Coastal Restoration
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Coastal Restoration
Coastal management and restoration of our planet's coastlines with a particular focus on California, Louisiana and the Pacific.  Emphasizing wetland restoration, aspects of agriculture in the coastal plain, fisheries, dealing with coastal hazards, and effective governance.
Curated by PIRatE Lab
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 30, 11:06 PM!

Ocean Warming Has More Than Quadrupled Since 1980, Scientists Say

Ocean Warming Has More Than Quadrupled Since 1980, Scientists Say | Coastal Restoration |
Our oceans have warmed at an accelerated rate over the past four decades, according to new climate change research published by Environmental Research Letters.
Kyle Dugan's comment, January 31, 6:05 PM
Hello Hassna, this is an interesting article. It is fascinating how scientists have been measuring water temps around the globe for decades now. I wonder how much the rate of change in water temperature is natural and how much is human caused.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 30, 9:43 PM!

Devastating rainfall hits Spain in yet another flood-related disaster

Devastating rainfall hits Spain in yet another flood-related disaster | Coastal Restoration |
The Valencia region was worst affected, with many places receiving more than 300 l/m². On 29/30 October, a weather station in Chiva received 491 l/m² in just eight hours - the equivalent of a year's worth of rainfall, according to AEMET - Agencia Estatal de Meteorología.
Olivia Lucas's comment, January 31, 2:45 AM
The devastating floods in Spain are yet another reminder of the impact of climate change, reading that the rainfall was about 12% heavier than the preindustrial climate was unfortunately not surprising. The record breaking rainfall and destruction highlights the need for global cooperation in in climate adaptations. Thanks for sharing David!
Scooped by PIRatE Lab from Operation Deimos
January 30, 5:33 PM!

California rains help douse wildfires but risk toxic runoff, mudslides |

California rains help douse wildfires but risk toxic runoff, mudslides | | Coastal Restoration |

Expert warns of ‘fairly high danger of mud, debris flows’ as crews work to put out final pockets of LA-area blazes.

Via Anonymous Hades
Lauren Sauceda's comment, January 31, 7:59 PM
Rainfall is seen as a very good thing after a wildfire to many people, it is seen as the one solution that can help prevent future fires and "save the day" But many forget that there are also harmful consequences with rainfall after a large wildfire. Big mudslides can occur as there is nothing holding down the soil/ground anymore, which can lead to debris and toxic runoff like fire retardant to enter our water ecosystems as well as our local urban ones. This is a great article to remind all of us that rain can be good and helpful, but it can also cause a similar amount of harm to our ecosystems after extreme disasters like wildfires.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 30, 2:05 AM!

“It’s happening right now”: Report highlights health consequences of climate disasters

“It’s happening right now”: Report highlights health consequences of climate disasters | Coastal Restoration |
Researchers at the Yale School of Public Health published a report discussing synergistic climate crises and outlined how environmental disasters can impact human life.
Marisol Pantoja's comment, January 31, 4:36 PM
I like how this article captured data from satellite to highlight how far the impacts of the fires went. It focuses on how this fire might effect cardiovascular health.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 30, 12:25 AM!

Issues of the Environment: EMU study shows robins are good bioindicators for lead contamination in soil

Issues of the Environment: EMU study shows robins are good bioindicators for lead contamination in soil | Coastal Restoration |
There is something rejuvenating by looking out the window and seeing the first robin of the year. For those taking a closer look, the robins are telling an important environmental story. A recent study out of Eastern Michigan University has found that robins can accurately predict areas with contaminated soil. How? WEMU's David Fair talked with one of the lead researchers, Dorothy Zahor, about her findings and its implications.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
It is super fascinating how robins could be used as research tools to collect data for lead levels in the environment!
Liano Becerra's comment, January 30, 9:45 PM
This reading was interesting that using robins can help detect the potential lead exposure risk on human health based on their diets.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 11:07 PM!

Ash from California wildfires could affect ocean life, and seafood –

Ash from California wildfires could affect ocean life, and seafood – | Coastal Restoration |
Scientists are studying ash found in the water off Los Angeles after January's wildfires.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 8:15 PM!

