Consumption Junction
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Consumption Junction
Consumerism meets marketing; who & what manipulates the free market of goods & services. See also:
Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
December 4, 2014 2:41 PM!

What To Do When You're Losing Hope

What To Do When You're Losing Hope | Consumption Junction |
Being a small-business owner has its ups and downs. When times get tough, try these 6 tactics to pick yourself back up.
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
June 24, 2014 6:25 PM!

How to Take Your Vintage Shop to the Next Level

How to Take Your Vintage Shop to the Next Level | Consumption Junction |
Ready to turn your vintage hobby into a full-time gig? Find out how to take the plunge with winning tips from a seasoned pro.
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
April 18, 2014 11:22 PM!

{pricing} 46 random tips to help you price your stuff

{pricing} 46 random tips to help you price your stuff | Consumption Junction |

pricing. seriously, i think this is one of the most challenging parts of
building your own little biz.

last week i recommended an ebook called earn what you deserve. this book  does not give you a magic formula for figuring out your pricing. what it does do is tackle the underlying issues you need to consider before you can really charge what you are worth.

let me say that again. no pricing advice in the world is going to help you
if you do not have a sense of the value of your work.

earn what you deserve is going to help you do that. with it, you consider
what it means to be a biz owner, tackle your own beliefs about money and finances, figure out the true cost of doing business, look at new ways of marketing and selling, and start to build your own sense of value in your work and your product. once you have done that, then what?

well it is time to look at what you have been charging for your product. as
promised i have compiled a list of tips, advice and strategies from all
over the place that may help you with this. this is not a step-by-step
formula for figuring out your price. (if i ever find the elusive, magic
step-by-step formula for pricing i will share it immediately!) what i have
done is a lot of research into different strategies and taken the bits and
pieces that make sense to me and apply them to what i do. so i am sharing those bits and pieces with you here.

first, let’s get your head in the game...

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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
February 4, 2014 6:17 PM!

The Results Are In: Sellers Choice Awards for Marketplaces

The Results Are In: Sellers Choice Awards for Marketplaces | Consumption Junction |
Thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate and rate online marketplaces for this year's Sellers Choice Awards. ...
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
November 14, 2013 1:04 AM!

Oppose Efforts to Pass the Marketplace Fairness Act

Oppose Efforts to Pass the Marketplace Fairness Act | Consumption Junction |

On May 6th, 2013, the U.S. Senate passed an Internet sales tax bill called the Marketplace Fairness Act. If this bill is allowed to become law, it would require many online sellers to collect sales taxes nationwide from the more than 9,600 tax jurisdictions. Additionally, sellers would face the prospect of being audited by tax collectors from far away states. The legislation was pushed through the Senate without meaningful hearings to give small businesses a chance to express concerns or an opportunity for Senators to amend the bill.

Unfortunately, the bill’s supporters and their lobbyists may be trying to bypass the regular legislative process and sneak this bill into law by attaching it to an unrelated federal budget bill in the months ahead.

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Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
An opinionated woman obsessed with objects, entertained by ephemera, intrigued by researching, fascinated by culture & addicted to writing. The wind says my name; doesn't put an @ in front of it, so maybe you don't notice.
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