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Scooped by Youyouk
onto youyouk
August 27, 2012 2:41 AM!

Super Heros Posters

Super Heros Posters | youyouk |
digital A2 prints now available on request.
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Curated by Youyouk
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Scooped by Youyouk
December 8, 2015 2:08 AM!

Blending Modes in CSS: Color Theory and Practical Application - Envato Tuts+ Web Design Tutorial

Blending Modes in CSS: Color Theory and Practical Application - Envato Tuts+ Web Design Tutorial | youyouk |
You might be familiar with “blending modes” if you’re a Photoshop user; they allow you to combine layers in different ways and they’re great fun to play with. Blending modes in CSS, however, aren’t supported universally, but they are certainly on their way. | Difficulty: Beginner; Length: Medium; Tags: Color, Color Theory, Blend Modes, CSS
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Rescooped by Youyouk from Psychologie de l'internaute
November 7, 2014 12:46 PM!

10 Outils de création d’images pour les réseaux sociaux

10 Outils de création d’images pour les réseaux sociaux | youyouk |

Voici 10 outils de création d'images parfaits pour optimiser votre communication visuelle sans connaissances pointues en webdesign.

Via Sophie Groussard
Harmony Com's curator insight, November 5, 2014 4:14 AM

Un article plein de bonnes ressources ! Perso j'adore Canva :-)

Scooped by Youyouk
January 11, 2014 6:39 AM!

Le Top 10 des fonctionnalités cachées de Google

Le Top 10 des fonctionnalités cachées de Google | youyouk |
Se faire attaquer par les "OO" de Google, jouer au casse-briques d'Atari, trouver la réponse ultime au sens de la vie. Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités cachées par Google dans ses...
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Scooped by Youyouk
June 24, 2013 2:48 PM!

Creating a Swipeable Side Menu for the Web

Creating a Swipeable Side Menu for the Web | youyouk |
This tutorial will guide you through each steps to structure your layout and add swipe gestures to open/close the menu both usable on desktop and smartphones.
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Scooped by Youyouk
September 11, 2012 3:57 PM!

Create a Parallax Scrolling Website Using Stellar.js | Webdesigntuts+

Create a Parallax Scrolling Website Using Stellar.js | Webdesigntuts+ | youyouk |
One of the biggest trends in recent modern web design is use of parallax scrolling effects.
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 24, 2012 2:33 AM!

40 Beautiful 8-Bit Artworks

40 Beautiful 8-Bit Artworks | youyouk |
8 Bit Art can refer to a style of synthesized electronic music called “chiptunes”, as well as a form of digital art called “pixel art”.
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 22, 2012 2:39 AM!

DestrucIndusty: animaux à produits, un vrai travail artistique à découvrir

DestrucIndusty: animaux à produits, un vrai travail artistique à découvrir | youyouk |
DestrucIndusty / animals need help...
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 8, 2012 4:05 PM!

Retro Game Characters Invading Our Real Life [PICS]

Retro Game Characters Invading Our Real Life [PICS] | youyouk |
If you are a 90′s child, this is the kind of the post you shouldn’t miss, because it is going to remind so much of your fun childhood memories!
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 5, 2012 4:56 AM!

Pin Up Girl Illustrations

Pin Up Girl Illustrations | youyouk |
Brilliant collection of pin-up girl illustrations.
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 3, 2012 2:35 AM!

Détournements - Pac-Men: Les reconnaitrez-vous?

Détournements - Pac-Men: Les reconnaitrez-vous? | youyouk |
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 2, 2012 12:36 PM!

60 Inspirational Title Graphics of 16/8 bit Games

60 Inspirational Title Graphics of 16/8 bit Games | youyouk |
Recently a really cool website came out called With it's simple navigation you can travel back in time and discover the title graphics of 16/8 bit games.
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Scooped by Youyouk
July 30, 2012 2:36 AM!

CorneliOS Web OS - Web Desktop - Web Office

CorneliOS Web OS - Web Desktop - Web Office | youyouk |
Web OS allowing to build web applications.
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Scooped by Youyouk
September 4, 2015 1:35 AM!

Time Slice Photography

Time Slice Photography | youyouk |
Photographer Richard Silver created a series called Time Slice where he pretty much sliced a regular photo into many photos in different time frame so the photo goes from day to night. The result is incredible, check it out!
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Scooped by Youyouk
November 28, 2014 2:07 PM!

40 Greatest Photoshop Tutorials of 2014

40 Greatest Photoshop Tutorials of 2014 | youyouk |
Another year passes by leaving us lots to be thankful for, lots to think about and lots to learn. We designers are focusing on the learning part. Today, we’ll be learning Photoshop tutorials. This year, the latest Photoshop CC was launched and it revolutionized the industry. It is considered to be the biggest update to …
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Scooped by Youyouk
May 24, 2014 4:41 AM!

Splendid Illustrated Movie Posters by Justin Van Genderen

Splendid Illustrated Movie Posters by Justin Van Genderen | youyouk |
Back in 2010 we featured some of his amazing Star Wars posters.
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Scooped by Youyouk
July 6, 2013 2:14 PM!

Getting Creative With the Google Maps API - Tuts+

Getting Creative With the Google Maps API - Tuts+ | youyouk |
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Rescooped by Youyouk from Entrepreneurs du Web
September 19, 2012 2:58 AM!

Top 51 des logos mondialement connus, mais à la sauce française

Top 51 des logos mondialement connus, mais à la sauce française | youyouk |
Ces marques sont partout, tout le temps, et sont presque devenues des noms communs.

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Scooped by Youyouk
August 27, 2012 2:41 AM!

Super Heros Posters

Super Heros Posters | youyouk |
digital A2 prints now available on request.
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 22, 2012 2:46 AM!

Feet First - Tom Robinson Photography

Feet First - Tom Robinson Photography | youyouk |
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 20, 2012 2:42 PM! : émulateur #SNES avec tous les jeux ou presque. Propose aussi tous les jeux NES! #retrogaming : émulateur #SNES avec tous les jeux ou presque. Propose aussi tous les jeux NES! #retrogaming | youyouk |
SNESbox is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator, built on Adobe Flash technology and it can only be run directly in your browser's window.
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 5, 2012 4:48 AM!

London 2012 Olympics #photos #boston

London 2012 Olympics #photos #boston | youyouk |
The 2012 Summer Olympic Games, officially the Games of the XXX Olympiad (and known informally as London 2012) are in full swing in London, United Kingdom.
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 2, 2012 1:58 PM!

Superbe infographie interactive sur le Web Design "responsive"

Superbe infographie interactive sur le Web Design "responsive" | youyouk |
Rocks down the highway with Responsive Web Design Interactive Infographic on board!
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Scooped by Youyouk
August 1, 2012 2:35 AM!

HTML Codes - Table of ascii characters and symbols

HTML Codes - Table for easy reference of ascii characters and symbols in HTML format.
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