Dead Sea an 'ecological disaster,' but no one can agree how to fix it

Dead Sea an 'ecological disaster,' but no one can agree how to fix it | Coastal Restoration |
Tackling cross-border environmental issues is no longer a priority for governments in the region.
Elise Sisk's comment, January 30, 1:09 PM
I did not know that the Dead Sea was suffering this much, it is interesting that not many USA news sites are sharing that information. It seems like the main issue is water diversion, and to me this seems like a tragedy of the commons situation. Everyone was constantly using the resource without regard for the long term prosperity of the Sea.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 7:42 PM!

A23a: Giant iceberg on collision course with island - penguins and seals in danger

A23a: Giant iceberg on collision course with island - penguins and seals in danger | Coastal Restoration |
More than twice the size of greater London, the expanse of ice is unpredictable and dangerous.
Hassna Lancaster's comment, January 31, 1:35 AM
That's so scary, I wonder how fast the iceberg is moving and whether there's anything that can be done to stop the collision.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 1:13 AM!

Earthquake off Maine rattles New England

Earthquake off Maine rattles New England | Coastal Restoration |
An earthquake off the Maine coast rattled New England on Monday, causing shaking in parts of the state, as well as in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
USGS states that earthquakes are unusual along the Atlantic Seaboard. I wonder if there will be another earthquake soon for this area or how long it will be until the next earthquake.
Carolyn Chaput's comment, January 29, 6:33 PM
While we may be used to earthquakes here in California and our infrastructure is built to accommodate these events, I wonder how potential damage would differ in areas like New England where earthquakes aren't as expected.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 28, 4:27 PM!

Strong Earthquake in Taiwan Injures 27 and Causes Scattered Damage

Taylor Sithammavong's comment, January 29, 1:33 AM
Last April, Taiwan had a fatal 7.4 quake and now this 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck them. This article states Taiwan lies on the "Ring of Fire", this makes me wonder how suited they are for quakes and what ways they "quake-proof" their cities.
Barbara Kim's comment, January 30, 5:19 PM
Hey Kailani! Your article drew me in because it was about Taiwan. We have family friends out in Taiwan. I did grow up hearing form my mom that Taiwan gets hit with a lot of earthquakes. I wonder if Taiwan sit on or near a tectonic plate? I just google it. It looks like Taiwan is on the boundary of the Eurasian and Philippine Sea tectonic plates.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
December 14, 2024 12:06 AM!

California issues landmark rules to improve home insurance market

California issues landmark rules to improve home insurance market | Coastal Restoration |
California's Department of Insurance released rules meant to encourage insurers to write more policies in high-fire-risk areas by using computer modeling.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
California's new insurance regulations aim to stabilize the wildfire-prone home insurance market by allowing insurers to use predictive catastrophe models instead of relying solely on historical losses, ensuring coverage expansion in high-risk areas.
Ashley Rasplicka's comment, January 31, 7:15 PM
It is so interesting how the wildfires can change the way we think and plan for the future. Thanks for sharing
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
December 3, 2024 2:44 PM!

California Coastal Commission approves massive seawall to protect San Francisco Ocean Beach wastewater treatment plant

California Coastal Commission approves massive seawall to protect San Francisco Ocean Beach wastewater treatment plant | Coastal Restoration |
A $175 million seawall project will shore up a wastewater treatment plant and a sewage tunnel on the southern end of San Francisco's Ocean Beach to help protect the area from erosion.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
This is quite a large investment in something that could potentially be pointless if we keep on creating greenhouse gases and other environmental hazards. If it can help that would be great, but I would think other forms could help too?. 
David McCarthy's curator insight, January 30, 9:50 PM
On the one hand, it makes sense, erosion and sea level rise are real threats.  Plus, adding a seaside trail and public spaces could make the area more enjoyable!
Natalie Jones's comment, January 31, 1:57 PM
Wow this is a lot of money for this project! Seems like a good thing to get rid of so people can enjoy the area, and the erosion doesn't make it completely inaccessible. This would also help the wildlife in this area that has been pushed out due to this treatment plant.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
November 27, 2024 9:41 PM!

