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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 4, 2015 8:20 PM!

Klout Getting Better & Better

Klout Getting Better & Better | BI Revolution |

Marty Note
If you haven't checked your Klout score recently you should. Not just because your Klout score is a good indication on your "ding the universe" mission, but also because the Klout-ers are building some cool tools.

I just used their content scheduler for the first time. I liked the ease of putting 3 Tweets into queue and their content suggestions were excellent. I have to dig around mountains of ants and termites to find content half as good.

Also like their people suggestions. Going to be interesting to see if their people recommendations follow back or if they are so big following back little munchkins (like moi) is beyond them. The recommendations were relevant and cool, so, much like their content suggestions, easy and powerful people to follow suggestions.

The tool is improving at a rapid rate (Kudos) and their focus on EASY and painless is much appreciated. So go check your Klout score and ping me and I will send you Klout Perks or kudos or whatever the hell we trade in there (lol). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 14, 2015 9:23 PM!

Real-Time A/B Testing vs. Traditional A/B Testing in Email Marketing

Real-Time A/B Testing vs. Traditional A/B Testing in Email Marketing | BI Revolution |
In the world of email marketing, an A/B test is one of the most important tactics for delivering the best possible email to your audience. A tiny difference in a subject line or a slight change in ...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Love this since we are slouching toward real time analytics as outlined in our latest Curagami post ( ).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 9, 2015 7:39 AM!

Our Favorite Gamification Tools Added To Ask For Help & Share Tools You Love @HaikuDeck

Our Favorite Gamification Tools Added To Ask For Help & Share Tools You Love  @HaikuDeck | BI Revolution |

We Added a page on top gamification tools such as (affordable gamification), Badgeville and Bunch Ball.

We now have pages for our favorite Analytics (just added Marin Software to that list), Content Curation and Gamification tools. We will develop a "gallery" of profile pages on to share how and why we like THESE tools over others.

What about you? What are your favorite online marketing tools? Email to Martin(at) or tweet using #favtools

Thanks, Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 19, 2015 7:14 PM!

Unselling A Marketing Must Read - via @Curagami cc. @UnMarketing

Unselling A Marketing Must Read - via @Curagami cc. @UnMarketing | BI Revolution |

Active vs. Passive
Scott Stratten & Alison Kramer have written a marketing #mustread. I listened to Unselling driving to Columbus to go to my monthly appointment at the James Cancer Center and that seemed appropriate in retrospect.

Unselling: The New Customer Experience
Scott Stratten & Alison Kramer

Appropriate because my favorite section of the book is the intelligent discussion of passive (pull) vs active (push) sales and marketing. Stratten and Kramer argue the active era is dead and gone. The key to this next era is creating such magical content seeks carry on wind provided by advocates, fans and members.

Appropriate because dropping the Kabuki theater of one's life is one of cancer's big lessons. Life is too short for BS. Marketing is too valuable for BS, so begin to ween yourself off of it Unselling explains.

WOW, perfect tie to team's pursuit of the ever elusive tool to make creation of online community easy for merchants. We agree with Scott's rant against automated social media.

We also agree with his stance on the ruination of social media by brand PUSH ( see another Scoop I just shared about Buzzfeed pushing brands beyond the web i.e. the ruination of social ( ).

If the ONLY section you read, believe and act on is Unselling's discussion of the value of magical content as the key to market making going forward and the necessary letting go of PUSH you will be ahead of the pack when the "push is dead man walking" ax falls.

Great and highly recommend marketing & sales read.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 6, 2015 12:56 AM!

Book Discussion on The (Honest) Trust About Dishonesty Dan Ariely via @Booktv

Book Discussion on The (Honest) Trust About Dishonesty Dan Ariely via @Booktv | BI Revolution |
Professor Dan Ariely talks about his book, [The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone - Especially Ourselves], in which he discusses different examples of dishonesty and looks at…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great new book from Predictably Irrational author Dan Ariely that shines the same light on contextual honesty.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 20, 2015 7:52 PM!

3 Easy Metrics To Find Your Site's 80-20 Rule via @Curagami

3 Easy Metrics To Find Your Site's 80-20 Rule via @Curagami | BI Revolution |
This post shares 3 simple web metrics to help find the 20% of stuff controlling 80% of your online business because online only Pareto can hear you scream.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 5, 2014 10:09 PM!

