by sharing your content across your social networks, you can build a web of related information which will, by the nature of the internet, boost your website rankings which will cause a website to gain even more traffic.


There are plenty of places online you can learn the simple side of SEO for free.  Be sure you make some time to either learn it yourself or invest some money in having someone handle it for you.

Luke Hancock - H&H Social Design's curator insight, April 17, 2013 4:43 PM

Glad Adrian emphasized quality of content over quantity. Great infographic. 

Rescooped by Content from Content Creation, Curation, Management
November 20, 2012 3:31 PM!

Originality Is Content Marketers' Greatest Challenge

Originality Is Content Marketers' Greatest Challenge | Content on content |

Survey: As content marketing increases, so do the challenges


SUMMARY: According to a Curata report, 87% of B2B marketers use content marketing -- up from 82% in 2011 -- and it leads all other tactics. But only 43% of respondents felt their content curation efforts had been successful by their own standards of measure. Creating original content and finding time to do it were by far the most prominent challenges cited by marketers.



Via massimo facchinetti
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November 20, 2012 1:58 PM!

Presentz and Mozilla’s Popcorn: 2 Platforms For Creating Video Slide Shows From Vimeo, YouTube, SlideShare And More | TechCrunch

Presentz and Mozilla’s Popcorn: 2 Platforms For Creating Video Slide Shows From Vimeo, YouTube, SlideShare And More | TechCrunch | Content on content |
"The era of connected data services continues to unfold with the advent of emerging platforms such as Presentz, an open-source slide show offering for people to mashup videos, images and other media from YouTube, Vimeo, SlideShare and other providers."

Content: combining videos with slides, text, audio, links is a great idea. So you can compose new content combos by mixing rhich content peaces. Give it a try. Presentz syncs video and slideshow. With mozilla popcorn you can enhance, remix + share video.
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November 19, 2012 9:01 AM!

Getting strategic about content - Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice

Getting strategic about content - Smart Insights Digital Marketing Advice | Content on content |
5 themes and 21 ideas to help create a content strategy We'd no doubt agree that creating, sharing, distributing and promoting great content is now a very. Marketing topic(s):Content marketing strategy.
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