They’ve sailed across Southeast Asia for centuries. Now, these sea nomads are being forced to live on land

They’ve sailed across Southeast Asia for centuries. Now, these sea nomads are being forced to live on land | Coastal Restoration |
The Bajau Laut have traditionally lived semi-nomadic lives on the ocean, but climate change and overfishing are driving them onto land, making them increasingly vulnerable to environmental changes.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab from Coastal Restoration
January 30, 9:50 PM!

California Coastal Commission approves massive seawall to protect San Francisco Ocean Beach wastewater treatment plant

California Coastal Commission approves massive seawall to protect San Francisco Ocean Beach wastewater treatment plant | Coastal Restoration |
A $175 million seawall project will shore up a wastewater treatment plant and a sewage tunnel on the southern end of San Francisco's Ocean Beach to help protect the area from erosion.

Via Victor Melgoza
PIRatE Lab's insight:
On the one hand, it makes sense, erosion and sea level rise are real threats.  Plus, adding a seaside trail and public spaces could make the area more enjoyable!
Victor Melgoza's curator insight, December 3, 2024 2:44 PM
This is quite a large investment in something that could potentially be pointless if we keep on creating greenhouse gases and other environmental hazards. If it can help that would be great, but I would think other forms could help too?. 
Natalie Jones's comment, January 31, 1:57 PM
Wow this is a lot of money for this project! Seems like a good thing to get rid of so people can enjoy the area, and the erosion doesn't make it completely inaccessible. This would also help the wildlife in this area that has been pushed out due to this treatment plant.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 30, 8:58 PM!

Is climate change increasing the risk of disasters? Facts about floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes

PIRatE Lab's insight:
Here is an article from two weeks ago covering climate change and its correlation to natural disasters.
Brandon Hidalgo's curator insight, January 31, 1:13 PM
Such an important topic to have even a simple understanding of. People love to focus on the literal aspect of global warming "Oh it's cold today we could use a little warming". But the reality of the situation is a tiny change to something like the global temperature has effects on ecosystems and communities around the world. This includes dryer and dryer conditions in California leading to harsher fires, warmer and warmer oceans which in turn produce stronger and stronger hurricanes, and much more we have only begun to understand. Understanding these conditions and what causes them is the first step in slowing down and hopefully reversing them. 
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 30, 5:06 PM!

The LA County fires devastated homes in the wildland-urban interface. Here’s what that is

The LA County fires devastated homes in the wildland-urban interface. Here’s what that is | Coastal Restoration |
Nearly 1-in-3 Californians live in the wildland-urban interface. And when fires sweep through it, they often leave destruction.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
Via Barbara Kim
Hayden Fausset's comment, January 30, 9:09 PM
I like how this article gives examples of fires that destroyed wildland and urban areas. The Eaton fire and the Palisades fire both were in or at the base of mountain ranges and wind played a huge role in its spread and destruction. With many examples given of the loss of these fires, the article still closes with the idea that setting a fire risk on an area that is located near a wildland isn't the best way to go about it. Considering all the other factors is still important like the structure of buildings, the exact locations, etc.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 30, 12:36 AM!

Ocean temperatures broke heat records for 450 straight days

Ocean temperatures broke heat records for 450 straight days | Coastal Restoration |
Ocean warming has quadrupled since the 1980s. Rising sea temperatures threaten marine life and coastal communities.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
It's so insane how much the ocean has been heating up. I feel so terrible for the poor creatures experiencing these heat waves. 
Rai Young's comment, January 30, 12:48 AM
Hi Ashley, this article is very informative, but also alarming. I've never heard of temperature quadrupling in any capacity, especially the oceans. Do you think this will have adverse effects on the keystone species there?
Mia Arzola Hinderliter's comment, January 31, 7:09 PM
Hey Ashley, reading this article was very eye opening. We all know that the ocean temperature is warming but seeing the comparison to from over the years were even more alarming. I liked how the article mentioned how this isn't just an environmental impact it also affects the fisheries we depend on for food and income. It is truly crazy to see how things continue to become more escalated.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 30, 12:00 AM!