Web Analytics For Non Quants - via @Curagami

Web Analytics For Non Quants - via @Curagami | BI Revolution |
Web Analytics for non Quants demystifies web metrics with simple questions, easy to understand ideas & proven lessons. Want to understand web metrics?

Marty Note
Driving home from Columbus today thought I would return to this post in a Khan Academy-like way.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Webdesign, Graphics, Images, Audio-Video,
November 15, 2014 7:48 AM!

Four Marketing Secrets New Web Designers Should Use • 1stwebdesigner [w/ 1 Scenttrail Dissension ]

Four Marketing Secrets New Web Designers Should Use • 1stwebdesigner [w/ 1 Scenttrail Dissension ] | BI Revolution |

What separates the newbie web designers from experienced ones? It is these 4 marketing secrets every newbie web designer should know. Read all about it here.

Marty Note
The four tips shared are:

* Build Microsites (disagree)
* Create Freebies (really believe in this one).
* Develop a Niche Blog (agree).
* Business Cards.

I would change "microsites" to landing pages. In a post Google Panda / Penguin algorithm change SEO era sites or pages without social support don't fly. Build a website and try and drive traffic to it. NOW tell me you want to build more than one.

That's crazy talk these days because one is more than most can handle. Liked the other 3 tips.

Via Mike Power
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 4, 2014 9:09 PM!

5 Trending Haiku Decks: Crowdfunding to the Clash

5 Trending Haiku Decks: Crowdfunding to the Clash | BI Revolution |

Total Haiku Deck Views: 73,549
% Increase: 5% (10-2 - 11-4)
+ Views: 3,324 (in a month)

Trending Decks

#1 Crowdfunding Tips From The Clash
+127% views gain 330

#2: Gamify Content Marketing
+115% views gain: 618

#3 Tomorrow's Ecommerce
+115% views gain 248

#4 Invisible Giant of the New SEO
+113% views gain 428

#5 Five Holiday Design Tips
+112% views gain 92

Top Deck
Startups Tips From Warren Buffett
total views 8,100

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Email Marketing
October 21, 2014 9:44 AM!

Parallax Web Design: What It Is and How It Can Affect Your SEO #websitedesign #seo

Parallax Web Design: What It Is and How It Can Affect Your SEO #websitedesign #seo | BI Revolution |



Parallax design sites are growing in use because they embrace the fluidity of the Web, provide simplicity, and offer a scrolling technique that creates a neat 3-D effect.


You should be aware of some concerns when deciding whether to use a parallax design. Concerns include the following.

Load times

Parallax design is highly animated with a lot of scripts, so it can decrease the load time of a website.

Browser support

Not all browsers are able to support the parallax design. That inability can lead to problems for the user.

Not mobile-friendly

Parallax scrolling is also not ideal for mobile as it makes the website bloated. Parallax adds layers of code to a website.

Deficient for analytics

If all your content is on one page, understanding what content is capturing visitors can be difficult. There can be workarounds to this obstacle, such as using event tracking or tying a pageview in Google Analytics to sections of parallax scrolling, but parallax design does add a layer of complexity to analytics.


SEO and new design techniques often don't mesh. In addition to being deficient on the analytics side, many parallax websites are not built with SEO in mind. Content often takes a backseat to the visual, and parallax pages typically aren't geared towards specific topics and targeted websites. External websites may only have one page to link without linking to specific subpage with more relevant content.


Via Joemktg, Brian Yanish -, b2bmarketingpartners
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

I used this phrase in a meeting last year and got laughed at. Parallax is mobile friendly so a trending design ethos.

Joemktg's curator insight, October 15, 2014 9:51 PM

Avoid like the plague.

Don Hileman's curator insight, October 19, 2014 11:08 PM

Parallax websites look amazing, but are they effective for SEO? 


Well that depends. There are several things such as Page Title, Page Description, and Content that plays a major role in SEO. Parallax designs can still include great content which is one of the most important things when it comes to SEO. 

vip minibüs kiralama's comment, April 2, 2017 6:37 PM
I can seo I use all my web site WP
Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from LGN
September 24, 2014 8:40 PM!

Can You Control A Super Computer With Twitter? Stephen Wolfram Says Sure Tweet-a-Program

Can You Control A Super Computer With Twitter? Stephen Wolfram Says Sure Tweet-a-Program | BI Revolution |

Wouldn't it be great if you could just call up a supercomputer and ask it to do your data-wrangling for you? Actually, scratch that, no-one uses the phone anymore. What'd be really cool is if machines could respond to your queries straight from Twitter. It's a belief that's shared by Wolfram Research, which has just launched the Tweet a Program system to its computational knowledge engine, Wolfram Alpha. In a blog post, founder Stephen Wolfram explains that even complex queries can be executed within the space of 140 characters, including data visualizations.

In the Wolfram Language a little code can go a long way. And to use that fact to let everyone have some fun with the introduction of Tweet-a-Program. Compose a tweet-length Wolfram Language program, and tweet it to @WolframTaP. TheTwitter bot will run your program in the Wolfram Cloud and tweet the result back to you. One can do a lot with Wolfram Language programs that fit in a tweet. It’s easy to make interesting patterns or even complicated fractals. Putting in some math makes it easy to get all sorts of elaborate structures and patterns.

The Wolfram Language not only knows how to compute π, as well as a zillion other algorithms; it also has a huge amount of built-in knowledge about the real world. So right in the language, you can talk about movies or countries or chemicals or whatever. And here’s a 78-character program that makes a collage of the flags of Europe, sized according to country population. There are many, many kinds of real-world knowledge built into the Wolfram Language, including some pretty obscure ones. The Wolfram Language does really well with words and text and deals with images too.

Via Dr. Stefan Gruenwald, Warwick Raverty
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Now THIS is coolest thing I read today. Ever see the great movie 3 Days of the Condor when Robert Redford calls the computer and via a series of commands tracing a phone number. That was COOL. This "tweet-a-program" to control a super computer with 140 characters is awesome. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 15, 2014 11:40 AM!

Are “Data Deserts” Beginning To Form in America? via @iSocialFanz

Are “Data Deserts” Beginning To Form in America?  via @iSocialFanz | BI Revolution |

Great Tweet by Brian Franzo (@iSocialFanz) of a report that uses Wiki-Pedia edits to ask an interesting question - are data deserts forming? I would love to have one more data set to confirm the fast wite middle before assigning the word "data desert" if only because wikipedia editing, the data was sourced from number of edits on wikipedia, may be an acquired taste.

The authors figure, and they are probably right, that wikipedia edits are a good proxy for all things digital. Still would like to see Google searches or some other confirming number before moving all the way to where the interesting post goes.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 8, 2014 9:13 PM!

Haiku Deck By The Numbers: +2,716 Views In 6 Days! Over 64,000 Views, 4,000+ Views Average Top 10

Haiku Deck By The Numbers: +2,716 Views In 6 Days! Over 64,000 Views, 4,000+ Views Average Top 10 | BI Revolution |

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Haiku Deck Data
Slide decks create effective storytelling online. If your content marketing doesn't include slides it should. Here why:

# Haiku Decks: 36
Total Views: 64,504

Average Views: 1,709
Top 10 Average Views: 4,014
Top Deck Views: 7,548
Gain Last 6 Days: 2,762
vs. views? Haiku Deck +217%

Trending Haiku Decks:
Crowdfunding Tips From The Clash +260%
Gamify Content Marketing +109%
Invisible Giant of the New SEO +14%

Gamify was added to Haiku Decks' Featured area. Crowdfunding tips from The Clash was Tweeted and included on GooglePlus. None of the 36 Haiku Decks we've created came back with 0 new views (that's impressive). A week ago we wrote a Curagami post about Top Haiku Decks ( ) and provided a link to a spreadsheet with links to all decks ( ).

That post plus features by Haiku Deck in their two community galleries (Featured and Popular) produced almost 6,000 views. We've been talking about the need for a profile page to help promote all Haiku Decks and the team at Haiku is working on it.

That was the advantage we created by developing a page with links to all decks. We could share that single link and people could decide what decks interested them.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 23, 2015 8:15 AM!

Google Is About to Make Your Wireless Carrier a Lot Less Relevant | WIRED

Google Is About to Make Your Wireless Carrier a Lot Less Relevant | WIRED | BI Revolution |
Google's new wireless service will automatically switch you between T-Mobile's network and Sprint's network depending on which signal is best.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:
Thank you God and Google! Sooner we divest away from AT&T et al the better.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 13, 2015 9:24 AM!

Aboard The Good Ship ROI Discovering Ecommerce Blue Oceans via @HaikuDeck

Aboard The Good Ship ROI Discovering Ecommerce Blue Oceans via @HaikuDeck | BI Revolution |

Asking the right questions in the right way is key to online marketing success. How SMBs can compete with Amazon isn't as important as what is their why and how are they learning from Amazon's web marketing power.