Global Warming Set the Stage for Los Angeles Fires

Global Warming Set the Stage for Los Angeles Fires | Coastal Restoration |
A new attribution analysis found that climate heating caused by burning fossil fuels significantly increased the likelihood of extreme fire conditions.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
One key takeaway is the compounding effect of climate change. Warmer temperatures lead to rapid vegetation growth, followed by drought, creating vast amounts of dry fuel. When strong winds like the Santa Anas arrive, they turn these landscapes into tinderboxes. This cycle isn’t just a natural occurrence—it’s a worsening feedback loop fueled by global emissions.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 11:06 PM!

Chile forest fires: More than 100 dead in Valparaíso region

Chile forest fires: More than 100 dead in Valparaíso region | Coastal Restoration |
President Gabriel Boric announced a state of emergency as forest fires scorched the Valparaíso region.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
112 people were killed in a forest fire, and the President declared a state of emergency using all necessary resources along with medicine students helping out the affected community. 
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 7:49 PM!

How wildlife survives after wildfires

How wildlife survives after wildfires | Coastal Restoration |
The biggest danger for wildlife is the aftermath. But many species have evolved to rely on the opportunities created by others.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
As the effected communities scramble to safety and the news outlets focus the people, It is easy to disregard or forget about the wildlife that live in the area. This article did a great job of recognizing a few of the wildlife species like woodpeckers, pollinators, and tortoises. This article mentioned how resilience these animals are to wildfires and are great supporters in naturally restoring the ecosystem post fires. 
David N. Folino's comment, January 30, 12:05 AM
this seems like it could be in the category of "secondary disaster" in some cases
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 10:50 AM!

Strong earthquake kills dozens in region of Tibet near Mount Everest

Strong earthquake kills dozens in region of Tibet near Mount Everest | Coastal Restoration |
A strong earthquake killed dozens of people in Tibet on Tuesday and left many others trapped as dozens of aftershocks shook the high-altitude region of western China and across the border in Nepal.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 28, 10:54 PM!

California live fire updates: Debate over cleanup in fire zone as Edison faces new scrutiny

California live fire updates: Debate over cleanup in fire zone as Edison faces new scrutiny | Coastal Restoration |
Recent rainfall and increased debris from fire zones have prompted Los Angeles County public health officials to issue an advisory and close several miles of coastline.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
This is a common problem we always seem to deal with in the coastal zone.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 28, 12:46 PM!

A Storm, a Spill and a Disaster for the Black Sea’s Beaches - The New York Times

A Storm, a Spill and a Disaster for the Black Sea’s Beaches - The New York Times | Coastal Restoration |
Vast stretches of Russian coast have been tarred by heavy fuel oil from two freighters that foundered in a storm.
Taylor Sithammavong's comment, January 29, 1:26 AM
What a sad way to start off the year. I wonder how this will impact the environment and surrounding ecosystems. Another thing I am curious about is how they will clean the sand that they are bagging. It also seems that this could have been avoided due to using shadow fleets as a way to evade sanctions.
David N. Folino's comment, February 6, 7:05 PM
The black sea is isolated geography. I'm curious if this event will have effect in the years to come.
Scooped by PIRatE Lab
December 5, 2024 1:55 AM!

Google Introduces A.I. Agent That Aces 15-Day Weather Forecasts

GenCast, from the company’s DeepMind division, outperformed the world’s best predictions of deadly storms as well as everyday weather.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
December 2, 2024 9:14 PM!

‘Catastrophic’ marine heatwaves are killing sealife and causing mass disruption to UK fisheries | Marine life | The Guardian

‘Catastrophic’ marine heatwaves are killing sealife and causing mass disruption to UK fisheries | Marine life | The Guardian | Coastal Restoration |
Targeted research must be launched urgently to save sea creatures and plant life, oceanography centre warns
PIRatE Lab's insight:
interesting and scary article relating to heat waves and how its killing the coastal marin life and messing up the UK fisheries. This is just one place in the world but as we see climate change increasing heatwaves in times that are not regular supposed to be happing, this could disturbed the marine ecosystems all over the globe. 
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