Surf These Waves To FIND Your Blue Oceans:

* Appification & Gamification
* Wiki-ization.

* Social Shopping Nowists.
* FofF Proxy Marketing

& Find other surfable marketing trends on our Discover Blue Oceans Haiku Deck:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 3, 2015 12:53 AM!

SMB Ecommerce: Fighting The Ama-Khan via @HaikuDeck

SMB Ecommerce: Fighting The Ama-Khan via @HaikuDeck | BI Revolution |

Asking the right questions in the right way is key to online marketing success. How SMBs can compete with Amazon isn't as important as what is their why and how are they learning from Amazon's web marketing power.

Fight the power. Fight the Ama-Khan like OpenSky, WaNeLo and Etsy.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Moore Interaction
March 19, 2015 6:38 PM!

BuzzFeed Pushing Brands Into Post-Website Era, But There's A Problem

BuzzFeed Pushing Brands Into Post-Website Era, But There's A Problem | BI Revolution |

"...inspired by the fact that much of the traffic to #TheDress story came from a single tweet, Buzzfeed cofounder Jonah Peretti told SXSW this week that he has his eyes on a much bigger prize: the 18.5 billion impressions available through publishing direct to social media. Video, meanwhile, generated more than one billion views last month—and that's not just on but on YouTube and social media.

Marty Note: The Problem Is...
The problem with finding new ways to use old ideas (interruptions and push) into the social space is efficacy gets destroyed. Brands can take over social and push message and lower connection and content value but to what end. Doesn't that path lead right back to where we are now?

I realize the challenge, but publishers need to read UnSelling by Strattten and Kramer. The book's discussio of active )push) content and media manipulation vs. passive (pull) is worth the pric of admission.

Yes, the problem is how to make a market and UnSelling makes a convincing case that your CONTENT is the way you make a market. Crate great content and people find you. It doesn't matter WHEN you publish it or where. Greatness will out and push be damned.

Via Nicky Moore
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 21, 2015 11:27 AM!

Tilt: Shifting Your Strategy from Products to Customers Niraj Dawar

Moving Downstream
The factory became a self fulfilling prophecy Niraj Dawar's great book explains. We focused mass marketing on selling more not winning customer hearts, minds and loyalty.

To win tomorrow in a social / mobile / connected world our strategy and thinking must move downstream. We must become truly customer focused Dawar shares asking two great questions:

* Why do our customers buy from US?
* What more do our customers need?

If that sounds like we need new Key Performance Indicators we are thinking the same thing. Knowing and tracking why customers really love us feels like a great way to know what to create next and why.

Great book and SO RIGHT!

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Creation, Curation, Management
January 6, 2015 11:35 AM!

Is 2015 The Year Of Content Marketing?

Is 2015 The Year Of Content Marketing? | BI Revolution |
Why is Content Marketing key for 2015 Conventional, single-thread, one-way, disruptive mass communication – like the television commercials that brands have long subsidized – is on the way out. T…

Via massimo facchinetti
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Yes 2015 is the year of content marketing, but be sure to read Content Marketing's Unfinished Symphony on Curagami:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 1, 2014 1:25 PM!

Trending Haiku Decks: Warren Buffett, Content Curation & Holiday Web Design

Trending Haiku Decks: Warren Buffett, Content Curation & Holiday Web Design | BI Revolution |

Haiku Deck Stats
Haiku Deck ( ) continues to be one of our favorite visual marketing tools. We believe slide decks are a new marketing channel and our Haiku Decks views prove the point.

Total Views: 78,940  +107% in a month for a gain of 5,641 views across 37 Haiku Decks

Warren Buffett Tips for Startups still #1 with 8,521 views
(gained 105% in a month or 428 views & is a Featured Haiku Deck).

7 Reasons You Must Curate Content

Fastest TRENDING Deck
(2,571 views in first week & now a Featured Haiku Deck)

Holiday Web Design
Next fastest trending deck
(1,087 Views or 116% gain in a month)

Gamify Content Marketing
Broke 5,000 views & continues to grow faster than Buffett
(5,091 views #4 and up 106% vs Buffett's 105% & A Featured Haiku Deck)

Top Ecommerce Trends 2015 (new today)
Has 188 views in three hours

As our content works its way into Haiku Deck's community we see faster lifts for new content. 7 Reasons You Must Curate Content was our fastest deck to clear the 2,000 views hurdle beating Warren Buffett's Tips For Startups. Our Ecommerce Trends Deck, published this morning, may break 500 views its first day.

The team at Haiku Deck are great content curators and they support their "power users" with social shares and mentions. They do such a great job creating online community we created a deck about them too ( ).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 14, 2014 2:58 PM!

Content Curation: 7 Reasons Why You Must via @HaikuDeck

Content Curation: 7 Reasons Why You Must via @HaikuDeck | BI Revolution |

We shocked a SEO Meetup suggesting 90% curation to 10% content creation. This deck explains why you MUST curate content. Content curation is a CSF (Crtical Success Factor) for online marketing.

7 Reasons You Must Curate Content
* Can't Create Sustainable Online Community Without Curating.
* Reach.
* Costs.
* Digitally Listening (is different).
* Authority.
* Tribes.
* Sustainable Online Community (so important its worth two listings).

Content curation is how you TEST and so protect your site's content creation. Content curation lowers your content creation costs and insures your current SEO ranks. Bet you agree, after flipping through this Hailku Deck (slides) content curation is a CSF (Critical Success Factor) for digital marketing.

Promise to follow with a deck on our favorite tools for content curation with @Scoop.itat the top of the list.

WOW, over 500 views in six hours thanks to Haiku Deck making Content Curation: 7 Reasons You Must a Featured Deck:

Go directly to the deck

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 30, 2014 3:41 AM!

Use 5 Cs To Create Great Web Analytics

Use 5 Cs To Create Great Web Analytics | BI Revolution |

5 Cs of Great Web Analytics
* Combine.
* Comb.
* Copy.

* Crumble.
* Collaborate.

Web metrics never act alone so don't review them that way. Look at Traffic & Shares, Traffic & Money or Time On & Bounce. By combining metrics you see interrelationships better.

Inside of your metrics are secret fractals or patterns so meaningful they almost bite you. When I was a Director of Ecommerce we found the 80/20 rule existed in all data sets across all segments and no matter how small we cut the sample. This means a small % of any metric makes up the majority of the benefit and its your job to find those hidden fractals.

If a competitor has a great new metric copy it, steal it and improve on it. Share your improvements back out to the world so they too can be improve upon. No such thing as SECRETS anymore.

Your website is in a constant ebb and flow. We like to say we build sand castles on the beach and the tide is always coming in. This means you can't get too connected to or in love with anything and that includes numbers and processes. You must exist in a constant state of creative destruction to win online so crumble any cherished notions and beloved processes in order to see what is happening NOW.

The more you share, collaborate and give the more you win online. Your CFO is going to complain about ROI and you should smile, nod and assure him or her you will work on it. The way you work on improving web marketing ROI is TO DO WEB MARKETING. Sounds circular and CATCH-22-like you say? Good you are beginning to get it :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 1, 2014 10:39 AM!

How Links Can Kill Your Website via @Curagami

How Links Can Kill Your Website via @Curagami | BI Revolution |
Bad links can kill your website's hard-won authority, reputation & traffic. Use Google's disavow tool to protect your site's traffic from SEO bandits.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This post shares two harrowing tales of "spam link attacks". One I experienced and, with my great team, fought our way out of one October several years ago. The other share happened recently (so still an issue). Learn how to protect your hard-won digital assets from spam link attacks.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 18, 2014 8:28 PM!

GAMIFY Content Marketing via @HaikuDeck +1,010 Views In A Day

GAMIFY Content Marketing via @HaikuDeck +1,010 Views In A Day | BI Revolution |

Gamify Content Marketing Blows Up
Yesterday I mentioned Gamify along with two other trending Haiku Decks. Gamify gained 1,010 views (+40% gain) in a day. A move that big usually means someone BIG shared. We will look around and figure out who to thank, and hope you will check out and share Gamify Content Marketing too.


Successful content marketing engages over time. Engagement needs online community and a role shift from content creators to community curators and GAME creators.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 9, 2014 7:26 PM!

Ecommerce: 5 Easy To Fix Blunders - via @Curagami

Ecommerce: 5 Easy To Fix Blunders - via @Curagami | BI Revolution |

Common Easy To Fix Ecommerce Blunders
* Hiding Free Shipping.
* No Fast Free Shipping.
* No Branded Free Shipping.

* No Social Curation.
* No Deal of the Day.

Easy to fix these costly blunders, but trick. This Curagami blog post and Haiku Deck can help your online store stop tripping over the thousand dollar bills to pick up nickels and dimes.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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